THE CONDON GLOBE HARTSHORN & HARLAN rubUiBer. FRIDAY, JUNE 17. 1910. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. li.W PIS TEAR. tnncil at foe e Be m sarono-clas mNm. rbltshd I very Friday. Considerable agitation comes from the columns of the ma chine organs throughout the state in regard to the assembly plan. We can see nothing in this movement but an attempt to car ry the people of the state back to the old-time boss style, the political convention, which has done more towards the upbuild ing of political machines and de priving the people of good gov ernment than all the other evils of corrupt politics combiued. In our estimation the assembly plan can further the interests of only one class of people, the ma chine politicians, who under- stand all the delicate intricacies of wire pulling and all the cor rupt methods of old, who can smother their consciences, bow to the will of their superiors and destroy the will of the peo ple. One machine organ has said, "The primary system des troys party government" If ' party government" means the way parties were governed in uus state before the primary system came into vogue, we can say that in .destroying party government the primary system is gathering to itself more lau rels and may the destruction be rapid and complete. One or two of the old-time "steeped in sin" politicians are opposing the as sembly scheme but we imagine that they are opposing it not be cause they deem it improper but because they see that it cannot win. They are astute enough to know that the people of Ore gon consider their rights thor oughly safeguarded under the primary system and will not a gain jeopardize them by descend ing into the old rut of machine rule. There is probably no man en gaged in the newspaper businees in this state, who is not aquaint ed with a man whose excuse for discontinuing his subscription is that he already "has more pap ers than he can read. "It's only an excuse offered to ameliorate the presumed lacerated condition of the editor's feelings. It has no such effect, for in the first place an editor never worries over the loss of a subscriber except when he leaves the country without paying up arrearages. But why not be truthful and say to the honest newspaper man just what you feel in your heart. Go into his den, ask him how much you owe, pay the delinquency, and tell him frankly that you don't want his disreputable, blackgurd sheet any longer. Say to him in a sorrowful tone of voice that you deeply regret his inability to publish a newspaper worthy the name and advise him to sell his plant to some man with a thimble full of brains and seek some oc cupation which does not require much wear or tear of the mind. Do this and then you can go a way with the comforting assur ance that the editor respects you for your candor and will cherish no hard feelings because you choose to borrow his paper in stead of buying it. By the end of the present year, it is promised that the most re mote districts of Oregon will be served by railroad transportation Central Oregon will have two main lines, the Oregon Trunk and the Deschutes Railroad and the building of these roads is of course the prime achievement of the year in transportation. In addition, the Harriman line to Tillamook will be completed and much progress will have been made by the end of the year on the Natron-Klamath road. This year the cost of contracts for new railway lines and better ments in this state will aggre gate about $30,000,000. Many other important new projects will undoubtedly be mapped out and started before 1911. Portland will get the 47th an nual convention of the National Wool Growers' Association, the dates for which have just been fixed for Jannary 5, 6, and 7, 1911. On these dates there will be thousands of delegates there from the wool growimg states and the convention will be of wide interest to stockmen. In connection with the gathering there will be a big sheep show that is expected to draw many exhibits from the farms of Ore gon sheep raisers, and many blooded sheep will be brought here from other parts of the country. Preliminary plans are now being made for the gather ing, various committees being already at work. If Oregon gets the assembly and its candidates show any strength, it will not come from Gilliam County. Here the as sembly is a joke, notwithstand ing any statements to the con trary. Any assembly man or body of assembly men selected from this county to represent it at the state assembly probably can deliver the votes of a hand ful of politicians but they can not deliver the votes - of the peo ple. If you doubt it the result of the election next November will entirely convince you. You can get any magazine printed at astonishingly low rates if subscribed for in con nection with, the Globe. Catholic Church Services 9.42 A.M. - - Sunday School 10.30 A. M. - Mass and Sermom 7.30 P. M. - Rosary Instruction and Benediction. - Congregational Church Services. Morning Services - 11 a. m. Sunday School - 10 a. m. Junior Endeavor - 3 p. m. Christian Endeavor - 6:30 p. m. Evening Services 7:30 p. m. All are invited to attend. Treasurers Notice. All out standing county wts. will be paid upon presentation at my office. Int. ceases Mar. 1. J. A. McMokris, Treasurer of Gilliam conntv, Oregon Notice To Creditors, In tbe Coantv Court of The Elate ol Oregon for ullliam County. In the Matter of the Estate of Jamea Gibbons. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the anderslgned bv order of the Coantjr Court of Olliiam County. Orefon, duly made and entered of record, has been duly appointed administrator of the shore entitled estate. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, to theundetslgned at the office of D. J. Kavanagh or the office of T. A. Weinke, at Condon, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 31st day of May, 1910. eorge Gibbons, Administrator. First publication, June S, 1910. ICE CREAM Served with Cake or de livered on short notice. -: STRAWBERRIES : By the dish - by the box or by the crate. Short Order Lunches and Cold Drinks Choice Made in Condon :: CANDIES:: . Always In Stock. Horrie Bakery and Grocery :-: For Goodies MANUFACTURERS1 GREAT SURPLUS BOOK SALE Library KdUions ol the Moet Dwlreb Mooae In the WorM at Wholesale Price Shipped Niert to Yoa Proa Factor All Trtwrt(im Charm Prepaid Note Well Trteae Prlcee ' beekraai Cloth Minding S Vttt M Wr Bttt lilenihar 13.65 Over 7WI selections; J tuition re m mm 13.6S trvm.vt 4S.6S e " Mi 4.68 " tMcet I " ums. 4.10 " tries MM4.IO WtMTIrl IN. ISiiUM HCtWMft t (J t un imp t'tu'r. nun n.uiblsivi Surplus oek and Limited. Hand for Ue crtUv Matter or Order Now Irons this ad. rRtt-URIAT OFFER PREK tit Catchy ('arbonerttrtrtureeCUea Fro With Each Book or 8end Orders to FRANK ft. OREEN Manufacturer' and Publisher' Broker X East 1Mb Street PORTLAND, ORE. -NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In lb County Court of the state ol Oregon tor Gilltar County. In the Matter of the Estat of Samanlha Ssellv, Deceased. Nolle Is hereby given that under and pur auaut to an order of the above entitled Court mad and entered In the above entitled cane ou the and day of May HI, authorising dlrectlm and empowering the eiMlerelgneU dmlnlstra. tor of said estate lo sell at private! eale to the highest and best bidder tor cash In hand the Following described real property belonglug lo said estate, to-wlt: Allot Lot Numbered Twelve W) in Blurk Numbered Tblrtv six () la tbe City ol Coudun, (allium County. Mat ol Ore icon, acoordlug lo th map and plata tbereol on Hi and of record In the otto ol th County Clerk of said County and Stale. Now, therefore, pursuant to said order I will on and altct th 3rd day ol Juu th office ul l. R. Parkerin Condon, "rerun, proceed to all to th blithest and beat bidder for eaah In hand, sub)cllo confirmation by th abov ra ti tied Court, all th rlgtil, title. Interest and claim of the said Hamantha sktlijf in ami lo aald above described premise and every part and parcel thereof at the date of her deteas, or which her said estate has sine by o eratlon of law or olh erwla acquired. John Nelson, Administrator of the Estate of aamaulha saellj, Deceased. Dated this 4th day ol May l10. Flral publication. May sib. MO. Public Und Sal. No. OfrsT Th Dailes, Oregon, United State Land Offlc, Jun 1st, W10. Nolle Is hereby (iven that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office . under provisions ut Act of Congress approved June 27. lauu. Public No. JUS, w will offer at public sale. loth highest bidder, at :tr o'clock a. m.,on the Uth day of July mil) , al this office, the lot lowing tract of laud, to-wlt: EliNEii, Ire. SKSE!-., oaod l,.iHi See. tl.AB.R.Jl K.W.M., Any personsclalmlng adversely the above de scribed lands are advised lo nle their claims or objections, uu or before the day above design ted for talo, C. VV. Moor. Register, SUMMONS In lb Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Gilliam County. Arlington Lumber Company, a corporation, PlalntitT, VB D. M. Rinehartand Lixile Rlnehart, Husband and v lie; D. B. Thomas and bust 1. Wells, administrators of the estate of J. R. Wells, de ceased, Bessie M. Wells, Valauc Well. L. Mlntner, P. H, Btepbensou, Hunt Hardware Co., a corporation, Los! Valley Land & Lumber Co., a corporation, and A. B. Cams, Defendants. To Valance Wells, L. Mlntner, and A. B. Cams, defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon and each of you are hereby commanded and re quired to appear and answer or otherwise plead lo the cumplalnt Hied against you In th above entitled suit in the above entitled court on or before Friday tbe l?lh day of Juue 1V10 and II )OU fall to so appear and answer or otherwise plead to said complaint, for want thereof, plain UU will apply to the court forth relief therein demanded, whleb in substance Is: First: Judgment and decree against defend ant D. M. Rlnehart and Llnle Rlnebart for tbe sumof I7.10 with interest thereon from the 18th day of February Hut at th rat of tea par cent per annnm until paid, and for th sum of tlOO.OO attorney's fees, together with the costs and disbursements of tfats suit. Second: Decree of th above entitled Conrl against all the above named defendant to the effect that plaintiffs mortgage lien is a valid and subsisting first lien and mortgage upon Ibe premises therein described, and described aa fol lows, to-wlt: Jxt Numbered Five, Blx, Seven, and Eight in Block Numbered One Hundred and Three In Lord's Addition to the City of Con don, luUllllam County, State of Oregon; and that said premises be sold in the manner pre scribed by law and in accordance with the prac tice of this Court, and that the proceeds of such sale be applied In the paymentof the cost and expense of such sale, the costs and disburse ments of this suit, nd the amount lound due plaintiff, and th over plus, If any there be, paid into this court for distribution by deree of the' above entitled Court. Third: Decree of th abov entitled Court agalnstall tbe above named defendants foreclos ing and barring all ol tbe right, title. Interest and claim of each and all of tbe defendants, and any and all persons claiming, or to claim by, through, or under them or any of them In or to aald premises or any part or parcel thereof. Fourth: Decree of tbe above entitled Court allowing plaintiff to become a purchaser of said premises at inch sale, and placing the puicbaa er Into Immediate possession of said premises and the whole thereof from th dale of sale thereof. Fifth: For Judgement and execution against tbe defendants D. M. Rlnehart and Lixile Rlnebart for any denoieney remaining unpaid to plaintiff after applying th proceeds of such salens above specified,, i Hi th : For such other and further relief at lo the Court may seem Just, meet, and equitable In the premises. This summons Is served on you by the publi cation thereof intheCondou Olobe for the per iod of six consecutive weeks, (seven Issues). commencing with the issue of May tb, 11110, and ending with the issn of June 17tb, lino. pursuant to an order of tbe Hon. R. R, Butler. Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made. died and entered In this cause on th 4th dav of May 1V10. D. R. Parker Attorney for Plaintiff Data of First Publication May (jib, lftIO ' i Date of Last Pnblication, Jun J7tb,lV10. ; rrotBMlonal Dlreeteru, L. TAYLOR, M. D. V. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN A 8URCE0N Phone SI a Condon, Oregon, Calls answered at all hours. Q VV. PARMAN ATTORKEY-AT-LAW U. S. COMMISSIONER Careful attention lvu to nil busln entrusted In my cere. Cswwvv ; Condon, Oregon yOOD. J. F., M. D. Physicians and Surgeons Da and riutht Call eromntlv answered Ottux, Swond Floor Hotter Mullding, ooruer Slain and spilug atresia, Condon, Oregon J W, DONNELLY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Ditetitet of Women a Specialty, Condon, Ore, Q F. BUTLER DENTIST Crowe and Brldg Work "Derlally. OBc upsourt to uiiueiM co. nana nuiiaiug. Condon, Oregon yyAYNE ORIDER AUCTtONCCR AND VALUATOR Uriel attention at I sssia tales eee deaied. VelueuWeagtrea. eOH DO. ORROON -J A.WEINKE ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office In Old Flret Naft Bank Bid. Condon, Oregon. J. KAVANAQH ATTQRNEY-AT-LAW Offlc-lo old rtrsl National Bauk Building. Condon Oregon NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Gilliam County. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary E. Ham, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned by order of the County Court, of Gilliam County, Oregon, duly made and entered of record has been duly appoint ed administrator of the aboveen titled estate. All persons having claims against said said estate, are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, to the under signed at the office of T. A. Weinke or the office of D. J, Kavanagh, at Condon, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 18th day of May, 1910, P. L. Ham, Administrator. First publication May 20, 1910. Your Hat Is on Straight How About Your Head? If that It on etralght veil wil eom to thia Printing Office for. your Cards, In vitation, Program, Stationery, every thing in the way of exquisite printing for eoolal ueee butineia uaei,' too, if tha young man mean business el gant Wedding Card. ' CONDON AMUSEMENT HALL MYERS VWILLOUUMBT , rrnp.. TOBACCOS An noiiiate mrt in BILUAHU CIGARS hich ymi art invited ta IV'JL CANDIKS upend a fdeaiant hour CLUB HUOMi MAIN STREET. CONDON i SAMSON WIND MILLS zzxftxt?-- t.isljHJjnJ'i ,Xr4lJ..,M.BJ.a- i. wt. r-sw-. 'ems ,! MS " vv yv i i1 First National Bank I jj $ Condon, Oregon - S J. DIRECTORS: S. B. S J. P. Reisncher. C. 0. a," 3 F. M. r Jl tfVU nnijnJnsrnntnnturnnnriTuuJi Ijiillii .'V 'e OREGON Si I OUTLINE Union Pacific 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY Thrangh Pullman ttandard and lour 1st aleeilng cara daily to Omaha, Chi cago, Bpokane; tnuriataleeping car datlt to Kiosa city ; tltrongli I'ullman tourist leaping cara (pereonallv conducted' weecly to thlcago, reclining cliau oars teaate bee) to tue kaat daily. LOW RATES I Ticket to and Irom att parte of the United Btatea, Canetla anil Europe far particular call on or addreee D. TIERNEY, Agent PLENTY OF i WATER ! Is absolutely neces- g sary to carry on ranch work. :: :: a H.H.VILBURN Has had 18 years experience in procuring water for the farmers, and has now two machines at work in this county. If you need a good U7p11 Pfl 1 1 An Vlim of rnnnn .. -v.m wi, ,1,111 VIIWC, son 0. R- 8 i TflBLIl CONDON BRANCH No. 17 Leaves Condon 8:30 a. m. Arrives at Arlington 11:10 a. m. No. 18 Lvs. Arlington 1:45 p. m. Arrives at Condon 5:00 p. m. i Mi r AMD JAMIESCN & MARSHALL SANITARY PLUMBER OlMNlN, OHWMlNi TtMA-raa uivmn on al t. KiHuai wats ssvarmMi. Agents iii..nn W indmills, Ageiils Kalttianla-MiiiMitiasoIlM a m I ii. He us beltir buying elMWhei. mi Barker, Jay Bowerman, Tortwood Wm. Wehrli, fe a Tliter. S "rv uvf for every ute. Cut ffcneroufx ly full Two kip pockets. FellecLseams. Continuous fly. llsgMui iiOT.uuxitra. pnocunce awn otrtnoftt. a Brawls orHtctu, rursiMvtl Mnb and fn r kT.m, kow So aUaia ri mas ma aairka, vrnaasas in all eooNTana, womwf mmm tyrn f ewwreia, httwt iKi Itrfrbtfwwtwit PrttttM bcllf) WaOMIMOTOH, D. O. ,M4 owcr es tss V1'' SXPtrtHWCS D tt .4. Diaiaria .1 V-. . II,... ComiaHTa4e. anltrhrf (ucortiilil our uiniiuit ft mm whntliflr mi uottssinotir HiiuuMimi. mhhuhuuh oni'stmiu liifiitmn ! prttrtPtiiif pitt(niii, it-ntiiiniilrn. Mtit (rotv IXdfMil aueinry Cur oruriiif eevtiit, i-HifjiiLi utcn inntuun riuiiii i IpVtUtf ewiic. Without bur, Ittlb ncr lur Mwuruif ,estiit. ntuirh klunii A c'u. rtHUtf Scientific Jltncricatte A hndnmlf IHttttrtitiMl wwlf, I.nrrMt fir. CtilfUltMi uf ny triaiillUO JotirmU, Ttirn i. f I n Tnnri four monlba, $1. Iloia bf (Ul ntwettMlan. IV1UNM & Co 'B"--'- New York Uraucb cimos, OA F BL, Wasbliujlun, U.C. ( fjsl, I" all eotintrtss, or No H. I lannrt ,,n tikI.iKt,,l,iw , i u,,.... tL Haiul Mk,.l, li u,l.l ... VtL.,7. "S.J1." ITIOTLV OONPIDCNVIAL fstsul naoUaa Kluuvalgr, Hurpassina rrlernna Wtitmwitks InvKiiturs shoiihl liavs our hand. 1IOoSoillluwLoolriftinMnlNll ,. it,.... 7Z I vniuons will pnv.llow to rt a mrtiurjindiitlier iwnwMHiinwim ire many auuress. ID, SWIFT & CO. 80l seventh St., Wnshlnnton, D. C. J.W.BURNS Box Ball Alleys and Cigar Store Cozy Club Room MAIN STREET, in Connection. CONDON.. B. MftGEB does PLUMBING In all Its branches Opposite Dunn Bros. Stoie i 1