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About Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1910)
THE HAYVILLEHIR III 1910 A meeting of tho Directors of he Seventh Eastern Oregon Dis- -t ivw i iwutiui ui H'ljr waff fheldat Mayville lust week, at fwhich way a and means weie dis cussed for improving tho Fair this year. The premium list was gone over and revised, and it was decided to give prizes for grade stock, that is, horses or cattle from registered sires, There will be prizes for grade Clydes, grade Shires, grade Per cherons, Belgians, and Trotting stock, a'.BO on cattle. It is cer tain that there will bo more en tries of live stock this year than ever before; tho prospect for grains and grasses is excellent, and from uresont indications there will be as fine an exhibit of fruit us could bo seen any where. Better accommodations up) to be provided for butter and cheese exhibits, and the poultry sneus win bo lull or new coops so that every fowl may be visible to the naked eye. Last year many good birds were crowded so much that they did not Bhow to advantage. Another improve ment will be seats where the poultry cranks can rest and talk. and tell about the egg yields they get when hen fruit is quoted at 4 bits the dozen. There is to bs a special prize for the three Rant milttAn lumla on) if ia 4"tioped that sheepmen will take more interest In the Fair than they have been doing. The man who brings in the best brood sow and litter o f pigs is to get an enlarged premium, and many other premiums are to be increas ed. There i.i plenty of water and there will be an abundance of first class oat hay on the grounds. This year there will bo seats for everybody and con siderable Bhade under the merry widow hats. Joking aside, the 1910 Fair at Mayville is going to be a hummer, far eclipsing any of its predecessors. Chicken dinner at the Hotel Oregon Sunday. Dunn Bros have just received a complete line of A tents and wall tents. All sizes and prices. Eat your Sunday dinner at the Hotel Oregon. Mrs. C. T. Potter of Portland has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. K. West and other friends in this vicinity. The weather is still made to order and crops are growing splendidly, says the FoBsil Jour nal. Bunchgrass on tho range is an fine as it was in the good old days the pioneers tell us about, when they used to cut it for hay, It certainly does a man's heart good to see his pasture waving in the wind like a field of grain. Haying has commenced in the neighborhood of Fossil, from fortnight to a month earlier than usual, and the crop is very heavy. The fruit crop, also a bumper one, has passed the dan- ger linejfrom frost. Altogether it is pretty hard for the farmer and stockman to find anything to grumble at this spring. Persons wanting to rent the Rink for a Dance or performance see Frank White. Mrs. Mary Shaw of Mayville was in this city on Wednesday and while here had her name placed on the Globe's subscrip tion list for the ensuing year. L. K. Harlan of the Pendleton Printery came in on the Inland Limited Tuesday evening and re mained over Wednesday. On lis return Thursday morning he was accompanied by R. C. Shel don of the Globe staff, who will work the different towns and cities of Eaatern Oregon solicit ing orders for printing. Augusta A. Neal made final proof on her homestead before U. S. Commissioner Parman on Tuesday. D. B. Thomas came up from ortland Wednesday to spend a few days looking after business matters. Mr. Thomas is a mem ber of the Graves, Weinke & Thomas Company which has of fices at 438, Chamber of Com merce, Portland. F. T. Hurlburt left yesterday morning for a business visit in Arlington. If you have anything to trade exchange, rent or sell, see to it that you use The Globe Wants. EXCURSION RATES TO THE EAST! DURING 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON rri. VI 17 e Oregon Railroad and Navigation Go. TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs'! Omaha j Kansas City '. 60.00 St. Joseph St, Paul J St. Paul via Council Bluffs. 63.90 Minneapolis direct. 60.00 Minneapolis via Council Bluffs 63.90 Duluth direct 66.90 - Duluth via Council Bluffi 67.50 St. Louts 67.50 Tickets will be on sale May 2nd and 9th; June 2nd, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22nd; August 3rd; September 8th. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either-direction. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than Oct 31. One way through, Calif. $15 add'nl. Inquire of any O. R. & N. Agent for more complete information, or WH. MURRAY, G. P. A., PORTLAND. S C O T T No. 2G318 Registered PERCH ERON' Stallion Gray in color and weight 2,000 pounds. Will stand the season of 1010 April 1 to July 1at Condon, ixcept on$ day of tach week, Tuesday, when he will be found at the Chas. Gardner ranch on Matney Flat. TERMS Single Service $10, with privilege of one return. Season $15. If mares change hands or are taken from county all service fees are due and must be paid at once. . ... - . ' FRANK WOOS ELY, Keeper. Classified Advertising for Sale, Trade, Wanted, Lost, round, fttrauod, Stolon and fill Notices All (dv.rutlni ran udr till. dm4 will in ehrl .1 ib. rata ol 10. pr lln. lor Uwflral Imm ud M yn 11 u. lot tub icM!r. 1mm, For Sal Full Blood Brown Lea-horn Eggs. 75 cents per sitting. Cat! on or address, .' ' Mrs, Wm. Langhausen, Condon. Oregon. 7-d-8 Auction Sal of Horses. Saturday, May 21. Condon Livery Barn Corrals. 20 head of broke and unbroke mares and geldings. Terms-Five months time on approved notes with in terest at 8 per cent Sale com mences at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp. F.M. Pliter. Wayne Grider, Auctioneer. Land For Sal. 240 acres; 200 acres plow land; 140 acres in wheat and barley; plenty of water on land; 2 miles from R. R. station; 6 miles from Condon. - Price $25 per acre, in cluding crop. Good terms. 7-10-pd. Manley Keizur, Condon. For Sal. Acre of land in best residence section of the city. Is level and has on it a good barn 14x20. Will sell cheap. Call on or address, tf A. B. Robertson, Condon. For Sale. 32-caI. automatic Winchester rifle. Is good as new and will sell cheap. Call on or address. tf A. B. Robertson, Condon. FOR SALE or TRADE Fine piano in best of condition. Will sell reasonably or will trade for horses. Call on or address Mrs. W. D. Flett, ," Gwendolen Oregon. W. A. Darling, has just re ceived 9500 rolls of wall paper and 1400 more on the road all in new 1910 paper. A postal will bring samples, or will be pleased to show sample books. Painting and papering done and estimates furnished. Rolled wheat and oats mixed for feed; and oats for seed or feed for sale, Terms: Cash. In quire of G. W. Parman, Condon, Oregon. r FOR SALE-One fullblodded male Scotch Collie pup 4 months old. Four young light . Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels. W. I. Ebbert, C6ndon. If you are figuring on having your house papered call on W. A. Darling and choose your pattern from 4900 rolls. Estimates will be given on application on paint ing and papering. Have you seen the Weekly Blotter? Get a copy of this new publication at the Condon Drug Co. or at thid office. It is pub- ished by the Globe Printery. notice. Shoes Hal-fsoled at the fol lowing prices Mens-75c Ladies 50c and Childrens 40c. John Delph. Near Summit Hotel t For Sal A force pump in first class con dition. For further particulars call on or address, G. E. Townsend, , , Condon, Oregon, If you use the Loose Leaf Bill- ing system remember that Hartshorn & Harlan make a spe cialty of furnishing these sup. plies. , The Hotpl Oreomn Vina tW vsvqvm HUM Wl W most up-to-date service of any hotel in the county. Unsurpass ed dining service. FOR SALE OR TRADE It will pay you to inves tigate these Listings 3-roora new I bungalow, two blocks from Main street. Living room, bed room and kitchen with water. Price $400. Terms. 2 houses for rent in Condon. $10 and fa A very nice residence. Beau tiful grounds; good barn; chicken lot; shade trees, nice lot of shrub bery onthe lawn; house is strict ly modern; lawn. This property has cost more to put it in the present shape than the price at which it is offered. Price $6000. Also a clean stock of gent's fur- nishing goods, will invoice about 115,000- Residence and store lo cated in large college town about 30 miles from Portland. We wish to trade these properties to gether for about 640 acres of farm land in Gilliam county. Our cli ents do not wish to go in debt very much and would like a fair ly well improved farm. A comfortable 3-room house and one-half acre of land in Con don. Price $450. Terms. One 7-room house in Portland. Two stories, with basement, ce ment foundation, front and back porch, both gas and electric light gas range, gas water heater, wood hoist from basement. Lot 42ix90feet Built two years. Also one five-room modern house and three lots 25x114 feet, full cement basement, bath and toi let Mortgage $1000, 7 percent Price on both houses $5500.00. Would trade this property for wheat land and assume about (2500 indebtedness on land. 10 acres 2 J miles from town; 5 acres cleared; balance slashed about 15 years ago; easily clear ed; 60 cherry trees set last year; other trees and fruit trees; living stream' kept by springs. 1 acre bottom; best of garden land; house 3-room downstairs, 1 room , upstairs; nearly new. Price is $2000. Will trade for small farm here. 40 acres fairly well improved improved in Willamette Valley; psice $4000. Will trade for a small farm in Gilliam county at abont 5000 valuation. Owner will not have objection to going out several miles from town. FRUIT LAND-1000 acres, or sub-divisions thereof, to trade for Gilliam County Wheat Land. Located 20 miles from Vancou ver, Wn., and H miles from RR. station. All divided into 10-acre : tracts with streets. ' Soil is clay- . shot resembling . Hood - River, v Land is sub-irrigated and water ed by many springs. . Timber to be removed by Dec. 81st 1911. Land is practically leveL Price, $60 to $75. 40 acres fairly veil improved in -the Willamette Valley. Price $4000. To trade for a small J farm in Gilliam County. Value -about $5000. The man is a . bachelor and would not mind accepting a ranch about fifteen miles out of. Condon. 480 acres of land lying 41 miles east of Spokane, in the Valley. All under its own- system of ir- . ligation, which is a gravity ditch i taken from LeweOyn creek, a beautiful mountain trout stream. ' The ditch is completed and the water on the land. Two trans continental : railroad lines pass , within li miles. An electric . railroad is also building near at hand. The water right is per petual and the system belongs to " the tract The land is a dark loam and is adapted to raising all; kinds of fruit berries, tomatoes, sugar-beets, hay, etc ' The land lies practically level, consisting of two benches, one a few, feet higher than the other,' affording the most perfect drain age possible.- i , This tract lies in the ,path of , Spokane's greatest development and is just across the line in Ida- ho. Sandpoint is a few miles further east which with itsniills and mines adds to the already ample market for produce in that vicinity. ' ' ' ' Opportunity,; Vera, Greenac res and Otis Orchards are some of the other successful irrigated lands in the Spokane Valley .. whose 'slightly more improved lands are selling from. $400 to $ 1000 per . acre. Our 1 price is $200 per acre. Come to our of fice and see photographs ;of .this irrigated land. We can. trade all or part of the above for . wheat land in this county, y The above property is all alive kndiwe are in a position to make ready ex changes on same for Gilliahi Co. land. GRAVES "&' '.VdSINKE vC3? REAL ESTATE INSURACE . ' CONVEYANCING , Money to Loan on Improved Farm Lands. ''