Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, April 10, 1908, Image 6

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This office received the sad
news this week of the death of
Mrs. Walter May who died Sun
day in Portland from heart fail
ure. Mrs. May was well known
in this community,' having lived
here with her husband. Mr. May
is working in the Hotel Portland
barber shop.
Mr. Murtha of Condon, passed
through town the first of the
"week with a bunch of twelve
horses which he bought in the
Fox .Valley . and Monument
countries. Spray Courier.
T. T. Geer, candidate for the
nomination of Congressman from
this district, spent Saturday in
Condon shaking hands with the
You are invited to join an
adult Bible class under the lead
ership of Rev. E. Curran, at the
Congregational Bible school
-o-v next Sundav. at 10 a. m.
Classes wilk-- !nes
all ages from 5 years to 125.
G. O. Ohsfeldt, Supt
J. C. Sturgill is a candidate for
county school superintendent of
Gilliam county. He will make a
"none better" one. Oregon
Teacher's Monthly. ,
Among our political announce
ments this week will be found
that of W. R. Ellis for Congress
man from the 2nd district Mr.
Ellis is the present Congressman
and has proven himself an able
and conscientious officer in every
To the Editor:
- In an interview that ex-senator
Bowerman had with himself,' as
published in the "Joinder Times"
last week, he made the state
ment that "if Hurlburt or his
newspaper, the Globe, or any
of the other channels through
which he i3 circulating campaign
mattter," etc. I wish to state
that I have not the honor, of
owning or controlling the Condon
Globe. I have never written
wora ior tne uioDe or any
other paper, except our regular
advertisements, nor have I ever
had any one else do so for me.
Bowerman might be judging
others from his own experiences,
he may have been unfortunate in
his associations with editors and
newspaper men, and found it
necessary to own or control them
in order to gain their support
Or the editors might be the un
lucky devil so situated that Bow
erman j:ould compel him to do his
dirty work. In either case that
class of support will never gain
If Bowerman could only make
the recording angel sit up and
take notice of the good things
he is paying to have published
about himself, there would be
nothing to it as to his- future
(Signed) F. T. Hurlburt.
Congressman Ellis should re
ceive the renomination because
his record in congress is that of
faithful and honest service for
the people and the interests of
Eastern Oregon; because his
membership in congress gives
him an acquaintance and prestige
which enhance his influence and
usefulness beyond the possibility
of any new man to attain ; because
he is far abler, broader and great
er in statesmanship than he was
when first sent to congress; be
cause in conformity with ap
proved customs he is entitled to
another term, there being no
complaint or charge against him
in any respect
Strayed One bay horse,
branded half - circle . , under
JH connected, weight . 1150 lbs.
$10 reward for information lead
ing to return or whereabouts.
Jacob Larch, Clem, i
County Commissioner.
I hereby announce my candi
dacy for election to the office of
County Commissioner, subject to
the approval of the Republican
voters at the primary election on
April 17th.
C W.Martin.
For ConRress
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for nomination to the
office of Congressman for the
Second Congressional District
To The Voters of the 28th Rep
resentative District:
An error made in preparing
my petitions, discovered too late
to correct leaves my name off
the official primary ballot The
only recourse left is to run as an
Independent at the June election.
This I have decided to do. "Snail
be pleased to consider ballots
cast f op me at the primary elec
tion as an endorsement of the
action taken, and not as votes' to
nominate. )
Am not allied with any exist
ing faction and knbw of no rea
son why if elected. should not
tvtiuNwYw4Y ' with the dis
trict delegation to be elected In
June concerning all matters that
may subserve the interests of
the people of this district as well
as those of the state at large.
Wm. J. Mariner.
I will open my photograph gal
lery Saturday, March 7th and
will take your photograph for 50c
to $1 less on the dozen than the
regular rates, for the next two
weeks. Come and see me.
J. A. McMorris.
Your money not ours until you
are satienea witn toe goods you
purchase. The S. B. Barker Co.
Sewing machines, washing ma
chine, largest stocs of graniteware,
tabs, bucKets, washbowls, ironing
boards, etc., at the lowest prices in
Condon. Come and try ua before
your money is gone for higher
prices at other places. Hunt the
Hardware Man.
An array of bargains, sterling
qualities and lowest prices. The
8. B. Barker Co. v'
The old Pennsylvania Dutch
Dunkards recommend ''Hickory'!
Bark Cough-" Remedy." Guaran
teed to cure your cough and guar
anteed to be pure. Made from the
bark of the shell bark or white hick
ory tree. For sale by R. L. Hunt
Pharmacist, and all dealers. .
The "New Way" gasoline engine
which Mr. Dunlap has had instal
led in bis blacksmith shop on up
per Main St is the finest ever
brought to this county. It is air.
cooled and runs like a watch. Go
see it before buying anyother.
Fashionable outfits for smart
dressers. There is a touch of per
fection in our goods that foils cri
ticism. The S. B. Barker Co.
Ranches fob Sale Geo. Hardie's
fine sheep and cattle ranches were
placed on the market for sale this
week. These ranches are among
the best in the county and are in a
high state of cultivation. Lota of
water, wood and grass. Houses and
barns ideal for small profitable
homes; prices ranges from $3 to
$10 per acre and may be had on
reasonable terms. Most of the
ranches contain excellent plowland
and are ideal tor.cattle,sheep,whemt
and hogs. For further particulars
call or write E. Curran, Condon
Real Estate Agency, over post
office, Condon.
Goods priced in a manner that
will bewilder and delight you. The
8. B. Barker Co.
We are buying lumber much
cheaper than before. Prices re
duced accordingly. We can fill
your bill, no matter how large, and
the Arlington Lumber Co's price
is right. '
. Two homestead relinquishments
for sale near town, good land. See
E. Curran over post office.
For District Attorney.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the Republican
nomination for District Attorney
for the eleventh judicial district,
subject to the approval of the
voters of this disdrict at the
primary election. If nominated
and elected I shall endeavor to
faithfully discharge the duties
of the office as provided by law.
D. R. Parker.
To the Voters of Gilliam Co.
.This is to announce that the
undersigned is a candidate for
the nomination tor Louiip' merle
on the Republican Ticket at the
coming primary election to be
held April 17, 1908.,
In asking the support of the
people of Gilliam county for this
office, which is one requiring
clerical ability, strict integrity
and diligent application to the
work connected therewith, it
seems but proper and right thaf
I should give those voters with
whom I am not personally ac
quainted some references as to
my fitness for the position. To
those I would respectfully refer
my record as Assistant Postmas
ter at ' Condon, Oregon, during
the pas(t sjxaraO a position
which requires, heu!3k?f
County Clerk, a most exaSM
attention in details nnA
clerical work. .
. Soliciting your support in the
coming elections, I am,
, Yours very truly,'
v Chas. H. Horner,
' , Condon, Oregon.
ity Assessor
ls hereby announces
a candidate for the
i nomination for
f Gilliam county, sub-
approval of the voters
nary election to be
held Apnl 17, 1908.
County School Superintendent
I hereby anounce myself as
a candidate for the Republican
nomination tor County School
Superintendent of Gilliam County
Oregon, subject to the Repub
lican voters at the coming pri
mary election, i
-V ;'.,' ' G. T. Mc Arthur.
County Assessor.
j I hereby announce myseli as
a candidate for the nomination
to the office of Assessor of Gil
liam county, subject to the en
dorsement of the Democratic
voters at the Primary election.
If I am nominated and elected ( I
promise to give the office Close
and careful attention and ajtrict
performance of duty. - , A".
i. Otis Campbell. ;
For Sheriff . ;
Subject to the approval of the
voters of Gilliam "county at the
primary election to be held on
April 17, 1908, 1 hereby announce
myself as a candidate for the
Republican nomination for Sheriff
of Gilliam County. "
Assessor v J
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the Republican
nomination for Assessor, of Gil
liam county, subject to the dis
cretion of the voters at the pri
mary election. ; v-
Yours Truly; ,
Joseph Wm '
County Treasurer. ,
I hereby announce myself as
a candidate for the nomination
of Treasurer of Gilliam county,
subject to the will of the Repub
lican party, at the coming Pri
mary election. '-.:
Colby Clarke.
Sheriff of Gilliam County;
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for re-election to the
office of County Sheriff, subject
to the approval of the vot
the Democratic party at the pj
maries on April 17th. i '
'., R. M. Rogers.
himself i
Aessor ;
at the p
rfwAfunAruvAAruuviwuvruArtAru e
nty School Superintendent
M hereby announce .myself as
Vndidate for the nomination
toNhe office of County School
SupWendcnt f or . Gilliam
counR subject to the endorse
ment 6 the Republican voters at
the lirWy election to be held
April 17a. If I am nominated
and elected I promise that I will
perform at the duties of the of
fice in a conscientious manner.
v J. C Sturgill.
'' V" '
A r, s Announcement.
To'the Wersof Gilliam "Coun
ty. -
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for ntmination for. el-
ection to the office of County
Clerk of Gilliam County subject
to the will of ;the Democratic
voters. .? ":; fV
Arthur Sciii
; I hereby announce nieliv as a
candidate for ominati.y to the
office of Coun TreaeI 'f 4 "''l-
linm Countv i V to .
liam County
dorsement o
voters at the
April 17th. J
elected I will
all duties
For Co
"ilf as a
of Gil
vr; dT"
' , Joipt Senator'
I hereby announce myself s
candidate for the nomination on
the Republican ticket to the
office of "Joint Senator for the
21st Senatorial district compris
ing the counties of Sherman, Gil
liam and Wheeler. If I receive
this nomination and be elected, I
will vote for the choice of the
Republican party for United
States Senator and conscientious
ly perform the duties, pertaining
to the office ' and at ' aii times
work ' for the interests of the
; Geo. B. Bourhill.
y - Per Ton for cash, as long
Coal $10.50 per Ton, delivered. If for any reasoa
you don't like this coal, your money cheerfully
r refunded.
Condon Steam Laundry.
U Q-T T u
s All the newest Ityles and colorings in Panamas', Fancy Suit-
, inga and Wash Fabrics are now being exhibited by
' v"-. P.fH. STEPH ENSON 3
Large Selections of Skirts, Waists, Drawers) Under Vests,
V-' ' Corsets and Corset Covers. I
' - ' " ' i -i
Latest novelties in, Hat Pins, Belts, Handkerchiefs, Ties,
' Combs, Ribbons, Etc. ' J -
Russet and Kid Oxfords, Patent and Vici Kid Shoes in the
i - latest lasts..' "'
Ladies are invited;
County Commissioner
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for re-election for
County Commissioner of Gilliam
county, subject to the wishes of
the Republican party at the Pri
maries to be held April 17, 1908.
B. T. Snell.
For Congress.
T. T. Geer, candidate for Re
publican Congressional nomina
tion in the Second District Lib
eral appropriations for Water
ways, equal opportunities and
privileges for labor and capital,
and Government control of cor
porations. Notloa For Publication.
. I'ulted Klatea Und Ofne.
" The Dalle. Oregon. Maica Ifth, MA
Hullr U hrby given that id Kelaar ul Con
du,, ha Bled notice ol her Inteulloa in
make Anal Bveyeu prou! la lupport ol hxi
claim, vli: Honteateed Knlry tio.UM? madeUev
4.MiMuttba v .
SWN R4 and N vYfcriE ol Sao. 14. Tp. I .. K
R K.. W. M., aud that Mid proof will ha made
aetor thai Coautjr Clerk at Condon. Uncin,
Kay Mb, ISO.
ha uaa tha following wltneaeee to prow
hataouMnaotM reetdauee upon, and cultivation
of, tha laud, lt: Dav kaaMll, Henry Hart
nan. Julia Keen? and Frank utaaener all ul
Cuuitua, Orvguu,
. , i . a W. Muoki, Rmlattr,
Notloa for Publication. Stan Kaeiivn.
P allad atam Laud UBtn, TM Dalle, Orun,
- ' ' ''. ''".' . rbtuarj IWhmff,
!1CitlaH hrb Iq lhatandar Jhf ruU
low (X tha AH ol fou jfaw ol AnGwat i imx.
b tha avu npplnenury aj amaitdaton
aarato. thaltawol Oret;H(Tf, on Fabmar la.
m niaa m .! u, , U applltMtlPt-
na, ' ' "Ktt . tha HNP4aii
.Tp,ll.lU . W. M
1 and U pmeuL tMmiaf adraraaty tha
odaaarlbad laud, ,t ourlrlaa lot (ay raaaon
to Uw aol aJioMBM, at tha aahHIIou.
lla thair tluui, M objw-uoni la tnla ol
halora UitO, , a( ArU ,ja. ,
;-f ,c w. Uuom, auiirna.
, i Sttl aMaeuoe.
U nlt4 Sid'" Lna f,,
1 Tha r!!J'Jre"n. Fabraary f.
NoUcaUtwaWai''" P
4aDlthaaalolOt.i'n"0' Af"U. HM,nd
thaMta aupiipaitrnr ahd amaudatory Ih.roto
Ik Htal ol Orr V ""V n
ii. ihia mnaa Ua aApHWon No. TO, to aalacl
WiE' ol aacUon ""'. au il E.
II..- -I-,-" ' .
iy and alt panoo alalplhf advanaly tha
tawrlbad laud, or duaitWI 'w ir raaaon
.u .. wt to lb Dual allovapc ot Uia aalMltoo.
ihoaldUatbatraUlmaefoMacllontin una ol
no on at l lra U lain 4fr ol April, IWJK,
C W. Mooai, Krilalar.
Notloa For Publication. Stat aclactloo.
1 Dpartaint ol In Interior.
Land OBaa at Tb DaUta, Oregon,
rabroary W, IWM.
Notlo la hrby tTnUtuadar tb provaloni
ot tbaaatol Conjrtaaol Aufattlltb, lU. and
tb act aapplamaalary and amandatory tharato
tb SlaU ol Oraton baa tbla day Died In tbia ol
Be It application. No. 70, to aaleet tb NE
NKli Uoa 34, Ta. S aoutb, Rang a I., and
Lot 1 ol aacUon 1, T. IS., R. U. E. w. 11.
Any and all paraona clalmliif adrcrarly tha
abora-dtaerlbad land, or deal ring lor any raaaon
to otilact to tba Bnal allowauca ol tb aalmtlon
houM SI lnlr claim! or objactlona In tbla ol'
Bo on or balora tb Ulb, day ol April, Iuub.
C W. Muoai, Kvglilr.
as it lasts. Best grade
tof pay us a visit, a
When you ; have spent
your money and have re
ceived nothing for it and
your eyes still trouble
you, see
Expert Optician
And get your money's
worth. We guarantee a
fit in all cases.
Notloa For Publication,
tfepartmant ol tha tntailor,
Und oftlca at Th Dallra, Oraann,
Malfh ltb, ItM.
Notli ta haraby (Iran that Kara II. Uulla ol
Condon. Orvaon.baa Iliad uuilraol hla Intantiua
to ma Bnal flv yaar prwil In aupport ol
hla Jlalra all: llotnaataad Kutry No, ItM, mada
Vpt 13, ivua. lor tha
NWiolaaTtlonn, Townablp I rhiaih, Mania
11 R. W. M. and thai aald proof will ha nada ba
loiatl. W. Farmail, V. a Cotamlaalonar, at hli
oBte In Condon, Or(on,on May lb, Itaia.
Ha nam th lollowtnf wltnaaaaa to pror
bl ounlluaoua raatdeur upon, and culliaatliin
I, tb land, via: John Oyaart, A. Hartman. II.
K. Waal and C. W, Urvaa, all ol London, Orvaou.
C. W, Mount, Kaflatar.
Notloa For Publication.
Dapartraanl ol th Intarior,
Laud OBlc at Th Ualka, Omrun,
March Inn, IIWB.
Notlca la haraby (Iran that William W. Mc
Pberann ol Cltm. Or.H baa Blad mitlr ol hit
tntanllon to mall Bnal Bta-yaar proof In aup
port ol hla claim, alai Humaataad Kntry No.
Mil mad May Hal, itnl. lor lb 8KVHKV ol
-tactloua. BHNK't and NWINE' ol aartlor
7, Tp. 1 Dontb, Raua 'II ., W, M and that aald
proof will b mad balora tb Kqtlalvf and Ra
nalver at Tb Uailaa. Orrfuii, on May 1Mb, Itua.
Ha natnea lhfolluwlug wllnaiaaa to prora tila
mutlnaoaa rcaldanr apoa, and cultlration ol,
lha land, via: Uaorg WaUhont. Uauraa Wl.
llama, K. J. Mrl'haraon, ol Clam, Oragon, and
urant WadeolOlaa, Orafon.
C. W. Mooat, Ralitr,
Notloa For Publication,
Dapartront ol tha Intarior,
Land Orflcaat Tba Dallaa, Orufon,
March Intb, 1WM.
Nolle la haraby (ltrn that Arthur lantla agx
Condon, Or., baa Blad nolicaol blalntanUue
mall Bnal oommntation prool In aupport al hla
olatm, all: yomaalaad Entry No. l.'OAl nada
Apr. Jnl, 1WJ6, lor tba HENh
-taction l, Townablp t Hoalb, Kama ill K.,
W. M and that aald prool will ha mada balora
Uaorc W. parman, U. S. Commlaalonar, at hli
offlca In Condon, Onion, on May 131 b, IIM,
II namra lha lollorlii- wltnaaa to prura bit
continuoua raaldanaa upon, and culllvaUoa of,
lb land rli: H. K. Waal, K. II. faltlaon, C. W,
Uroai and K. D Laulll all ol Condon, Oregon.
C, W, Moor. Kiul.Tta.
Notloa For Publication.
Land Utile at Tb Dalit. Oregon,
March 17, IIM.
Nolle ta hereby given that avnnfe W. Matt
ol Owemlolen.Or.,hM Died notice of hla Intention
to make Bnal flve-yeir prool In aupport ol
bla claim, via: Homeab-ad Kotry No. 11116 mada
June 1H, IUW, for the N K't ol neutlon ii,
Tp. 1 Boatb, Rang 13 K., W. M .anfl that aald
proof will be made before tha Heglatarand Re
nelver, at Tba Da Ilea, Oregon, on May Ith,
He name tha following wltneaae to pror hi
conlliinoui realdenc upon, and cultivation ot,
the land, vli: William ifuntol Olex. Oregon,
Harry Fletcher, Oliver Guild and Krank Ray
uoldaof Uweudolen, Oregon.
C. W, Mnoai, Hrglaler.
Notloa For Publication.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at Tha Pallet, Oregon,
March Inth, 100).
Notice la hereby given that John T. Fagan ol
Condon, Oregon, haa Bled nolle ol hil In
tention to make final flve-yoar proof In ipport
o! hla claim, vll! Homeatead Kutry No. Wl'ipaY
mad May 14, 1901, lor tha E'.,NW, WNK
ol Section ua, Townablp I South, HangctfK..
W. M., and that aald prool will be mad before
Oeorg W. I'arman, U. S. Cominlaalotier, at bit
oBlce in Condon, Oregon, on May l'Jth, 1908.
He name tb following wilneaeca to prova
hla contlnuoui realdenc apon, and oultlvatlon
of, tb land via: K. VY. Cooke, V. H. C'arnina,
Albert Carnlua and Robert Rogora all of Coudou
C. W. Moohi, Regliter.
Unltad Stataa Land Offloa.
Tha Dallea, Oregon, March 18th, 1908.
Notice Ii hereby given that Orlo B Stebbini oC
Condon, Oregon, baa Bled notice of bli Inten
tion to make Bnal commutation proof In inp
port of hla claim, via: Homeatead Entry No.
1M73 made lor the SNVVX, Nw 'i
Wii of Section 84 and N E'4SK'4 of Section H,
Tp. 4 South, Range 20 B..W. M and that aald
proof will o mada before George W. Pannan,
U. S. Commlaaion,er,al hla ottloa In Condon, Or
egon, on May Uth, 1908.
He namea tha following wltnciioa to prova
hlacontlnuona realdenca upon and cultivation
of, tb land, vli: S. K. Hunt, K. P. Wall, A. C.
Kelaay and Suale L. Stebbini all of Condon,
C. W. Mooat, Rogiator.
TJnllad gutei Land Offlce,
Th Dallei, Oregon, Fabruary 19, 1908. ' -
Nolle la haraby glvau tbat under th provli
lonaof tba Act of Congraai of Auguat 14, 1848,
and tba acta lupplamentary and amandatory
thereto, tha State of Orexon, haa of Jan. 1 IMS '
Bled In tbla offlca it application, aaleet
tb NWbvy, bHsyv and BWBfcK of
Section 25, Tp. S South, Range 20 E., VY. M.
Any and all paraona claiming advenely tha
above-daaorlbed landi, or dealrlng for any rea
aon to object to tha Bnal allowance of th
lection; ahould Bl thalr clalmi or objeoiioni
in tbla offlo on jjr before the eih dnr
April 1906.
f s C. W. Moobk, Rerfliter.