1 4 cyw niwtnnnn nnnn AnAnJinn turn I ' ITEMS OFIOMLINTH EST tnnwinn uam rwu uknn A. ThlesHen made oOlex Thursday. flying ' s. D. S. Brown arri Mrt, Trimble left Thursday mor ' for Lane county to Attend nnivorary of the80U)jirth. of their mother, ' Mrs. geott i rs. C. W. Lord loft jester t . . murninjf for The Dallei . .iii-re she will vimt until after i holiday" " A dance will le Riven in the CrunjrellaHatMayvillo 6n;Fri day, I)ct'mbr 11th. ; The Feb- renlchor orchestra will play ftr.d supper will be served at the vMyvillo hottl. ' A royal good , t,m'e is assured to all who attend. " 847 Rogers plated "Chives, forks, and spoons sold cheap by Hunt the Hardware Man. Cberg & tn&htrs. the" contrac tors of plaaJfring and lathing, of Portland-Hvho have "charge of the lathing 'and plastering of the ' Newest, , Thonins Aquinas Academjr.Nylil finiafthdr work tljxt wf, X Knifblrg, who is in char-,of the work will be joined f)y hti jn'er, , Chas. Ober,. Gie firC'av tne week. Thcif.creiw of .ten men are all flrntclasaSirorkmon and the work the.jy SoThg at the new build ing, i40flhe "highest quality. Mr, "Ierg; 'understands his business th:ougMy,having as ,cenI ,"fthe ladder '.from, the iffrtfelfltwr (phTa present posi tion a member, pf . , o. of the be4 contracting'; flfmS,'6t:the norfFiWeift, ' r ' . .-. ., . . JL' To blacksmftlisand f aimers -we-aJish to rcmiiijj you we have the list Cumberland Blacksmith Coul.t A car just received by the Arlington Lumber Co. LET AN EXPERT ln fnnr rwpatra on vYatha rlnvkanr Jawalry. William. lh Jowalwr and Onulital Ut-UcUn. N. Main Blurt COLD WATCH and PIN Given Away by T h e AMERICAN T H B A T R B Christmas Eve., December 24th, 1908. Every lady paying admission into the American Theatre will receive a numbered coupon which will entitle her to a chance on n gold watch and pin. Watch can be seen at Pauling & Keene'g window. Up-to-date picture show. Admission, 10c A complete Clothing, Shoes, underwear Hosiery, Shirts, iand Caps. Sheep Lined coats !CS CA'fN CDIO Cr pJ.sJJ; IU vpiUiUWi WEIGEL & CO., Condon, Ore. ' Condons Leading Clothiers. Written tpMlallr hit the Uliilw br T. M . The keen cold wintry wind is on; From all the livid east or pierc ing north Thick clouds ascend, in whose capacious hold A vapory deluge lies to snow congealed; Heavy they roll their fleecy world along And the sky saddens with the - coming storm. , IL W. Myers left Thursday for a few days visit in Portland. Mr. Myer's shop in lone burned down a few weeks ago since which time he and Mrs. Myers have been living in Condon. He Is looking for a new location. We have Wood and Coal in always-ahead of the cold weather. The price is $7.50 delivered in 16 inch lengths. Depend on the Arlington Lumber Co. having it on hand. A machine that will wash clothes without boiling them and without rubbing on washboard is the latest thing exhibited by Hunt, the Hardware Man. Come in and see it. ., Ajax Atoms. Ed G. Palmer, who has been to St Paul, Minnesota on business returned home last week. Mart Blakly was an Ajax visi tor Tuesday. Several of the Ajax ilea attended the Crange meeting at Alville Sat urday and all reported a good time. Geo. Wasson of Condon, passed through town Wednesday, en route for the Owen Bros, place George said he was going to hunt geese. Miss Lela Burres was a Condon visitor last week. Jack Gilmon was up from the John Day River last week. lloame coughs and tufTy coMe that nmy develop into pneumonia over night am quickly cured by Foley'i Hony and Tar, as it sooth a inflamed membrane, healf the lungv aod ex pel the cold from the aytein Condon Urn Co. stock of Men's Neckwear, Hats . Everything Necessary to Keep You Warm 1 Mayvlll Note Mr. L Smith and family spent Thanksgiving at the home of D. T. Santo. The funeral of John Morgan was held in the Baptist Church here Friday morning at 10:30, Rev. Lawson of Fossil preaching the sermon. A large procession of sorrowing friends and relatives followed the remains to their last resting place in the 'Odd Fellows cemetery. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community. Rev. Bo wen and Rev. Matthews of Fossil came over Friday morn- ng and conducted a series of re vival meetings beginning Friday evening and continuing until Sun day evening. The meetings re sulted in three conversions and a deep interest waa manifested throughout J. M. Dyer was a Condon visi tor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stinchfield returned Sunday from Richmond where they had been spending a few days with Mrs. Stinchfield's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Newell spent Sunday at the Wilson home near town. ' Dr. and Mrs. Coryell and daughter Abbie, of Fossil, atten ded the funeral of John Morgan last Friday. Fred Brown had the miafor tune of having hU home and al most its entire contents destroyed by Are the first of the week. - Miss Hattie Cole arrived here Wednesday from California. She will spend a few days visiting with friends here after which she will make her home with her sis ter's family who accompaied her here from California and intend to locate here. - Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Santo made a business trip to Fossil Tues day. We have on hand at all times Rock Springs Coal. Once used always used. It burns up clean. Arlington Lumbdr Co. SOUTH BEND The Coming Watch Mr. F. P. Coulter, salesman and representative of the South Bend Watch Co. was in town on Tuesday calling on Mr. Williams the exclusive agent for this most modern watch now manufac-l tured in this or any country and for the time it has been on the market the most popular piece of goods in its class and as Mr. Coulter says, just fits Mr. Wil liams' business, strictly one price and when you buy a South Bend watch you get the quality in construction and time keeping. Every watch guaranteed by Mr. Williams who is responsible, . and also by the company, known as one of the most responsible con cerns of the kind in the country. Mr. Coulter informs us that the company has done ' 25 per cent more business than last, a ban er year, and that all through his territory, the Pacific Coast states the South Bend watch is becom ing very popular and that he ex pects this next year to get more than his share of the business. 30c each for Columbia Dry Batteries, fresh from the factory by Hunt, the Hardware Man. The, clubbing price of the Con don' Globe, the Oregon Semi Weekly Journal and the Pacific Monthly is now $3.00-the big gest $3 worth of reading on the market A PERSONAL APPEAL If we could talk to you person ally about the great merit of Fol ey's Honey and Tar, for coughs cold a and lung trouble' you never conld .be induced to experiment with unknown preparations that may contain some harmful drugs. Foley's Honey and Tar costs you no more and has a record of fifty years of cures Condon Drug Co. WrVIT&D, rOR MU, LOST, rOUNO, ftTO. All IomI adverUaneent ram mndn Ibll hnt at tb relao rtVI CENT r LIMN KACH ItML'K. II YOU h.rartl.ln lo hII, or l.ft lo bar anyUiInf, or have Imtanrthlnf : TRY A "WANT AP'latbteeomaiB. The ramlU will turprla ya. For Sale-100 cords of 16 inch Dine wood near Fossil. Enauire of Rev. T. F. Murphy, Condon, Ore. FOBSALE-Thoroughbred Brown Leghorn Cockerels, $1.00. In quire of Mr. J. R. Wells 42t . or at this office. Found Purse containing small sum of money. Call at this office. For Sale-A full blood Poland China boar, eighteen months old. . Call on or write to J. R. Wells, Condon, Ore. For SALE Post-office cabinet; about 50 call boxes, suitable for any country post-office. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at this office. Found A pair of spectacles with smoked glasses. Call at Globe office. Iff a UTCn I.01 rrprMrntativM for Con ff All I CU aon anil rlclnlijr U I.-. HM rnwl. and tuereaaa Hb attrlpUo. IMol . tromltiiit motittiljr nKaxin on aalarr aud rouoiiwlon lianla. KSMfrliHv daalrabl. bat nut &oMry. itvl of.uiirtHiiltr Ion rlht pcnain. AddrcM PMIbr, Box W, Matiu. o, M.W York. AnnmarunAfutnrtAAiArinAAAA I no tioiiaau season Will aoon be here. What will be more suitable for a pres ent than a good picture of yourself? Come early and avoid the rush of the season. Re member we guar antee to please you - in all ways. J. P. ROLLINS, Photogra pher. Condon. Oregon. L, J dwnnnnnnrvunnnivfinnru rt flatur provides but It It th natHrnl winter taotnt for many thautauili of th world'! bet people. l:ndr Ibe mild In fluence at Its winter climate, er my amusement and recreation abound, Much bathing, buatiuir. flthiuir. drlTinir; twh pirnlct, parties and "jollincatioiw." CO TO Los Afffriea, Paso Rnbles. Hot Bprlwrf, Hotel del Monte, Haunt Barbara, Ban Dteffo, Kent Monlr Venice. laOiifr Beafb.ttanta 4'rtu, w a score of other similar resorts and yon will find health, congen ial surronmilnfrs, hospitable hjwo elates, faultless accommodations aud numberleM attractions and conveniences. The 0. R. & N. Co. Connecting with Southern Pacific Go Jf&keMnpxpemtve rosnd Irtn ei cnnlon ratea to California. A Six Months St?p-ovr TloKat, Condon to Los Annates and roturn. 967. CorrtMpumliuR rate, ant ttietfvt't toother point.. We have anme very dtitliH'tiv. literature cover ing California1, winter reaorta, and will take pleaanre In frlrlnn yon all of the Information and aaaUtance at nnr command. For Uiikela. atoeplnir ear reservation, etc., call on, teleirraph or write, I. TiiHNir, Agent, Condon, or Wm.McMurav,O.P.A., Portland S.B. COUTURE & CO. Prepared to handle all kinds of Fue 1 Phone No. 6 A Office Lost Valley L. L Co. Lumber for sale in our wood yard at about Half Pricfe of the lumber being sold in Condon. . Bring in your bill and let us figure on them. ' Beautiful putunr; 5tyle5 ALLHATH I KI K KHKNTAT1 VE OF T1IK 1 1 FiST FA L.L. HT Y lKH NRW IIAt'l-4. NKW COLOKHANU MM AUKM TO HUIT EVKMV.KACK . YOU AHM INVITKUTO CALt AT MISS CREINER'S MILLINERY PARLORS CONDON AMUSEMENT HALL MYERS WILLOUCHBY , Props. TOBACCOS CIGARS CANDIES An appropriate resort in which you are invited to npend a pleanant hour MAIN STREET. CONDON :ezx o 2 HOWARD The Only Stove that Heats the Floor. Pays for Itself in One Year by Saving Fuel.' The HOWARD HEATERS are without question the BEST HEATING STOVES ON THE MARKET by beioc built to that they heat the floor, alao burning all the gag formed instead of escaping up the chimney as in other heaters, thereby saving one-third to one-balf the fuel. THE HOWARD will save you the PRICE of YOUR OLD HEATER by the SAVING of FUEL, and you will be better satisfied and your home more comfortable if you will set aside the old stove and buy a Jiouard, tl?e 5tove tljat $aues - 'You Ton?yl 2 W. L BARKER EDD0N & HARRISON MEAT MARKET Fresh and Cured Meats, Beef. Pork. Mutton and Veal A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOUCITED Career Sprint and Oregon Street CONDON, OREGON If you want Ranch, list We will advertise your property and it will cost you nothing if there is no sale. We are also agents for the Condon Townsite Co. Lots from $40 up, on easy terms. Call and see us. Wasson Building, Main St A. J. SHELTON gaV&! SE1PS IUa SEE'S SEEDS SUCCEEDI SPECIAL OFFER: fMeea a MM Haw BaataMa, 4 trial Will naka you our pennaiiaul euatouar. rTlnCvllcttlea StnESlSii 11 the tinmt j 9wrrt 1 plvndid : ot, bcM ni Writ totay i Mentha this Paper. SEND 10 CENTS i tii tot (to Bm4 tutotiM i SMd Puata, . 1 H. f. BiiCabtt. im "WWSL f Tim Plc hotel (arnlsliee flrat-cluss bnnrd and rooms to their -fmtrons at j reasonable ratea. ' Trj theiu a rteek. ti BILLIARDS POOL CLVB ROOMS HEATERS I s & CD. two. s to sell your it with us. & CO., Condon FOLEV'S KIDHEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles, itiruat auMTiTUTM. Drup Condon co. (