' POTlNOdonoatthoGLOBKf Vflill lff' - 'if I'll i ffS ifV&'&r if f ! r CCin the Globe. The news-f . . I office l.tguarantwoff . fJJ4 W - . Mj'f M If jf BfW jfftif N .Tf ! j)f I feet and best adverts the bt'Ht workmanship. ' ,S$VJBJ$P ' tytylP Jp.V ' Vj JJE j,' - ing Medium in Gilliam county VOL XVII. CONDON. OREGON. FKIDAY. JANUARY 31. 1008. NO. 4fiC i INTERESTING NEWS FROM OUR COUNTRY NE1GHB LONE ROCK NEWS May Put In New Water Systom K. of P. Preparing for Big Time on Feb. 19th Calvee Killed by Coyotee. Lone Rock is still on the map and its people areas jovial and contented as can be found In any village in the inland empire. The weather being especially propi '. ttous and spring-like, many peo ple took advantage of the weather and good roads to corae to town. The hotel DeWilliams seems to be a busy place under . the hospitable management of J. F. Stewart A. Neel has about completed his cottage on Water street and has moved into it for the winter. His daughter is attending the public school which is under the mangement of Mrs, Wells of Condon. . I. C. Bennett has made some substantial improvements on his property on Second St and now has a commodious and neatly ar ranged home. James and Joe Hayes, pros perous stockmen of Morrow Co., have been visiting their mother, Grandma Hayes, the last few days but will leave for home in day or two, Mrs. P. L. Ham has moved to ' town and has her daughters in school Gladys, who was so bad ly burned, has about recovered. Mrs. Clarence Neel and Mrs. John Rasmus of Heppner have been visiting old friends and making new ones in, our, midst for a few days. , ; , George Perry started to Por t ' land Sunday morning where he iroes to take his daughter, May. whose eyes have given her a g.-eat deal of trouble of late. Sre will be under treatment of a cel ebrated occulist and her friends . hope for her speedy recovery. Superintendent G. T. McArthur who has many friends in this city was seen on our streets a few days ago. He made a visit to the public school. Mrs. A. B. Staniey has been quite sick but fs able to be around again. . ' ' . j There is talk of a new water ' Bystem to furnish water for the city. This will be a boon to tee totalers and others who drink water a9 they will no longer fear germs and contamination as, in the past Lone Rock has a flourishing Sunday school and young people's Endeavor which are well attend ed. I hardly think there is an Endeavor in this part of the state where greater interest . is 'shown. Frank Andrews, our genial jeweler, wears a broad smile. When questioned as to the cause of his unusual jocularity, he said. , ."Well, it's a boy and he weighed five pounds with his winter c'.othes on; set out the cigars Doc, It's my treat" Mother and ., child doing nicely. . - The K. of P. are making prep arations for an entertainment to be given on the 19th of Febru ary. Part of the program will be a grand ball and the Lamb Bros, have been engaged to fur nish the music, ' J, R Fosshas returned from Heppner where he went with a shipment of beef cattle for H. - S. Neel. - Chas. Pheglcy has taken a pos ition as foreman with Nat Scott A number of our young men went to Hardman Friday night to attend the dance. The Lone Rock Btore has re ceived a largo shipment of gro ceries and are selling as cheap as the same class of goods can be bought at railroad towns. Coyotes or some other kind of a "varmint" has killed several head of calves for J. A. Mote during the last few nights. A man by the name of McNutt has bought the Mote farm form erly owned by John M. Brown. More Anon, Scribbler. MIKKALO ITEMS Everybody Busy Carload of Hogs Shipped to Port land. Harvey Thomas shipped a car load of fat hogs to Portland lost Monday. Mrs. Ranquist of near Pendle ton visited her sister, Mrs, Jno. Mikkalo several days last week. M. E. Cotter of Eltopia, Wn., was in Mikkalo on business this week. . Miss Pearl Titus 'visited at Olex the first of the week. Mikkalo Bros, are hauling straw this week and getting ready for spring work. The B. G. WhseCo. shipped a car of wheat to Portland Thurs day. J . l' , Elmer Mikkalo left for Pendle ton last Monday to visit with rel atives. '.. Geo. Smith came iown from Condon Wednesday morning. Jno. Wienert and Fred Murray were in town Tuesday. Chas. Wester went to Port land Wednesday on business. AJAX NOTES : Successful and Interesting Meeting of Igo Grange Beef Cattle Taken to Condon The Igo Grange is still flourish ing. Saturday was a very inter esting day as the new officers were installed and a very inter esting program was given. Sev eral visitors were present during the installation and program. There were also several new ap plications for membership. Oscar Simmons' children, who were on the sick list Br e improv ing. . . Harry Palmer delivered some beef cattle in Condon the first of the week. Mayville Grange "Dedicates New Home. On Wednesday the new home of the Mayville Grange was aus piciously dedicated with the proper grange ceremonies. The occasion was attended by a large number of local and visiting grangers. Dinner, was served at noon and a social dance was enjoyed by the younger members in the evening. All report a good time. Full details of the business session , will be given in next weeek's issue, the matter having arrived too late for this issue Condon largest primary ship ping point in the world is now on the map. The glad tidings -which were announced last week by the Globe have been taken up by papers, everywhere and" the "good word" has been scattered broadcast" IIBGECHILOTO ATTEND . SCHOOL REBUUHLY Parents Should Co-operate with Teach ere New Song Books Received Preparing for"Parent' Dry." Parents are requested and .ex pected to co-operate with the teachers in securing punctuality and regularity of pupils, as on these depend the success of the child in any walk of life. See that your child is in school all the time that school is in session and if it does not advance, the teacher is responsible, but if it is in school at irregular intervals then you as parents are respon sible, for under our present school system it is essential to advancement that the child be prompt and regular. These truths were demonstrated in our recent examinations wherein all pupils who had been regular and stu dious received excellent grades and their work will compare fav orably with the work of any school in the state) while not so much can be said of the irreg ular pupil, - Several books have been added to the reading table; we also have a number of new song books, so if you wish to hear , some excel lent singing, call in at any of our regular assembly mornings. Mr. Sturgill gave Roy Nendle of Clem the eighth grade exam inations last week. Sidney Hawson, Eunice Eb- berta, and Fred Rice, did excel lent work in our current events period at assembly. Our average daily attendance has been decreased considerably this month owing to sickness. It appears that when one child is able to come back, another will take sick and be absent Mrs. Wade of Clem visited our school Tuesday to note the work' being done in the fifth grade. Mrs. Searcy has accepted the position made vacant by the resignation of Miss Laura Sim mons. - Teachers and pupils are mak ing preparations for a "Parents' Day" exhibit and exercise which will be given some time in the near future. ' J. D. McDermitt of Wasco was in town on business the first part of the week. Dr. Gavey made a call at Bla lock this week. He is attending J. W. Enbergs's son, William, who is quite sick. lio 1 Jo . 1 Jo ljo ljo 1 jc Ho RYE1 1-2CTS Ho Ho PER POUND. He ljo To clear surplus stock ljo ljo Gilliam Co. Mh.mng Co. l jo ljo ljo ljo ljo ljo ljc, rruvuinjuinnnnruvuinnnrinnrip . ... . 1 jorjasoi '. Qorjdors Coijftioijr cj Cigars Candles. Tobaccos b ovunxuxnAnnnnjviAruxRAjrinuira Look out for our SPHI1 JUENODHCEHEUT ! S. G. D0DS0N. QAnnnnruuinniAUVAnnAnnruinnp ? I'iaI E a ' ? i noiddbiiur Harness c and Saddles Made In CONDON Sold and used Everywhere I J. F. R auutfunrurtruwu 5 vuufl ruxutruvnruuuuinnnnr FREE Every One Dollar cash purchase entitles you to one Stereoncopic View and 100 views will entitle you to one Stereoscope. A Good Lunch at nil Hours. Groceries, Fruitsand baked gooda delivered at all hours. Give os a trial. HOME BAKERY AND GROCERY The Prizes Are Gone But We Are Still Doing Business As Usual VVASSON'S CASH GROCERY Home Phone No. 39. NORTH MAIM STREET F HftRHFR III As ever, this space belongs to WILLIAMS EXPERT OC3 0 JUST RECEIVED ! ! fininnmsie The Assortment of VALEUTiflES In the City 0 All Mods P05T 3 1 . j- 3 Souvenir Tost Cards , ' Birthday": V ' " . StPatrick " . " Valentine " Comic . " " " Price3 ranging from lc to 10c each. niuuuuuutt D I UllKlT nv.iirrrYio ft 11. Ir. IlUn MISS Q REINER'S R Condon National Bank R 60NDON W. LOUD President You are cordially ceo. b. X " rfisiiSt ric,.Pr,uUt fir t Tf. f jfS 'Tp ' ; eui J:-i&BX I $50,000 Cashier s-la,n,?wT f JC-n ' ,,,-if this your BANKING HOME? We receive the Recounts of Firms, Corporations and , Individuals, and return to our depositors every accommodation within the limits of Prudent Banking. Tntordst allnwerl O Special Attention Given u Other Flour may cost more but U O . ; R F? E M I E R q Flour takes Top JEWELER OPTICIAN 0 Largest iruwmruv B4 0 s-4 0 sds ;:: 9jnnnnnni 1 , mgIOU f MILLINERY PARLORS 82C1 ORbOON Capital invited to make on tlm HfT-ircsit to Stockmen's Accounts O Q Placa for Quality g All Prices