annuvuvuvvnruwuuuuuuvuu uwwuvu vwuwuu wmnnuwunnt ! INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM CITY AND COUNTY c jiAruvriAAAAnfwvfviruvn nnniwinn fvnninnrvnnnAAAnriAafuvnAniAfo Nine cars of cuttle left Con-'and from 1:30 to 3:.JG P. M. The don Thursday morning. Mr. Curutoin shipped five, N. Madden two, and Clms. Koyce, two. B. K. Searcy returned last week from the upper waters of the Deschute. B. K. reports a (Treat trip and brought back some fine specimen of trout and venison. Merrificld, the Condon photo grapher, is to be at Caven's gallery in Foasil during the Cule donian Gathering. This will be a splendid opportunity for the people of Wheeler county to have thoir pictures taken by a first chisa artist The Arlington-Condon train has again changed time. It now leaves Condon at 7:45 in the morning and arrives in Arlington at 10:30. Leaving Arlington at 12:45 in the afternoon, it arrives at Condon at 3:45 p. m. The local train on the main line, for merly known as the "Biggs Local", arrives at Arlington at 11:10 a. m. and this cauttes a wait of only 40 minutes where heretofore westbound passengers have had to wait from two to six hours. The east bound local arrives at Arlington at 12:30 p. m. making a wait of 15 minutes. The addition of the local train to Pendleton with the change in time is certainly a great boon to the people of this vicinity and those who live south of here as the waits in Arlington are prae tically nothing. Will turt Kindergarten School Mrs, Dennis has moved into her new home, formerly the Pearl Jarvis property. It is her intention to establish a kinder garten which will open on the first Monday in November. Any one wishing to avail themselves of this splendid opportunity of putting their little ones into care ful hands for valuable training will please let her know at their earliest convenience. The hours will be from 9:30 to 11:30 A. M. terms will be $1 per week and the ages must be between 3 and 7 years. After kindergarten hours she will take care of babies during the evenings and terms will be 121 cents per hour. Oaledonlana to Oelobrau at Foull. Fossil Caledonian Club's grand annual gathering is to be held it FoHsil this year on the 21t and 22d of October, and will be participated in by the grandest iggrejration of talent ever Drought together at an affair of this kind in Oregon. It will be in event of such splendid char acter that it will never be for gotten by those forunate enough to be present Among the principal features will be: Songs by Prof. J. Adrian Kpping, Portland's eminent bar itone, whose "McGregors' Gath ering" has thrilled thousands of hearts. Prof, and Mrs. Robert son will appear in Scottish danc ing and Jacobite songs, in cos tumes. Jessie Pottage and Chas. Thompson will also appear in full Highland costume in Scottish dances. Pipe-Major McDonald, the biggest piper in the world. will do the bulk of the bag pipe playing and will be assisted by Piper Jock Bain. Among the new talent will be Jamie Dick Murray, of the cele brated Player's Club of New York City, whose rendition of 'Tarn O'Shanter" has never been excelled. A. H. Birrell, the Portland capitalist, has consented to steal a few days out of a very busy business life to give his fellow countrymen at Fossil the benefit of his irresistibly funny Scotch songs and recitations. Donald Mackay will recite. Judge Cameron, Oregon's next governor, will deliver the annual address. Miss Laulie Stanton and Mrs. W. D. Weaver, of Port- and, with club, are to sing number of classical Scotch songs. Each in his own inimitable style, Murray, Birrel and Coleman are alone in their respective classes. Coleman also plays all the Scotch songs and dances on the violin. Mrs. Robertson is to sing "Caller Herrin", in costume, and they ay she does it like a real Stonehaven fishwife. There will be two grand con certs and two grand balls. Practically all of Condon and Mayville as well as a big dele gation from Heppner are going. For further particulars see bill. rUtentlonI Dr. Mary Lane, with ( the Mary tane Medical and Surgical InHtitute of Portland, treats di seases of women exclusively. Maternity canes given social at tention. Children adopted intc good families. An up-to-daU sanitarium run in connection. Suffering women will do well tc confer with her. Consultation free correspondence absolutely confidential. Address Mary Lane Institute, Rooms 5 to 15 Grand Theatre Building, Port land, Oregon. fnm J'Um. kaW to oMl flimlm. U MtU. KnnnW.IU, t n COUNTIII. , BmAm- Mrttt mil WtikimgUm MM , H momf mm efttn Iki ptUnt. H httfit w4 Itf4fifwrt fnctltn IxdwMj. II Wtiu or onow luotil H IM nk Wnrt, MM tMH Tttm MUtB ft WHIHOTOH, D, Q. B mm John Jackson OONOON'S LEADINQ OONFEOTIONER Cliiart, NuU, Tohaoco, Butlooerjr, PmUl Cmnit ol every dfrltion. Condon Meat Company JOHN HARRISON, Proprietor Fretii and Cured Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED Caraar taring uU Ovagoa Straata CONDON, OREGON Mount Hood Saloon WM. CONSER, Proprietor. Fine Stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Our Patrons are our Friends and are Treated Right. First Door North of the Condon Livery Barn. f Stewart CampbaU James Campbell THISTLE BAR CAMPBtU MO&. Praariatara Fine Stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars j NEW riRM NCW STOCK NEW BUILDING North Main Street, Condon, Oregon. QnAnAAAnnnnvrvAnnAninnnnf i -v ' 1 i i .nnnnn Livery Barn Hardman & Ramsau. Props. Condon, Oregon f juvuvuvwvuvninfUvruuuuuvQ jOPEN TO INSPECTION J At Our Store : 25 VARIETIES OF DRESSERS Ranging in price from $0.50 to $25.00. A lo a corresponding array of C bairn, Extenaion Table, Hidrboards, Buffets, China Cl'eti, Book Cum, Mirrori. Coucbea and Carpets. We make Room Sue Ruga a specialty. Be Comfortable! Buu a "Sleepy Hollow" Rocker Tbe time is ripe; the price ii right, and the good a are waiting. Wool Dress Goods in the latest shades in Panamai, Herges, Vo'le. wool TafMas, Broad Cloths, etc. Ladies,' Misses and Children's winter coats, ladies winter waists, dress skirts, silk and heatherbloom petticoats. Dress Trimmings in Silk Braids, Laces and Embroideries. WE HAE NOT FORGOTTEN THE BABIES. A Full Line of Babies' Coats. Skirts, Toques, Astrikhan Caps, Leggings, Etc. . Boys' Suits, both two-piece and with long pants UNDERWEAR All kinds and prices A Full Line of Gents' Furnishings Oar Goods were bought right and will be sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES P'M THE 8. B. BARKER CO. Incorporated WHEAT BARLEY INTERIOR WAREHOUSE Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO., Managers. Higest rricts raid For Grain. General Warehouse Business Conducted. II'mI Storage tmi Baling m Sniaty, Dralert in Sorts, Wire, Naili, Sugar, Sail, Lime Sulfhur,Cemtnl,Shtff t)if,Elc, , OATS RYE Condon Dray and Transfer Line. J. W. HIRE Proprietor All Kinds of Light and Heavy Hauling Pianos carefully handled. Large amount of Wood and Coal on hand. Lost Valley Land & Lumber Pn Tno,'LOSTVALLEY V ' OREGON F. M, PL1TER, Manager. Manufacturers of all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber. Also a full line of Mouldings. Following are prices at mill: Rough Lumber, $12 $ M. First-class RubUc, Flooring, 127 Shinlap, 17 " No. 2 " " 19 Tank Lumber, $25. Wide Lumber according to dimensions. MISS CATHERINE :GR El NER desires to annnounce her Fall showing of OORREOT8TYLES IN LADIES ANOMI88C8 HAT8 You are invited to call and inspect them. ; Seventeenth Annual Pair The Dalles, Oregon OCTOBER 8-9-1 0-1 1-12 Grand Stock, Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibit. Every class of industry will be represented. An old time fair with new time features. Premium lists will be furnished to any address on ap plication to the Secretary. All contests confined strictly to the District, except Klickitat speed horses will be admitted. For particulars see premium list or address J. L. KELLY, J. M. PATTERSON, Pres. Sec. Globe Office for Fine Job Printing. Take Your Choice! You must choose between the Plumber now or the Doctor later. Millions of microbes have lain dormant in the drain pipeB in your home all winter waiting to be hatched out by the first few days of real hot weather. Now here is the point was that plumbing properly done? if not right now iB the time to see to it, for to put it off is tempting fate. It's cheaper and far more pleasant to pay a plumber's bill than a doctor's and undertaker's. Think it over, but not too long. JftMIESON & MARSHALL, Plumbers a gen is ior ine aampson v inamul Beet and Uneapest.