PRACTICE GAME SPECIAL EASTER Classified Advertising PLAYED SUNDAY for tale. Trade, Wanted, Lost, found, fttraued, ttolen and All Notloos SERVICES SUNDAY Local Player3 Show Poor Form - C. Fitz maurice Hurt. A practice game of lose ball was played Sunday afternoon on tho Condon Turk grounds be tween two chosen local teams. Very little good playing was done by either sidti and altogether it was a tame a flair with the ex ception of a stunt pulled oft by Chus. Fitzmaurice and John Magee. Fitzmaurice, catcher for one of tho teams, in going back after a foul tip, collided heavily with Magee, ho was also after the ball, and in some 'ivetl tho full fnrrn nt (K im. V directly in tho face. lie nmediately taken to Dr. m office and it was found that his tiosu was bioken. The fracture wa reduced and he it getting along nicely. , W G. Keys yoy over from Mayville Mondays " C A. Lewis and Frank Lewis of Mikkalo were in this city on Monday. " Fred Winterstein was over from Mayvillo Monday. He is one of the proprietors of the confectionery of that place. Kilts Schomp was over from Mayvillo on Monday to attend the Demonstration Train. A. M. Smith was in this city on Monday from his ranch near Mayville. If you have anything to trade exchanger rentor sell, see to it that you use The Globe Wants.' Special Mass Render ed -Sermon By Rev. O'Rourke. Special services in observance of Easter were held at the Cath olic Church, last Sunday and the chapel was filled to capacity. High Mass was rendered. An eloquent sermon appropriate to the day was delivered by Rev. Father O'Rourke. He spoke on Christ's victory over sin and showed how everyone should as much as passible foilow the ex ample set before them. Another special feature was the work of the choir in rendering Water man's Mass inG. Solos by the Misses Marie Summers, Rose Wehrli, Mrs. Edward Dunn and Messrs. Graves, Kavanagh.Haz en and Burns. The chorus was exceptionally well rendered. We are agents for the best Tailor made clothes in the world. Wade Si Veatch Co's. 0. A. RaUton was over from Mayville Monday attending the experiments shown by the Dem onstration Train. The Hotel Oregon has the most up-to-date service of any hotel in the county. Unsurpass ed dining service. Mrs. Wm, Langhauscn left on Tuesday morning -train for Boise, Idaho for a prolonged vis it with friends. ; Most obliging clerks in town at Wade & Veatch Co's. Anyone wishing to -rent the skating rink Siiould see Frank White who is in charge. Chi.8. Hein of Mayville was in this cfty on Monday. Mr. Hein is one of May ville's enterprising farmers and was here to profit by the demonstrations shown by the scientific farmers from tho Oregon Agricultural Collge. . ? Carl Balding who has been siting friends in Condon for the past week returned to his home in Portland Monday. Harvest suitcases and teles Copes at Wade & Veatch Co's. Mrs. Welsh returned Monday after visiting with her daughter at Arlington for a few days. The most complete line of working clothes in town at Wade & Veatch Co's. S. S. Grider who has been in Portland for a few days looking after business interests returned home Monday evening.. . . Most complete line of dress shoes in the city. W&V Co's. J. L. Hughes left on Tuesday morning train for Pendleton from which place he will ship his stock and farming implements to Alberta. Mr. Hughes has pur chased a large ranch in the Al berta country and intends to plow it this spring and prepare it for fall sowing, His family will remain in Condon during the summer. Congregational Church Services. Morning Services - 11 a. m. Sunday School - ' 10 a, m. Junior Endeavor -, 3 p. m. Christian Endeavor . 6:30 p. m. Evening Services - 7:30 p. m. All are invited to attend. Catholic Church Services 9.42 A. M. - - Sunday School 10.30 A. M. Mass and Sermom 7.30 P. M. - Rosary Instruction and Benediction. VUIIODK ISLAND HMD KGGS With Brown LBthorn Croat .; t'OU HALH AT l.r.O I'KU HBTT1XO V 18 2 ; Bring your Hides, Pelts and Furs to me . B.O. IC. TCWNSKNO . . . ' One Door North ol falace Hotel . . . CONDOM. OREGON BROWN LEGHORN EGGS (Full Blood) $1.00 per setting SEE FRED WOMACK OR CALL AT BAKERY s G O T No.-. 2 6318. Registered PERCHERON Stallion, Gray in color and we1yh$ ?,00;pounds. - Witl ttdnd the season qf April 1 to July l at Condont excejit one day of each week, Tuesday, when he will be found n 't the. Cha. Gardner ranch on Matney Flat. TERMS zinnia Si.riiLra $ 10. wilh urivilene of one return. .;. Season S15. If mares change hands or are tahn from county all service fees are due and must he paid at once. .--, , : JAMES ROGERS, Keeper.! All drtrtlilni ran attdtr tbU ku) will li cbttiad 4 lb nt vf l ful Hut lot Ibtlnl Itnt ni t pr lint lor tack ueotntr Ihm. TO PURIFY THE WATER x E. MAGEE, THE PLUMBER, has received a consignment of the Hygienic Water Filters, for which he is agent, in two sizes from 75 cents to$1.2S each. Fits any faucet Highly recom mended by the medical profes sion for hospital and homes. Now, that the warm weather is aDproachincr. causing tha impur ities in the water to increase, it is the time to place them in your home. Notlc to Cltlzont. All property .owners are, re quested to clean up their proper ty and put it in a sanitary condi tion. J. W. Donnelly, Mayor. For Sale. Anyone wishing to purchase baled straw will call at A. Dams Livery Barn. FOR SALE OR TRADE One thoroughbred Norman Percheron Stallion weighing a bout 1800 lbs; color, dapple grey. Will sell cheap or trade for young horses.' - O. L. Belshe, Moro, Oregon. Found A pocket book containing a small sum of money and a key. Owner can have same by calling at this office and proving proper ty. . For Sale. A 12 Guage, Winchester re peating shot gun, in best of con dition,, with leather case. .Guar anteed to be a first class gun, Cheap. Call at this office. Rolled wheat and oats mixed for feed; and oats for seed or feed for sale, Terms: Cash. In quire of G. W. Parman, Condon, Oregon. FOR SALE-One fullblooded male Scotch Collie pup 4 months old. Four young light Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels. W. L Ebbert, Condon. Notice. ' I will hold a public sale of horses at Hire's Livery Barn on Saturday, April 2nd. All of my horses will be sold. F. M. Springston. Notice. Strayed or stolen from near Gwendolen on March 19th, 1910, the following described animals: One pinto pony weighing about 800 lb, branded 2L; one bay mare with white foot, 8 years old, will weigh 1100 lb, branded JLB con nected, one 1200-lb, 8-year-old gelding, bay with white spot in face, branded JF. Mrs. M. J. Lynch will give a liberal reward to anyone for the return of these animals. Highest Market Price Paid , For EGGS In Trade HOME BAKERY For Good Things to Eat T n FOR SALE OR TRADE It will pay you to inves tigate these Listings An 80 acre relinquishment in the upper Hood River Valley. The land is unimproved, brush and timber, some of it is waste. There is a safe margin of 60 ac res of as good orchard land as there is in the valley. Unclear ed land about the same distance from Parltrinla haa nnld tnr t9firt c Ainu uatk jo a I uuies south of the new terminus of theMt Hood R. R. It is under the "Middle Fork" irrigation ditch. Last year main tainance fee was 11.75 per inch. Plenty of spring water. This tract must be lived on 5 years. Will trade above for an equity in wheat farm. Would prefer crop payment contract "" A comfortable 3-roonr houseH and one-half acre of land in Con don. Price $450. Terms. . v One 7-room house in Portland. Two stories, with basement ce ment foundation, front and back porch, both gas and electric light gas range, gas water heater, wood hoist from basement Lot 424x90 feet Built two years. Also one five-room modern house and three lots 25x114 feet full cement basement bath and toi let Mortgage $1000, 7 per cent. Price on both houses $5500.00. Would trade this property for wheat land and assume about 12500 indebtedness on land. 165 acres of land on" electric line near Portland. Ail can be platted. 40, 000 per day cap acity brick plant Railroad siding on land, gravity loading system, wood enough on land to run plant 20 years or' more. The plant consists of 50 h. p. engine, boil er, brick machine, dirt cars, tracks, dry floor, brick cars, gravity roller brick 'carrier and all necessary tools. An unlimit ed supply of clay for brick or tile. Price $35000. Mortgage $9000. Trade for wheat land. - FRUIT LAND-1000 acres, or sub-divisions thereof, to trade for Gilliam County Wheat Land. Located 20 miles from Vancou ver, Wn., and If miles fromRR. station. All divided into 10-acre tracts with streets. Soil is clay shot resembling Hood River. Land is sub-irrigated and water ed by many springs. Timber to be removed by Dec. 31st 1911. Land is practically leveL Price, $60 to $75. New brick apartment house lo cated close to business centre of the City of Spokane. Price, $35000. Mortgage $10000. To trade for Gilliam County wheat land, not heavily encumbered. Monthly rental now is $342. This" property is very good value and is sure to double, being in the path of the city's greatest devel opment 480 acres of land lying 41 miles east of Spokane in the Valley. "All under its-own system -of ir- . ligation, which is a gravity ditch taken from Lewellyn creek, a beautiful mountain trout stream. . The ditch is completed and the water on the land. : Two trans- continental railroad lines pass within li miles. An electric railroad is also building near at -hand. The water r right is per- , petual and the system belongs to the tract The land is a dark loam and is adapted to raising all x kinds of fruit, berries, tomatoes, sugar-beets,' hay, etc " The land lies practically level, consisting of two benches, one a ' few feet higher than the other, affording the most perfect drain age possible. , This tract lies In the ' path of Spokane's greatest development and is just across the line in Ida ho. Sandpoint is a few miles further east which with5 its mills and mines adds to the ' already ample market for produce in that ' vicinity. . r Opportunity, ' Vera, Greenao'" res and Otis Orchards 'are some of the other successful irrigated land3 in the Spokane Valley whose , slightly more improved lands are selling from $400 to $1000 per acre. Our i price is $200 per acre, y Come to our of fice and see photographs of this irrigated land. We can tiftde all or part of the above for yheat, land in this county. GRAVES & '"WEINKE G? REAL ESTATE INSURACE CONVEYANCING