,1 r 30 1 30C The Spring Work Is On time Is Precious This is the time of the year when your watch should be in good or d er. ' Remember that Williams the Jeweler is the - - place for you to send it for repairs. All work guar- . anteed to give entire satisfaction. Headquarters ; Fop High Grade Watches We are'sole agents for the famous : South Bend Watch, also headquar- ters for the Hamil- - ton, Rockford, Illinois, Howard, Waltham and Elgin." Our prices : .f. on watches are recognized all over ' . this section of ? the state. . We fill orders by mail v prdmptly, and every watch is . guar anteed to, give en , tire satisfac-, f tion. Give us a trial. 7 Williams the Jeweler and Expert Opti cian Condon's Lead- t mg Jeweler. Headquarters For Formaldehijde When you are ready for your Formaldehyde re i.membertheCotidon Drug "Co. has it in stock .ready for you and the price is right . Chloride of Lime Prevent Breed , In a ot Disease -Nowjsthe time of the year when a little Chlor ide of lame properly used on your premises may save you and your neigh bors from some trouble some disease, by exter minating all ' germs Lin your surroundings, and the Condon Drug Co. has ordered a large supply, anticipating the demand. t ; . Prescriptions oT Vital Importance Our prescription depart ment is in charge of Mr. Nicholas Van Slype, for merly 'with Blakely of The Dalles. Mr. Van Slype is recognized as one of the foremost prescrip tion druggists in the Pa cific Northwest,and when you send your prescrip tions to the Condon Drug Co. you are assured of the best drugs that mon ey can buy and also the services of the best doig giston the coast . ywO--'""'''"'''C o CONDON C NATIONAL BANK .im' ill, J Q ra? O CAPITAL STOCK 0 $50,000.00 2 Directors: CEO.B.DUKEK, Pres. A. CREINER. Vlce-Pres. 'GRANT WADE ' WM. WEHRLI E.J.CLOUGH DON'T KEEP YOUR MONEY IN THE HOUSE v IT IS UNSAFE AND WORRIES YOU HAVE YOUR SAVINGS DRAW INTEREST o A LIBERAL RATE ON TIME DEPOSITS o 0 OC30C 0 HIDES. PEHTS AND FURS G. E. TOWNSEND, with Kauffman, Davidson and Sem - mel, will pay the highest price for Hides, Pelts and Furs One Door North of Palace Hotel -. - CONDON. OREGON BABY WEEK May 2-3-4 1910. All babies born since Jan. 1, 1909, are entitled to a cabinet picture of themselves free at our studio on the above dates. Mothers, they can't come alone so bring them in. THE ROLLINS STUDIO - - - - - Condon, Oregon. HATS MADE TO ORDER Old Hats Made Oven Straws cleaned and reshaped. MISS PITTMAN'S MILLINERY 1 ?. 4 mm mm Every day we have the chance to demonstrate the wide differences in clothes the way they are made the materials and lastingness. The best reasons for our growth and standing are found in the satisfaction that SINCERITYflothes give to customers. We wish you would give us the opportunity to show you. We will let the clothes carry the argument. There will be no trouble in a cloth selection. The line is big and varied.- The fit and fitness, and your own judgement, will do the rest WflDE & VEflTCH CO. Clothiers & Furnishers CONDON, OREGON Colby Clarke and his son, El ton, and S. B. Barker made a business trip to Trail Fork yes terday afternoon. Louie Ashenfelter was over from Fossil last Sunday visiting friends in this city. Jack Fisk, of Arlington arrived in this city Tuesday evening. . H. A. Thiessen made a busin ess trip to Arlington Thursday. Card of Thanks We wish to express our sheer est and most heartfelt thanks to those neighbors and friends who so freely gave us their bympa thy and assistance during the dark hours of our bereavement in the loss of wife and mother. P. L. Ham and Daughters. For Sale . A 10-foot Superior Drill in fine running order. Will sell for 40. Call on or address. - LeeShelman, Condon, Oregon. 6-d-7 20 'HOURS - portlagd to $005 Bay Effective Wednesday, May 4, 1910, the Str. "Breakwater' will leave Portland at 9:00 a. m and every five days thereafter, giving a daylight ride down the Columbia and arriving at Coos Bay points next morning. Re turning, will leave Coos Bay points at service of tide Friday, May 6th, and every five days thereafter. Fare from Portland 10.00 first-class; $7.00 second-class,' including meals and berth. For further information, tickets, re S3rvation, sailing dates, etc., ap ply to Agent Ainsworth Dock, C. W. Stinger, City Ticket Agent, or to . Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent. Does your house need a coat of new paint? How about the fence or some of - the farm ma chinery? We have a' complete line of house and carriage naint. raw and boiled linseed oil, white lead, colors ground in oil; also a line of brushes. What do you want? We have it. Arlington Lumber Co. Colonist Travel H.avy Colonist and tourist travel to Idaho, Washington and Oregon has been, is at present and will continue to be greater this season than to the southwest and California,-: as a result of the' effect campaigns carried on by . the various commercial or ganizations in the northwest and the railroads operating in this part of the country. One of the best indications of the healthy condition of the country as a whole is the exten sive travel. On every train there are many travelers, some who are looking for places to settle permanently or make invest ments, and others who are travel ing for pleasure. Both are good indications. All over the east are heard the most favorable reports of the northwestean states, and the town and country districts are attracting the attention not only of prospective homeseekers but capitalists as well. Much interest has been aroused in the fruit in dustry ip the irrigated belts as well as mining, lumbering, stock' raising and other forms of agri cuicure, ana there is everv in dication that the four states will receive hundreds of thousands of new settlers during the next two or three years. Geo Madden of Lone Rock was a Condon visitor this week. Curry, the wireless man. nas- sed through this city Thursday on his way from Fossil to Portland. If you have land for sale, let us find you a buyer. If you want to exchange Eastern Oregon land f cr Western Oregon land or Port land ' city property, we can accommodate you. - We are also agents for several reliable insur ance companies. .Money to loan on improved.farm lands. . J.W. Cochran & Co. , Condon Oregon. Don't overlook the fact that Dunn Bros now have on hand a complete line of wall and A tents. Any size you mav want Dunn Bros have just received a complete line of A tents and wall tents. All sizes and trices. 0 3O0 0 THE S.B.BARKER it WILL CIVE A I T I f r V 3 TRADE Discount For Cash I A Ticket with every Gash purchase. You get the Discount on small purchases as well as large ones. 30-dai account mutt be paid in full on or before the 5th of tach month to get the discount. NO DS VIA TION FROM THIS RULE. THE S.B.BARKER 60. 0 Condon 30 C Oreaon jj : A GREAT PROPOSITION : 5oENT Trade Discount Commencing May 1, 1910, we will give a National Cash Register check with each purchase, regard less of size. Save the checks, we will pay you in terest on the money you spend. To benefit by this offer, accounts must be settled by the first of each month. These checks will be accepted as cash f of anything in the store except repairs on watches and jewelery. Save the checks, same as cash at RED CROSS COMPANY Inc. .JOHN JACKSON CONDON'S LEADING CONFECTIONER CIGARS, CANDIKH, TOBACCOS - NEXT TO POSTOFF ICB You Want to do Well! Whatever you do. You expect to buy HARNESS and SADDLES ( . SOMEWHERE. YOU'LL DO IT AS WELL AS IT CAN EE DONE If you buy Harness, Saddles Chaps, etc., of John F. Relsaohep uonaon - . Oreaon