THK CONDON OXOTIR FRIDAY. AtJO.. 19 1916 IfORM TO YOU Chas. H. Williams, Ore gon's delegate to the American National Retail Jewelers' Association's convention to be held at Detroit, Michigan, will leave for the East on July 20th, and all those who would have their EYES looked after before he leaves had better not put the matter off any longer as the time is getting very short Eastern Markets While East Mr. Williams will go to the largest jew elry markets, and select his goods for the coming fall and holiday trade, and it will pay you that anticipate purchases in that line to wait and ben efit of the latest styles in the jewelry line. Williams the Jeweler and Expert Opti cian Condon's Lead- ing Jeweler. PRESCRIPTIONS THE VITAL POINT You cannot afford to have your pre scriptions put up by any other than a first-class regis tered druggist and the Condon Drug Co. has the best in the State. LOOK HERE ! The Condon Drug Co. has a window full of destruction for Flies , Fleas , Bugs and all kinds of microbes and parasites. Come in and get a sup ply , purify your home and be heal thy and happy. WATCH OUR DIS PLAY WINDOW I ! 0 3C IN ALL THE WAYS 0 o In Which we are prepared to accomadate patrons of this bank we are ready to serve YOU. f""When you open a check ac count with us you gain many business ad vantages. The check account enables you jto-handle your financial affairs in a system atic manner. 0 CONDON NATIONAL BANK DIRECTOftS GEO. B. DUKEK A. GREINER President Vice President F. T. HURLBURT, Cashier E. J. CLOUGH Wm. WEHRLI 0 DC 30C30 D. H. Hildebrand Draying and Transfer. Light and Heavy Hauling. Job work and Trunks a specialty. For Ice phone 6x. Condon, Oregon. THE SUPERLATIVE IN PHOTOGRAPHY If you want good pictures let us sell you your supplies. If you want better pictures let us do your finishing. If you want the best pictures let us make them for you. That's our business. THE ROLLINS STUDIO - - - - Condon, Oregon. EVERYTHING IN FASHIONABLE HEADWARE -AT- :: MISS PITTMAN'S MILLINERY PARLORS :: 0 Announcements To The Republican Voters of The Eleventh Judicial Dis trict. Judge R.R.Dutler having pub licly announced that he will not again be a candidate to succeed himself as Judge of the Eleventh Judicial District, 1 hereby an nounce to the Republican voters of said district my candidacy for the Republican nomination to said office at the primary nomin aung election to be held in said district on the 24th day of Sept ember llo, I will, if nominated and elect ed to said office, conduct the af faiisofsaid office at the least possible exptnse to the taxpayers of said district, and will at all times consider the welfare of the people paramount to my private interests. I hereby respectfully solicit the ' undivided support of the Kepub lican voters of said district for said nomination and election. Respectfully. D. K. Parker To the Democratic Voters of Gilliam County, Oregon. I hereby announce to the Dem ocrat voters of Gilliam County Oregon, my candidacy for the Democratic nominatu n to the or fW nf Sheriff nf fiilliam Countv Orpcrnn. at the nrimarv nominat insr election to be held in said county on the 24th day of Sept ember, 1910. Resnectfu v vours. Charles Wilkins. To The Republican Voters of Gilliam County. Oregon I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomination to the office of County judge of Gilliam County. Oregon nt. th nrimarv nominating elec tion to be held in said county on the 24th dav or Seotember. 1910. I will if nominated and elected to said office, conduct the affairs at the least possible expense to the taxpayers of the county, and will at all times consider their in terests paramount to my private interests. I will devote a suffi cient amount of my time in con ducting the affairs of said office as they may require. Respectfully, H. A. Thiessen To the Democratic Voters of Gilliam County, Oregon I hereby announce my candi dacy for the nomination to the office of County Treasurer of Gilliam County subject to the will of the Democratic voters at the primary nominating election to be held in this county on Sep tember 24, lyio. Respectfully, J. A. McMorris to The Democratic Voters of Gilliam County, Oregon I hereby make announcement to the Democratic voters of Gil liam County, Oregon, of my can didacy for the Democratic Norn ihation to the office of Sheriff of Gilliam County at the primary election to be held in said county on the 24th day of Sept., iyio, Respectfully, S. B. Couture Geo. W. Parman is circulating the petition of Judge Bean of Pendleton who is out for the of fice of Justice of the Supreme Court. The White Corner Amusement Hall has changed hands again. Kay Martin of Olex was in town over night Wednesday. Fred Ball shipped a car of veal to Portland yesterday. Mrs. Frank Prindle returned home via Condon Wednesday evening from a visit in the Va! ley. John Madden, Sr., has gone to New Mineral Springs for the benefit of his rheumatism. Con Schott came up from Olex yesterday. Miss Alta Clarke arrived in Condon last evening to visit a week at the home of her uncle M. 0. Clarke. Miss Clarke is a daughter of N. K. Clarke, manager of The Dalles Hotel at The Dalles. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Glover of Trail Fork, Sunday, a girl. Mrn.H. H. Wnlburn is visiting this week at Tekoa, Wn. . Mr. Hanley, who formerly worked in the dry goods depart ment of The S. B. Barker Com pany's store, has been in this city this week attending to busi ness matters. We are Headqarters For Everything in the Line of Harvest tipples Our Stock of LUBRICATING OILS is Complete We Keep Constantly on Hand Staple and Fancy GROCERIES and in this Department you will see our Shelves loaded with Unsurpassed PREFERRED STOCK Goods. We Have Just Secured the Agency (or the Famous There'i GOODNESS in Tbem and STYLE TOO-Because they are MADE of the best LEATHER. Nox-AII Shoes No Trouhle to Show YOU the Goods: El The S. B. BARKER Co. Denl CIRCULARS J? " lUndi for circular, clew fv &nd condto. Dlltnb for .printing them, p M tlio th price), H I for ttw Job. don n cheap S F and to well. Ifor the Increase) la (oodi sg you Will MIL S3 Mail IV your Ordtr Today IP o D 301 IfE You Will Want a D HARVEST PI6TURE n u o Q O Be SuveThev are Made bv McMORRlS & ROI.MNS W. O use oniy uie uesi materials ana give the Ur.ST r 1N1SI1. WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK! 2 MoMORRIS & ROLLINS 'XZXZ 8 1101 , 101 IH30IzU Li IOC 3QC Can You Solve This Puzzle ? Send in Your Answer at Once and Win a Valuable Prize !! EILERS MUSIC HOUSE LARGEST WESTERN DEALERS IN PIANOS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH BOSTON'S, NEW YORK'S, PHILADELPHIA'S AND CHICAGO'S GREATEST PIANO MAKERS Will Distribute $4,280.00 Free! Solve This Puzzle and you will be Rewarded. A "MUSICAL HER ALD," FREE TO EVERY PERSON WHO 8ENDS IN A REPLY. List of Prizes Pint Prize: A Magnificent New Eiiert Bung alow Piano, in Rich Mahogany Case. Second Prize: Fine Piano Player, enable, anyone to play, and can be attached to any piano. Then in order of merit, 60 bona fide ctib credits ranging in value from $20 to $125. Every penon who sendi in an aniwer to tbJi contest will receive absolutely free, a copy of the "Musical Herald," this book will be appreciated by ' everyone wbo receives it. Why We Do it Our purpose in holding this contest is to acquaint the people of this section with the value of the pianos wo handle. We have convinced the manufacturers of these pi anos that this form of advertising is far more effective than spending large am ounts in magazine advertising. We believe the best advertisement for a good piano is a satisfied customer, and we believe further, that the advertising allow ance should go to the person who buys a piano, not to expensive magazines. We want everyone to know that ours are the only stores in the West that sell the famous Chickering, the oldest and most ex pensive of American pianos; the beautiful toned Sohmer; the now celebrated Lester of Philadelphia; the world-renowned Kim ball, given the highest grand award at the Chicago Exposition, and the Seattle Expo sition last year; the genuine Decker, and our own Eilers Orchestral Piano, the beau tiful toned Hobart M. Cable, which is so rapidly becoming a favorite among musi cians, as well as the famous Autopiano, which everyone can play without practice. We have arranged with America's fore most manufacturers to join in this publici ty campaign. Adhere Strictly to the Rules Take any number from 1 to 14 inclusive and place in the nine squares as above, so when these are added, horizontally or perp endicul'y add 27. None of the numbers must be used more than twice, but remem ber in each case, when added upward or a cross, the sum of the numbers must be 27. Send your answer on this, or on a separ ate sheet of paper, but under no circum stances use more than one sheet of paper, nor write on the other side. Tlw aearaat camct, aae1 artiatk, auwr wiH rtcaive, akaelataly tt. a bi4M Eilera Bear, alew Upright Pkae ia beaetifal Makefaar cm. Tail la lac aiae. tkil wu mrU Ik. CM Maeal al th. Staille Fair Uii ia eitr It k tka cheka i heeereaa el at the iraalait auaiatJ at the werM. Other aruaa aaaaatralai alatwkere. IV .lnl claaaa al I e'tUtk a tk. arukf al Aac. 25, WIS, aoe all rtplin aieat Hacr be ia ear atere, ar aaar a aaalaurk aal latar Ikaa I a. m. Wiaatra will ha Belilied br aaabl aa aaaa aa aeckioBa ara Baae. la caaa al a tie hatwaaa eeeteetaaat arieea uiratkal ia ckaraclar wUI aa awarded Ikaai, Eraryaaa eaeated la laa Maaie baiiaaai ia Barrai. STATISTICAL BLANK Attach Ihla caaaaa-ar aaa ibailar-ta raar aaawir, wriliag alalal. NAME SHEET MO POST OFFICE What auka ti piano, if ujr, do yoa prefer, ui way? II aeaiiale, fir at lew tka aaam aaj adaVeaaaa al twa ar aere al vaar Iritaaa wka aifkt ceeaiaar tka awchaacd al a PUN0 ar ORGAN. NAME ADDRESS. NAME ..ADDRESS., NAME ADDRESS. mssmtiSi EILERS MUSIC HOUSE WL-l 1. n 'a a it'll in .i Pi ' n .i i e a ty noiesaie uepanmeni, i Din ana reuygrove ois., roniana, uregon ma