itM)i$t VOL. XVII. CONDON. OREOON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1007. NO. 20. CUPID DOES GOOD WORK Prominent Condon Young Peo pi Arc United for Life During Past Week. WILL MAK&OONDON THEIR HOME Quiet Home Wedding Cere monies Beautiful and Impressive. Parman-Rlgga At an early hour Thursday morning, Oct 3rd, the marriage of Miss Maude Rlest to Mr. Lloyd Parman was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents in this city. The bride is the only daughter of Rev. and Mrs. u. w. Kiggs. She has been a resident of Condon for the past two years and since coming here has made many friends. The groom is one of Gilliam county's prominent and respected young men, havmg lived in this vicinity nearly all of his life and is de servedly popular among his many friends. The impressive mar riage service was read by Rev. G. W. Riggs, father of the bride, in the presence of only the near relatives of the contracting par ties. After the wedding lunch eon the newly wedded couple took the morning train for Port land where they will visit for sometime. After their return they will make their home near this city and will be "At home" to their friends after Nov. 1st The many friends of both Mr. and Mrs. Parman unite in best wishes for their future happiness and prosperity. They were the recipients of many costly presents from Iheir relatives and friends, among which was a beautiful piano. ' Purvlne-Bowerman Miss Mary Bowerman was married to S. Ellis Purvine in Salem, Sunday, Sept 29, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lydia H. Bowerman. Both young peo ple are well known to Gillianm county people, the bride having practised her chosen profession, medicine, in Condon for several years until a few months ago. The groom is in business in Con don and is highly respected. The young couple will make their home in Mann's Addition, Condon, about the 10th, when they will return from a short honeymoon. A OR EAT WHEAT CENTER. Condon Warehouses Crowded with CralnMore Com ing In Every Day. All roads lead to Condon. And all of these roads are lined with two,, four, six and eight-horse teams loaded with the wheat and barley which has been harvested in the great counry tributary to Condon.' On Tuesday morning there were sixteen heavily loaded teams in line at the warehouses waiting to be unloaded and in whatever direction a person wishes to look they can see large teams enroute to the warehouses. It was reported to a repre sentative of the Globe that one firm received 5000 sacks on Mon day last And when one stops to consider that there are three or four firms buying grain and all getting their share they must be willing to concede that Gilliam county as a great wheat country cannot be excelled. ' J. K. Fitzwater left Tuesday morning for a few days visit in Portland. A GOOD IMPROVEMENT Old Landmark Around which County Seat Sprung Up To Be Modernized. The old platform around the famous spring at South Main street will be torn down and the spring covered over, thus render ing the street more passable to the large amount of travel on that road. The city has had a large watering trough madefy Jamieson & Marshall and this is to be placed just below the Pal mer building at lower Main street and fed from a pipe run ning down from the spring. The trough is a large one. 17 feet six inches in- length, and of heavy galvanized iron and was made to last The improvement is a trood one and will be a boon to the city be sides providing an excellent watering place for the large num ber of horses now on the road to Condon daily hauling wheat as well as a good camping place for those hauling at a great distance. ! This change will do awav with the old landmark around which the county seat started its growth, ! and although a few of the pioneer residents of the county may miss the old familiar sight when they come to town, they will no doubt be impressed with modern change and improvement NEWS OUR SCHOOLS Registration now ISO Many New Pupils Are Added Each Day. LACK OP BOOK DELAY WORK Condon High School Pupils to Be Admitted at U. of O. with out Special Exams. The present outlook for a fuel shortage in Condon during the coming winter is rather serious. The local " dealers however are doing their best to supply the people. Prices are very high, pine wood selling from $10 to $12 per cord and coal about $12. It was reported this week that a row ocrtired among a threshing crew that has been working near Spray and several were severely beaten. We have been unable to get any further particulars. . A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Orwick on Monday, Sept 30. The total registration of pupils at present is 160 with new ones being added each day. Owing to the fact that we have been unable to secure text books we have met with many diffi cu'.ties, but at the present time work in all the departments is progressing and the teachers are demonstrating the fact that the text book is not necessarily, the source of all knowledge. , As there is a misunderstanding with reference to the standing of this school and the credits given to a graduate from here, should he go to a higher institute of learning, the following state ment bearing on the question is made: Graduates from the Con don High School will be ad mitted, without examination, to the freshman class of the Uni versity of Oregon as is shown on page 39 of their catalogue for 1907-8 which states: "Schools, that have a four years' course with nine months a year, and subjects running for a half year or more, five times per week, with recitations forty minutes long and which have the subjects of the state high school course. will have their students admitted to the freshman class in the University." We have based our course in accordance with the foregoing, and in consequence of same, our students will be admitted in higher institutes of learning as readily as students from any school in Oregon; as will be shown from the list of "Units" they re ceive here. It requires 15 units to enter the university, divided as follows: English composition and English classics. 4 units: Al gebra, U; geometry, H; Greek, Koman and Mediaeval history, 2; Physical geograDhy. 1 : botany. 1: latin, 2: modern history. 1: zo ology, ; book keeping, J; physics, 1; political economy, i; a total of 16 units or1 1J units more than is necessary for en trance. All of the above subjects will be found in our four years course of study and it is not necessary to make other state ments with reference to the standing of the school as you can readily see that it is above the average. . Under the existing conditions we are unable to offer but one course and all the pupils enter ing are expected to take specified studies including latin. Parents are requested and ex pected to investigate the work done. Announcement C. II. Williams desires to an nounce to the public that while in the east he will select his hol iday stock of watches, jewelry. silverware, cut glass and novel ties from the largest exhibit of its kind ever held in the world. His experience in buying for large firms in the east for years will enable him on his return to put before you, goods in his line never before exhibited to the Condon public He desires you to wait for his regular opening and then save money by buying where the prices are lowest E JEWELER EXPERT OPTICIAN GLOBE OFFICE READY FOR ALL WORK New Diamond Cylinder Press Installed in Globe Office Does Beautiful Work Appreciated by Advertisers. I.'l ; liOQ) This issue of the Globe is the first of the enlarged size to be hereafter given to its readers. The management has spared neither expense nor efforts in,selecting the press, shown by the above cut and much other printer's material, in order to meet the demand of the office work that is the large amount of advertising and news matter which comes in weekly into this office. The Diamond Cylin der press is a very handsome machine with power attachment and all the latest improvements that have been made during the Dast few years. It is built to meet the demands of country newspapers and is considered one of the best presses made for large job work. The Globe nows appears in its new attire as a six-column six- page paper, lull of good sound reading and advertising matter. Our subscribers will no doubt be pleased to see that our efforts are turned in the right direction; we expect to give them all the news and thus keep the lead in the newspaper field of this county. Our advertisers are daily telling us of the value of the Globe as an ad vertising medium and "business getter", and they bring us their job work on account of unexcelled equipment, quality of workman ship and promptness. Z7 , 4 H i,Ky Gives the Best of Satisfaction Why use poor Teas nd Coffees when the best coats no more? Best Groceries. Best Prices. Good Satisfaction or Money re funded. Call and see us. HOME BAKERY AND GROCERY EXACTLY WHAT IS PRESCRIBED Is always compounded in pre scriptions put up at HUNTS. We never Substitute. TD T HUNT. jThe Corner x v Lv Druggist, t Drugstore VASSOH'S GASH GROCERY JUST FROM CHICAGO The largest and best stock of Jewelry ever shown in EASTERN OREGON R. H. ROBINSON Graduate Optician. 0. R. & N. Watch Inspector. nnnnnjinnnnnnxnnninninhuin nuiodoiior Harmless and Saddles Made In CONDON Sold and used Everywhere F. REISAGHER Jinjjuiuumruiruuuuinjuuvuuvru l . "1 41 The Grocery that saves you money 365 days out of every year. We are here to stay and expect to sell goods at right prices. We are still selling Jap Rica 18 pounds for U.00 Roual Laundm Soap, 8 bars. 2fio When you buy of as you buy fresh goods, as we re ceive shipments every week and buy our stock fresh, clean and up-to-date Every article guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money refunded. Home Phone No. 49. NORTH MAIN STREET GILLIAM GO. MILUIIG GO. I CONDON Our Specialties The highest grade family flourThe highest market price for wheats Rolled feed and mill feed the. beet Prices a l ways right : :" Condon National Bank CONDON A W. FRENCH rnstaent p. GRANT WADE f r.T.ffURL. I ,. t BURT Cashitr 8281 ORftOON v : - I 1 . Capital Stock a . ?i 2 You are cordially Invited to make this your BANKING HOME We receive the accounts of Firms, Corporations and Individuals, and return to our depositors every accommodation within the limits of , Prudent Banking. Interest allowed on time deposits SDecial Attention Given to Stonkmon'o Ar..... - - - - . v w m MISS CATHERINE GREINER desires to annnounce her Fall showing of OORREOT 8TVLE8 IN LADIE3 AND You are invited to call and inspect them. I88E8 HATS PJRlEtlWllElR Ask your Grocer for it. Satisfaction Guaranteed.