AAA tnnvAutru uuuu uwvnAAA ino 1 1118 Globe- The news- I " JJ icst and best advcrtis- c ing Medium in Gilliam county . ovrunnnAwinnrvnnnnniviAnniAro SIX PAGES M Large it Primary M"1 Grain Shipping g Point In the United States $ i ruvvuwitmnnnAMMnnn nn SIX PAGES BRIGHT, NEWSY, RELIABLE VOL XVIII. CONDON. OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1008. NO. 30. COUNTY JUDGE decides ;vEr Condon's Charter Sim ilar to Medford's. SALOONS MAT DO EUS1NES5 Numerous Costly Trials Dons Away With by Deolslon. Timely Step Will Light n Burden of Taxpayers. AH the persons who were in terested in the liquor cases which appeared before Justice of the Peace Whcir during the past week, for once, had all they could do to follow the proceedings. It was a case of law, and after Geo. Wasson had been given a prelim inary hearing in the Justice court and held to appear before the Circuit court under bonds of $750, he. through his attorneys, W. 11. Wilson and D. R. Parker, com menced a writ of. habeas corpus before County Judge Dunn which resulted in the release of the prisoner from the hands of the siteruL v h ' .In his decision Judjro Dunn held that the Justice should have sat lis a trial court and not as a magistrate in as long as he had Jurisdiction of the crime charged in the complaint, and that it was erroneous to deny the defendant a trial by Jury. He further held that since looking over the Med- ford charter and its decision by ' the SuDreme court. Condon with its similar charter, was exempt from the provisions of the local option law and that the state courts have no jurisdiction to try offences under said law so far as the city of Condon is concerned. The other six defendants after this decision were not given a hearing and thereby the county was saved the great expense of numerous trials, as the District Attorney intended to prosecute all offenders from day to day and for each and every sale until the defendants were no longer able to give bail and thus compelled to close their places of business. The decision of Judge Dunn was timely and was received with gen eral favor. Oregon Woolgrowers Meet. The Oregon Woolgrowers as sociation convention which was held in Heppner last week was a most successful one and of great benefit to the woolgrowers of the state. Coyote bounty law, sheep-shooting, forest reserve, salt supply, co-operative ware houses in eastern markets and the tariff were topics for discuss ion durbar the day. On some of these,' drastic resolutions were adopted. The convention put itself on record as favoring a bounty on the coyote, paid by the state. t may be said that the associa tion will pay half of the bounty on the pest killed in the Bheep localities. Dr. Li'tle. federal inspector. was instructed to refute the statement that coyotes killed the rabbits and that alfalfa growers were not in favor of the bounty WILL ESTABLISH EXPEHUEHT FARM Pres. Kerr's Mission Successful. )jvnnnnnnuvuinniuvinAwuvu LADIES, READ THIS ! The Atchison Cloak & Suit Co, of Portland, Oregon, will have a full line of Ladies Cloaks, Skirts and Furs at Dunn Bros.' Store today, tomorrow and Monday. Call. J ifuvuuvuunnAnnuvnnruvuu inn. GOVERNMENT KILL NO STATE .. t Means Work for the Gilliam County Improvement Asso ciation Irrigated Farm , Station to Be Started at Hermlston. innAinuvvrvrvnvwu innnnuvu ( THE GLOBE'S CHRISTMAS NUMBER I Under Wayt Editors Busy! Force Working Overtime! Planned Over a Month Ago! Nothing Too Good for You! Will Be a Hummer! Special Features! Watch for It! The Result of Many Years' Experience 1 AAUWAJVnVAAAAAlAAAAAAAil law. Dr. Lytle said that the rabbits of Eastern Oregon had been done away with by disease, that the coyote killed more sheep and thus did more harm than the rabbit by its feeding on the al falfa fields. Resolutions were adopted in favor of retention of the tariff schedule as it now stands on raw wool, and to urge every senator and representative from wool producing states to work to that end while in Congress. President Burgess and Secretary Dan P. Smythe were re-elected, as was George McKnight, vice- president Pendleton won out over Vale and the next .meeting will be held there. Ladles' Athletlo Club. . Frank Golden was really thank ful yesterday for his home was viaitoH hv the time honored etnrU . Prank wore a hannv .: smile when down town yesterday aiid nanaeu out many vigors Mi anrl Mrs. John A. Scott re turned from Pendleton last Sat urday. A pretty wedding took place at the home of the srroom's brother, Wm. Adlard of this city at six o'clock on last Tuesday morning, when Walter R. Adlard and Miss Elizabeth Burres, both of Ajax, were united in marriage by Rev. T. F. Murphy of this city. ; The young people left the " same morning on tne train ior ' their honeymoon which will be spent in the Willamette Valley, ; after which they will return to make their home in Gilliam coun ty. The Globe joins their many friends in wishing them much happiness. V :.. The ladies of this city or ganized an athletic association at the meeting held last Monday evening in Supt Stugill's office. The ladies appointed Supt. Stur gill as manager, and Miss Lillian Ranney. secretary and treasurer, Two basket ball teams will be organized, and in a short time the ladies will challenge any ladies team in the state. The members will have the use of the Condon Athletic Club Hall on Thursday evenings when they will practice basket ball as well as doing gen eral gymnasium work. Bancroft Lewis reserved seats on sale at Paulings begin nmg tomorrow. i iwinnnnnnnuvununruuvuvwi; Rclsacher Harness and Saddles Made In CONDON Sold and used Everywhere I F. RE1SAGHER nnuinniwuvuinjvuinnjtnjuv lanxu from Qnfoa Jnvrnd Washington. Nov. 2L Presi dent W. J. Kerr of the Oreeon Aumcultural College today pro cured pledges from a majority of the members of the executive committee of the National Far mer's institute, in convention here, for the meeting next July, at Portland. This will take 500 delegates besides their friends and families, to the Oregon me tro oolia. "The reduced rates on account of the Seattle exposition," said Dr. Kerr, will induce a large at tendance. I have been assured that a number of presidents of agricultural colleges will go to the convention after spending their entire vacation at Portland and in its vicinity. Everything planned before coming to Wash ington I have succeeded in carry' ing through." ..A More important than the Con vention are the arrangements Dr. Kerr has effected with gov ernment bureaus for extensive assistance in experimental work in Oregon. The interior and ag ricultural departments have granted special concessions. The reclamation service will give lands, fenced and supplied with buildings, for an expenmenta station at Hermiston, and the bureau of animal industry will assist in maintaining it The bureau of cereals has consented to co-operate with the state in dry land farming expenmenta in some dry county of the Btate. ; 'The results of these experi ments will be to increase the state's production enormously," Pres.. Kerr said. - ----- ' - - onnjvinnnAnAnninnivnnnnnnnjvp ? ii i .i. Qandors Cadif) Confttfionr e Cigars, Candles, Tebaooos duvnnruvrunAnxuuuxnnnnnnni. Mill r1 Cfcawa.Saabm'S kantahtlTawMk It bu MM Our, MM color mi lick JatSM A Might t was Poor Richard who raid: "A little neglect mar breed erntt mischief: fur want of a nail, tbe hoe was lost: for want of a ihoe the borse was lost: for 'want of a horut Lhe riilnr lost." - - - , Look to tbe nail in time and do mischief can follow. Tbe shoe will be made safe, the borae saved, and the rider made secure. Look care fully to your eyes at tbe first hint of "sorwthSne. tbe matter." It may be a floating spook seen be fore the eve. It mar be a bead- acbe, sometimes least thought of as coming from the eyes, but often having its origin there. It may be Meye blur", obliging you to shift the position or angle of your book, osoer. or sewing, to see it easily. The eves may water. Tbe eye may set tired. You may feel tbe sensation of having your eyes strained, overworked. Anything that makes vou conscious that you have eyes is a danger signal. The nail is then loose. Look out for tbe shoe. Seek relief where it is to be had. Tbe best optician is none too good. Stop and think: Its your eves: Tbey should be treated Dy none but a thoroughly competent and exnenenced optician. lou should know that there is a rell ability and responsibility back of the treatment This is even more imnortaht than "the first step, be cause glasses fitted hap hatard are as likely as not to increase the trouble. Be exceedingly careful of your eyes. , You get but one nair in vour whole life. Having recognized the danger signal, come to us and have your eyes EXAM INED FREE. We will be able to tell you what the trouble is. If you do not need glasses we will say so. We succeed where others fail. Obstinate and stubborn cases do not discourage us. We give vou the full benefit of our ex pert knowledge in a free consulta tion. It is a serious matter with us. We have our name and repu tation to Drotect We realize that one dissatisfied customer means the loss of ten or more, hence our de sire to make every customer our friend. We give you at all times the best we have, which is the best lo be had. We have the most com pletely furnished optical parlor in Gilliam County. We have two watchmakers and two benches, which means thayou csn get work done here in less time than else where, and it is promised that yon Dav for only the work actually re quired. This fact accounts for our ranidlv increasing business. W are located here permanently, and we ask for your support oecause we expect to give you at all times full value for your dollars. If you cannot call at our store write us or send us your Watch by registered mail, and greatly oblige, Yours for a square deal all the time, PAULING & KBENE, Watchmakers Jewelers Optician Condon. : : Oregon HOME BAKERY- I AND GROCERY For prices call and See us. raullna'a Blood rurlfler Paullng'a Barb Wire Ulnlment HERMAN W. PAULING Manufacturing Pharmacist, CONDON, OREGON. YOU DONT 'HAVE TO send your Watches to Portland for Repairs. THE and JEWELER EXPERT OPTICIAN Is back from the East, his work done up-to-date and ready to serve you as ever. 5l?e IrTei)se 5toeK he selected from the large markets in the East comprises the latest styles and can not be duplicated even in this state un til next season. The stock is now arriving and is being marked at prices as ever Defying Competition, quality and style considered. ," Watch my Display Window for Styles and Bargains Optical Patients may now Come between 9 a.m. and 4 p,m. ire CONDON DRUG CO ftg Reliable Druggists Reliability is the one word we want you to associate at all times with the ' name Condon Drug Co. We realize that in a small community, any one particular sale is not as im portant as repeated patronage. Also that you will not continue to patronize us if we do not deserve it This we will endeavor at all times to deserve. Our Christmas line will be on display the first week in December. CONDON DRUG COMPANY , Condon National Bank Building. Dodson's Old Stand. z I :c: Condon National Bank CONDON W.LORD Prtsident GEO. S. DUKEK Vies President 8261 ORIOON imfiftku BUR7 I Cashier WE RECEIVE the accounts of Firms, Corporations and Individuals, and return to our depositors every accommodation within ' the limits of Prudent Banking. INTEREST ALLOWED ON, TIME DEPOSITS. Our Safe Deposit Department has just been installed the only safe place for your valu able papers; etc. Boxes reuted by toe year. o rbhi o 0