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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1910)
30 C The Spring Work Is On Time Is Precious This is the time of the year when your watch should be in good or d e r . Remember , that Williams the Jeweler is the place for you to send it for repairs. . All work guar anteed to give entire satisfaction. Headquarters For High Grade Watches We are'sole agents for the famous South Bend Watch, also headquar- ters for the Hamil ton, Rockford, Illinois, Howard, Waltham and Elgin. Our prices on watches are recognized all over this section of the state. We fill orders by mail promptly, and every watch is guar anteed to give en tire satisfac tion. Give us a trial Williams the Jeweler and Expert OptI- f n Condon's Lead OlUlle ing Jeweler. Headquarters Fop Formaldehud.e When you are ready for your Formaldehyde re- member the Condon Drug Co. has it in stock ready for you and the price is right - Chloride of Lime Prevents Breed ing of Disease Now is the time of the year when a little Chlor ide of .Lime properly used on your premises may save you and your neigh bors from some trouble some disease, by exter minating ' all germs Lin your surroundings, and the Condon Drug Co. has ordered a large supply, anticipating the demand. Prescriptions of Vital Importance Our prescription depart ment is in charge of Mr. Nicholas Van Slype, for merly with Blakely of The Dalles. Mr. Van Slype is recognized as one of the foremost prescrip tion druggists in the Fa- cine Northwest, and when you send your prescrip tions to the Condon Drug Co, you are assured of the best drugs that mon ey can buy and also the services of the best drug . ' gist on the coast J CI OCZ3QC 8 CONDON n 3C NATIONAL BANK 0 CAPITAL STOCK 0 $50,000.00 S Director: CEO.B.DUKEK, Prs. A. GRE1NER. Vlc-Prs. GRANT WADE WM. WEHRLI E.J.CLOUOH if - I f 1,?, V.."jrtr 1 J' .'-t- 1 v M 0 0 ThfiC T5 "Dnnlrrm Pn J-Jt uai AUl JJm I HAVE LOUDEN HAY TOOLS BEST IN THE MARKFT Kay Carriers, Pullies, Rope Sling Ready made. Come in and order a aet and save time. $tactttyCUIta WHO STANDS BACK OF YOU Some one should be responsible for the worth and quality of merchan dise you purchase. In a recent number of the Saturday Evening Post a writer said of English tailors; " Your oien merchant is responsible to you. Your foreign merchant is responsible tt no :ne." This idea of responsibility is the keynote of our business; Whether you buy a complete outfit or pair of working gloves, we are responsible to you. We protect ourselves and you by handling only Premier Lines. WflDE & VEflTCH CO., Inc. Sooop Shovela . j Barley Forka Hoe Down Hay Forka Round and Straight Singletrees, Bolts and j Washers for Header Beds DON'T KEEP YOUR MONEY IN THE HOUSE IT IS UNSAFE AND WORRIES YOU HAVE YOUR SAVINGS DRAW INT REST o A LIBERAL RATE ON TIME DEPOSITS o D. H. Hildebrand Dravine and Transfer. Light and Heavy Hauling. Job work and Trunks a specialty. For Ice phone 6x. Condon, Oregon. A Full Stock of LUBRICATING OILS and GASOLINE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEET The Board of Trustees of the C A C met in the Club rooms last evening and the usual routine of business was transacted. C. N. Laughrige was appointed on the entertainment committee to fill the vacancy caused by Mark Portwood's absence. It was de cided to allow the celebration committee to put seats in the gymnasium and use it as a rest room for the public during the three days celebration. Mrs. V. S. Farr entertained at dinner on Thursday evening in honor of her husband's birthday, Mrs. Dr. C. E. Kennedy who leaves to-morrow for Seattle and G. M. Farr who leaves in the near future for San Francisco. The table was beautifully decor ated with pink roses and the delicious birthday cake was surrounded by burning candles, However "Billie" objects to tell ing how many candles there were. 0 Bert Kirch, who has been working on the first chair in the O. K. Barber Shop for the past year, left yesterday morning expecting to return to his home in Wisconsin. He is undecided as to whether he will remain in the east or return to the west but it is generally predicted that he will come back to Condon be fore many moons. Bert has many friends here who regret his departure. Chas. Williams of Portland takes his place in the shop. Mrs. Frank Little and two children came up from Mikkalo last evening. HIDES. PELTS AND FURS G. E. TOWNSEND, with Kauffman, Davidson and Sem mel, will pay the highest price for Hides, Pelts and Furs One Door North of Palace Hotel - ' CONDON. OREGON BABY WEEK May 2-3-4 1910. All babies born since Jan. 1, 1909, are entitled to a cabinet picture of themselves free at our studio on the above dates. Mothers, they can't come alone so bring them in. THE ROLLINS STUDIO - - - - - Condon, Oregon. HATS MADE TO ORDER Old-Hats Made Over. Straws cleaned and reshaped. MISS PITTMAN'S MILLINERY The Oilv Footprints of a. Housefly on a. Window Pane no 5f x o i i - V V w J - u ' y o -vi Se?l Vofl W'tfW PA? aO.t?A .oq o.Ofl Q C n a a w n 1M. I . V - V ft A .o . " - v Arc About is Effective Poorly Printed Utter Head. Bill' heads and Card. Our Trintlni U lh 3n OblatnabU. GET THE BEST GRANITEWARE Both White and Mottled, and EVERYTHING for the Kitohen and Cook House. mrs. Wm. farr entertains Now is the time to fix up for HAYING. II VI u IC30 These subsenbing to the Cel ebration fund will please remit to secretary on or before June 1st 1910. Lester Wade Sec. Celebration Committee. LEST YOU FORGET Plumes curled and cleaned and old flowers and straws made to look like new at Miss Pittman's Millinery Parlors. Pearl Titus left Tuesday morn ing after spending a few days visiting friends in this city. She goes to Toledo. ' A. B. Lamb of Fossil returned from a week's business visit in Portland Wednesday. Dr. Howard Gove and wife were . incoming passengers on Wednesday's train. : A GREAT PROPOSITION : 5cENT Trade Discount Commencing May 1, 1910, we will give a National Cash Register check with each purchase, regard less of size. Save the checks, we will pay you in terest on the money you spend. To benefit by this offer, accounts must be settled by the first of each month. These checks will be accepted as cash for anything in the store except repairs on watches and jewelery. Save the checks, same as cash at RED CROSS COMPANY, Inc. F. M. Pliter came up Portland yesterday. from JOIIN JACKSON- CONDON'S LEADING CON FKCTIONER ClOARS, Candiem, TORACCUM Next To Potopficb Special Rate for Threshormen's Convention. Round trip rate of one and one-third fare on the certificate plan will be made by O. R. N. andS. P. Co's. Tickets on sale May 29th to June 3d inclusive, grod for return until June. 10th. Important subjects will be dis cussed including an address by a Special Representative of the U. S. Government. . For futher infprmation as to rates, dates of sale, etc. , call on any O. R, N, or S. P, Agent. You Want to do Well ! Whatever you do. You expect to buy HARNESS and SADDLES SOMEWHERE. YOU'LL DO IT AS WELL AS IT CAN EE DONE If you buy Harness, Saddles Chaps, etc., of , John F. Relsacher Condon - - 1