A if 1 JEW8Y ITEMS FROM TOWN AND COUNTY Plckod up Here and There by the Globe's Reportorlal Staff. m May Payne, daughter of a Puyne of Fossil, returned day evening from different hington points. Her, sister 'UU'jr'V hi'uttlo aecomp on her return. Walla Meut Co. cur' of cattle to lesday. f the Iluckhorn rut'ttduy evenins i businea trip tt I Ivan Anderson v evening from hey have been se Carnival. If you are figuring on having your house papered call on W. A Darling and choose your pattern from 41)00 rolls. Estimates wil bo given on application on paint ing and papering. Mrs A. S. Davi of Kclsel.Wn, arrived here unexpectedly on Tuesduy evening for a few week's visit with her Hon, Lee Davis. Mrs. K. C. ltogers left on Wednesday morning for Long Beach, VVn., where Bhe will visit for some time. returned Tues ' from Portland been attending lose Carnival. P. Reisacher left on Wed- ay morning for a few days less trip to Portland. S. Hollen of Pine Ridge n Wednesday morning for and. Real Estate Tranafors 0 Blakely & husband J B Keeney Fractional Condon $1000 00 Pliter fc-ux to T. G. inson 2 fractional lots 2 00 ft ux te H A N Laugh- 1 00 to Minerva ') A IXJO 00 cott 1C0 70 A J. E. Reynolds shipped two cars or cattle to l'ortlund wea nesday. Kenneth Welahons and wife went to C lorn on Wednesday for a few days vimt. Lester Wade returned Tues day evening from a few daye visit with friends at Portland and aluo attended the Rose Car nival. Persons wanting to rent the Rink for a Dance or performance see Frank White. . .ervices at the . last Sunday was ... prayer by the i d by Rev. Father ig that Gillium 1 with bounti- e just received f A tents and ,es and prices. Miss Pittman, the miliner, re turned from Portland Tuesday evening after attending the Rose Festival. Mrs. Dr. Butler returned home from Portland on Tuesday evening. S. B., T. H. and Earl Gerrish were up from Rock Creek the fore purt of the week. N. T. Mikkalo was a Condon visitor from Mikkalo the first of the week. John Hire and wife returned Monday evening from Portland where they have been attending the Rose Carnival. If you have anything to trade exchange, rent or sell, see to it that you use The Globe Wants. ON RATES TO THE EAST! I9IO FROM ALL POINTS ON .gon Railroad and Navigation Co. TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Couy-Bluffs! Omaha Kansas City GO. 00 St. Joseph St. Paul ' J St. Paul via Council P.lufTs G3.90 Minneapolis direct GO. 00 vinneapolis via Council Bluffs. 63.90 rnuth direct ' 66.90 lh via Council Bluffs 67.50 i sale May 2nd and 9th; June 2nd, 17th and 24th; r 'i and 22nd; August 3rd; September 8th. 1 for the going trip. Stop-overs within limits in Final return limit three months from date of er than Oct 31. One way through Calif. $15 add'nl. J ,'IR. & N. Agent for more complete information or IURRAY, G. P. A., PORTLAND. " " : r- ; 2 O T No. 26318 I '.. ' ed PERCH ERON Stallion 4 r jeiuhs 2,000 pounds. Will stand the season of 1010 1 T8' Cmln except one day of each week, Tuesday, when t at the Chas. Gardner ranch on Matney Flat. TERMS "i $10, with privilege of one return. Season $15. . If marts fs or are lakenfrom county all service fees are due and mutt be :FRANKW,OOSELY, Keeper. Glattlfled fldvertUlriQ for ftala, Trade , Wanted, Loat, round, fttraued, ftulen and fill NoUbta, ttf M Mlvartl.liif run andrr this bnl m i'hii(i at Hi rtt uf toe ft lln lor ll am imw uil to ft llu. fur Mca mMMtv tent. Partner Wanted. "Owner of large stock, and grain ranch . who cannot give personal attention to it wishes partner to take a half interest in the property and to'taka entire charve of the management Small capital required. Good references must accompany the applicant Property situated east of the Cascado Mountains. McCargar, Bates & Li vely, Failing Building Portland, Oregon Harvester for Sale, Holt Jr., with 16-foot and 20- foot headers and Schenandoney hitch. Will Bell cheap or trade for work horses. Call or address C. W.Martin, tf Olex, Oregon Land For Sale. 240 acres; 200 acres plow land; 40 acres in wheat and barley; plenty of water on land; 2j miles from R. R. station; 6 miles from Condon. Price $25 per acre, in cluding crop. Good terms. 7-10-pd. Manley Keizur, Condon. ' For Sale. Acre of land in best residence section of the city. Is level and has on it a good barn 14x20. Win sell cheap. Call on or address, tf A. B. Robertson, Condon. For Sale. 32-cal. automatic Winchester rifle. Is good as new and will sell cheap. Call on or address, tf A. B. Robertson, Condon. OR SALE or, TRADE- Fine piano in best of condition. Will sell reasonably or will trade for horses. Call on or address Mrs. W. D. Flett, Gwendolen Oregon, W. A. Darling, has just re ceived 9500 rolls of wall paper and 1400 more on the road all in new 1910 paper. A postal will bring samples, or will be pleased to show sample books. Painting and papering done and estimates furnished. Rolled wheat and oats mixed for feed; and oats for seed or feed for sale, Terms: Cash. In quire of G. W. Parman, . Condon, Oregon. FOR SALE-One fullblooded male Scotch Collie pup 4 months old. Four young light Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels. W. I. Ebbert, Condon. Wanted Five hundred acres of grain to harvest with combine. Anyone' having grain they wish harvest ed may call at this office for fur ther particulars. Chicken dinner at the. Hotel Oregon Sunday. Have you seen the Weekly Blotter? Get a copy of this ne,w publication a the Condon Drug Co. or at this office. It is pub lished by the Globe Printery. For Sal0 . , A force pump in first class con dition. For further particulars can on or address,. G. E. Townsend, Condon, , Oregon. nin, ,1. - . " If you use the Loose Leaf Bill- ing system . " remember ' . that Hartshorn & Harlan makea spe cialty of furnishing 'these supplies. xiie noiei wregon ,nas the most up-to-date service of any Vintal in Una ennntn TTnn.i.... 1 1 .1 i t i FOR SALE OR TRADE Some New Things For You To Consider. 3-room new 5 bungalow, two blocks from Main street, i Living room, bed room and kitchen with water. Price $400. Terms. 2 houses for rent in Condon. $10 and 8. A very nice residence. Beau ; ttful grounds; good barn; chicken .lot; shade trees, nice lot of shrub bery on the lawn; house is strict- ) modern; lawn. This property . has cost more to put it in the present shape than the price at t which it is ort'ered. Price $6000. Also a clean stock of gent's fur nishing goods, will invoice about 115,000- Residence and store lo cated in large college town about 30 miles trom Portland. We wish to trade these properties to gether for about 640 acres of farm land in Gilliam county. ' Our cli ents do not wish to go in debt very much and would like a fair ly well improved farm. A comfortable 3-room house and one-half acre of land in Con don. Price $450. Terms. One 7-room house in Portland. Two stories, with basement ce-. ment foundation, front and back, porch, both gas and electric light gas range, gas water heater, . wood hoist from basement Lot 421x90 feet Built two years. -Also one five-room modern house and three lots 25x114 feet, full cement basement, bath and toi let Mortgage $1000, 7 per cent Price on both houses $5500.00. Would trade this property . for wheat land and assume about 2500 indebtedness on land. . 10 acres 2 miles from town; 5 acres cleared; balance slashed about 15 years ago; easily . clear-, ed; 50 cherry trees set last year; other trees and fruit trees; living stream kept by springs. 1 acre bottom; best of garden land; house 3-room downstairs, 1 room upstairs; nearly new. Price is $2000.; Will trade for small farm here. 40 acres fairly well improved improved in Willamette Valley; psice $4000. Will trade for a small farm in Gilliam county at abont 15000 valuation. Owner will not have objection to going out several miles from town. FRUIT LAND-1000 acres, or sub-divisions thereof, to trade for Gilliam County Wheat Land. Located 20 ,miles from Vancou ver, Wn., and If miles fromRR. station. All divided into 10-acre tracts with streets. Soil is claj shot resembling- Hood River. ' Land is sub-irrigated and water ed by many springs: Timber to ' be removed by Dec.' 31st 1911. Land is practically level. Price, $60 to $75.. 40 acres fairly well improved in -the Willamette Valley. Price $4000. To trade for a small farm in Gilliam County. Value about $5000. The man is a bachelor and would , not mind ; ac cepting a ranch about fifteen miles out of Condon. 43 acres near Salem, Oregon in a high state of cultivation. 28 acres in bearing orchard which produced a net profit -of $3500. last year. Price $200. per acre. Will exchange for a Gilliam County farm of about 640 to 800 ai-rea. This is a snap and a fin place for a man and family wh desires to go to Salem. : 160 acres six miles from The Dalles, Oregon. 60 acres 'of , good bottom land under irriga- . tion. 4 acres of irrigated land is in strawberries; 4 acres in' alfal fa, and the balance of 52 acres of the bottom land is in: hay and garden truck. Ten room' mod ern house, patent toilet hot arid cold water, and in fact a perfect up to date residence located in the country. Mtg. against the place $2000. 6 per cent ' Price of property $15000. Will take Gilliam County land up to 800 acres in trade. We insure your buildings from loss by fire.'.. We insure; your crops against loss by fire, 1 month 60 ents for $100. 2 months 90 cents, 3 months 120 cents per hundred dollars. . " We are hv a : position now to write your live stock insurance in a strong and reliable com pany. . The above property is all alive ahd we are in a position to, make ready ex changes on same for Gilliam Co. land, We Jnsure Your Crops and Buildings From Loss ;3y. Fire. Graves, Weinke : Thomas Company; Condon,;pre Portland Office, 438 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. : REAL ESTATE,.;-; INSURANCE. ' ., COllVEYAlING Money to Loan on Improved Farm Lands. "-J' iuuucjr ui lAHui on improved t arm Lands. " ); 5 it i s ed dining service. fx