xuwuvvvruvvnjwuwrurinp Largest Primary a Grain Shipping 5 Drin the Globe. The news-1 IVOh V HUIVI W0" 1 ing Medium in Gilliam county 3 folnt in the United States 5 rLTuvrAAnniAnarinvrwvnw6 jiuvvntwniijwfnnnrirunm VOTj. xviii. CONDON. OlEO ON. FRIDAY. APKIL. 24.1008. NO. i ruin vuvuiAAwinnnnnni nio Ik WW ELECTION RETURNS Official Return of Latt Fri day's Contest at the Pol la. The primary election has come and gone and the parties have chosen their nominees for the different offices of the state, dis trict and county. In the contest for U. S. Senator II. Hi Cake of Portland was victorious over C. W. Fulton of Astoria by about 2.600 votes. W. R. Ellis of Pen dleton was re-nominated for Con gressman from the Second Dis trict by a good, majority. Jay Bowerman was re-nominated for State Senator from the Eight eenth Senatorial District by about 400 votes. The contest for District Attorney was ex ceedingly close and resulted in the nomination of J. A. Collier by a majority of 12 votes over his opponent D. R. Parker. Mr. Collier carried Wheeler county by 52 votes, Mr. Parker carried Gilliam county by 40 votes while Sherman county gave each can didate the same number. J. C. Sturgill was nominated for coun ty school superintendent by 88 votes and B. T. Snell's majority for county commissioner was 46. J. K. Wells received 307 votes for assessor and Joseph Whyte 102. E. V. Littlefield for circuit judge. B. F. Pike and R. N. Donnelly for representatives, J. J. Portwood for sheriff, Chas. IL Horner for clerk, Colby Clarke for treasurer and W. A. Darling for coroner were nominated without opposition. In the vote for designating a location for . the county high school the repub licans gave Condon 220, Arling ton 26, Olex 4, Lone Rock 3 and May ville 2. The democrats gave Condon 26, Arlington 12, May ville 3 and Lone Rock 1. Follow ing is the republican vote by precincts: Arlington. For U. S. Senator, II. M. Cake 28, C. W. Fulton 14. For Congress. W. It. Ellis 29, T. T. Geer 5, Geo. S. Shepherd 3, Supreme Judge, RobtS.Bean 38. Dairy and Food Commissioner, . J. W. Bailey 29, A. Reid 8. Railroad Commissioner, C. B. Aitchison 12, Joseph Gaston 6, A. N. Hamilton 0, W. H. Hurl burt 18, C. C. Loucks 2, Howard Whiting 0. Circuit Judge, E.V.Littlefield 34, District Attorney, J. A. Collier 15, D. R. Parker 24 State Senator, Geo. B. Bourhill 14, Jay Bowerman, 26. Representatives, J. W. Pike 22, R. N. Donnelly 24. J. W. Mari ner 3. Sheriff, J. J. Portwood 36. Clerk, Chas. H. Horner 38. Treasurer, Colby Clarke 36, Assessor, J. R. Wells 29, Joseph Whyte 11. School Superintendent, G. T. Mc- Arthur 26, J. C. Sturgill 17. Coroner, W. A. Darling 34. Commissioner, C. W. Martin 7, B. T. Snell 35, Sherman Wade 0. Blalock. Cake 14, Fulton 9. Ellis 17, Geer 1, Shepherd 4. Bean 21, Bailey 19, Reid 2. Aitchison 13 Hurlburt 1, Loucks 5. Little- field 20. Collier 4, Parker 18. Bourhill 11. Bowerman 8. Don nelly 4, Pike 2, Mariner 18 Portwood 16. Horner 18. Clarke 20.' Wells 13. Whyte 9. Mc Ar thur 14, Sturgill 9. Darling 18, Martin 6, Snell 11, Wade 7. Condon. Cake 79, Fulton 87. Ellis 97, Geer 47, Shepherd 26. Bean 148, . Bailey 90, Reid 48. Aitchison 49 Gaston 41, Hamilton 4, Hurlburt 44, Loucks 10, Whiting 2. Lit tlefield 143. Collier 88, Parker 9a Bourhill 39, Bowerman 145. Donnelly 130, Pike 87, Mariner 6. Portwood 164. Horner 155. Clarke 143. Wells 135, Whyte 39. McArthur 44, Sturgill 126. Darling 132. Martin 61, Snell 70, Wade 43. Ferry Canyon. Cake 16, Fulton 27. Ellis 26, Geer 11, Shepherd 16. Bean 42. Bailey 22. Reid 13. Aitchison 11 Gaston 13, Hamilton 1, Hurlburt 11. Loucks 2, Whiting 2. Little- field 36. Collier 30, Parker 22. Bourhill 9, Bowerman 41. Don nelly 38, Pike 2G. , Portwood 47. Iorner47. Clarke 38. Wells 30, Whyte 10. McArthur 19, Sturgill 29. Darling 35. Martin 6, Stroll 19. Wade 12. Idea. Fulton 10. Ellis 11. Shepherd 1. Bean 9. Bailey 2, Reid 8. Aitchison 9, Gaston 1. Uttle- field 9. Collier 9. Parker 2. Bowerman 11. Donnelly 6, Pike Portwood 11. ' Horner 11. Clarke 11. Wells 11. McArth ur 1, Sturgill 10. Darling 11. Martin 4, Snell 6. Lone Rock. Cake 1, Fulton 17. Ellis 13, Geerl. Bean 14. Bailey 14. Reidl. Aitchison 4, Gaston 3, Hurlburt 1. Loucks 5.; Littlefteld 12. Collier 5, Parker 13. Bour hill 4. Bowerman 15. Donnelly 16. Pike 3. Portwood 14. Hor ner 16. Clarke 13. Wells IL Whyte 2. McArthur 9, Sturgill 9. Darling 13, Martin Z, Snell 7, Wade 5. . Matney. Cake 1, Fulton 9. Geer 3. Bean 10. Reid 1. Aitchison 5, Hurlburt 1, Loucks field 11. Collier 4. Bourhill 4, Bowerman herd -62. Bean 7-379. Bai ley 5-262, Reid 2-96. Aitchi son 3-140, Gaston 3-90, Hamil ton 17, Hurlburt -95, Loucks -36, Whiting -4. Littlefield 7 -359. Collier 4-205. Parker 5 245. Bourhill 2-107, Bower man 7-338. Donnelly -293 Pike 9-215. Portwood 7-393 Horner 6-399. Clarke 7-397. Wells 1-307, Whyte 3-102. McArthur 4174, Sturgill 5 2C2L Darling 7-337. Martin 1-134, Snell 7-180, Wade -10& 1 Mariner's name was not on the ballot Total votes 34 Democratic County Vote. ', U. S. Senator. Geo. E. Chamber- - lainf 17, John M. Gcarinf L I Congressman, A. J. Derby 62, . John A. Jeffrey 11. District Attorney, D.RParkert 3, J. A. Colliert L . State Senator, John Fulton t 13, W. J. Edwardst 4. Representative, W. F. Jackson . 83, W. J. Mariner! 15. , Sheriff, R. M. Rogers 109. Clerk, Arthur Schilling 103. ' Treasurer, J. A. McMorris 99. Assessor, Otis Campbell 103. Commissioner, J. O. Lewis 89. t Name not on ballot. Frank Golden spent afewdayB the first of the week in lone and Heppncr. Mrs, Golden, who has been visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Myers at lone, returned with him. - ; ; Mr.' and Mrs. A- Wimpey left Monday for Helix, Washington, where they were called by the serious illness of Mr. Wimpey's sister. , Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McCoy; of The Dalles announce the engage ment of their daughter, Ella, to Hallie S. Rice of Condon. The wedd ng will take place early June. Oregonian. in J. E. Reynolds the cattle buy er, was in town a day or two this week. . Watch my next Display Window! There will be BARGAINS in New Goods just from the EAST that will fit your Pocket Book. Remember, the Latest in BRACELETS, RINGS, WAIST SETS, FOBS AND WATCHES S. B. Barker returned from Portland Wednesday evening. The Condon and Clem baseball teams will meet on the Clem dia mond next Sunday. THE JEWELER EXPERT OPTICIAN 0C3 Q A HUNDRED AND ONE Q " i-l-c.e tuu WILL. FINO FOFt SALE AT M HUNT'S DRUG STORE Ellis 6, Bailey 7, Gaston 1, 2. Little Parker 7. 7. Don nelly 8, Pike 7. Portwood 9. Horner 11. Clarke 10. Wells 7, Whyte 4. McArthur 2, Sturgill 9. Darling 10. Martin 1, Snell 4, Wade 6. Mayvllle. Cake 4, Fulton 22. Ellis 16, Geer 2, Shepherd 1. Bean 27. Bailey 20 Reid 4. Aitchison 7, Gaston 9, Hurlburt 4, Loucks 2. Littlefield 24. Collier 15, Parker 12. Bourhill 8, Bowerman 18. Donnelly 20, Pike 8, Mariner" 7. Portwood 27. Horner 26. Clarke 26. Wells 20, Whyte 5. McAr thur 8, Sturgill 19. Darling 20. Martin 7, Snell 13, Wade 21. Rook Creek. Cake 26, Fulton 24. Ellis 33, Geer 10, Shepherd 3. Bean 46. Bailey 41, Reid 5. Aitchison 24, Gaston 13, Hurlburt 5, Loucks 4. Littlefield 47. Collier 26, Parker 32. Bourhill 10, Bowerman 46, Donnelly 30. Pike 33. Portwood 47. Horner 51. Clarke 45. Wells 40, Whyte 9. McArthur 39, Sturgill' 18. Darling 41, Martin 32, Snell 4, Wade 9. Trail Fork. Cake 1, Fulton 16. Ellis 8, Geer 3. Shepherd 8. Bean 17. Bailey 13, Reid 4. Aitchison 3, Hamilton 1, Hurlburt 10, Loucks 4. Littlefield 16. Collier 5 Par ker 14. Bourhill 6, Bowerman 14. Donnelly 17, Pike 11. Port- wood 15. Horner 20. Clarke 18. Wells 10, Whyte 10. McArthur 8, Sturgill 11. Darling 16. Mar tin?, Snell 4 , . Willow Creek. The first figures after each name indicate precinct vote. Last figures total county vote for can didate. Cake 2-172, Fulton 5-240, Ellis 8-264, Geer 83, Shep- The District Convention of the Condon, Mayville, Fossil, Hard man and Rebekah Lodges met at Fossil last Saturday. About 25 members attended from this place and all report an interest ing and instructive meeting. The next convention will be held in Condon. There will be preaching at the Baptist Church next Sunday morning and evening by a minis ter from Portland. ,s- A May Day Ball will be given in Armory Hall one week from tonight Music will be furnished by Page's orchestra. Songs, musical specialties etc. between dances. . . Arrived this Week A shipment of the famous HANSEN GLOVES, in both ' gauntlet and plain cuffs. Prices 50c to $2.00. The best work glove made. Also a shipment of Ladies' Shoes, in both high' and low cut. The "Gotzian Shoe" that fits like your footprint See our celebrated Elec- trie welt I shoe for men. $5.00. 5. G. DODSOH Condon NaVI Bankbldg. noiddUIIGI Harness and Saddles Made In CONDON Sold and used Everywhere i J. F. REISACHER ouxniunnuuuvuwjuuvuwui'vrvr o Atomizers Balls, Base -" Rubber Bed Pans Books, Bill " Blank " Note . " Receipt Bon Ami Box Paper Brushes of all kinds Breast Pumps Cards, Playing , Calling Catheters Caustic Chamois Skin Chewing Gum, -Cold Cream Cologne Combs Condensed Smoke Cough Drops Daubers Dolls Dominoes Drepper,-Medicine -Dyes, Diamond Envelopes Erasers Gojrgles Gold Paint Hair Curlers ' '. Harmonicas Hot water bottles -Ice bags Inks Key Rings Mirrors, pocket Mucilage Nipples . , Nipple shields Tacifiers Paper crepe, tissue, shelf, toilet " Napkins Plaster Paris Perfumes Pipes . Postal Cards, all kinds Pocket books , Powder condition, poultry " face " . Tooth Purses Rattles Razor Strops Sa polio Sen Sen . Soap, Medicated -" " Shaving " Toilet Spouges '.' . V Stock Foods Strings, Violin, etc. Suspensory 8 -'J Syringes, all kinds "" Tablets, Ink Pencil Tags, Shipping Talcum powder Thermometer?, dairy ' Fever Trusses Tubing, Rubber Turpentine Urinals Water, Toilet " Mineral. 0 0 0 A full line of Drugs and Patent Medicines always on hand. We appreciate your trade. and. 0 J, The April showers which have fallen during the past week or ten days, although light have undoubtedly, helped the growing grain wonderfully. In portions of the county the farmers have been complaining of the dry con dition of the ground but on the average the conditions are very favorable for another big crop in Gilliam county. . During the past week we have overheard on the streets many slurring remarks concerning Scarletmont the trotting stallion owned by M. Helsley, and as the horse is advertised in this paper we wish to correct these ill na tured statements. Scarletmont is the best bred trotting stallion in the county and in fact his breeding , is second to none on this coast He is the sire of three colts which are now at the Vancouver track for which colts their owner has been offered $500 each and refused. Scarletmont is a great sire and these little spiteful knocks which some peo ple have been throwing at him simply show their complete ig norance of everything pertaining to horseflesh. CV ,.alii4t1MiVv Sample to you if you have not already tried. Chase & San born's Coffss. They are the best money can buy. Try them. We ; are receiving Hot House Lettuce, Radishes and Onions 3 or 4 days a week. Baked Goocta and Groceries promptly deliver ed. Give us a trial. HOME BAKERY AND GROCERY airuuvuwuinjvuinAnnnruirmxui ' Copftioijr LGlaars, Candles, Tobaccos p twTxnnnnnniwvuwnnnnmnm MISS CREINER'S MILLINERY PARLORS are fairly abloom with New Creations in Spring and Summer Millinery. You are Invited to Inspect them. !Jso: Condon National Bank 1 1 o CONDON W.LORD - Pnsident GEO. B. DUKEK Vict-PrtsUtnt 8261 OR&OOW Capital Stock F. 71 HURL-BURT Caskitr R2 -j $50,ooo.w You are cordially invited to make this your BANKING HOME We receive the accounts of Firms, Corporations and v Individuals, and return to our depositors every accommodation within the limits of Prudent Banking, " Interest allowed on time cfeposits , special Attention oiven to atocKmen s Accounts :o: o If PREMIER & OLYMPIC Flour are tod good, use SE ARG HLI CjI H T 1.15 per sack. . The Best Flour Sold for the price. gS. gg