THE COM GLOBE H. A. HARTSHORN rblUhr. FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1907. The Condon Glob, the Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal and the Pa cific Monthly all for 2.50 for a year. Subscribe now. Cat of Rock Spring coal just rciTei. Get your order in now. Arlington Lumber Co. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT 0 GlLUa CoPKTt, rtK TH1 8lX MoMTH SXllINtl March. 31, 1907. SEMI-ANNUAL REIX)RT Of the CouutT CWk of Gilliam County, SUU of trregon, showing the mount of claims allowed by the County Court of said county, (or which warrant have bwi drawn, the amount of warrant outstanding ami unpaid, (rout the 3Utli J of Sept"'". IWOtt. to thw.Hlst dv uf Maroli 1VKJ7, both inclusive; OS WHAT AtVOl'NT aUOWBffc Aroounlot warrant County Court and Commissioners' !W4 Circuit Court. .... W 10 Jurtiow Court M 6ft thrift" office v. ... Wl Clerk' office. , .-. W W Treasurer" office... 1W 9K Coroner' Office 15 00 School Superintendent' office , 2rt 0 Stock Inspector' office 19 n Assessor' office 63 00 Tax Rebate W M Current expellees..'.. 5wt 61 Courthouse expenses 81 Hrt Jail expenses M M Care of Poor : '740 33 Caraotlnsans WOO Roads and Highway..... 81M 40 Fruit Inspector . B9.,A Total amount of claims allowed IlliWH On AMOUNT OK l'TSTAM)INt W ARRANTS I'NPAIO. County Warrants outstanding and nmwid on March Slut, 1907 $14118 M Estimated interest accrued thereon 219 8 Total amount unpaid county warrants. ..... 114837 79 St ATI or Orboox, I County of Gilliam, ) I, Pearl J.uri County Clerk, of the County of Gilliam, State of Oreinm, 'do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true anil correct statement of the summit of claims allowed by the Comity Court of said County for the six months ending on the 3 1st day of March, 17, lor which warrants were dmwn.and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon the records of my office and in my official custody. Witness mv hand and the'seal of the County Court affixed this 1st day of July A. D., 1907. I'sahi. Javi County Clerk. (bsai.) ' - SEMI-ANNCAL STATEMENT Of the County Treasurer of Gilliam County, Oregon, for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, 1007, of money received and paid nut, from whom received and from what source, and on what account paid out. riOM WHOM BBCIITKD. SOUBC. Amount on hand from last report. A. R. Collins, J. F. Fee R. M. Roger " P. Jsrvis E. Wheir.J. P. r R. M. Roger Bute R. M. Roger P. Jarvi U. T. McArthur R. M. Roger FOB WHAT PAID OPT. School District No. 22 - jj State tax Library tax School District " 9 4 41 2 44 41 "19 44 4, 44 2g 44 44 14 Q Institute Fnm! School Dist. No. 27 School Fund Redeemed County Warrants Balance General Fund on hand Balance School Fund on hand ocxkral rr.No. 117820 70 3573 81 068 82 6 00 400 90 683 43 243 20 454 12 630 90 42 50 2 60 2 80 6026 92 6322 96 17337 12 3906 34 SCHOOL ri'ND I 52S3 H6 11 SA 802 00 163 53 23 40 115 17 107 80 1167 34 W3 17 3341 33 877 05 156094 52 19 96 30 00 2718 75 129 64 40 00 00 25 15 00 22 00 68 75 30 60 20 00 11861 38 51648 19 f 56694 62 112856 00 f6154 75 6701 25 $12866 00 State or Orec.on, 1 County of Gilliam, ) " I, E. W. Moore, Conntv Treasurer of Gilliam County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor rect statement of the amount received, paid out, and remaining on hand in the county treasury of said county for the six months ending on the 31st day of March A. D., 1907. Witness my hand this 1st day of Jnly, 1907. E. W. Moori, County Treasurer. SHERIFF'S SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. Of the amount of money and county warrants received for taxes and paid to. the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Gilliam county, Oregon, from the 1st day of October, 1906 to and including the 31st day of March, 1907. Amount of taxes received For the year 1908 warrants '. $ 307 62 Cash 37703 06 Sheriff's Roll.: ; 190 85 For the year 1905 Warrants 57 43 Cash : 6679 18 " Sheriff" Roll....' 81 91 For the year 1904 " 33 46 " 1903 " 2 82 " 1902 " 2 30 " 1901 " 19 60 " 1900 ' " 9 50 1892 " , 10 00 " 1891 " J, i 10 00 " 1889 r " 9 50 ... Total amount received and paid treasurer.... $45116 71 State or Oreoox, ) County of Gilliam, ( .' I, R. M. Rogers, Sheriff of said County, do hereby certify that the forego ing Btatement is correct ana true. Witness my band this 6th day of May A. D. 1907. R. M. Kooebs, Sheriff of Gilliam County, Or, r SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT ' Of the financial condition of the County of Gilliam, Oregon, on the 31t day Of March, A.D. 1907. ; LIABILITIES. To warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, and outstanding and unpaid $14618 61 To estimated amount of inter est accrued thereon 219 28 To Balance... 17561 74 $32389, 63 RESOURCES. By funds in hands of County Treasurer applicable to the payment of county warrants $24344 89 By esiimaieo unpaiu current taxes applicable to the pay ment of county warrants .... 8044 64 $32389 63 ........17551 74 frof eaaional Direct, R. PARKER ATTORKEY'AT-LAW ? Office la Condon Salional Hank Block. Q W. FARMAN ATTORHEY-AT-LAW I U. S. COKMISSIONER . Caniful attention given tn all basins entrusted in my esre. Relssrher Brick, ) Condon, Oregon, yjOOO QAVBV, ,!:.. Physicians and Surgeons 1 tir ant VIkM Call, pnniUr siuwimt. Ottiam, tumni rime Hrkr Unldla, sutrnt Malu sail Spituf tttrmM, Condon, Oregon A. MANN DENTIST Crown and BrKlir Work s SiwaUU. OSla rptMIn lu UIUIub Co. Honk Building. Condon, Oraaon X. KENNKDV, II. ttt PHYSICIAN AND SURGTON Day and Night Calls promptly answere.1 Arlington : : Oregon i. R WELL! AUCTrONi;r.R AND VALUATOR OREGON Ssioixtlinc Union Pacific 3 TRAINS' EAST DAILY Through Pullroan standsrd and tour 1st le.'piiig car daily to Omaha, Chi cago, Spokane; tourint sleeping ear daily to Kansas city through i'uliuian tourist sli rtUng car (neraonallv conducted I weealy to Chicago, reclining chair oar, imli free) to the East dally. LOW RATES I The O.K. BBEhV Shop OOLCtN TSVSN. PreprMter Shaving, 8hatiioi.lng, Hair Cutting Hot and CulJ Hat)) in Cunneotion. One door north milium Co. Hank llldg. --r-i , 4i . in uii i sammrti xrtinBrt in i MMiHtrMH, or mm rn, trii, iwim. t.kHtb. ai-ui or ruf-t, IW ft tZt tq H..r.(alKi.l. ALL tJ !, THiarvT eojriw"ii4 - m, -ita,flf, mm" a... k ..IJ.1...4UI lull ssluii Whil tat. I frnl UHkt will twv.lluw lx.relwi.'"1h"r D. SWIFT U CO, ,501 Seventh St., WashlsntoR, D. C. nrleuaiwnitnn kIthi lo IxutMsa, SaiMroa auviail. Y&luaUuu, tuvao. OONDOH, OIUOM j H. G. IIS Architect Ticket to and from all part ol ths United p isles, tsnsda ami r-uroo. For particular call oa or eddres D. TIERNEY, Agent KAT IU.H7ND FROM ARI.I.NtJTON. No. 2-Chlcago Pwll 1 ;20 I', M No. 6 Atlantic Es press ...12 46 A. M. WKT HOUND FKOM ARLINGTON, No, 1 I'ortlsnd Special 3:10 1' M, No 5 Paeifle Ksnres 3:48 A.M. CONDON BRANCH. No II leave Condon ilslly (ssrepl Sun' i day) at 10:00 A. M. Arrives Arlin- ton si 1 :0ft P. M. lvs Comlnn Pun- j da at 11 :00 A. M., arrives at Arlington at 1:10 P.M. No. 12 leaves Arlington dally (egeept fnndr at 3:20 P. M., ar rives at Condon at 6 :20 P. M. Leaves j Arllnitti'n Bundsy st3:15 P. M.. arrive; at Condon at 6:30 P.M. , : - gas engine service Dark, lUm sm Nx DtttflR SA (RtilttB lor ku M ntu latks artillnf vtnlM latagissk shvms. Tkis rongk Ussimwi m s trss twutK! tnt at fflkwsev aa sars KhlT. TIM ONION 0a SSOIS Is as. traciM n aatk s Hisariar Buuntar as a( ack H autmul ISal II ttu U aair, mks Mty as mas stay aa4 ardittarf , mnr aar, rank laia saw. Bams rw iaai tBl ts s sat iwh arrlt In, 04JJ In astakit Union Gas Engine Co. tM-60 First St., Portland, Oregon , . KiHMlM. ,. Ar-rf OFFICE 2 BLOCKS EAST HOTEL ORECOH Condon, : : Oreoon J. J. Portwood LIVERY and FEED STABLE North Main Street Confectionery Soft Drinlcs Csnrii, Nuts snd Fruils In fVsaon. Clgsr and Toliarco Cosy plnhronin In ronnwtlon 1. T. PRICE. Condon Condon Livery Barn Hardman & Ramsay, Prop. Condon, Oregon juinxuinjvuiAAnJvriiVuuuuuuirD For Sale. The Jai-kaoii property on Honth Main Street. Inqnirs at the Ul"B nthes. For Sale. A small cottage in Dunn's Addition, Price (250. Inquire at the Gums nfhVe. For Sale. Four fresh milch cows, all under ill rears old. Will sell any one or all. J. R. Well, Condon, Oregon. I , .. ; For Sale. One of the best homes in Condon. Good 9 room home, hsrn 24s22, 4 lots, windmill with 2.000 gallon tank, 8,000 leet of unused lomher. Inquire of H. A. Hartshorn. KERR, GIFFORD WAREHOUSE CO. D. B. THOMAS, MGR. CONDON, ORECON Wool. Hides, Barb Wire, Salt, Black Leaf Dip, and Sheepmen's Supplies. Storage and Forwarding. Highest Pri ces Paid for all kinds of Grain. Treasurers Notice. All county warrant registered prior May ;1, 1907, will be paid npon pre testation at ray office. Interest cease May 1, 1907. E W. Moore, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon For Rent. Five room cottage la Lancaster's Ad dition. $12 per month. Inquire at the Globe office. The S. B. Barker Comp'y. INCORPORATED The Big Gash Store of Condon Always carries in Stock a Full Line of PHOICBST GROCERIES Both Staple and Fancy Their Stock of Dry Goods, and Indies' Novelties is complete and up-to-date. ' ' "" ' . A Large and Splendid Line y of Men's Furnishing Goods. FURNITURE A S P EL C I A l T Y Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares and Linoleum. Bods, Bedding, Wall Paper,. Paints and Oils, Trunks and Valises. All kinds of Shelf Hardware, Glassware and Crockery. Special agents for the famous Star Brand and It. E. Z. Shoes and Sherwin-Williams Paints. Total Resources. . . ,