Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, February 07, 1908, Image 6

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    frasi THE KEEK 1
J. F. Cooke is spending a few
weeks in Portland and is having
the time of his life.
. Arthur Baker who has been at
tending the Behnke - Walker
business college in Portland came
up the first of the week for a
few days visit with friends and
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Warren of
Eightmile were Condon visitors
n Wednesday. .
Walter Seals was a passenger
Wednesday morning for Arling
ton and other points on the
main line. .
. Miss Alice Randall of Olex vis
ited in this city for several days
this week as the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. John Randall She
returned home on Tuesday to
resume her duties as bookkeeper
with Wade & Wade.
F. T. Hurlburt left Tuesday
morning for a few days visit in
Arlington, The Dalles and Port-
and. He will return the last of
the week.
Mrs. E. M. Larkin came up
from Arlington on Tuesday for
a visit
Miss Janie Hartshorn enter
tained a few friends at: her
home west of town on Wednes
day evening in honor of her
birthday. The evening was
spent in music and games.' A
dainty lunch was served after
which the guests departed to
their homes. About twenty
were present
Poultry raisers of. Morrow
county are making arrangements
to organize a county association
to encourage the industry, which
is rapidly becoming very im
portant in that county. It is
. their intention to make an elab
orate display of poultry at the
. district fair at Pendleton: this
year. -
Sandy Campbell was a pas
senger last Saturday for points
in western Oregon.
The local lodge of the Reb
ekahsmet on Wednesday eve
ning and Mr. and Mrs. McArthur
and Miss Mabel Richmond were
initiated. After the initiation
work those present partook or a
bounteous supper. About thirty
were present
R. R. Butler was a Portland
visitor last week.
Charlie Setzefant of San Fran
cisco arrived in the city last
week and is visiting with , the
Brunzel family. He was for
three years slaughterman for
Paul Brunzel when the latter
had a meat shop in the earth
quake city. Many have been
wondering what the visit of a
professional slaughterman in
this city means?
Walter Adlard and wife of
Ajax were passengers on Wed
nesday's local for Portland.
Mrs. John Bartoldi who has
been visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kargl of
this city, returned to her home
in The Dalles on Wednesday
Fred Anderson, the foreman in
this office, is on the sick list this
week with an attack of La
The farmers of Gilliam county
have been enjoying for the past
two weeks the best roads that
have ever Deen known in this
county at this time of the year.
These good roads are the result
of the recent cold snap and this
serves to emphasize the old ad
age it is an in wind mat diows
nobody good', as the cold weath
er; although being rather hard
on the grain, brought results that
1 A - I 1 1. - J 11
were a ooon xo mose wno buu
had wheat to hauL
Conductor Shirey is again oc
cupying his old position on the
Condon Flyer and several other
changes have been made along
the line. E. P. Mahaffey. who
was here for some time, will hold
down a conductorship on the
mainline. Sam Boyd who was
here during the past month will
also be placed on the main line.
Everybody was glad to see Con
ductor Shirey's beaming count
enance return to this city.
Rock Creelc News.
We are having nice weather
without snow and the stock is
doing fine
Some of the people are mump
ing around with the mumps as
the disease is quite prevalent
in this vicinity.
Miss Rena Farr is teaching a
very successful term of school
at Locust Grove.
W. P. West and J. E. Stephens
contemplate putting in a con
crete dam in the place of the
one that went out last winter.
Miss Nellie West hast just re
turned to Roseburg after paying
her parents a three weeks' visit
J. A. Miller made a business
trip to Moro last week.
J. E. Stephens made final proof
on his father's homestead last
Weather Report for January
Mean Maximum 37 degrees
" minimum-26.40 '
Mean -31.70 "
Highest Temp. 48o on the 19th
Lowest " -6o " " 31st
Precipitation .31
Snowfall .75
Prevailing winds S. W and N E
No. clear .days 9
No. cloudy" -16
No. partly cloudy 6
S. C. Dodson,
Local Observer
Farmers Buy Stallion.
The imported Belgian stallion,
Bienvenue d'Erque, No. 2181-
36632, which has been seen on
our streets of late, was sold by
McLoughlin Bros, through their
agents, W. F. Crowder and J. R.
Wells, on January 31 to a com
pany of farmers in Ferry Can
yon. The company will be
known as the Belgian Horse
Company of Ferry Canyon. It
is composed of Jas. A. Kibbey,
President; H. L. Johnson, Secre
tary and Treasurer; Ed G. Pal
mer, Wm. Holmes and C. R.
Peugh, directors; G. M. Moore,
John Richmond, Jr., J. A. Sim
mons, J. A. Scott, Louis Couture,
John Couture, A. B. Goodman, Al
Collins. The stallion will be kept
at the barn of C. R. Peugh and
anyone may apply to him for in
formation. The animal is with
out doubt as fine in his class as
any ever seen in this section and
the company is satisfied that
they have the best Belgian stal
lion in Oregon.
Chacal, No. 51451, the import
ed Percheron stallion recently
purchased by Parman Bros.
from S. Metz & Sons, whose head
quarters are at Homewood, 111.,
will stand the season at the Par-
man Bros, ranch. He is a fine
black horse with a white strip
in the forehead and one white
foot He is four years old' and
is probably as fine a Percheron
stallion as was ever imported to
this country.
The Nashville Students
The above named company ap
peared at the opera house last
evening before a fair-sized house.
The performance was a credit
able one,' as a whole, while the
dancing was excellent, in fact,
the best seen in Lead for many
months.. There are nine people
in the company and they keep
busy all the time. Those who
attended last evening were well
satisfied. Black Hills Register
April 13.
Choice stock of beef, pork, veal
and mutton kept on hand at all
times at Farr Bros' Meat Market .
; Mlkkalo Item.
J. II. Feugh and wife return
ed Saturday from a weeks visit
with relatives in Hood River.
We are 'glad to see Chas.
Young at his old stand again as
baggage man on the Condon!
Grant Wade returned last
Thursday from a business trip
to Portland.
Miss Hazel Cooper has just
completed a three-months term
of school at this place.
Frank and Fred Murray were
in town last Sunday.
Harvey Thomas returned Mon
day evening from a combined
business and pleasure trip to
Portland. " f
'Miss Pearl Titus and Miss
Hazel Cooper drove over from
the ranch last Saturday. .
Chas. Lewis will finish hauling
his big crop of wheat this week.
The farmers of this vicinity
would rather see about a foot of
snow instead, of the pleasant
weather of the last few days.
Dr. Gavey of Condon was a
passenger on the Wednesday
morning train to Arlington.
Last Sunday morning about
8:30 o'clock, Jno Mikkahnoticed
what he thought was . a badger
about 200 yards below the barn.
He straightway informed . his
son, Nelis, about it and the two,
arming themselves with a 22-rifle
and a few pebbles about the
size of the moon, proceeded to
exterminate their prey. - When
lo and behold! What was it?
Not a badger but the "dear old
Thomas" cat that has charge of
"mouse department" at one of
the warehouses. Be careful N.
we can't spare him just yet
Mayvllle Happenings.
Jay. Wright is still on the sick
list - ;
Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Gibbons
left Wednesday for an extended
visit with their daughter, Mrs.
J. W. Miller of Albany, and will
also visit with friends in other
valley towns before returning.
The barometers have ." been
registering to zero the past week
and everyone is wishing for fine
Mrs. Vale, who attended the
Dedication exercises of ' the
Grange, left for her home at
Mt Tabor.
SALE During February 1 1 1
Spring is near at hand and we have goods in stock we are going
to dispose of, regardless of loss to ourselves, in order to make
We certainly made a clean sweep in our shoe department. If
you are looking for bargains you will find them here.
Wash Fabrics and Prints. Winter Dress Ma
terials. Laces and Embroideries.
z Ladies' Sweaters at 1-2 Price
Special in Ribbons. Coats. Waists, Skirts and Under-Carmenta .
116.00 Men's Suits now $11.50. 15.00 Men's Suits now $10.00
Overcoats at a big reduction.
$3.00 Hats now $2.00. .. $2.00 Hats now $1.50
We are offering some special bargains in this department, not
because we have to, but because we have reduced prices in every
department. You can always depend on the quality of our
Groceries. Sweet and Sour Pickles, Olives and Apple Butter
in Economy Jars. None better. Can Squash 20c, Can Pump
kins 20c,JelI-O 3 for 25c,Abalone3 for 25c, Orange Marmalade 25a
ItT 6 Bars Soap 25c, ' Mondays' 8 for 25 cents. jgM
The Nathvtlle Student
This popular aggregation gave
a very good program last eve
ning to a well-filled house. The
jig dancing was about the best
ever given here, everyone who
came on seeming to be better
than the one who was on before.
The jokes were for the most
part new, and some were better
than those usually given. The
company is a good one for a fun
giving entertainment and
pleased the people. Rapid City
(75. gasoline engines told by
Hunt, The Hardware Man, are
better than the pirates are offer-
ing for more money.
E. Wheir liat been on the sick
list for nearly a week, but business
has gone on with Hunt, the Hard
ware Man on a land office scale.
Stoves, buggies, plows and shelf
goods galure have gone out. The
Judge is back at the old stand and
everyone will be taken good care
of from now on.
We are ready for the aPpring
trade with a full stock of Flying
Dutchman and Canton plows.
W. L. Barker & Co.
Get our prices on the Stud
baker wagon before buying else
where. V, L. Barker A Co.
Headquarters for pure rendered
lard. Get our wholesale and re
tail prices. Farr Bros.' Meat
Pasture for Rent.
360 acres, 200 in good stuble and
straw, balance bunchgrass. Ap
ply to
W. J. Case, Condon, Or,
Case Gang Plows
Mitchell Wagons,
Mitchell Buggies,
Sanders Disc Plows',
Boss Harrows,
and a full line of small farming
tools of the best quality and at
the lowest prices of Hunt, The
Hardware Man.
Get Farr Bros.' wholesale and
retail-prices on borne cured hams
and bacon.
Washing Machines, washboards,
wash boilers, wash lines, wash
basins, smoothing irons, ironing
boards, brooms, etc., best and
cheapest of Hunt, The Hardware
Anyone having poultry for sale
can dispose of same at Parr Bros,'
Meat Market,
TH u),rt tawUf.
Tbe M called North Carollua poplar,
I trr twllered by some to bs a dis
tinct form of poplar -and by others te
bs merely a stauiluate Cottonwood, has
tlie reputation of belui tbe fastest
growing tree In America. It Is com
mon to Bud trees tbst bsve attained
heights of flfty feet In nfteeo years.
But even this marvelously rapid
growth la both literally and Bgurtuve
ty put In the shade by the black or
Norway poplar (Populus ultra) of Eu
rone. According to Forestry and Irri
gation, a tree"tf this species has been
known to grow to a belgbt of twenty
feet, with a diameter of four Inches at
the base, In three years. Tbe tree has
been celled the "sudden sawlog" aud
cowm pretty nesr deeervtng the name.
Grand Jury Wsrk.
There la one sure way to get a msn
Interested lu the proceedings of tbe
criminal courts," said the gray bstred
man, "end that Is to put blm on a
grand Jury. Just let a msn once serve
the nubile In that capacity and thence
forward be becomes an tndefstlgsble
student of the criminal records. That
result of his experience la. In a way,
Inevitable, Naturally any man with a
siwrk of curiosity about blm Is anx
ious to know the outcome 'of tbe .trials
of the persons be hss found Indict-
meots sgslnst. In following these
esses through the vsrlous courts be se-
qulres an Interest In Judicial proceed
ings that really never dies." New Turk
Little Vlrgtuia. three years old,
brought her mother to her nursery a
few nights ago with heartbroken
"Whit Is the matter, dearie f Why
are you screaming sof
"Mamma, am I all beret"
"Cerutuly yoq are all here, right In
your bed."
"But, nismms, feel of me; see if I'm
sll here. Are my feet here and the top
of my bead botbT"
"Certainly, Virginia, every bit of you
Is here, tucked in your little trundle
bed. Why do you think you are notr
"l dreamed," this with another great
soli, "I dreamed.. I was a chocolats
stick sud t bad eated myeelf."-Ez
The Power of the Rothschilds.
It has been calculated that at tbe
present rate of accumulation tbe
Rothschilds will own by tbe middle of
tbe present century some 2.000,000,
000, or nearly enough to pay off the na
tional debt three times over. Tbe lot
sglnstlon'ls stsggored snd fails to
realise tbe power which Is represented
by such Bgures. It could finance or It
could atop a war: It could delay the
Industrial development of s couutry
for a generation, or It could, on tbe otu
er hind, enable a country which It fa
vored to beat all Its industrial rivals.
A power like this must bsve its lingers
on sll the arteries through which flows
tbe Ufeblood of commerce, tbe ebb
and flow of which It can regulate un
controlled. Grand Magaslne.
, Improvement In Bread.
Judged by Its appearance, digests
blllty, flavor and food value, modern
bread la much superior to that which
was In common use fifty or sixty yesrs
,sgo. Fifty years ago tbe very best was
very good, tbe sverage was poor, ths
bod very bad. Improved wheat clean
ing wheat "conditioning," whereby
tbe wbest Is put in the best condition
for tbe separation of the busk from the
kernel, diminution In tbe amount and
intensity of the friction used In grind
ing snd improvements In tbe methods
of separating the products of grinding
hss In the sggregnte wrought a revo
lution In the art of milling, so that tbe
flour of today Is so article very supe
rior to old fashioned flour. Science
Progress. .-
Ever Notice Itf
Tbe tall, sandy haired man looked a
good deal like his collie.
"Ever notice It?" said an observer.
Teople nearly always resemble tbeli
dogs. Tbst Is. why you, for Instance
short, bull necked snd stubborn ss you
are that Is wby you go In for bull
dogs. "Silly men. with curly hair snd eyes
staring snd stupid snd sentimental, go
In for Blenheim spaniels.
"Lean chaps runners and Jumpers
they're always melancholy, by tbe way
like greyhounds.
"Your little, quarrelsome, slert msn
boosts the fox terrier trade.
"I, a stately and august person, own
a St. BernardV'-Brooklyn Citizen.
D'caf Cllanta Not Popular.
A man In the Tombs for theft con
sulted three different lawyers, each of
whom seemed unwilling to undertake
bis defense.. Tbe fourth man inter
viewed was also on ths point of de
clining tbe cose.
"Look herel" the accused broke out
angrily. "What's the matter with you
fellows, snybowT Tbls Isn't a difficult
case. You ought to be able to get me
off easily, snd I'm wllllug to pay."
"The trouble is tbls," said tbe fourth
man frankly. "You are very deaf. No
lawyer likes to defend a deaf man un
less he Is hard pushed for clients or Is
going to receive a tremendously big fee.
A deaf man is so very likely to queer
bis own esse. If be would only trust
Implicitly tetbe lawyer be would be
all right, but that Is something he sel
dom does. He cannot hear what Is go
ing on about blm, so be flics Into a
panic and fancies bis lawyer Is neglect
ing bis Interests, and tbe first thing
anybody knows he blurts out some
thing that ruins tbe case. I really can't
blame those other men -for turning yon
down. I shall do the same thing unless
you will promise upon your honor not
to speak only when I 'tell you ts."
New York Press.
When you have ppont
your money and have re
ceived nothing fur It and
your eyes still trouble
' you, see
Expert Optician '
And get 'your money's
worth. We guarantee a
fit In all cases. '
Notice for Publication.
Department ol tbe Interior,
Un4 Omc al Tn Dallee, Orison.
January suOi, I nut.
Kotloe la hereby lnu Uuti Oarer H.llawley of
IkieKOragoo.haanlad aoUr ol bit lulanuu
to make Sail eoaautaUo prool la npportul
au Mala via: Hoaeatead Kntry-fia. lava, a4
A. 14. HW. tor the
H w4 and 91 ,T U.,
a. tla., w. a., and tint Mid proof will be atxta
baton tb ketiatat en Raetrl Tha Dallaa,
Own, oa February Sih. M.
H eaae Um loUowInt wllacea to prove
hla auaUno4 ralilantx poa, andcwlUraUon
ol, the laat, via: J.O.Uwtaot Mlkkalo, Oraeua.
W. A. Wool of Clam. Oraf on, J. R.Uallaena ftaia
Leooaa ol Cray, Oratoa.
C. W. Mooas. Rastawr.
Sheriff Bale.
KoUce la haraby si Uial an eiamUon and
orSar ol aala was Iwvad ral ol tba Clicull Court
ol U! sum of Unon, muiia County, on tha
?ta Say ol Jaooary, Mae, epos a Sacra Uwrtla
rtnoarad oa UM tat day ol Aartl, Uu, la tarur
ol C. t. Stubllnt 4ainU and aialntt rrank
Wllaoa. ajataodaul wblah said aiacaUoo and
erdor ol amla la lo aa dlrMtad and ooaaaadliig
a to sail Ik oruoany fcaralnaftat daaarlbail,
tor IB aarpoM ol aUatyhif lb Jwbraaul ol In
ialaUS la aald oauaa lor Uwaaa ol Tkra II a,
dnd, rtlty-aln aud 4-toe IW MI Dollar with
Inlaraata Umiwmi al lb rata ol all bar oani.
par annua Iroa In ink day ol Jaly, Mil,
and In com aad dUbureamanu ol aaid
alt taiad al Twenty and ao-IOS-SS.M-Dullafa.
Tharalor. la Manila no vlik aald itllon
and ordarol aaa, I will oa Monday, lb stb
day ol Mareb, tsuS, al in bourol IS o'clock a. a
at to Court liana door In Condon, (lllllam
Coanly, Orafon. aall at aaulic auction lo wo
b It-boat bidder lor rub In bald, tor Its nurtma
ol aaliafylns lb J4anl snd dacra abut
acaUonad. lb lolow I na drarlbad pro party ol
Udludnt, rrank Wllaon, lo-wll:
Tba South ball (S) ol U four () lo Block
our, (4) la lb Orlilnai Towudt ol Condon,
Ullllaa Ooanty, Oraton.
tatod this IMh day ol Jaauary, IMS.
a. M. Soosae,
Bbarigol Ollllaa Coonty, Orafiia
Dal of But aubllcaUoo, rbruanr ?th. isn.
DaUol laal publloaUon, Mart ath, MM.
Sheriff Sal.
Notlr t hertby (Iran that an itrnllon and
order ol l wm laauad out of tha Circuit Coi rl
of tba Slat of Oraton, Ullllaa County, on Uw
7lb day of January, I WIN. upon a dacra tbarcln
randarod an lh Mb day ol April lou In
faror ol C. J. Stabling, plaintiff and asalntt
Jan" Nl and Frank Wllann, defendant
which aald MrUun and orrtar ol aal I to a
directed and eoamainllnf a to ell lb prop
erty hereinafter daarrlbed, fur tb purpoaa ol
aaUafylnf tb Judaemeut ol tbe plaintiff In aald
rente lor the turn of sliteen Hundred Ninety on
A 70-100 1MSI 701 Dollar!, with liiuml thereon al
tb rate ol ill par cant, per annum from lh
Mb day ol April 1906. and fifle.00 attorney
to, and tb coat and dUburwacnU ol aald
nit taxed at 114,00.
Therefore, In compliance with (aid execution
and order of aal, I will on Monday, tb sih
day ol March, I SOS, at lh bourol to o'clock a.
M., al the Court Hona door In Condon, (lllllam
County, Oteffon, aall at publlo auction lo tb
hlchoel bidder foreeah In band, for tbe pnrpoa
ol aatlafjlns lb Judgment and decree above
mentioned, In following daarrlbed, property ol
the defendant, Frank Wllaon to-wlt:
Tb South ball i ol Lot four (4) In Blank
Four (4) In tb Original Towmlte ol Condon,
Gilliam County, Oregon.
Dated thU 1Mb day ol January, IMS. ,
a. M. Rofisaa,
Sheriff of Gilliam Connty, Orrcon,
Date of tint publication, February 7th, IMS.
Data of lait publication. March $tb, 190S.
Grand Ball
on the evening of February 14
St. Valentine
At the
Skating Rink
I now have charge of the
and wish to say to my pa
trons and the publio that
the work turned oat here is
guaranteed to be up-to-date
in every respect. Next
week we expect to have an
ExrERiKNcitD Taiwb in
connection with the laun
dry and respectfully solioit
your patronage in this line..