THE CONDON "'(if JOtm. FRTDAY. KEPT. 6-1&1Q Announcements j To The Democratic Voters of nit lfiM (V)f!NTY. Orkgon I hereby make announcement to the Democratic voters or uu- liam County, Oregon, or my can ili,iuiu fnr lhA Democratic Nom ination to the office of Sheriff of Gilliam County at the primary flection to be held in Baid county on the 24th day or sepi., iviv. Refluectfullv. S. JJ. Couture To Tub Republican Voters of nn t iiM nmiNTY. Oregon. I horohv Announce mvBt'lf as a candidate for the nomination to the office of County surveyor ox Gilliam County. Oregon, subject to the will of the Republican votera or satu county ai me rn mary election to be held on Sept ember Z4, Respectfully Jos. W. Rirschner. To the Democratic Voters of Gilliam county, Oregon I hereby announce my candi Ancv fnr th nomination to the office of County Treasurer of Gilliam county budjcci 10 me will nf triA nomncratic voters at the primary nominating flection to be held in this county on Sep- tember 24, ivw. Resnectfullv. J. A. McMORRIS To the Democratic Voters of Gilliam county. Oregon. I hereby announce to the Dem ocrat voters of Gilliam County, Oiwon. mv candidacy for the Tomvrf ie nnminnt it n to the of- fic of Sheriff of Gilliam County. nrpoYin at the nrimarv nominat inor election to be held in said county on the 24th day of Sept ember, 1910. Rennectfullv vours. Charles Wilkina. To The Republican Voters of Gilliam County. Oregon. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate ior tne uepuDiicun nomination to the office of County Judge of Gilliam County. Oregon at the primary nominating elec tion to be held in said county on tha 24th dav of September. 1910. I aill if nnminnted and elected in aaiA nffli-d onndupfc the Affairs at the least possible expense to the taxpayers or tne county, ana will at all times consider their in terests paramount to my private interests, i win uevuie u buui fiant nmnunr. nf mv time in con ducting the affairs of said office as they may require. Resnectfullv. H. A. Thiessen. To The Republican Voters of the eleventh judicial vis TPIPf .TnrltrA P T RntW hnvinor nub. licly announced that he will not orvain ka a JtanrllrlarA TA RllfWAArl himself as Judge of the Eleventh Judicial District, I hereby an nounce to the Republican voters of said district my candidacy for the Republican nomination to said office at the primary nomin ating election to be held in said ' district on the 24th day of Sept- I will, if nominated and elect ed to Baid office, conduct the af faiisofsaid office at the least possible expense to the taxpayers of said district, and will at all times consider the welfare of the people paramount to my private interests. I hereby respectfully solicit the undivided support of the Repub lican voters of said district for said nomination and election. . Respectfully, ' D. R. Parker Catholic Church Service 9.42 A.M. - Sunday School 10.30 A. M. Mass and Sermom 7.30 P. M. Rosary Instruction and Benediction. Jaa. Cooke left on Monday morning for i few days stay In Portland. He will also attend the State Fair at Salem and will visit at other western Oregon points before returning. Jefferson Myers of Portland, who is a candidate on the Demo cratic ticket for Governor was in this city last week shaking hands with his old friends and making new ones. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Campbell on Friday of last week and left a baby girl, one of the sweetest bundles of humanity that ever came to gladden any heart M. Abrams. a Portland merch ant accompanied by his daught er, Ethel passed through this city on Monday morning on their wav to Portland from a trip into the interior. They both located timber claims near Mitchell. Mrs. F. T. Hurlburt and child ren left last Saturday for an ex tended visit in Portland, Gresh- amand other Western Oregon cities. While there. Mm. Hurl burt will make arrangements for her son, Sidney, to enter the ag ricultural college at Corvallis. A. E. . Kern, editor of the Deutscher Zeitung. published in Portland, passed through this city on Monday morning accom panied by his sister-in-law on their return to Portland from a visit to the interior. They both located timber claims near Mitch ell and speak in glowing terms of the possibilities of that sec tion, especially of the quality of the fruit that is raised there. The Palm . COTTMIRK FEHRENBACHER Proprietors. FRESH FRUITS. SOFT DRINKS, . . CIGARS AN0 TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC., ETC. The most up - to - date Ice Cream Parlor in the city ' OC3 0 W. C. BROWN Real Eetato Farm Loana CLOSING OUT SALE Of all kinds of Staple Footwear At - A GREAT . r-Clubbing Offer- Seni-Wetkly Orefoi Jonnul One Tsar H.W Condon Clobo One Year- $1-50 Total $3.00 SPECIAL RATE ON dl Both Papers One Year fhd Thaml.Wulil Oregon Journal ruDUBOVB ma mm una Binai com pll. llrf rapbte nat ol tit world; (Wet Kliabl roirkttt rrporta. It II JaslUbad ( Portland, wbr tht mur al nm no Im aad b orrected to data lor tach Inm. It alto but pal ol plil nailer lor the (arm and horoa.auauUrtalnlnf ttorjrpai no pact or mvwv cvwio mu ww and It (u to tho nbwrlbor twlc tvtrr wtok 104 tlmoa a jrwu. The Globe aivotall tht local n.wi ahd happen Inn and itioald ba In evary homo In thltflrlnitjr. 1 rbt two papen make a tplendld eovbluatton and you aava II by ' aanilina: your tabacripUon to THI CLOU. 1 oar mbterlrwrt food olubblni offar tor tha Dally and Runday, or Hunday Journal, In con naclion with THI CLOU. AHSTItACTS OF TITLE For Ollllam County CONDON, ' OKEOON A. S. Hollen & Sons ---i inj..,.--., , ,! j..---?'Jj,ij;.'.iJ,j . L-,J'.,gC!--ai"l'lF. .' . I , . . - --L , J, '-'-',"J! r !- - LJ Jl'JJi UL.SB Every Shoe will positively be sold regardless of cost. Department to be Closed out. Our Hardware Deuartment is com plete and everything is guaranteed i 1 L 1 io do as representee :-WE WILL TREAT YOU BICHT-: Q llW. A. DARLING 1 1 nil Carriet a Compleit Lint of I I 1 1 WALL PAPER, PAINTS I OILS AND VARNISH I 'at II Ettimalri furnished J At It If H I tabor and Mater ial, H o . n I dninBMnlft O taMattaVallnsB Pacific Monthly1 fOKTLAND ORICOrl 'ThtUailngMagaihtt oftheWest BaaaHfally U1trmtad-Tlnr ArticUa R.dabl stortM. Rm4 Jwk LMdoa't Vhria aM Utmatin Story Now KunnXng alMcrthlm tb. raxwrcw aafMrtanitiM ha toaoka tatkaWart. mmt, m r i MritfaHNOM hynnWaM Made for the People who want the BEST. HARNESS THAT AKK MADE TO WEAR WELL. SADDLES FflRR BROS. THAT J1VE MATISFACTION. CONDON HARNESS SHOP J. F. KF.IHACIIEU, Prop., CONDON, OUEGON Meat Mark't Choice Fresh end Cured Meat of all Kinds. J i ' T Hlghett Cash rrlce raid For Hides. JOHNSON BIdg. Condon, Oregon The Red Cross Drugjewelry and Optical Company, Inc. For pure Drugs. First-class Registered Druggist T Qual-. ity in Jewelry and Repair ing. The best service in Optometry . - obtainable - in Eastern Oregon. Phono graphs and Musical Instru ments. "NUF SED" To the Republican Voters op Gilliam County, Oregon I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomination to the office of Coun ty Commissioner of Gilliam County, Oregon, at the Primary Nominative Election to be held in said County on the 24th day of Sentember. ' I will, if nominated and elect ed to said office, keep myself well Dosted the best I can in the . affairs of the county, and treat every business matter coming ' up before me in a fair and just way and according to law. ' C. C. Clark Tom Hoover of Fossil passed .. t . ... i . TTT 1 1 througn mis city on weanebuuy morning on his way to Portland where he will attend the Fair. He will also visit at Hillsboro THI fAOFK MONTHLY WUatOraM Ciatiimiai Eaclinl la tSa I Addrm ft illw r(1 by u. Comiar In. priraa wun tnoa. mat olhara aak for tha .am. o.M SASH, uioT ( DOORS Ra our a.- 7Vl Aaa 0tk crliitloM i and if. 1I1lfc aota tn. qummy. m rU VUlLrmiltMd I.VV fltnff W '1fiL I I I I LJ THE Olobe Job Department... Complete Sets of Office Books, Blank Books Made to Order, Duplicating Sales Books, Legal Blanks, En graved or Plain Wedding Stationery, Letter heads, Envelopes, Everything in Printing. Rush Jobs our Special. Delight!!! Phone 43, Condon, Ore. SEHCafaIo NOW HEADY ! m I II i I I mi m wa B IWTHK 1, I nii.lllv saTa mld dlaman'. .mlltl fnr tha children." Aik foj Catalof hm. 32 Sah4 ua Aaal. ar'a aatlmate. or your own llat. AK ua moout rroiant rataa. W. pack araful1y, hip promptly, anywliara, to anybody. jiUNI0HP1CIHC 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY TtlMittaoV VatlloMSkm atlai bkA ami Aetata. lit tlaapinf can dally to Omaha, Chi- cava. SrjAkan., InnrUtalMntna) mv riallv tv alum v47 , uroaa r luunan wann leaping cars (pataonally oondnetad) waacly to Chloago. redlining chair ean (seats free) to tho East daii. LOW RATES I Tickets to and from all parts of the Baited States, Canada and Europe. car parusuuui u ua aw iwhwi -Iba'TIERNEY,: Agent THE PALACE H0TEL ' U. S. CARNINE Proprietor. Headquarters for Farmers and Spockmen. CONDON. OREGON u.B.wuuam5 w I Co. "ftfi" M piV5i ii i poqXjoA9 0oiJdouo ' 8n80IBi10.a2?,.m.? .NaHmiHO HHJi HXi.. .llio-id s.u.uioippiui no OAiifl 1Mav KHHilDM IVilXOV l no ttoua an ll pua poou no.i to sh w u pug . ZUJ3VJ sjrn aiaaiv nox says pa oineos l I!a Ka n, l"J9do pua uo o, vaSoiv;p ano uj poup iiioo eaoAss-ooiid pu. Rituiq ioia iCuum oiu to oiauina Xiuo B 41 puo 'oiJa v.oi jCiQCHjmuja sun joj oaoiXu psaouo aA oiiifa sat om st joori oS'tt Wd ssoaa-s ano jCnP paddli'S TV oiu no JidK 1 on) onH W o "JIWI ' -j o ui iei37ima Suipunq JiJ8d ju spBoiaBj A3NON SA YS CVY XDlHia Af)8 53 C3 us Psoltrymaa and Stockaiaa to km, a pyoioornttw Dea jmoc n m tain. m) pgM af wtrythhit nni . ed to au a wioowa of tuning in tho WHt In Una raapeoa lv uooa la Miter and Bora aatkanti. tha itaorvobiicatiooaof thiaaa tnr. II la tna axMriODe. of Tec tweoty-flra yojra ot koaaat aauing la u. ww. Saada an Beat ior tha uai aud ar aold br von dnalar Sand lodaj fnr saw aUk CHAS. H. IHXT CO, SEAXTLS rOBXLABUt o. r. o -fj. y&h . . CONDON BRANCH No. 17 Leaves Condon 8:30 a. m. Arrives at Arlington 11:10 a. m. No. 18 Lvs. Arlington 1:45 p. ni Arrives at Condon 5:00 p. ra. JOHN- JACKSON CONDON'S LEADING CONFECTIONER Cioaks, Candies, tohaccos Nkst To iostokficb PLENTY OF i Is absolutely neces sary . to : carry on ranch work. : :: :: II.H.VILBURI! Has had 18 years experience in procuring water for the farmers, and has now two machines at work in this county. If you need a good well, call on him at once. II too bare not tried SEAL BRAND COFFEE don't tall to call and get SAMPLE HOME BAKERY & GROCERY i for everything you ent. - SCHOOL DAYS. Will soon be here! If you 'are thinking of buying, building or t-hrHir fnr nrnnprl-V in town, to be near our schools, call or write I to me. I can maice it worm your while. Mv nroDerty is on the (6)Viliil!L.) for everv use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled seams. . Continuous 'fly. fa Ut Sat Mat MURPHY, CRANIi CO. Muttfaaartrt LADIES! 100 Beautifully Printed CALLING CARDS linen or plate finish, with any name jar One Dollar. 50 for 75 cents J .V. f f Mam Globe Print Shop . ALWAYS APPROPRIATE market J. P. R