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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1910)
THE CONDON OT.OBTC. PRTDAY. AUG., 28 ldlO HisGlirogseofWar Dy a W. KEENAN Copyright, ltIO, by American Press Association, lu 1870, luring Wu Junt graduated from collrg, t went abroad to ait uaipiuiug uf tb world bcfurt awtlluu to my lira work. Tbrra waa a greet dual lo at at that tluiouatuely, on of tU bltrituMt war of modern timet, Tba Ourmuni under Von Moltka wera uiarcbliiK across tb Freucli border. Landing at Cherbourg, I went dlrvvtly to I'arla and, taking Ivttvra from tba Atuvrlcan minister, avt out fur tba front to get a gilmimu of war. Having bevn ten year' too lata In my birth to take part in our own great atruggla In America, I waa vxtreuioly doalroua to wltUMa a almllar contest between tba Kreucb and tba Uermana. I waa received kindly at tbo bead quartern of Marabal MacMobou, but there wera few great batllea, and tba two natlona did not aeera dltpoaed to DgUt oua for tba benefit of a young American wbo bad coma acroaa an ocean to aee "tbe fun." 80 after re Diulnlug for a time wttb tbe French t determined to Join tba Oermana. I realUed tbat ittanlng from one army to Ita opposing one during actual war waa a aorloue lUHluea, but I bad board to uiucb of tbe thrilling eplaodea of war from friend wbo bad fought In tbe American content tbat my young blood waa tired to participate In a almllitr ufTulr. Bo, aelectlng a point between tbo lluea wbi-ro tlio French bad no jUtKtii, I left thi'iu and, walk lug duwu a road, u taken lu by a I'ruitalun vedette. Tula 'm rather a tnme adventure, nml I won 011 the lookout fur some thing more exciting. U'hotigb I waa not uware of It, aotuvtblng mure excit ing waa on tbe lookout fur me. ' I preneuted my credential, wblcb were my purport atid my lettera to tbe French commander. 1 bad atruck the troop under General Manleufel, and It wd at hU bendguartera tbat tba doeumenta were examined. I waa treated wltb the uttuont civility by tbe olticera of bla muff. Indeed, 1 could uot but contrast the atteutlou I rocelved with that of tbe French officer, wbo upon the atntement of the American mluuitcr, vouching for uic, permitted 1110 to go pretty much where I pleaaed, but paid little heed to me. The I'rus atnna ahowcred me with attention, but I waa not permtttej to go about at all. Indeed, vxcuaea wera made to keep me at heudijunrtera. . Oua evening Ueneriil Munteufel'a chief of i a IT gavo a dinner nt wblcb wero aeverul Indie. I waa tbe gueat of honor nud wna Heated beHlde a very beautiful wotnim wbo apoke Knglltib wltb a broken acceut. I wua young nud corretipomllUKly susceptible; there fore It la not NiirprlHliiR that before the evening waa Hpeut I bad fallen under a spell which, hud I been older, 1 might bnve aeon waa piirpoMely thrown over me. Itcforo the party broke up I aud thla lady were left ulono togetbur: Buddenty her iimnner cbauged from llghtneiia to Inleime aerlensnes. "I am being watched," abe aaid. 'Watched" "Yea; they know my mUalon." "What mission?" "I saw you at MucMu lion's lieml quartera. I was receiving my Instruc tions while you were there. Bnvo me!" "Howr "They know that MacMahon boa aent some one Into their lines for In formation. If you take 1 ho risk for a time I will go free. If miMpected you can .prove that you nre an American aud will not suffer. 1 cannot prove tbnt I flin uot n Frenchwoman. Hero Is the Information I bear. Take It. If they Hud It on mo 1 die. Ke:t It for me till the danger in pant, then give It to me." Klie thrust a tittle roll of tissue paper upon me. At the moment ahu did 0 a I'russlun oillcer entered, and I had no opportunity to hand It back without being seen. To do so would bo equiva lent to Informing tho officer that she wus a spy. lint If found with the paper lu my possession I would be shot. From that' moment I was uot for a aecoud free from observation. When wo were about to depart the chief of staff camo to ine and said: "We move ot 2 o'clock. Tbo general will have, no one except soldiers with us. We bnve kept you at headquarters for your owu good. You bnve Been nothing; therefore you 'may go bock whence you came." Without walling for a reply ho con ducted me to the picket line. Glad to go free with the lovely spy's pellet, I walked hastily nwny: I was followed and arrested., Taken back to General Mnnteufera henduuurtera, I was searched and tho paper found on me, As I was being led a way I passed tho lady who had given me the paper. The officers wore apologizing to ber for something, ond I beard them ten ber her carriage was waiting for ber. I was kept under gunrd till morning, when an officer camejiurrylng toward me. As soon as ho reached me he said angrily, "You are a fool!" , "I am at any rate not a spy." JJHo; the real spy has gone. We. learned that some one was among us nnd' suspected two persons who came In tit the'same time this woman and yuurMMi. -AH HOOU (IB me .WOUJUU UftU . gone beyond our reach she gent ua proof that she . was In MacMnuon'i service and bod duped you. You will fjpprt for our roar ot once." ? lmd all of war I wanted and A Crown of Love By H. SANBORNE BROWN Copyright, IMO, by Alerienn I'rwi Association. The reigning aoverelgn of Atruria, I'rluce Carl, bad a son, Oluf. A neigh boring prlnclpaiity-Euengen-bad lout Ita ruler In tbe mala lino, none re maining except tba Princess Clotbllde aud ber younger suiter Minna. Clo tbllde, wbo occupied tb throne, being very feminine woman, wan averse to tbe duties of aoverelguty. Hue would have abdicated In favor of bur sister, but Mluna bad no more desire to rule than Cluthllde. Indeed, the people of ICanengen were a turbulent lot wbo required tbe strong baud of a man to govern them and made no se cret of tbelr couleiupt fur a sovereign queen. There waa every reason why Ibe two contiguous prlurlpiilltlea should be Jollied under one bead. Negotiation to that effect were entered uiou be tween I'rluce Carl on tbe one aide and tbe nobles of Kssrngcu on the other, it was proponed that 1'rlnce Oluf should marry tbe Princess Clotbllde, tbe two to be prince aud princess of the united principalities. After many demand and coiicphhIous a compart waa made, and nothing remulned but the consent of the two pnrtici niout iKVtttlly couii-rued 1'rlnce Oluf und Princes Clotbllde. I'rluce Oluf v billed tbe princes, nud, as luck would Iihvi It, she fell desperately In love will1 him. One of tbe point clnlmid by the princes' subjects was that she should be Hovcrclgu equally with the prince, ber husband, fur at the time ot the nuptials i'rluce Carl was to abdicate lu favor of his sou. There wan so much feeling umoug the people of En aengen tbat In order to astlxfy tbem ouo of Clotbllde' mtulNters suggested tbat she wear tbe Iron crown of tbe sovereign on ber bead nt all public function. Tbe crown being heavy, a light one waa made, and the princess wore It nearly all tbo while. Great preparations were uindo for tbo wedding, which was to take place at tbe capital of Knengen, after with b tho bridal couple were lo lake up their residence in Atruria. Tbe princess was so deeply lu luve wltb Oluf tbat she desired bis presence most ot tbe time In Bssengen. This was not pleaslug to the Princess Minna, wbo had conceiv ed a great dUIIke fur the prince. In deed, she gave out to those about tier tbat she would bo glad when tbe cou ple were married, since then they would remove to Atruria and she would no louger be troubled wltb tho presence ot a very disagreeable man. Shortly before tbe nuptials were to take place tbe Princess Clotbllde fell 111. There was 6t the time so much feeling on the part of her people ns to her united sovereignty with the prince. who was to be ber husband, that, al though she was an Invalid, ber minis tors Insisted ou her still wearing the Iron crown. On oue occasion wbcu she bad left it off n cltlxen of luflueuee who opposed tbo union of the princi palities was admitted to see ber and as soon aa he bad left tbo palace at tempted to foment a revolution on tbe ground that the princess bad left off tbe crown. Princes Clotbllde grew worse and died, but a few day before the ap pointed marriage. Prince Carl, bis son, I'rluce Oluf; tbe Atrurlnns and many Essengeus were bitterly disappointed tbat tbe prospective union of the two countries had thus fallen through. Prlnco Oluf, however, who had taken as much liking to Princess Minna as sbe bad taken dlsllko to him Indeed, It was said that bad sbe been sover eign sbo would have been bis choice proposed 'that all that had" been ar ranged should be carried out, Minna to become bis wife Instead of Clothtlde. The proposition was ncceded to by tbe union party of Essejigeu, but nil expected tbat Mluna even for reasons of state would uot marry a niuu she bo cordially disliked. However, the coun cil weut to her In a body, represented to ber the Importance of tba union of the two countries and proposed that she become tbe wife of the roan who was to have married her sister. She flatly refused. Then commeuced a struggle on tbe part of" the unionists of Essengcn, Prince Carl and especially Prince Oluf to Induce her to change ber mind. Prince Oluf. wbo had been In love with her Instead of her sister from tho start, was wild with disappointment. Ho wooed ber with delicacy, but did not succeed lu changing her antipathy for him. But what he could not bring about was In part effected by the prin cess' ministers. Finally on tbelr rep resentation that It was her duty to sacrifice herself for her people's good sbe consented to the marriage. As soon as tbe fact was given out to the people the prime minister advised the princess to wear the Iron crown. And now a strange thing happened. Prince Oluf was advised that tbe prln cess desired to Bee him. He entered gloomy from tho fact of a dislike on tbe part of the woman be loved tbnt he bad not been able to conquer. What was bis surprise when tbe princess put ber arms lovingly around bis neck and her bond dropped ou bis shoulder. Sbe married uot only for reasons of state, but for love. ... V "lteeohtly experiments Jin, iriiris by scientists nave established tbe fact tHat. a metal circlet worn on tbe head of a person suffering from hysteria if afterward placed on tbo head of on' other person will produce', the same effect as In ibe first Instance..! .May, we Infer that In this Instance It produced tho same love? NORTH PORTLAND H Cattle Market Lower -Sheep are Steady. Receipts at the Portland Union Stock Yards for the week ending today have been as follows: Cattle, 2596; sheep, 2981; hogs, 1016; horses and mules, 20. There was a break in the cattle market of 25e and 40c on top steers, with cows and the lighter grade steers showing a weaken ing of 15c to 25c. The quality of the supply was not equal to the corresponding week in July, a lot of thin stuff having come forward. The aheep market has been well supplied, with little or no change in price from the former week. Good lambs brought $6. 00. The tone of the market was steady at the. lower level of prices. The hog"market on local ship ments is steady at $9.75 for the best grades. The bulk of the supply was contract deliveries from Missouri river points. ; Shippers will please take notice that the, name "Stockdale" has been, abandoned by the Railroad Companies and consignments should be made to "North Port land." ST. THOMAS AQUINAS i ACADEMY 1 CONDOM. OREGON Boardln snd Day School conducted t ll Miters ol St. Dominic. THIS lnstltntion U pleasantly ideated on m eminence overlnokltis the oily ol Condnn, Oresou. Tbe building ! new end tiraHlv end hae I ho advan tage ol beltiK equipped wltb every mod ern conveiiient-e. Including a flue uew team bvaliuf plant, ' THE Coiirte ot Ktwdlei ! thormiKh and prartifal, embracing the itudlea ol the Primary, Intermediate, Academic and Commercial Departments- Made la thoroughly taught, in an arllnle and denude manner. ClaMea In sewing will be formed. In which plain tewing and embroidery will be taught. On of the priuclpal atmi ot tbli school Is to impart 11 CULTURED MANNERS AND A THOROUGH MORAL AND RELIGIOUS TRAINING. tor lurlUor Information address SISTER SUPERIOR A Popular Summer Resort, The fine weather prevailing on the North Beach, is bringing hosts of visitors to the Ocean shore, intent on securing rest and a good coat of tan. Tho outlook is particularly bright for a remarkable busy season this summer, trie; num ber of visitors at this time being far greater than ever before at the same time of the year.. The march of progress is evi- dent throughout the . entire length of the beach, and devel opment being assured,"; prosperi ty is but a matter of course, Work on the Automobile Boule- varde is progressing very rapid ly, beach houses by the score are being erected, ana new rooming houses and old are be ing rapidly put into shape to take care of the hoards of sum mer transients which will soon be down upon us. . . The North Beach Push Club with its combined effort, shout dering the Wheel of Progress, has awakened an era of activity which will undoubtedly secure tne proper recognition of the un surpassed advantages of the North Beach for enjoyable out ings, and, at the same time, a' the comforts of home. , Negotiations are now pending with Portland capitalists for . the installation of a water system? lo supply the beach arid surround ing countryside with fine moiin tain water. With the culmina STOCK ft EI tion of this project one; of thel obstacles to an otherwise incoin parable locality is obliviated." ages DUNN BROTHERS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY G. W. PARMAN Attorny-t-Law U. 8. CommlMlonar Careful Attention green to alt busi ness entnuted In my care. COKCRKTC BLOCK . . . COSDON. ORE. T. AWEINKE Attorny-t-lw CKlcs Id Old First NetT.BantBldg. Condon, Oregon D. R. PARKER Attorney-at-Law CONDON, OREGON D. J . KAVAN AG H Attorney-at-Law Office In Old First Kat'l Bank Bldg, Condon, Oregon r our m FOR f Sale Mm ""v. . ... THE O.K. BARBER SHOP FRANK GOLDEN, Prop. Shaving, Shampooing, Hair Cutting,- Hot and Cold Baths in Connec tion. One door north of CIUIAM CO.BANK BLDO. -BARBERSHOP- , FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN SHAMPOOING, MASSAGING BATHS IN CONNECTION J.A.RANDALL,Prop. J. F. WOOD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon V-.' CONDON, OREGON J.W.DONNELLY, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Slsessesot Women a Specialty Condon, Oregon d Five O. F. CUTLER DENTIST First National Banft BIWia Condon, Oregon WAYNE GRIDER AUCTIONEER CONDON, OREGON L. L. TAYLOR.F.l. D. V, - , Veterinary . Physician & Surgeon Phorrlx CONDON, OREGON .The Condon Globe.. UP-TO-DATE Job Printery X CONDON, CSEGCN I