THE COHDON GLOBE ii. A. HARTSHORN FaMLber. FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1S07: BUSINESS LOCALS i i .) i If you wanl your clothes to have that tio wblt appearance, pat- ronlia tha Condon Steaui Laundry. Order your Lumber Co. Im of tba Arlington Tba Condon Globe, tba Oregon Saral-Weekly Journal and tb Fa dfle Monthly all for 12.60 for a year. Subscribe now. Ve bava only two tauki left. 6O0 and 000 gallon. If you want tank, now la the time to get it and you cannot do belter than to get it of the Arlington Lumber Co. Don't forget Tbe Pahua when you want the beit ice cream, eoft drinks, oandiea, tobaccos and ci- If your laundry bill ia too high ask the Condon Steam Laundry for ratet on family washing. Buy Cadet Stockings, linen heel, toe and knee. 25c at Dodson'a. American Beauty Corsets plas. Price 86o to 12,25 at Dodaou'a. Sea Dodson'a line of low ahoe for ladies. They are beauties and they fit right. 1.25 to $.1.50. If you want to buy your trim ming lace right, get theiu at Dod aon s. Two more gasoline thresher out fit! and two more Irrigating plants sinee the last issue of the Globe is the record of Hunt the Hardware Man, notwithstanding tbe knock ers who have never seen one of thm work but know wore- than those do who have. Keep a'krtock- in' boys, it all brings grist to the mill of Hunt the Hardware Man. Notice) To Settlors. Notloe is hereby glvon tfisi (tie orirlar signed has been sppoluf'd V. 8. Cum niluloner for Oregnn, at Condon, sad is trvprvrl to sltvud to l.uioeetta'l, timber Isnd sud ether fllins't snd finl proofs; In fsrt, ell rustlers pertaining to public Isods. Q. W. Pasha, Attornr t-ln. The National Live Stock Insur ance Association of Portland, Ore- gon, ia insuring live stock against death from any cause. Our ralea are right. Investigate ua. We make no promises we cannot fulfil. For further particulars inquire of J. C. Thrall, General Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. W. 8. Jost, Clem, Agent for Gilliam County. ' With five firms selling buggies . Call For Bldev Notice is hereby given that tbe City of Condon will receive propo- aals for the excavation of a sewer ditch along Main street. City of Condon. Said ditch to be two feet wide at the bottom, to be dug to a uniform grade as shown by the profile map on file in the oflice of the City Recorder and to be on the exact line of survey. Length of ditch abotjt 2V)18 feet, average depth, four feet. Healed bids will te received by tbe City Recorder until 8:00o'clock P. M. of Monday the 5th day of August, 1907, and will be oivened in tbe presence of the Common Council in regular meeting at 8:30 P. M. of said day. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Condon, Oregon, July 1, 1907. CllA8. II. IIoKNF.K. City Recorder, Sheriff Sale. Unllre It boratijr etverj llmi an eaeentlon and order of mi waa IMSed "t ( the Circuit Court ot the State nfoteaou, emiura Omtity. on Ik loth day of Jnrte. HOT, npi'ii decree therein tendered on tbalMdee at Vprll. I9U7, In ferur ot AmbrnM Bvr4. pUI'ttirr, and aaaJnatH.M. Bnink and Uara R.Uraiik ili-rendante wiiloh wll execatluu nrt oilier of Mir l to medlrarted ana owmannlns aw to H-ll Hit ii.iwriT herelnaner deeerlbed, lor th parpnw of Mtldjrlu the Judg ment of tba plaintiff In lytld . aa fir the mm ol Two Hundred, K.irtr-fhv A dl-WOm.SI-Dollare with Intvrael thereon at uie rate Ol tan par mm. neraiintin from the l.tdar or April, 1W7. ana Sheriff Sal. Mutlee I hereby (Iran that an eaeenllrm ana order ot eele wee iMned out of the circuit eotirt of tba state ot firearm, (illllaa CuBti tr on the lud Sr of Jolr. MM, npon a deeree tliereln rendered on Itie lb dr of April. 1W7, Is favor of Tba Arlington Lasher Ota pane, t corporation, pUlnllff, and Caleb Cub Ins. Al Hn'onnell, A.J. Walker, Otto TKbaaner, Haul Hardware Co., a Corporation, and acalnet th defendant Tboraai Ooodman, wblflb talil ' exaeerntlon and order of elate tone directed end eommendlns me to aril the pmpertir hereinafter deerlbed. for tba pSrpoaa of anU.fTlna Ibe Jndement of th pUIn tiffin laid eaaae fur tbe enta of fir Hundred Nlnetr-fuur M-100 Dollar! itbttM) wllb Inter at thereon at In rata of ell per eenL perannam from tbe mh def ol Jalr, lino, and for tba Inr- ther n of l.7 with Internet thereon at the rat of ut percent, par annara frore tiiher jsih, M, until paid and IIM rtnrny few, and lb cento and dletmrwiraenta ot Hid ."It taxed at lt M and forthe further tnra of HI. 70 with Interval thereon at the rat of els per rant per annum trow tba 2nd dar of Ortnber, tUM, until tald, tocetbarwllk eoeUanddMoarMnBenta, and fur toe tarn of ti attornere feae; and for tb ; farther raw of lfW7S with tnwreal thereon at the rate of ela par eent. per annum from Novem bvr 10th, Hue until paid, together wltb eoeu and dUlmrMweuU, and for Ibe further earn of fa at- lornere lorn; and for tbe farther earn of Iztt.M with liitrnettbareon from the leth day of No vember, IWH, until peld at U rate ol elk pet oenl, par annum, and for tba tnrtber earn of tii m attorncve feat, and for ooato and dlabunw- rnrnU: and for tbe further earn of li)V.M wltb lutareet thereon from th 10th day of November. IWa, until paid at the rata of tlx par cent, per annum, and l.'.VOD attoruein tee, toKuthef wltb t and dUburaementi; and the farther ua of W MI wltb Inlcrot thereon at the rale of tlx per cent per annum from the Htb day of July, lixjrs, until Paid, biftethrr wllb eoeu and dleunrae menta taxed and allowed at r,.00 Therefore, to eompUaiire wltb eald enwulloii and order ot eale, I will on Toeedtiv, the etb day of A intuit, IW7. at the sour of 2 o'clock P.M., t tbe Court Honae door In Ooudon, tiillUm Comity, umm aell at public aurtlun to lb hlnheet btrtder forcaah In band, lor tbe ptiriio olMtlflns the J iiirmrul and detree tve menlloneJ, the followiux drwlbed pniiwriy, lo an: Lot On -I- In Blot-k "tlx - of eUnekneM'e A.ldltlon to tbe Town of Clyde, common!. . Ik-U liayvllu), hi Oil Hem cniity. Oro"U. loe.'iher with tne (ram boUM) or bulldlut upon auid lit. Dated tht tnd day of July, 1907. K. X. k.iaxi. Hhrriffol milium Conuty, oreac.n. Buwermau A Rutler, Attorneye, NOTICE THE MEN YOU MEET M '.tothem; See how many of them look as if thetr clothes are a help,! a source of satisfaction; men who are conscious of being welt dressed without thinking too much about their clothes. THE LIU S GOMPANY LABEL- WILL. BE TOUNO IN THEIR OOATIS Our new Sample Book of the A FALL AND WINTER STYLES 1 lis here and We invite you to inspect itH THE BUCKINGHAM & HECHT CENT'S iSHOE THE JOHN STROQT MAN LADIES'. SHOE ill the COUnty it WOUld Seem as if WOO attorney l..anj tbeeoeuanddielnirte- ! uim Ui VI MIU SOU rsarau there was no excuse for our people sending away from home to buy buggies and hacks. Buggy ped dlers from the East who pay no taxes and who are of no particular use to us are In the community. A prominent Perry Canyon rancher! recently ordered a buggy from the East and when it came it was not the kind of a buggy he bail ordered nor as good quality and was badly broken up. He had obligated him self to pay for it however and had tostand the loss. Had he bought of Hunt the Hardware Man or any other dealer in the county he would have avoided such trickery and loss. Hunt showed by actual com parison that he sold a better hack for 410 less and he has always made good and always will. Prloes on Blackamlthlng. e, the undersigned, of Gil liam and Wheeler , Counties, Oregon, agree to the following prices on blacksmith work: Horse-shoeing, Nos. 0 andl $1.50 Nos. 2 and 3 ;....1.75 Teams of horses". . i-.'V; .... .2.00 Imported stallions ........ . . -4.00 Setting 2.00 Setting old shoes, per shoe. . .25 Shoeing race horses $3 and 4.00 Tire setting ..VVM. 4.00 Car coupling on rack 9.00 Needle on tongue .... 4.00 Trail rod.;. . ..v. ........ .2.50 Crotch chain'., .V. .......... 1.50 Circle on axle 2.00 Hook and clip.;. ......2.50 Wheat rack, 16-ft, complete 40.0) " " 14-ft, ' 39.00 " 12-ft, trail ... 30.00 J. F. Thomas, Pres. , W. B. Kinsley, Vice-Pres. Wm..Dunlap, Secretary. L Morris, Treasurer. Therein, In compliance wUb aaid rutlou and order of eale. I will on Monday :he 1Mb day of July, MOT. at th hoar ot 2 o'clock p. m., al th Court llouee door In Condon, Gilliam Coun ty, Oruaott. Ml! at pabllo aueUon to th hl-.'heil bidder for riuh In baud, for the pnrpoee of atla fylns th Ju.tament and decree abor mentioned, tbfollowlndeerhed roal property, towlt: Lot Muinberad Klvreo ll In Block Numbered Pony-one (41) In tbtClly of Condon, Ullllam County, Orviton, Dalad thle thU Utb day JnnelDOT. , R, M. RooxH, rUierllTof (illllain Conuty, Onou. P. B. Parker, Attorney for plaintiff. mm 1 in an Q Sal ataNk Suaia, ep. IMtel Stean) Vataat Sfaee.1 H WaSNlNOTON, o. e. I Mi finnarwvaruvn, LTlSUUVUtftnUVp Juv? itiSr : I THE CONDON GLOBE And THE PACIFIC MONTHLY For Only SUBSCRIBE NOW AND CET A YEAR'S GOOD READ ING. diriruinjvutrtrvaruvnruxruu' juuinaaro MMtiiBrniennrrrenin. miworito.foroiMiwTrTaiidrnereKt I i Minna, now m imwn r'w I wtpyrlaaacM, n LL COOMTRIta. Aeraeei Mncl mil aaawm aavee Pi tent tea hfrra(iwMt PmBM UCUHMIf. w nso or enow x u an WnU. kt The CLUB Saloon Everything New New Stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your Patronage Sol ici ted. Give us a trial and be satisfied. C. L. LILLIE, Propr. City Shaving Parlors JOHN RANDALL. Proprietor Pint-class Workmen, Sanitnrr Conditions, Courteous Treatment. Hot sod Cold Bstbs. , New Line of Fine Dress Goods ; , ft New Line of Clothes for Harvest Wear f Croceries apd laijr's Supplies , ' We offer our Goods now for your uses at Prices to suit your Pocketbook. DUHN BROS'. Big General Merchandise Store WHEAT BARLEY INTERIOR WAREHOUSE Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO., Managers. Higtst Prim Paid Par Grain. Genera! Warehouse Business Conducted. Wotl Slmgt tmd Baling m Sfttiolty. Decdrri in Sotki, Wirt, Noili, Sugar, Soil, Lime. Sulfkur, Cement, Skeef Dip, Etr, . . , OATS RYE WALL PAPER PAINTS, OILS AND VANISH Laret antj best select ed dock in the County. ' Estimates furnished on jobs as to material and labor. W. A. DAiiLIKC. PHOTOGRAPHER (Drtns. Knlarglns and Viewing Portraiture a Specialty. All work . Guaranteed, . , W EOTSIDR H. MAIN ST. CONDOK. OREU Take Your Choice! You must choose between the Plumber now or the Doctor later. Millions of microbes have lain dormant in the drain pines in your home all winter waiting to be hatched out by the first few days of real hot weather. Now here is the point was that plumbing, properly done? if not right now is the time to see to it, for to put itott is tempting fate. It's cheaper and far more pleasant to pay a plumber's bill than a ' doctor's and undertaker's. Think it over, but too long. JflMIESON & MARSHALL, Plumbers m .Agents for the Sampson Windmill Best and Cheapest. Condon Dray and Transfer Line. Proprietor All Kinds of Light and Heavy Hauling Pianos carefully handled. Large amount of Wood and Coal on hand. HOMESTEADERS, ATfEHTIOH The Globe is now prepared to publish ; notices of final proof. Call at our office and get receipt and your notioe will aDuear iu vuib unuci. rSuunnjiruuiAfv ir ia this paper, a riniirtnnnnArtAnruuB HOulE BAKERY For Good Things to eat. At prices as reasonable as is ' possible. A. A.' TOWN LEY P r o p r i e t o r