yinnuvmrui rinflmnuwvnninin 5 PRINT IN0 Jon0 at tneGw)BE t i uuinnuuu uutariuvnAnnnAnp Dri the Globe. The new. iest and best advertis- 5 ing Medium in Gilliam county 2 e ollice is a guarantee of ; e the beat workmanship. . dwinswtinnnnninnvuvnnij runnivuntxnTujnrunijnnm VOIm XVII. CONDON. ORKflON.TRIDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1007. NO. 40. BANK HOLIDAYS (RE OVER All Buslnoaa Picks upon Hrm BasisLocal Banks Report Amounts Deposited Great ly Exceed Withdrawals. The bank holidays are a thing of the past, having ended Dec ember 14th. Business in gener al, while not as good as before, has picked up with a rush that is reassuring. The' local banks have not been taking advantage of the holidays for Some time and their reports show that dur ing the past week the amounts that have been deposited are greater than those drawn out, although some of the knockers who persist in looking in the wrong direction, predicted that Borne of the local banks would have to suspend as soon as the holidays were officially declared off. The wheat buyers are Jn the market offering 68 cents per bushel. Not only in Condon is business picking up but accord ing to our exchanges it is the rule throughout the state. News From Our Schools. Four now pupils were enrolled this week. ,' ' -School will closo to-day for the Christmas vacation and will re open on Monday, December 30th. Christmas - exercises will be held jn the grade rooms this ev ening. All invited to. be present. At the regular assembly last Thursday morning the discussion on Current events was led by Garland Ferguson and Robert Fitzmaurice. The fourth grade is the first to receive a half holiday under the ruling that whenever any grade shall have had twenty- consecu tive school days without absence or tardiness that grade shall have earned a half holiday. Regular teachers' meeting this evening at which time "Methods in Reading" will be discussed. By the use of the fire drill in troduced this year, every pupil can be safely out of the building in one minute and at times of practice the pupils are back at work in three minutes. Miss HershnerMiss Irvin and Miss Ranney will spend the holi days at their homes. Current Events is made the chief topic of discussion at our Thursday morning assemblies. Much interest is manifested in the same and it is proving of great benefit to teachers and pu pils alike as a desire for a knowledge of the happenings of of the world is created. The greatest cruise in the his tory of the sea started on Mon day, December 16th. when the American fleet 'left Hampton, noaas on its journey to tne Pacific Coast v Dr. Wood reports a fine son born .to Mr. and Mrs. Z.' A. Eb bert Monday evening. Geo. Wasson shipped a carload of onions to Portland Wednesday morning. He followed them Thursday morning ill order to put them on the market to a bet ter advantage. Jesse Wherry of Arlington was in Condon Wednesday . evening attending to business matters. MASQUERADE . WELL ATTENDED Maskers Show Good Taste In Costumss Buslnsas Houses Repre sentee. The masquerade ball given at the Bkating rink lost Friday ev ening was a success in every way. The costumes were well gotten up and not a few of them were very appropriate. The ball was attended by about 150 peo ple many of whom were specta tors. Shouts of laughter greeted the appearance and antics of the maskers who were there for that purpose. Four judges were chosen early in the evening and and after an hour and a half of dancing, the judges awarded the prize Mr the best lady masker, a glove and handkerchief box to the lady representing the Gilliam Co. Milling Co., Mrs. W. L. Blakely, and grize for the best gentleman masker, a smoking set, to Master James Flett, who took the part of a Brownie. Mrs. Blakely's costume was unique, being made of flour sacks sewed into a dress with the brands on the outside. Several other cos tumes were worthy of mention especially those representing the Kerr, Gifford and Interior Ware houses, which were made of grain sacks. After the prizes were, given the participants un masked and dancing was the or der until a late hour. It is reported by the best of authority that the majority of the stockmen in the mountains south of Condon who ship their stock to Portland, ship it from Shaniko. Almost all of these do their business there, buy their clothing, groceries, in fact all of their supplies. Why is this? To use the words of one of these stockmen, this is the reason: 'The reason we ship our cattle from Shaniko instead of Condon is because in the stock-yards at Condon there is neither scales nor water, while at Shaniko there is both." We would much rather ship from Condon and do our trading there but we can't afford to ship from there nor make an extra trip over there to buy sup plies." This is not the senti ment of one man alone, but of all who ship much stock. Even Brunzel & Son, our local buyers, ship most of their stock from Shaniko for this same reason. The city of Condon loses thous ands of dollars every year, mon ey that would otherwise come here but for the fact that our stockyards are not up-to-date. Would it pay to look after this? A ten pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbons of Mayville Tuesday night. Dr. Wood in attendance. According" to "an exchange, the majority of eastern Oregon sheepmen will devote the entire month of January to trapping, poisoning and otherwise ridding the country of the sheepmen's pest, the coyote. At the time the $2 bounty was declared off the coyotes were few and far be tween but now it is a common thing to see them roaming over the hills, sometimes four or five in a bunch. Chas. Wester of Clem attended to business in Condon a few days this week. E.' J. Catlett was a business visitor in The Dalles on Monday. GRAND X-MAS VVcdnedauNlflht.Deo25 AT THE COM SKATING RINK Mucic by Laam Bros, of The Dalles. Super at Eastern Restaurant 1'AXIC IX t OA LOOM! We were no wore renponaible for the liijih price of coal than the Oregon ban It were renpoubible for the scare. But it in all over now. At least we are going to figure that it ii ami coal is 110 per ton at our yards until Jan. lit. Fifty cent per ton for delivering. Arlington Lumber Co.'a yards, Arlington to Condon. GILLIAM CO. MILLING CO. CONDON Our Specialties ; The highest grade family flour(The highest market price for wheatf - Rolled feed and mill feed the beet4 Prices a 1 ways right : : PRIZE S 1st Prize .Silver Tea Set 2nd Prize Violin 3rd Prize . . . bbl Premier Flour 4th Prize Box Cigars To be given away on Jan. 1, '08. Remember, you do not have to buy a cent's worth of anything nor pay a cent for your chance. Simply give us your name and in return we will give you one chance on these presents. WASSON'S CASH GROCERY Home Phone No. 89. NORTH MAIN STREET r. nnjwuinnnnuuinnnnruin, Relsacher Harness and Saddles Made In CONDON '. , Sold and used Everywhere J.F. ouuirurinvri nnvrinnjvuuvuiruxarin.'v RF RAnHFR No Cut Rate on COAL Simpson is not cutting rates for thirty days. I have com menced selling coal at a living price and will continue to do so all winter, I have plenty of coal of different kinds and grades from 110.00 up. Your pat ronage solicited. . C A. Simpson, . at Condon Steam laundry AAAAAAAAAJlAAAVUVtn AAA1 lM I K A. ' ' Cadir; LCiuars. Candles. Tobaccos ' jj iwuyinnnnnuvvnjwnjvrinnuvfi FREE. Every One Djllar cash purchase entitles you to one Siereoscopio View and 100 views will entitle you to one Stereoscope. -- ' - ' , We will also give away 1 bbl of the best flour and 15.00 in dimes The dimes and tickets will be found io the bread purchased from now until the close of the Holidays. Best Groceries Best Prices Fine Baked Goods. Home made Candies. Prompt delivery HOME BAKERY ' AND GROCERY Everybody Knows the name Studebaker Manufacturer of Wagons and South Bend Watches. We don't sell the Wagons but we do sell the Watches to those who insist upon having them. We like to sell them for one reason, and yet we don't like to for another reason. The reason we like to sell them is because the margin ot profit is mucbgreater than on our higher grade watches, yet we would rather sell you a standard timepiece which we know would give entire satis faction and make you our perma nent customer. We sell more watches than any other dealer in the county for two reasons, the first is because we handle all the high grade movements, and never try to talk a customer into buying an inferior article, knowing that by so doing we not only lose his trade, but also his good will, and sacrifice our established reputation for square dealing and reliability. The second reason is expressed in a very few words, being nothing more or less than that our prices are about 25 per cent, lower than those of our competitors, regard less of their misleading assertions, and we are here to prove it to you Our goods are marked in plain fig' ures, and we havebut one price to all. ROBINSON, Graduate Optl Ician. Watch Inspector 0. It. & N. f n I II Min i Prove it Br comparing the goods and prices 7-jeweI, 13-size, Nickel case, American movement, $ 3.50 7 jewel, 18 site, Nickel case, Elgin or Waltbam 5.00 7-jeweI, 18-size, Gold filled case . 7 8.00 17-jewel, 18 size, " "20-yrcase" " 15.00 7-jewel, 0 size. Gold filled case " " I9fin The above watches are just as represented and all warranted to give you entire satisfaction. Tbev are all new movement, n,( ..... from the factory or no sale. These pnvro uut jruu can Duvai an limes at me same price and we will be pleased to sell you. My juotto is: Buy where you can save money, qual ity considered. EXPERT NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED All the latest Styles AT MISS QREiNER'8 MILLINERY PARLORS CHRISTMAS Is drawing nearer every day, and Holiday selections. For Tovs we out seeing our stock. We have COME AND SEE What Every " Woman) Wftat Every Man Likes 'Immensely A woman's hands bespeak her refinement by their eroomine. She cannot groom them properly without the right tools, such as: Manieurt Scissors Manicure Files Manicure Knives Manicure Powder . Manicure Paste Manicure Brushes Emery Boards Nail Polishers When she has these she can keep her hands m such perfect condi tion that they will appear to be groomed by an expert Let us help you choose a selected mani cure set to order from our large stock. COMBS MflKE teeeptable presets You can't please your wife more than by giving her a nice Dress ing Comb. It is the companion of her crowning glory. We have some French Hand Made Combs with rounded teeth to prevent cutting of the hair good strong ones that will stand lots of use. .Very handsome. SSo 35c 40o 60c 60c 70o 760&I.00 ipo: Condon National Bank CONDON A IK FRENCH Prtsidtnt GRANT IVADE Vict- President F. T. HURL-BURT 82431 Cashier You are cordially invited to make this your BANKING HOME I - We receive the accounts of Firms, Corporations and Individuals, and return to our depositors every ; , accommodation within the limits of , Prudent Banking. - Interest allowed special Aiienuon iiven IS PREMIER Ask your Grocer for i. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Yourself prices are not for bait or panic THE JEWELER OPTICIAN soon you will have to make your are In tb Wl Jnn't k uv " just what the boy or girl wants. Likes Immensely Did you ever know a man w ho did not want, for once in his life, a complete shaving outfit? Shav ing, at best, is an irritating, ted ious, time-taking habit that must be indulged. Every day is a re minder of the thoughtful giver to the man who ha3 presented to him a set of the following: Shaving husk jv to Si Shaving Stit 35c Shaiini Mug ly to joe Shaving Cream tjc Shm-ingStmf 2j( to $t Saftty Razor Si to $S Sharing Snap toe Raton Si and up Sharing Pm-dtr 10c ttVrf H'ih Haul jv ' Look over "his" outfit and see if it does not need replenishing. We will gladly help you to select the right thing. BEAUTIFUL STATIONERY IN HANDSOME BOXKS Not cheap stationery in gaudy styles. If you get it here it is right iu every way. PRICES: 25C, 50C&75C Neat Tablets in cloth textures with envelopes. ; Visiting Cards with envelopes. , , HUNT, THE DRUGGIST :oip 1 ORftOON Capital Stock agB - j $5 O.OOO.oo on time deposits' 10 scocKmen's Accounts 0 rrn a9 ...