Gwendolen Items It is snowing? hard at this writing and nas Deen coming down for five hours. It makes the ranchers smile all over. William and Henry Fehren- ANGER IS DANGEROUS. h WrMki th Whole System ana I . Tende te SheMea Life. U la well known that a violent (It of tamper effects the heart Instantly, and pa.Tf bopbrsklats hat dlsroTvred tb , bacher played for a dance twenty- TfDf ot ln h bJ iimue- - , . n . . 4 i Miinj aim mi mmin, x uim ti u venules up jvjck threes; last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Osburn went ' to Condon the first of the week to lay in supplies for the winter. J. B. Lester, who lives in the plalna why wt wt to depressed. . bausted and nervous after any atom of passion worry, JrtuT or rrvenje naa twfin tnrourn tut mind, it left In Ite wake vk-kua mental poison and ether harmful eerretlona lo the brain and blood. ' There la 'no constitution ao itrooa northern part of the county ; was bt t wui ultimate) succumb to th o V,,Y MOf . . onatant racklnf and twisting of th Mr. Garrish came up from Rock Creek Wednesday and got I Z7'Zr a supply of wood. Mr. a H. Guild Everything In yo rebela against pae- alon atorma; every mental faculty pro- testa against their abase. If people only . reallttd what havoc Indulgence Id , hut temper playa In ine snow nas reacnea a aeptn they could only we with the phyaical came down from Condon on business Wed' nesday. of fourteen Inches here. Alike isukeK or Mayville is a Condon visitor today. at ' Frank Bennet who has been in charge of the Arlington Lumber eyea the damage done aa they ran ee what followe in the wake of a tornado, they would not dare to get angry. when the brain cella are overheated from a Ot of temper their efficiency la aerloualy impaired. It not absolutely ruined. The preaenre of the anger po on. the ahock to the oervoua system. . n what makea the victim ao exhausted and demoralised after loaa of self con- Co's. warehouse at Roosevelt Wash., arrived in Condon last! trol.-Orlaoo Bwett ttardeu in Socceea evening and will work for the Magaain THE BACK OF THE NECK. Make H Proef Against Draft Celda In the Head.. "Whed I waa a boy," aald a doctor. "I didn't bellera In drafts. I thought I same company in this city. Edwin Goles, while beating his way over the 0. R. & N, last Monday was kicked off the train at Heppner Junction and com pelled to walk to Arlington. " On "y wkh0 'T!"1 ,i , . - .1 wviar Buavaa. o vue i.vv vsailrC'- reaching that point he was found night at concert I felt all the even to oe in a deplorable condition. In Krone draft on the back of my, fpAt wore frr.- hnA it i. neck- " strong It reaembled a mm aw I mntstlm mnmn, ataaLrt t a. ma.. probable it will be necessary to aeit wi! e if thia draft wiu giT amputate both legs below the rouratmiya com." tie aouaoerea. "For a week." he aald. "1 waa laid np with ao Til cold that I couldn't breathe save' with my month open. And now I am aatiailed that nine out lit ar.r, tan Julj1a bm anlatw rflu A a uiKenin cnarge oy JUQge LMte draft on the back of the neck. and sent to the sanatorium. Goles ' kD0W bow to prevent ancb cold. uence i may practically aay that I know bow ta prevent all colda. It la a tact that none of my patient, thaokej to my method, know what cold la. "They learn from me to do this to knees. Seeing his desperate condition the city marshal of I Arlington purchased him a ticket to The Dalle3 where he was is said to be the son of Connecti cut capitalist -T-JournaL John Madden, Jr., of Lone Rock, Who is attending the Wash- bathe the back of the neck e-ery, morning In cold water. Thus the spot uecomea hardened. It become draft proof. And when a new patient, peculiarly sensitive to colda, rlslta me. my pecuU lar treatment ta to blow on the back of bis neck with a bellow for several j ington State College at Pullman, has sent his father John Madden who is living in this city a post al photo of himself in the uni form of the college band. John, jr. is playing tne Clarinet and daya in succession. The bellows, in, making good all around at the KnjBDCtIoa.wltB the icy douche, frees .it tt ; ii j Mm from' all future susceptibility. College. He IS m the Second Thenceforth hla winter pasa without jrear vi a seven year course along I tnat noma winter peat, a baa eoiL-"i- agricultural lines. At the S. B. Barker Co''a. for the stun of one dollar,' you "can buy enough good wall paper for an average size room. Now is the time to re-paper your house. 25c to 60c values for 5c and 10c. Miss Florence Charnley of Portland arrived in White Sal mon on Wednesday to take a position in the Enterprise office, says the White Salmon Enter prise. ' Miss Charnley, nas many friends in Condon, having been employed over a year in The Times office while E. Curran of this city was editor. New Orleans Times-Democrat. Sheriff Sale. Notice b hereby sireo that an execatlon snd orrter of tale wst tamed oat ot the Circuit Coart of ttie Siate of Oregon, Gillian Coast?, on the I2th aay dfJanoary, 1909, a poo a decree therein resdered on the 4th day of Janaarr. 190), ln favor of Gtoorse L. Pbilllpa, plalnUS, and agalntt i. u smitD, u;ia w. bmlt!:, naiband and wife. M. L. Hmlth, W. a. Moore and H.A.Moore, doing btuineat under the Arm name and style of Moore Bros., andAnguata Falmer, AdmlnUtratriz el tha estate of John Falmer, deceaied, defendant, which aald ezecation and order of sale it to me directed and commanding me to tail the prop erty hereinafter described, for the purpoa of aaUifying Ibe Judgement of the plaintiff in said eauie for the ram of Five Tliouand, Foot Hun dred and fifty and no-100 Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of per centner annam from the IMth day of January 1907, Ma 1300.00 attorney fees, and trie costs and diibnnements of said suit taxed t Therefore, in compliance with said execution and order of sale, I will on Monday, the 15tb day of February, 1909, at the hoar of J o'clock P.M., at the Court House door in Condon, Oil Ham County,Oregon, sell at public auction to the higheat bidder for caah ln hand, for the purpose of uuiifylpg the Judgment and decree above mentioned, the following described real eatate . to-wlt: The 4 of the KWJ, and the NWJi of the NW(4ana;t.heN!,i of the Vi of Sec. Thlrtit two (3Z) Tpwnihlp one (I) South of Binge Twen ty-two -M- K. W. M.i 8E!4 of the 8WI4 of Sec tion Thlrur-two -32 Township One i South of Kange Twenty-two -2i Jt. W. M.i NE4 of ' Colored Preacher' - Txt. A colored man In Atlanta, Ga., la a preacher on Sunday and a barber on week ' daya. One of bis customers make It a rule to be first In tbe chair on Monday morning;, wben be Is sure of being; entertained by a resume of 'Uncle Rastoa' " Sunday dissertation. At night the family alway looked for tbe latest from tbe colored brother. This waa one of his recent effusion: ''Yesterday I took for my text. 'Clean liness am next to godliness, and 1 .dun reach my climax - wld- dts argu ment: 'Now, what day follow Sun day! Why, Monday. Monday la wash day in all. well ref lated fam- bliea. Monday come nex' to Bun- day; ao. my bredden, that settles it that tbe word of my tex' am true. "Cleanliness am nex' to; godliness." Chicago Record-Herald. 1 Tee Muefc Quiet. On one occaaionivtbe bustling and energetic archbishop . of York, Dr. aiaciagan, wrotav to the vicar ln an outlying Til lag uggestlng that be ahould lend hla church for tbe purpose of glring the clergy of the district a "quiet day" for meditation and frater nal reunion, The witty Tlcar of tbia aleepy bamlet In- the wolda promptly replied: , Mr Dear Lard Archblahas Tour varr kind letter to hand. But what the people In this Tillage want most In their spiritual U ta not a "quiet day," but aa earth auaa. .... London Standard. An Appeal For Mercy. 'Judge," aald the prisoner, "I sup pose you're going to soak me." , . iou are a naDituai offender," re- i plied the Judge; "were caught with the etolen goods, and' the court will bare to do It painful duty." "I don't want to seem unreasonable," replied tbe prisoner. "I don't mind long sentence. I'm used to It - But aay. Judge, cut ont the lecture that usually goe with It, won't yon." rniladelpbla Ledger. The Brute, . "Yea, thl room la dark, damp and posinreiy vninnabltable. : It la son. u. ainy-uue-.ij- iownanipone piiea tor your wife' mother. If she baa I Sontl) of Kange Twenty-two 22 E. w. I one " I'll take tbe flat."Boaton M. ; N WW of the 8KW of Section Thirtr-two Towntbip One 1 Boath of Kange Twenty two -22- E.W.M. ; 8i of the 8E'4 and tbe N 01 uw orty of Section Thirty -ao fn Township One l I Houth of Range Tweuty-two a East of the! Willamette Meridian: sitaated In Gilliam Coanty, Oregon. Datelahii 14th day of January, Ufa). K. M. Kooiss. Sheriff of Gilliam Connty, Oregon IWt 01 fm Publication, Janaary litb, )9Qg. bate of Last Publication, February 12th, lo. "She ha. Trareler. An Old Timer. ' "He' an old newspaper man." "About how oldr "Well, ho can remember wben they I only Issued extra when aomethingl nsppenea." iulSTlIle Courier-JounuL Europe is lean large a Alia. than one fourth aa I ? I How About Yoiirp Kenneth Welshons and wife came up from Clem Wednesday I renin,? to spend a few days with the Utters Barents. Mr. and Mrs. Al Searcy of thia city. " Fred Ball and Ed Reynolds (came in from the south veater- . w day afternoon with a fine band of cattle which they shipped to Portland this morning:. F. W. Carothers. a vounc man I who has been having his eyes treated for some time bv our lo. cal experts, returned to his home at Kock Creek yesterday morn in. C N. Smith, travellinjr airent for the Holt Manufacturim Co. arrived in Condon lost evening I to look after the'eompany'a in- teresta in thia vicinity. . Hartman-Trlmb! At the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Trimble in South 1 Condon on last Sunday took place a pretty wedding when their daughter, Misa Bertha was mar ried to E. H. Kartman of this city. Only a few relatives were present to witness tht cere pony conducted by Rev. Murphy of the : Congregational church, after which a wedding dinner was served. The young people are both well known in thia city and vicinity where they have lived for a num ber of years, the bride betas the daughter of one of the oldest pioneer families of this county. The "newlyweds" left Monday for a honeymoon trio after which they will be at home on their ranch a few miles from thia city. i uwiatjw inryuwvrfi uvuuinwuuuu w NOTICE! Premier and Olympic Flour Delivered to any part of the City at 1 $4.50 per bbl. : Mall or phone uour order at once and lake aavaniaa& of thia ithftrai nffti uirtr. . - SAIkMflOv ALL SHOT TO PIECES I PRICES ON GROCERIES AT CLEM. Ore. A good place to buy your Winter Underwear. Coats, Lined Jumpers, Over Shoes. ; Once a customer, always a customer. Jost & Phillips Clem, Oregon aaMis UB1 MaaajlM aawa the rssiws a aala "aasar fe Wst RCVICW Of RCVICW .aw.. -) ALL FOR UNSCT MAOAZINK . . 1.IOV WOMAN'S NO MK companion sO.UU ANB FREE rm -jib rn.B, tw. HfeHI wMkattWe 8 0 N ?-TnTtrm. fninn-.1 1 N C V EDDON & HARRISON MEAT MARKET - 1 Freih and Cured Meats, Beef, 'f Pork, Mutton and Aeal A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED CaeMSytiaaajaOraieaStraeaa CONDON, OREGON I 1 I Give Us a Chiance The GLOBE PRINTERY SAMSON WIND HULLS JAMIESON & MARSHALL itf. for the mi fa 11 ad sua aM.. ! irtaamats art Saaklaa auLkat.l 'y an iM-MwjroWmMli-tu, tha. w aiUrZruil. 'aura. tv.itX.i.ffi: antf MS &M. ' MNITARY fkUMBERl tXJNDON, OHEQON. . i : t on ai Kirroa or : WAT MYBTBlKa. Afsnli Sampton WlnHmilU. Agents Falrbanki-Mons Oaaollns Rntlnes. ito aibefor bHrltif slaewhsr. U - 30C 30C THE BANK S A LOO H , u Ceo. Wasson, Proprietor. Finest 6f,.Wjoes, Llquo and Cigars Fresh -"BftAr a I OARO ROOM IN OQNNEOTIOrH 0 O