THE CONDON BLOB! HARTSHORN & HARLAN rbilstira. FRIDAY, APR. 29. 1910. fll'MK'tUITION TRICK, U SB I'KK VKAR. KntorvJ at Poitw-e as secotKMlaes isatter. t-nbltstied Kwrj Friday. At no time in the history of Gilliam County have the grow ing crops looked better than they do as. the present time. All indications point toward a big wheat crop and an era of pros perity for this section of the state but notwithstanding this there are some pestiferous pes simistswho persist in predicting dire calamities. According to these the fall wheat, from.. being a little spotted in places, is sure to amount to nothing. Others are voicing the worn out complaint of drouth when as a matter of fact the ground contains more moisture than ever before at this time of the year. The ones who are raising the howl are, as a mle, those who haven't the in clination to do the necessary amount of proper work on their farms. Gilliam County soil will raise crops if properly farmed, so cheer up, be a "booster" for your county, turn over a new leaf and don't fill the new page with "calamity bowlings" that are nothing but boomerangs. According to Paul Reddington, assistant district forester, , the northwest will be the scene of the greatest activity in the cam paign inagurated by Secretary Wilson, through the forest serv ice, to induce American home seekers to take up homesteads within the national forests in stead of emigrating to Canada. With the idea of promoting settlement, Chief Forester Graves has started on a trip throughout the west The efforts of the bureau will be . centered on western Montana, Oregon, Washington, Idaho,' and" north ern California, as ideal locations for working out homestead plans. The Quarter Centennial of the Oregon Agricultural College will be celebrated Tuesday, June 14. The annual Commencement ex ercises will take up the three days immediatly preceeding this date. Excursion rates of a fare and athirdwill be in operation on all railroads .within the state and special trains will be put on wherever there i3 a demand. A rate of one fare for the round trip will prevail on these trains. A curtain riser of the Census has it that Governor Patterson of Tennessee has pardoned 152 murderers, 108 blind tiger oper ators and 126 carriers of conceal ed weapons, during his term so far. The Governor ought to have an effective, if not a very desirable constituency when he runs for reelection. The Ancient Order of Hiber nians who are to hold their an nual convention in Portland July 19th to 24th of this year say no meeting ever excited such ad vance interest Late advices say Philadelphia County, Pennsyl vania, will send twenty-five delegates, while from the Middle West special cars and even spe cial trains are being planned right now. The exposition fever has at length struck China. At Nankin, one of the oldest cities oPthe 1 flowery kingdom, an exposition t will be held beginning on May 19. The Chinese of the different, pro vinces are taking a keen interest in the projects. - The Oregon State Automobile Association and the Portland Automobile Club are doing a I great work for good roads. Mr. i H. R. Glenn, in charge of the "Pathfinder Car," in company; with Engineer E. Frank, is go- j ingto make a tour of all the: principal roads in Eastern Ore gon. These gentlemen will be in The Dalles on Tuesday andj will map out their trip from; there with the idea of compiling j an accurate road map. Reliable road information in this state is very scarce, and with a good map available tourists' automo biles from all parts of the U. S. will be almost as plentiful on the country roads as in the towns and cjties today. - This new map will show dist- ance between towns, graaes, every turn in the road and odo , . 1 meter reading. Oregon is given first place in the leading article of May "Gar dening". As the magazine ex presses it, "A corner of the Am erican continent which is idt-al for all kinds of roses; and where they excel in beauty anything seen in the world". The author of the beautifully illustrated story is Frederick V. Holman, widely known as a rosarian. Several other eastern mag azines have planned to send statf photographers to the coast this Summer during the height of the rose season and to get pictures of the Rose Festival. Gwendolen Items. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goodwin and Mrs. Reynolds were visiting with Mrs. Osborn Sunday. Albert Lamb was a Condon visitor Sunday. N. Howland and son went to Condon Monday. Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs Wall and children of Condon visited with Mrs. Geo. Lamb Saturday. Mrs. Ernest Ellis and sister Miss Carrie, Fay Adams and sis ter Miss Blanche were visitors on Rock Creek Sunday. Mrs. Lamb and daughter made a trip to Condon Monday eve. Our merchant and P. M. Mr. Witcheyis making some verv substantial improvements in his store and expects to put in a much larger stock of goods for the fall trade. Chas. Wilkins of Clem was a Gwendolen visitor Sunday. Ajax Notes. Miss Lizzie Palmer was a Con don visitor Saturday. Otto Tschauner's parents and sister, of Albany are visiting him at his home in Ajax. N. F. Stanley was a business visitor in Condon last Wednes day. Mr. Orwick and wife, of Con don, have been on their farm in Ajax, for the past week. Harry Palmer was in Condon Monday. Riley Washburn run a rusty nail in his foot, last week while working on the. Orwick farm, and has been in Condon under the doctor's care ever since. Jack Fehrenbacher and wife have moved to a farm in the Phillips neighborhood. R. R. Stanton visited his family in Ajax over Sunday. Charlie Adlard visited at the home of Oscar Maley Sunday. What is the attraction, Charlie? Pius Workinger transacted business in Ajax Sunday. M.L. Frizzell was in Ajax Sat urday. Miss Ethel Burres visited at the home of Mrs. Fred Adlard last Thursday. Treasurer's Notice. All out standing county wts. will be paid upon presentation at my office. Int ceases Mar. 1. J. A. McMokris, ..." Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon Lest You . Forget. Old flowers and straw made to look like new, and chips cleaned by Miss Pitman's new method. r MANUFACTURERS" GREAT SURPLUS BOCK SALE Llbretjf Eilltlmis ut 111 Must IVslreMe books lu the Worl.t at Wholesale Prices Shlpiwl Mm-cl to Yon fnim Fartmy All Trnswrlatlu Ctiantva I'fvnatil Note) Wall Trs Prlcea llui krora Ooth binding I W H W.'Ws first .lArWiin ft ft p Jj OvprTUUrlwtltins'.Siin authors 9U.U1) i swure 43.65 '. wvttf IJ.6S t - w d. 6 S " tiscot 3.6S re - wu' 4.10 9 rrtMM4.IO fvrt lh....Mfr'aT q OR in tu'r. tii.bnli,vl r tut tint Snrnlns Stork and l.trattnt. Kviid lor I ri.tlv Matlvr or OnterSow front this ail KRKK-tiKKAT Or't'KK-FKKK l ClrliT "erlnnelte Hlrtum lllft'tt Fro With Karh book Otter Send OraVrs to FRANK &. GREEN Mmifarlun-rs' sua Ftibllslirrs' broker .M tut 13th Stn.t 1MKTI.ANU, OKK. TUV IT OJs mi g tin Jo LLZl That' tht 4xirt1 tuay to find out ttthtthtr airOtrtltini in thU paptr pay. RAISIN DAY April 30,1910. The above date has been set apart as an annual event by the people of California in which all are asked to join by eating raisins in the form of "Raisin Bread" or in any form that may be desired. The object of this special day is to create a wide spread raisin sentiment that will result in a greater demand for that fruit, and to direct the at ten lion of all good housewives to the excellence of the raisin as an article of food. The good petple of the northwest are in vited by their neighbors' to par ticipate in the pleasant custom and "break" raisin bread on April 30th. - NOTICE TO CHEDITORS In the Comity Court of the State of Oregou, lor Gllllsm County. In the Matter of the Estate oi III Kelzur, Jtcesfteil. Notice is hereby given that-the undersigned by order ol the Comity t ourt of Gllllsm County, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, has been duly appointed executor of the abore en titled estate. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the mme, duly verified, to the undersiKucd at the oflice of D. K. I'arker. at Condon, Urrgon, with in six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 1.1th dny of April, 1110. Henry Stewart, Executor. Don't Scold Your Wife if the stands half the forenoon talking with her neighbor over the back fence. She i merely getting the new. Have the Home Paper eent to her regularly and her hunger for new will be satisfied. Then (he'll have dinner ready on time and your hunger will be atisfied. The 0. K. Shop FRANK GOLDEN, h-oprlotoi Shaving, Shampooing, Hair Cutting Hot and Cold Baths in Connection. One door nortb Uilliam Co. Bank BlOg -We Clean Chips. - Retint old Flowers. Retint old Straw. MISS PITMAN'S Millinery Parlors rrotaMlonal Dirootoru, 1 U TAYLOR. M. D. V. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Priori Six Condon, Oration. Calls answered at all hours. G. W. PARMAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW U. S. COMMISSIONER Careful attrnllim given to nil liuflnt entrusted In my car. Ctmirtr V t Cmnlott, OrvKon. YyOOD. J.F., M. D, Physicians and Surgeons ta anil Ntaht Calls nnuiwtl? answered Ortlee, Heeond floor Hatter Untitling, corner Main and opting atresia. Condon. Oregon j W. DONNELLY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. . Diseusft of II 'omen a SpecutUy. Condon. Ore). B. F. BUTLER DENTIST frown and Rrldiw Work Oneelaltr. oati-e Cpaas'r lu tililnuu Co. Haul Building. Condon. Oration YyAYNEGRIDER AUCTIONKR AND VALUATOR atrlnl all.tilln. U .., 1 fueled. Valuations git. a. OOMOOa. OftlOON 1" A.WEINKE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office) In Old First Nat l Bank Bldir Condon, Oregon. Q J. KAVANAQH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW omee In old First National Hank tlulldliil. Condon t i Oregon CITATION. In the County Court of the mate of Oregon lor Uilliam County. In the matter of the . latent William UlhtKins. Deceased. To Catherine J. gulnn, George (ilhtmtis, Julia James, Minnie tlihladcr. John hort, Jonej h Short, Utile Short, Walternhorl. Kathrjrna lane O'Leary, Theresa llracc (libbona, and Jusiph Hicliard aibhnns, Heirs of William (illibona, Deceased: Ureetlug: In the name of the State ol Oregon, You and each of you are by onlrrol this Court hereby fil ed and required to appear hefure the Judge ol Ibis Court st the Court Room thereof In the Court House at Condon. Ore, on Wednesday the i'iilr ol May, ten o'clock In tlieloreuoou of that day, then and there to show cause, If any you have, why the teal estate belonging to the estate of William (itliboiis, deceased, orao much hereof aa may be necessary to pay the rliidnn against said estate should not be sold by order ofthlsconrt. Thereat estate belonging to said estate Is described as follows, towlt: The HVUj ottheXWi4.and theN)4 of ihe8W; of Section 5; and the ol the UK1, of Hecllon W, In Township 5 South, Kange 20 East W. M. Witness, the Honorable Edward Dunn, Judge of the said Court with the seal of said Court af fixed, this 1.1th day of April, 1D10. IK A I, chas. H. Homer, Clerk County Court, Gilliam County, Oregon. Thlscltntlon is served upon Julia James, Minnie .M hinder, John Bhort, Joe. Short, Mllle Wiort, Walter Short, Kalhryue J. O'l.tary, Theresa (1. Ulbbous, and Joseph Klcliurd (Jibbons, of the sbovc mimed heirs, who are lion-residents ol this state, by publication thereof for four con secutlve weeks ln4he('ondou lilobe, a newspa per Issued weekly at Condon, In Ullliain County Oregon, commencing with the Issue of April 10, 1910, and ending with Ihe Issue of May 1:1, ltilu, pursuant to an order of this Court made and eu lercd herein on the tilth day of April, 1910. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, V. 8. Land Oflice at The Dalles, Oregon, April llth, ltilo. Notice is hereby given that Alexander llanlcy, of l-onernrk, Oregon, who on A prll 18th Hum, made Homstcad. (Herlal No. 0I.IW) No. IMKM lor ESN Vili. WN K'4,N W'4EU!C.a7, T. 6 8. Kange 23 Kast.Wllhtmete Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Ueorge W. Parma!!, II. 8. Com missioner at his office at Condon, Or, on the 17th day of May, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: William M. Stewart, Augusta A. Keel, of l.onerock, Oregon; DnvldMcl. Hurdle of Trail Fork, Oregon, Eugene (J. Selby of Condon, Oregon. C. W.Moork, Register. Notice For Publication. United States Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon, April 7th, 1010. Notice Is hereby given that Augusta A. Meal, formerly Augusta A. Ocbse, of Lone Rock, Oregon, who on April, Stb, 1905, made ilomestead, (Serlah No. 0:i.ll), No. 14338, for K8E,8E'4SWJ4.8eC. 2d, and NKNWJi, riec. 33, Township 6 8. R. 23 East W. M., has filed notice of Intention to make llirsl five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before George W, Herman, United States Commissioner, at his of fice at Condon, Oregon, on the 17th day of May, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Clara Ochse. William Stewart, Alex II an ley, of Lone Hock, Or., and Dave Hardle, of Trail Fork, Or. C.W.Moore, Register. CONDON AMUSEMENT HALL TOBACCOS CIGARS CAXDIKS- An ii'iiii'fiiif tfX'rt n't h Ion me invitol h jt'.W fl ki"tit hour MXnTSTR E Elf: CONDON SAMSON WIND MILLS Am ft", t "s " ' s i?' tw sm .r M IS" 'W"V 'T Vw as wUril.y.l es jb." . v.-rav,.hv,4watt .MrMtatalV' T WW 1 innnjmrvivAnnvuvvvvrxnftrviAAnjviftr isS . First National Bank i? Condon, Oreaon t; I DIRF.CT0IIS: S. 11 BnrkiT, Jay Kowcrmnti, S J. F. Rcisachor, C. O. PortwothJ 't. Wclnli, t F. M. l'liter. &v.vVsVv.v.VsV.VsV.VsV.v.VsV.v.v.VsvV:vt'i i..,l,..un. j.nai 'i sii 1 " u ' r.3gtajja;M il ftjTW'. iITilffi?)J5. '.$ 'A mmph Oregon Sijoitline ad union Pacific 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY TTirongh rnllman itandard and tour Itt tleeplng can dally to Omaha, Chi cago, f pokane; touriat ileeping car daily to KaniM city ; Diroogli 1'ullinan tourist ileeuing can (Dereoiially comluctedi weeny to Chicago, rrclinlng chair aars iaeau brea) to the Eaat daily. LOW RATES I Tlcketa to and from all part ol the United Btatea, Canada and Kurope. Far particular! call on or adJresi D. TIERNEY, Agent s s.1 . PLENTY OF (WATER I la absolutely neces jg eary to carry on t; s ranch work. :: :: I H.H.WILBURNI 8 Has had 18 years experience jgj in procuring water for the g $ farmers, and has now two J '4 machines at work in this t county. If you need a good "-! iiiiu at, uiicc on 0. R. 0's. & CONDON BRANCH No. 17 Leaves Condon 8:30 a. m. Arrives at Arlington 11:10 a. m. No. 18 Lvs. Arlington 1:45 p. m. Arrives at Condon 5:00 p. m. inU.lAHDh 10)1. CLVD iWUXi, JAMIESON & MARSHALL ttiMHiN. i:un. Kariutina S4( "i Ai l siMia or Hirrn MMiiesiM, A)'ni Hiimpson Witulmllls, Agents rlihaiilis-Morse i.asoltMe Kiiutues, Hf llsliefnie tin) llg rl.l-wliet. A Sptcndid OvrraH for every use. Cut jrrt.ifv.u6 ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled teams. Continuous fly. leUialtfit'tVi. EvsrnY.cutitca pnocunto no errcNDto. ismxIhwhi MM .!!.), h., tu WM4I-I UNlrltlff. Mftlf HMSOA BrrtsUts. o, mi COUNTttHS, ffmlmH A'fi Stf.vs time, tmntrt Urfhmt, stent isd lafrlngsmsflt Fntllcs tsclutlraty. WrtW or C".iti t. w m4 IU auuk IKM, at... VsIM lutas Mae ease, WBMIr,TOM, D. C. ty OVEn 03 CAB! 'rr CofvrttaT Ad fl'lifklr MrnrlAlii our hchhmii fton ((( Utr hivfttn lull in Drsthnliiv tint(;i ,i''to I'liiiiiiitittt ltnnntfio(ltri.,iin.i'Hltli, HftltllliliO. lilll'nlfl; llt fltMl, 4)Mtfl)t DlMMM t" tr ' Ulltiil IHalnltl tpt-tiiiitkt4. VtUUitutvhnrea. liitliti ScicutifEc Jlr.:cri:aii. rttlnlioit at fittr . u "illl I .itnutl, h iun . I i I & CO 30IDrod.r. Maw YO lirnuct. ontuu, tft V tU VtuMuKuit, D.t. a"a.Jj prnmtly I'Hnltir.l m M roiMitftr- ot ti Ftf, TIADCMARK . 1 s isinl I in.ui i.ilii rs'iMB ri'imri oti i"Hct,ilunv. AIL BURiNr. ftTftiGTUT ConriociiriAL, I'ulrtll uravuuuo tU' hiivviy, Miitft)tiK r-tt rK i . . KlfolWUhO iUVtttlU.IH KhtHlitl Ji.iVflUtl tlAtlfl. I v,'iti.MuiMii.iT.Mi'.r ii'if.'i:ij, .riin'r.i;'.itilirr IKIok tiltlilMi- III oItI Unisiut kH ,1,1, D. SWIFT & CO. Seventh St., W.wM.inton, D. C. J.W.BURN Box Ball Alleys and , Cigar . Sto: Cozy Club Room in Cnnnrrfi SUMMIT ' STREET, CONDq C IWf0LL docs PLUMB! H In all Ife lintnrhic ass uii I vo ui iktiviiuo Opposite Dunn Dros. tor mmansr pmrsqr tftrmmvrf i SSI sWs.lsa'i.a&.eiarstar, m.. .M i 1 1 B.'.X'TTCa! II