LOCALS A. J. Shelton camo up from V The Dalles Monday evening. ' G. M. Farr went to Portland "&Honday tot few days' stay. v Vhe Misses Lucile Ilawson, Fay Price and Berenice Wilken were Arlington visitors Tuesday and Wednesday. G. E. Thompson of Fossil was in this city the fore part of the week. ! O. M. Glover was up The DalluB on Monday. from A. Straube of Waterman was in this city the first of the week. E. J. CIoukIi came up from Arlington on Monday to attend the monthly meeting of the di rectors of the Condon National Bank which was held that even-ing. Cha9. Wilkins came up from Clem Monday evening. ' F. L. Laughrige who has been working for the Interior Ware house Co. at Arlington arrived in this city on Monday evening and has taken a position with the same company at this station. F. T. Hurlburt went to Arl ington Tuesday to attend the monthly meeting of the direc tors of the Arlington National Bank. Horry Banard of Fossil was registered at the Oregon the first of this week. A. Greiner was over from Mayville the first of the week. F. M. Vincent of Spokane was in this city a few days last week. Mr. Vincent formerly owned a ranch on Kock Creek. lie is now in the real estate business in Spokane. Mrs. M. J. Cockerline, accom panied by her son, Conrad, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home in this city of her daugh ter, Mrs. J. A. Scott. She has until lately lived at Weston but will make her future home in Portland, and left on Monday morning for that city. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Simpson have recently closed the Summit Hotel and will devote their en tire time to the new restaurant, the Monogram. Mrs. G. C. Rogers returned last Friday evening from a visit at her former home at Tower City, North Dakota. Frank Bennett went to Mik kalo Saturday moming to take charge of the the Arlington Lumber Co.'s warehouse at that place. The Misses Mabel Barker, Mabel Hire and Mrs Ed. Wallace returned Saturday of last week from a few days visit at the home of E. Hire at Fossil. J. W. Hire shipped a carload of horses to Portland on Satur day of last week. 0. C. Veatch and Chas. Ire- monger of Fossil spent Sunday in this city. Mrs. C. K. Andrews and little daughter, Cleone, after visiting for a week in this city, left on Monday morning for Cliffs, Wn., where they will visit for some time before returning to their home in The Dalles. D5 o. 0 o D You Will Wanta HARVEST PICTURE P Be Sums They are Made bv McMORRIS & ROLLINS. We O use only the best materials and give the BEST FINISH. WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK! S McMORRIS & ROLUNSrXnTr. 8 liao t iioi m loidJ o D 0 PAINTING PAPERING G. H. WILSON mmmmmmammmmmsumemimmmsmsi CONDON, 3? OREGON Will Estimate on Jobs as to Material and Labor KALSOMINING DECORATING Harvest Photographs!! Rlr. and Mrs. J.A.Fallgatter of Redmond are.. in this city to make HARVEST VIEWS of all kinds. 1 Thirty years experience. , t All views guaranteed.,' . k .PROMPT DELIVERY ASSURED... The Palm COTTMIRE f EHRENBACHER Proprietor. FRESH FRUITS. 80FT DRINKS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC., ETC. The most up-to-date Ice Cream Parlor In the city BARBER SHOP- FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN 8HAMP00INC, MASSAGING BATHS IN CONNECTION J.A.RANDALL,Prop. AV. C.IBROWN Real Eatata Farm Loan ABSTRACTS OF TITLE For Gilliam County CONDON, OREGON LADIES ! 100 Beautifully Printed CALLING CARDS linen or plate finish, with any name, J or One Dollar. 50 for 75 cents. : ; . f NORTH BEACH J : : ' QUEEN OF THE NORTHWEST RESORTS Near the mouth of the Columbia River, on the Washington Coast THE PLACE TO 8PEND YOUR ... . 8UMMER VACATION Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Beaoh ' :: Level, Compact, and Smooth :: Many thriving and tidy communities, delighful hotel, cottage, tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful . invigorating recreation of the seaside surf bathing, fish-, ing, clam digging, beach bonfires, riding, racing, ( , hunting, strolls and drives through picturesque; wooded headlands C Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Washington VIA The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Go. j Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 i Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00. : Purchase tickets and make reservations at City Tioet Office, 3rd and Washington Streets, Portland, or inquire of any O.R. & N. agent elsewhere for Information ; WM. McMURRAY, G. P. A., PORTLAND. ANNUAL SALE of TRIMMED And UNTRIMMED HATS... Half Price During the Month of August. MRS. M.E. SUMMERS . W Bay j HIDES & PELTS : -At Hlcbett Market Price- Arlington Lumber Co. iliki'1 .. ... $ H.5S& iii in BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY You can If TOU order vour aaah. doors. window, etc., dlntt from ua. Send for catalogue of bulldlni: need and com pare prices, which are actual wholesale. Yon or any comrxitent builder will find that what we aoiid you I FULL. v alik and hdht (juAun: u not, your money positively refunded. WESAVE YOU MIDDLEMEN' PROFITS Bend us list of material yon need and wa will prove tl.at w aav you from 14 to 13 on tt bl!L On price to every bo 1 r. Bell anyone. sup aaywoere. uea 1 lor eataioa-s BfXDD&KaUUPS PBOrlTS ron TBI cmBui, Globe Print Shop ALWAYS APPROPRIATE JOHIST JACKSON- CONDON'S LEADING CONFECTIONER Cicarh, Candies, touaccob "KXT TO POSTOFFICK THE O.K. BARBER SHOP Shaving,. Shampooing, :. Hair Cutting:,' Hot and Cold Baths .in Connec- f tion. One door north of GILLIAM CO.BANK BLDC 1 f W. A. DARLING Carries a Complete Line of WALL PAPER, PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH Estimates Furnishd m Johf av ti I moot and Mutmal. ' -i"'nrji ii ii. mm jiMa trirtn fl " l I J I V l 1 ; J ywwwMmu 1 r'""' "7'll"""lgw. - Women Appreciate the BiMiant Tungsten Lamp ; because it affords them infinitely better light for making their toilet than the ordinary carboa incandescent. Its metal fila ment radiates two and a half times as much light, with the same amount of '.current. , And the quality of it is. much bet ter. Its brilliancy is maintained without deterioration during the entire life of the lamp. ' Every woman should try one in Her own housev " -( . It costs but a few cents and will save her money, i . v C i, Ask us to show you the new GE 40-watt lampw Condon Electric Company : ,1 .1 1 i D. R. PARKER 'M i ATTO H N CV AT - LAW CONDON, ORECON FflRR BROS. Meat Mark't ' Choice Fresh and Ourod . Meats of all. Kinds. . Highest Cash 'rrl6e f aid For tildes. t JOHNSON Bldg. Condon, Oregon The Red Cross Drug.Jewelry and- Optical Company, Inc. For pure Drugs. First-class . Registered Druggist Qual- ity in Jewelry and Repair- ing. HThe best service in Optometry obtainable in ; Ea.stern Oregon. 1 1 Phono-, . graphs an,d Musical Instru ments:.' ; ; ; i "NUF SED" 4 v gEEPcafalo NOW READY Wa.vutiamn farmer, Gardqaar, PooftryMo ana 8tookman to have ouraw aesa jsooc. a ob 1 1 W MX of ercrTlhtn med io uuul9 a Buoceia of famine in the Ht la this rupeo AauytboMi $om l owier an4 ami sntlMntlo than other imblicatMMiaotf thisna. tor. It it the exoerieoee of erer twenty. fiv Tears of hone It IB t Wb A 1 nrpiS5 7m: o si . jr Tvthe r VmA Seeda are Bert for the West aud ar anld by yoor dealer. today for new eaulog. . CHAS. H. UUT CO. aaaanlBlatoMBa aA 1 SSATXUB rOKXIJaMO