A CP u i A m n n i h n n ftp nnKWt i t n p Art UWCftAAAf UlAfttAAAAAAA A1 c PPVOflM Largest Primnrv !&iefjjr. c uj.ii the ulobe. inenews- c ,iLftU iest and fxt advertis- c i ing Medium in Gilliam county k MWBA s. - . J UUHJUil ,',.. S Point in th. United, States amrru vruvyvn n an n nrw nrtnn uv THE GIL.L.IAM COUNTY "BOOSTER" VOL XVI II. CONDON, OkK(JON. FHIDAV. JANUARY 8. 100. NO. 42. MM n We n $15,000.00 -COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL SI " , , County Court Votes a 3-Mill Levy for County High ' School Purposes, $20,000.00 Great Build ing Activity Assured During 1909 Modern Hospital and Additions to Present Build .ings Will Be Erected as soon as Possible. ml " til ! - J i'. 1 - U.I 1 118 year law la uesunfu iu ub a year of progress and building activity for the Wheat City. Already have the plana been made for the erection of several new buildings and other build ings will bo enlarged, while the County Court, will erect the High School building as was de cided yesterday afternoon. The court levied three-mill tax for the purpose of building the high school, thus establishing a fund of $20,000.00. from which $15,000.00 will be used in erect ing a beautiful two story brick building, ' the remainder to be UHed for purchasing a building site, and paying running ex penses, teachers' salaries, etc. Although the court has not gone so far as to decide the location of the school, it is believed it will be placed in the northeast part, of the city. Dunn Bros. ' have already signed the ' contract for the building of another story on their brick block.' J. N. Uayliss, who is erecting the St -Thomas ENTHUSIASTIC "BOOSTER'S" MEETING In spite of the snow storm which kept the principal speaker, Tom Richardson of Portland, as well aa many people from differ ent sections of the county, from gathering at the court house on Wednesday evening, a most en thusiastic "booster meeting" was held by a few of the loyal supporters of - the , experiment station. Gathered in the corner of the big room, hugging the stove to keeepwarm, were several mem bers of the executive committee and members of the Gilliam County Improvement League, who at once proceeded to busi ness upon the .arrival of Secre tary Horner who had letters re ceived since the last meeting. It was reported that all peti tions sent out were well filled with the names of taxpayers, showing that the majority were in favor of a tax levied by the county court for the purpose of purchasing necessary land for the experimental farm. Many letters were read containing of fers of suitable land, price rang ing from ten to twenty-seven dollars per acre. Others wished to rent, while some were willing to turn land over free of charge. Since such enthusiastic inter est is being demonstrated for the securing of Ihe farm and the short amount of time before the session of legislature, those pres ent upon the suggestion from Representative Mariner's letter passed that the executive com mittee see that a clause, author izing the county court to make a tax levy up to $10,000.00 for . the purpose of purchasing station site, be amended to the bill to be presented at thfa session. :": Upon the motion of Chas II. Williams, it was unanimously voted that a person be named by by the executive committee to secure options on suitable land along the railroad from Harnett to Gwendolen, from which the state committee could select The local committee is now in possession of some good options and offers for the farm sites but the work of securing more op tions will be carried on so as to be able to offer the state author ities the best location possible for the experiment station. ' Other business taken up was the petition to Congress asking for a reduction of the duty on grain bags. The petition shows that our farmprs are paying ljc duty on each grain bag used. Many ranchers have already placed their name on the paper. Academy expects to begin the work as soon as the weather per mits. The improvements will mean an .expenditure of $5,000. The growth of business enjoyed by this firm necessitates the re modelling of the lower floor, while a new front with lower show windows will transform the building . into most roomy and comfortable quarters. In' all probability Condon will, during the summer, see a mod ern $(1,000 hospital erected. Dr, Wood, who is contemplating this move, is receiving the support of many residents, ko that it is al most an assured fact that a two story framo building, with eight sick rooms, the doctors office, nurse's rooms, housekeepers' rooms, etc., will be Condon's newest building. Jo!?9 Jackson, Qoijdors " Confttfioir 2 Claar. Candles. Tobaccos JwnruvtriAnrirLruinjmannAAninit COUNCIL CAREFUL IN SELECTING MAINS A short session was that of the regular monthly business meeting of the city council on Monday evening, although some very important business was transacted. All , councilmen and city officers were present except Councilmen Scott and Hire. ; The first matter to be taken up was the reading of Ordin ance ,' No. 45, for. the sale of the greater part of the city ranch, 214.28 acres. This ordinance was. passed and bids will be received on : tho land at the council rooms. Bills for the month of Decem ber amounting to $286.35 were ordered paid. Mr. Fish, representative; of Crane & Co. "who handle water rirjes. was present with a bid for supplying water mains from the reservoirs to north Mam street. about 6150 feet..; The pipes will be of the best, so as to last steel v 8 inch lapwell, screwed or corked joints, to be covered with an alka li-proof coating. Another meet ing was called Tuesday but as there was not a quorum present Beii) flew Vear Ityt 1 1 Quit Drinking ! Poop Colfeo And drink instead Chase & San born's Seal and you will thank us for good advice. Come in. We want your business and will serve your right in'every respect. We keep in stock everything that is good to cat that can be had, and at reasonable prices. nothing definite was done. The contract will no doubt be given on next Monday. It has been estimated that the mains would cost approximately five thousand dollars and if ordered now would arrive here sometime in February, The council ex pect to have tho new mains put into place early in the Spring. Report of General Fund, July 1st 1908 to January 1st 1S09. Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1909 I -r $2905.72 Receipts Water rents - 3,402.86 Licences , - ' " " 1463.00 Sidewalk - - - 45.00 Fines - ; .... . .. . 233.00 Taxes from County Treas. 6S0.27 Cash from A. Schilling 1065.73 m HOME BAKERY AND GROCERY For prices call and See us. Total - $6889.86 Disbursementts Redeemed Warrants - 2945.11 Express - - - 2.25 Stamps - - 10.00 Telegram .:- - "1.85 (Continued on Page 6) Test Your i Eyes Free of Charge Reisaoher Harness and Saddles Made In: CONDON Sold and used Everywhere 1 J. F. REISAGHER I ru;njuirinjjvtfiruuuu'vuTJTJt. innm When we isy test we mean test. We don't bang a ft card on the wall and guess, ft or ll you guefs, atthe glass you need. We have four infallible methods to determine the condition of your eyes. We have num erous patients who were improperly fitted else where, after paying a big price .for a rough guess. With the system' we use, Bt i ' :' - - ajl jwissibility of error is entirely eliuiinated. Corue in and let us prove to you that we can make good our statements. We will con- I 0 Bsuler it a favor if you will fi allow us to demonstrate y 0 to you the correctness of our method by giving you a thorough examination free of charge. W!LLIflM3'JEWELER Expert Optician This Space Belongs .... I: . to WILLIAMS THE and JEWELER EXPERT OPTICIAN PAULING & KBENE, Watchmakers Jewelers Opticians Condon, : Oregon Can You Improve this i Prescription? Sarsaparilla Root - Chittim Bark . . , Juniper Berries Sassafras Bark Buchu Leaves , Oregon Grape Root Senna Leaves These are the active ingredients in Pauling's Improved Blood Piirifipr and Kidney and Liver Regulator; the medicine that stimulates and invigorates the entire 'system, bi'ouipts the appetite and aids ui gestion. It renews your lease on life. Trice $1.00. : HERMAN W. . PAULING Manufacturing Pharmacist, CONDON, OREGON. A A. eft m t. m m m m - m 3 w nniinnri nmiP nn z.s. uu.fuuii unuu uu SOAP Wre have the agency for Condon and vicinity for Dmtm't Smoth Shin Soap Denton's Shampoo Soap Denton's Carbolic Soap This Soap sel'3 for 15c a bar or 40c a box. Don't you think this is better than paying 25c a bar for soap that is not any better, perhaps not as good as Denton's? flik tor a Sample Bar Condon Drug Company fftO it1 o Condon National Bank o CONDON . LORD PresiJenl GEO. B. VUKEK Vks resident 8201 ORKCON filllllltt apltal F. r. HURL Cmhitr . Stock J0 ,000. , XVK RECEIVE the accounts of Firms, Corporations and Individuals, and return to our depositors every accommodation within . . . - the limits of Prudent Banking. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIMS DEPOSITS. - Our Safe Deposit Department has just beeii installed the only anfe place for your valu- 1.1 . D ..J L .1 ...... nuio jinpoi j- uuacb iineu oy mo year. . 0 I5S nnjvvuruiruirtrijuinjinnnririnj rnn NOTICE ! Premier and Olympic Flour Delivered to any part of the City at I . $4.50 per bbl. i I Mall or phono uour orders at once and take g I advantage of this liberal offer. &',LJi!rNoCo. s ovruiumruiruyinjijuuinjuuvivu a I i OIIAT Tn nir nrn HLL OnU I I U riLULO! PRICES ON GROCERIES AT CLEM, Ore. A good place to buy your , ' Winter Underwear, Coats, Lined Jumpers, Over ' Shoes. . r Once a customer, alwaysa customer. Jost & Phillips Clem. Oregon