TIIK CONDOK 6t6iiEr FRIDAY. flEPTl 2, 1910 X a H R E fco Y FOR FALL BUSINESS WE HAVE RECENTLY Doubled Our Facilities for selling land In Wheeler & Gilliam Coun ties and will be able to do more business this Fall than during the Spring. Our Sales slnoe opening In Condon have aggregated $146,300.00 of which all but one sale of $4, 500.00 have been made since January 1st, 1010. The above 8ALE3 have helped to put us In touch with many more buyers whom we are expecting to invest here in the future. We have had many drawbacks to contend with In bringing strangers to this locality but these drawbacks are far less now than form erly and buyers are awakening to the fact that GILLIAM and WHEELER Counties CONTAIN THE KIND OF OPPORTUNITIES THEY ARE LOOKING FOR. Come In and List Your Places for FALL and renew your Spring Listings In time for us to plaoe them In our booklets ' and circular matter which are being sent to all districts where buyers may be found. We are the. Condon Agents for lots in EL TAVAR and LOVELEIGH ADDITIONS TO PORT LAND. WE CAN SELL YOU ANY OF THESE LOTS WHICH ARE ALL WITHIN THE 3-MILE CIRCLE OF PORTLAND. THE PRICE IS THE SAME A3 PAID THERE, YOU PICK OUT YOUR OWN PROPERTY. We Insure your buildings from loss by fire. We Insure your crops from loss by fire, 1 month 60 cents for $100; 2 months 90 cents, 3 months 120 cents. We are In a position now to write your live stock insurance In a strong and reliable Company. GRAVES, WEINKE AND THOMAS CO. Real Estate : ; . Insurance - ; Conveyancing Money to Loan on Improved Farm Lands 438 -CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. PORTLAND, ORE. EAST. SIDE MAIM STREET CONDON, ORECON The Home of the ' GILLIAM CO. ABSTRACT CO' fjJMHBBB PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY- MMmMiMMM m n inn mi nmTmn m G.W. PARMAN THE B.F.BUTLER O.K. BARBER SHOP Attornay-at-Law . ' ggjgjQjjgiy H. A. McCRAW, Prop. DENTIST i ""'"'. . Shaving, Shampooing, Hair Cutting, Hot and , ' c.fi Attm.fT.u. Cold Baths in Connec Nations, Ban Buiidm, .. tion. One door north of cowcBiTnuxtt .. cospqk.om. CILLIAM CO.BANX BLDC Condon. Oregon T. A. WEINKE -BARBER SHOP- WAYNE GRIDER Attornay-at-Law FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN 8HAMP00INC, MASSACINC AUCTIONEER BATHS IN CONNECTION OIIIc lo 014 first Kail Bank Bide. Condon, Oregon JARAIIDALLPbop. CONDON, ORECON D. R. PARKER , J. F. WOOD M.D. L. L. TAYLOR.M. D. V. Veterinary Attorney-at-Law Physician and Surgeon Physician & Surgeon i . Phone Six CONDON, OREGON CONDON, ' OREGON CONDON, OREGON D.J. KAVANAGH J.W.DONNELLY, M.D. ..The Condon Globe.. Attornay-at-Law Physician and Surgeon , UP-TO-DATE Job Printery Clmm of Women Speehlty .-.'. . Of flea in Old Flnt Natl Bank Bide Condon, Oregon Condon, .Oregon CONDON, OREGON a I : LUUALb j a. a Con Schott was in this city from hia Rock Creek home on Saturday last Lester Wade went to Portland on Saturday for a few days bus iness visit. F., T. Hurlburt was an Arling ton visitor the latter part of last week. Riley Feltner, who is working in Olex, was in this - city a few days the latter part of last week. Too. Pin4avf oi loft laet Rot. urday for a month's stay in Port-1 land and other western Oregon cities, , Bert Cason went to Clem on Saturday last . ' i -" ' ' Mrs. Otis Campbell and little daughter went to Arlington on Saturday and remained over Sunday. Mr. Campbell who has been at the seashore for several weeks met them there and to gether they returned to this city on Monday.' Mrs. H. L. McCann returned to this city from Hood River the latter part of last week. Geo, McKay of Clem was in this city the latter part of last wefk. W. S. Myers left on Tuesday morning for a few days business trip to outside points. Archie Hunt of Spray was in this city , on Tuesday attending to business matters. John Madden was in this city on Tuesday on his way to his home at Lone Rock from Ship- herd's Sorines in Washington where he spent several weeks trying the effects of the mineral waters. He reports that .the waters of those springs do not seem to be 'beneficial in his case and he will go to McDuffy's Springs in the near future. M. 0. Clarke went to the Eightmile country during the first of the week to transact business for a few daysJ . morning for Portland to visit his son, Arlie, who is in the St Vin cent's hospital in that city, Lester Beeson and Arthur Bee- son were outgoing passengers on Monday's tram ' bound for Portland. Walter Riggins,; the fireman on the Inland Limited, is taking a well-earned vacation. Geo. Richardson of The Dalles is on the run during his absence. : ... :The Misses Myrtle Scrivner and Lottie Keizur left Monday morning for Walla Walla, Wn., where they will visit for a week. Classified Advertising For Sals, Trade, Wanted, Lost, Found. Straued, Stolon ( and All Notices AH adrertiiinr ran ander tbi. head will be charged .1 lb. rate of 10c oer line lor tlx lint Iuk aud 9c per line for eeb iticceuire issue. - ' FOR SALE " " -... One No. 5, Oliver Typewriter in good condition. Inquire at this office. 21d25 -: " Eat your Sunday dinner at the Hotel Oregon. ; A Popular Summer ReSopt. The fine weather prevailing on the North Beach, is bringing hosts of visitors to the Ocean shore, intent on securing rest and a good coat of tan. The outlook is particularly bright, for artmarkable rbijsy season this summer, the num ber of visitors at this time being far greater than ever before' at the same time of the year. 1 The march of progress is - evi dent throughout the entire length of the beach, and ; devel opment being assured, . prosperi ty is but a matter of course. Work on the Automobile Boule varde is progressing very rapid ly, beach houses ' by the . score are being erected, and new rooming houses and old are be ing rapidly put Into shape to take care, of the hoards t of sum mer transients' which will soon be down upon us. -' ;. ' : I SThe North Beach Push Club with its combined effort shoul dering the ,,Wheel of Progress, has awakened an era of activity which will undoubtedly-secure the proper recognition of the un surpassed 4 advantages of , the North Beach lor enjoyable out ings, and, at the same time, all the comforts of home. . , .... Negotiations are now pending with Portland capitalists for the installation of a water system to supply the beach and surround ing tountryside with fine moun tain water. With the culmina tion of this project one of the obstacles to an otherwise incom We clean and press all kinds of men's and ladies' cloths.' Alt work guaranteed;' Cora Steven son. ' -. ' ;v. Fine lifre-cfjCuRionery and all kinds tlTfruitinseason at the White Corner. ' ' ViV Two lot3 in Condon to trade for young horses . oryoung cat tle, heifers preTed. 7 , , Graves & Weinke Co. The Hotel Oregon! has, the, most up-to-date service of any hotel in the county. Unsurpass ed dining service. Kerr Gifford & Co. wish to. announce that they : are buying . grain in Condon and will pay. the highest prices as heretofore. D. B. Thomas is looking after their interests with headquart-, ers at his Condon office Graves Weinke & Thomas Co. ' East side of Main Street Phone-34 a." 17d21 Typewriter For Sale Second hand Underwood in good condition Will sell cheap. Call at this office. FRUIT FOR SALE " : Peaches, Bartlet and Fall But- , ter Pears, Prunes and Apples arenowv ready for picking, all fruit boxed and packed if requir-, cd. Special attention given to outside orders. .Send al) orders' C. W. Martin, Olex. Ore. Mrs. A. H. Adams, who has , been visiting at the home of -her ' daughter, Mrs. S. B. Couture, for some time, left Monday morning for her home in Port-