Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, June 24, 1910, Image 2

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FRIDAY, JUNE 24. 1910.
Intcrrd at Fuatorure a ereoud-class matter.
labHah4 tvery Mdav.
Geo. C. Brownell, former
president of the Oregon Senate
and for several terms state sen
ator from Clackamas County.
has contributed valuable inform
ation to the current discussion
of the proposed convention as
sembly. Beside pivine the details
of the corrupt political deals
which were transacted un
der the old regime he says:
Why does the aggregate
and combined intelligence of
the people of this state require
the assistance of a few old line
politicians and a few old political
bosses and state dictators, sup
plemented by a few new sup
porters, to constitute themselves
into an assembly? It strikes me
as being exceedingly bad taste
upon the part of the leaders of
this movement, as it is a very
delicate and roundabout way and
method of saying to the individ
ual voter of the state of Oregon:
' You are not intelligent enough,
although you are intelligent en
ough to pay taxes, intelligent
enough to raise and educate a
family, intelligent enough to
build up a country and to per
form all of your duties as a cit
izen thereof, but you are not in
telligent enough to go to the
polls and pick out the men you
want for governor, for state
senator, for sheriff, for secre
tary of state, or for United States
senator without having a few
hundred selected and self-ap
pointed individuals come down
to JPortland and consult, not
with you, the individual voter,
but with themselves, as a select
body, and then formulate a ticket
containing the names of men
who these self -interested and
constituted individuals would be
satisfied to have in public office.'
If a picture of the scenes enact
ed in 1897 and 1901 m this state
could be taken so it could be
placed in the home of every self
respecting voter in the state of
Oregon so that they could see
what really happened and really
occurred the assembly proposition
would not receive 25 votes in
the state of Oregon, outside of
the old machine politicians who
are really getting this assembly
up in the interest of themselves
and the corporations which they
represent Now this assembly in
this state, no matter what its
leaders may say to the people, is
simply a great big political
machine in the disguise and un
der the name of a popular as
sembly. Can we afford it?"
Some say that rent3 are too
high, that land values are too
high and that there is no money
in farming. It is true to, a cer
tain extent that money is not
piled up so rapidly by the agri
culturist now as in the past, but
there are good and sufficient
reasons therefor. The day has
gone by when the seed can be
sown and the development of a
bountiful crop left in a great
measure to nature. The day has
come, and some time ago, that
the farmer must study his land
as does the merchant his stock
cf goods, as does the manufactur
er his machinery. Our land
here is rich and fertile, but it
must be carefully looked after,
rr ohnrHvonr farmers will nhan.
don it as "killed out," when thT
fact will be that it is only tired
of poor tilling. When our farm
ers look after their land7:care
f ully studying its adaptation,
weigh carefully their stock and
feed and get the best possible
results from the combintion
then will land pay high rate of
interest on a value of $75.00 or
even more per acre.
Every newspaper wants to
publish the news. The better the
paper the more prosperous it
will be. Local news items are
especially hard to down. How
many times have you been ap
proached by the newspaper man
for an item of news and told
him that you knew nothi lg of in
terest. Probably at the same
time your family were away on
visit Or some one from out of
town was visiting at your home.
Of course you didn't mean to
deceive the scribe, yet when
you received your paper you
wondered why your family or
friends were not mentioned. A
good way to avoid all of this is to
kindly inform us of the facts or
drop a note in the postoffice to
the paper. The one item may not
amount to much, but several
columns of such news is the life
of a local paper.
Real Estate Transfers
J W Smith et ux to Louis
Thomas 2 lots Arlington 130 00
James Bartlemay to C H
Bartlemay 160 A 24000 00
State of Oregon to S Pur-
vine 200 A 1500 00
N P Ry. Co. to C R & O C R
RCo.27.68A 138.40 00
Alex Hanley to Dora F Han-
ley 160 A 1 00
JohnSkelly to O D Bruce
640 A 17000 00
Catholic Church Services
9.42 A. M. - - Sunday School
10.30- A. M. - Mass and Sermom
7.30 P. M. - Rosary Instruction
and Benediction.
Congregational Church
Morning Services - 11 a. m
Sunday School - 10 a. m
Junior Endeavor - 3 p. m
Christian Endeavor - 6:30 p. m
Evening Services - 7:30 p. m
All are invited to attend.
Treasurers Notice.
All out standing county wts.
Kill be paid upon presentation at
my office. Int. ceases Mar. 1.
J. A. McMorris,
Treasurer ol Gilliam county, Oregon
Notloa To Creditors,
In tbe County Court of Tbe Bute ol Oregon (or
Qillism County.
In the Matter o( the F.aUleo( James Clbbom
Notice la hereby Riven that the undersigned
by order ol the CouDty Court ol Olll lam Coanty,
Oregon, duly made and entered o( record, haa
been duly appointed administrator of the above
entitled estate. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to present
the same duly veriaed, to the undersigned at the
office of D. J. Kavanagh or the oltire of T. A
Weinke, at Condon, Oregon, within six months
from the first publication of this notice.
Dated this 31st day.of May, 1910.
George Gibbons. Administrator.
First pnblicatlon.'Jane S, 1UI0.
Don't Scold Your Wife
if ah stands half th forenoon talking
with har neighbor ! ovar tha back
fane. 8ha ia merely getting tha newa.
Have tha Heme Paper aent to her
regularly and har hunger for newa will
be satisfied. Then' aha'll have dinner
ready on time and. your hunger will ba
aatiafied. .'
Served with. Cake orde
livered on short notice.
By the dish - by the box
y'xtr by the rate.
Short Order Liinches
and Cold Drinks
Choice Made in Condon
Always in Stock.
Home Bakery
and; Grocery
:-: For Goodies :-:
Absolutely f nee I
To th RMidtnol This Ppr
roRTFouo or is picture
Bu Well Known Artiste
Mount.! n IMrtur Mat to Match; Mm lottt
thus rvqulrvd no r'rams Who tae advaul
ol UiU Special lRr now saau la run
uevilou with In Just Publish
MMMrplaoct- of the
World's Best Literature
Eight Vol u at 1MO bases ami took rsrh to
ssatrh. Artistically bound In bwkraia rlota.
Unr aw orld.s tirtrst Author (ully rr
ntwl lu Om TUO Mlwitont,
This Sew Ubrary ptvpaiil
hipped dlrwet (root Factory
Intituling tre Blvtare ufrei
Order now from d or wild (or dverrlptlv Mi
ter ol this ud other book Ntl
Send ordtn 10
Manufacturers & Publisher .Broker
20. East 15:h St.' PORTLAND, Or
In th County Court ol the Stat of Onaou (at
Gilliam County.
In th alaitrr of th Estate ot Samanlba
Skellr, lVceed. -
Nolle is hereby given that under and ear
attain to an order ol In above entitled Court
made and entered In th above entitled eaaw on
lh 2nd day ot May UIU. authorising, directing
and empowering th audnUgued admlnistra-
tor ot said estate to sell at private sal to the
highest and best bidder for rash ta hand the
following dearrlbed real property belonging to
said estate, to-wlt: Allot Lot Numbered Twelve
(10 In Block Numbered Thirty all () In the
ClUF ol Condon, Ullllam Conuty, State of Ore
gon, araordtug to the maps aud plats thereol
on 111 and ot tecord in the oAct ot th County
Clerk of said Couuty aud Slat.
Now, therefore, pursuant to said order I will
on and alter the 3rd day ol June th oBce
of U. K. Parkeria Condon, Oregon, proceed to
sell to the highest aud best bidder (or cash In
band, subject to confirmation by th above en
tilled Court, all the right, title. Interest and claim
of the said Mamantba Sicily lu and to said above
described premise and (very part aud parrel
thereof at i ha date of her deceaae, or which het
said estate has sine by oieratlou of law or oth
e raise acquired.
John Nelaou,
Administrator of the Estate ol oamantha
Skelly, Deceased.
Dated this th day ol May 1910. ,
First publication, May 8th, 1910.
Notice For Publication.
Public Land gal. . No. 0517
The Dalles, Oregon, United atates Laud Offle,
June 1st, 1910.
Notice Is hereby gireu that, as directed by the
Commissioner of the General Land office, under
provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27,
1908. Public No. 303, we will offer at public sal.
to the highest bidder, at 9 o'clock a. m.,on the
Uth day of July lull), at this office, th fol
iuwIiik tract of land, to wit: EINE'i. .
4Bi8K, Sand eWl4NWi, Sec. 4 1.6
Any persons claiming adversely th above-de
scribed lands are advised to file their claims or
objections, ou or before the day above designs
ted for sale,
C. W. Moore, Register.
Department of the Interior.
United Statea Land Offloe, -
The Dalles, Oregon,
June 11, 1910
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed Jin this office by Asa A. Herrtck, contestant,
against homestead Entry, Mo. 14070, made De
cember is, 1901, for ttK'iiVa, N'SEK, 8ec. 12,
T.t.s.K. 18, K., Lot i. bee. 7, Township 4, B.
KaugelS, E., Willamette Meridian, by William
J. lumen Contestee, In which It Is alleged tbal
said VWlllani J. lnmau haswholly (ailed to re
side upon, cultivate or Improve said tract for
the Ave years last past; that Calrlce Inmau.Lu-
cllelnmanand Wcssie Inman, tbe Widow, and
the heirs at law ol said William I. In mau de
ceased have wholly abandoned and deserted
said land and have failed to reside upon, culti
vate or improve raid land during the live years
last passed; that said alleged absence was not
due to employment in the army, uavy or mar
ine corps of tbe I ulted states In time ot war.
(and that rinal hearing will beheld at 10 o'clock
a. m. on July 27, 1910 before) the Register and
Receiver at the l ulled States Laud Offle In
The Dalles, Oregon,
The said contestant having, In s proper affida
vit, Bled June s, 1910, set forth facts which
show tnat after due deligence personal service
of this notice can not be made, It ia hereby or
dered and directed that such notice beglven by
due and proper publication.
C. W. Moore, Register.
Sheriff Sale
Noticets hereby given that an execution and
order of sale was issued out of the Circuit Court
of the state of Oregon, Gilliam County, on the
13tb day of June, 1910, Upon a decree rendered
lu the Circuit Court ef Hhermao County .Oregon,
ou the 12th day of January, 1909, In favor of
Moio Implement Company, plaintiff and
against Arthur Phillips, defendant, which said
execution and order of sale is to be directed and
commanding me to sell tbe property hereinaf
ter described, lor tbe purpose of satisfying th
Judgement of tbe plaintiff in said cause for the
sum of One Hundred, Seventy-eight A no 100
(178.00) Dollars, with Interest thereon at ten
percent, per annum from th 12th day of Jan
uary, 1909, and tor 136.00 attorney fees, and the
costs and disbursements of said suit taxed st
14 00.
Therefore, In compliance with said execution
and order of sale, I will on Tuesday, the 26th
day of July, 1910, at tbe hour of two o'clock P.
M., at the Court House door In Condon, Gilliam
County Ojegon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, for the purpose
of satisfying the Judgement and decree above
mentioned, the following described land, to
wlt: Allot that part of the South-ball of the
North-west quarter; North-east quarter of the
ijouth-west quarter; North-west quarter of
South-east quarter and Boutb-west quarter ol
South-east quarter of Hection Sixteen In Town
ship One, South, of Range Nineteen, K. W, M.;
lying South and West of the John Day River
and within Gilliam County, Oregon.
Dated (bis 13th day! June, 1910. . ,
' R.U.Rogers,
'-' Sheriff ol.pilllam County.Oregon
Date of first Publication, June 24th 1910.
Date of Last Publication, July 22nd. 1910.
W, C, Bryant, Attorney (or Plalutlf.
rroTeMional Directory
L t, TAYLOR, M. D.V.
Phone) Six Condon, Oregon,
Calls answered at all hours.
Carelul attention giveu to all business
trusted In my car.
Cesvn SJ i Condon, Oregon.
1000, J. F M. D,
Physician, and Surgeon
Pav and Night Calls proinr-ilv answered
Office, Second floor Barker HutMlua. comer
Main and svriug atnteia.
Condon, Oregon
Physician and Surgeon.
Diseaset of Women a Specialty.
Condon, Or.
Crown and Bride Work a apertally. OBr
Upsaura lu Ullllam Co. Mauk Uulldlug.
Condon. Oregon
trie attoatlaa give U
taeasa. VaiuaUea glvea.
Office In Old Flrat Nat'l Bank Bids
Condon, Oregon.
omcifin old First National
Bank Building.
In the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Gilliam
In the Matter of the Estate of
Mary E. Ham, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned by order of the
County Court, of Gilliam County,
Oregon, duly made and entered
of record has been duly appoint
ed administrator of the abovelen
titled estate. All persons having
claims against said said estate,
are hereby notified to present the
same duly verified, to the under
signed at the office of T. A,
Weinke or the office of D. J.
Kavanagh, at Condon, Oregon,
within six months from the first
publication of this notice.
Dated this 18th day of May, 1910.
j?. L. Ham, Administrator,
First publication May 20, 1910.
Your Hat Is on Straight
How About Your Head?
If that ia en atraigM yeu wil aome to
this Printing Office for your Cards, In
vitationa. Pregrama, Stationery, every
thing in the way of exquisite printing
for social uae business usee, toe,' if
the yoisng man meana business ele
gant Wading Card.
TOBACCOS An afroratt mort in B1LUAKU
CIGARS which you art invited to POOL
CANDIKS lnl " f'wiiianl hour , CLUB U00MS
. ... . ii -i i raiwjwsiauasaaauMii issson iaasaaaarfaauafca
Are , e-eofl'i W ji4' ir
fcr an If !. .j-,,,.io.tK,'W
m . .i t r-AcJ !j.u-uri.i..-
all eiNr .a-V "
kVaVvvvv.vVaWvkv.vv.VaV.v.vv.v.vj I
I First National Bank
Condon. Oregon i
ll 4V
t DIRECTORS: S. R. Rarker, Jay Rowerman, Sj
t? J. F. Reisacher, C O. Portwood Win. WVhrli, t;
t P. M. Plitor.
m Union Pacific
Throoih Pullmsn standard and tonr
let sleeiiliig cars daily to Omaha, Chi
cago, Bpokane; tourist sleeping rar daily
to Kansas city ; tlironuli I'ullmsn tourist
sleeping cars (peraotiallr conducted)
erectly to Chicago, reclining chair ears
leeata free) to the East dally.
Tickets to and from all parte of tha
Onited 8tatea, Canada and Europe.
Far particulars call on or address
Is absolutely necea- g
sary to carry on
ranch work. :: :: ' g
Has had 18 years experience &
in procuring water for the fj
'farmers, and has now two a
g machines at work in this g
county. If you need a good a
g well, call on him at once, g
No. 17 Leaves Condon 8:30 a. m,
Arrives at Arliiigton 11:10 a. m.
No. 18 Lvs. Arlinffton 1:45 p. ni.
Arrives at Condon 5:00 p. m.
wariMATeis) uivsiM us At.1. iie
Ak'v'l" U1KIU VMlillHltlls.
Agrnis r'.iibsi'ts Morse Uawllii tfiigliie.
Hre tittK-Mre buying lslil.
for every ute).
Cut generous
ly full. Two
hip pockets.
Felled team.
ArAvllu, urnlilrtu. CUTS, UMrtMNWrB Ml
tim aJ.M. ku So oU.ln aatoaia uu asitt
I ausertsaia, ssa, rs tt COUNTaita.
irwasaas mrtti srw it aiM mm sssm.
ttsat sas Mriegsaisst rnstjot Eulssivats,
i wnm or t. lit. hhh
waaHiNoroN, e. c.
oven e
Xt cxpcricncc
j d r.i'j'j vra
2 Taiane Manna
fk. . j-O DcaiON
'rrnfC CocniOHT o.
AnvAnasssHirllns m eh trh aiid flwrlnt Inn mff
qtilcki tufriniti tmr iiiiiini Umm fiotttir itti
liiTOtitlim ( prubnhlf rulonl Voninitintnt.
UiiuisiifiotlVPoniidetiilH. HAHOOnnil vn I'meui
tiNi-isia nUUt, wUhoutcim, lutb
Scientific Jlmcrlcan.
A hundtometr IHtnitwUM wirfklf. hrwit rtr.
CnlMlltm ,t tiT trteiiiliao t'luriisil. I nrittii, $( A
y r; fnur muntba, L Bold Ufrnl) n wed lent.
l umoa, bttBU vVasblusloo, 1). C.
Iprrtmiitlv ohulnen In all rminltiiw, or MO rif .
Teaos-Maea, laviuiti ami toirnl.isn'ia
tsrsa. Iwl KH.'t. h, M(mIoI or Kuolu, tor fro.
Port OH Wtlt'IltfttiliHT. ALL aUBtMlns.
ui'iiuivrir. nurpssMiitir rplrrwnri i.
Wlilnawiiksl llivsiiiliirsi alu.iil,! I. vaa fw tiaeaA.
Ibonhtinlluw toolsUinnrniHetH piiiii,Wtmt tnv
tiiuni ill iwy.Huw u aTt-t n imrtrHT.anduthfT
TtsluUeliifurinsttiMi, HentlmtoeUiy Oilrab
501 Sevtnth St., Washlnnton, D. C.
Box Ball Alleys
Cigar Store
Cozy Club Room in Connection.
B. MAGRE does
In all Its branches
Opposite Dunn Bros'. Store