THE CONDON GLOBE II. A. HARTSHORN rubllitwr. rinriisr,iiii:hiiiitiJtoMiiia!; FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1907. They copy my advertisements but tby can t get down to my pri ced. Come and try Hunt the Hardware Man. From a bushel of corn a distiller gia four gallon of whiskey, which retails at $16; the goverment got $4; the farmer who raises the com gets 80oj the railroad gets 70c; the manufacturer gete $4; the retailer gate (7; the consumer gets 10 days; the policeman gets poid for run ning him in, and they all get first class work at the Condon Steam Laundry. Mason's fruit jar caps for sale by Hunt the Hardware Man. Notice To Settlers. NotlM i hereby given thai the nndor- signed has fawn appointed V. 8. Com- mlaeioner for OrK"ii, at Ondon, anil it prepred to attend to l.ouie.leeil, timber Unit and Uir filing! ami' final proole j in fact, all maims pertaining in olllc land. , , U. W. Pashas, AlUirnm lH. Order , your Ice of the Arlington Lumber Co. A washing machine that actually runs without assistance from the operator is the latest addition to the family of Hunt the Hardware Man. Belling headers is like cutting grain. You are generally doing the best work when making little noise. We sold twocar loads last year and you'd scarcely know it. Place your order early and and avoid the rush this year. The Hodge does the work. For sale by Arlington Lumber Co. i j i - Buggies, backs and wagons, good and cheap of Hunt the Hardware Man. Buy Cadet Stockings, linen heel, toe and knee. 25c at Dodson's, Rubber hose, lawn sprinklers. Good and cheap of Hunt the Hardware Man. American Beauty Corsets please. Prices 35o to $2.25 at Podson's. See Dodson's line of low s hoes for ladies, They are beauties and they fit right $1.25 to 13.50. Screen doors, window screens. Hunt the Hardware Man. Call For Bids. Notice is hereby given that the City of Condon will receive propo sals for the excavation of a sewer ditch along Main street, City of Condon. Said ditch to be two feet wide at the bottom, to be dug to a uniform grade as shown by the profile map on file in the office of the City Recorder and to be on the eiact line of survey. Length of ditch about 2913 feel, average depth, four feet. Sealed bids will te received by the City Reoorder until 8:00o'clock P. M. of Monday the 5th day of August, 1907, and will be opened in the presence of the Common Council in regular meeting at 8:30 P.M. of said day. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Condon, Oregon, July 1, 1907. , ClIAS H. IIOHNKK. City Recorder Young horse, broken to plow, harrow or buggy, for sale cheap by Hunt the Hardware Man. If you want to buy your trim ming laces right, get them at Dodson's. A good, second hand McCormick header for sale by Hunt the Hard ware Man. The National Live Stock Insur ance Association of Portland, Ore gon, is insuring live stock against death from any cause. Our rates are right. IuvestiRnte us. We make no promises we cannot fulfil. For further particulars inquire of J. C. Thram,, General Aaent, The Dalles, Oregon. W, S. Jnsi, Clem, Agent for Gilliam County. The Sineor sewing machine at 45 is worth just 25 more than any other. See Hunt the Hard ware Man. Prloes on Blaokamlthlng. We, the undersigned, of Gil liam and Wheeler Counties, Oregon, agree to the following prices on blacksmith work: Horse-shoeing, Nos. 0 andl $1.50 Nos. 2 and 3....".... 1.75 Teams of horses ; .... 2.00 Imported stallions .......... 4.00 Setting .......... ..... -2.00 Setting old shoes, per shoe. . .25 Shoeing race horses $3 and 4.00 Tire setting ......... ... . , . .4.00 Car coupling on rack ........ 9.00 Needle on tongue. ........ .4.00 Trail rod ., 2.50 Crotch chain .....1.50 Circle on axle .,2.00 Hook and clip.'... 2.50 Wheat rack, 16-ft, complete 40. 00 " " 14-ft, " 39.00 " " 12-ft, trail... 30.00 J. F. Thomas, Pres. W. B. Kinsley, Vice-Pres. Wm. Dunlap, Secretary. L. Morris, Treasurer. Sharif 8 ale. Notice li hereby given an eaeeuMon and order ol Ml wm luued oat of the circuit Court ill the sure of Oteiroii, County, on tae Uitndnyol June, 1907, iiy .11 a dM therein ranHurwl on the lit day m vprll, tOT, In favor ol Ambroee Boarit. plaintiff, end again H.M. Brmik and Ur. K Urmia cM iidanu which aai.t execution end older ,C le I. 10 medlreetetl end aomtnandlng me to tell tin- property hereinafter deerrttwd. lor the purple ol atl.ljrlna the )H.i- men t of the plaintiff In mild canae for Uie miin ol Two llmidred, Korly-di l 8I100- J4J.l-l)olUr with Interval thereon l III rate u( ten pet eeiit. per annum from the I.Ida ol April. 1U7, and tSO.m attorney leee, and the (toeta and dUlHinw menta ol uld nlt taxed at 111. Therefore, In aompltantw tth aald ejermlun and order olaale, I will on Holiday the loin day of July, 1907, at the hour of 2 o'cloc k p. ni.. at the Court Honwdoor In Condon. (Jllllam Coun ty, Orexon. tell al publle auction to the hlgheat 1 hldder for raah In hand, lor the purpuee of aatU fytiia thejudinient and decree above mentioned, the following deaerihed real property, to-wlt: Lot Nnmbi'rml tileren ll In Block Numbered forty-one 111 in the City of Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon. Dated thl title Utb day June 1907. ' R. M, Roorm, Sbi'rlfr of (illllam Comity, Oregon. I). H. Parker, Attorney for plaintiff. - SUMMONS. In the Circuit (J.itirl tlie Stale Oregon lor UlUtani County. J. 8. Buyer, Plaintiff, '.'..'', Joiiaiban lt..yer, Ifrlemlant. To Jonathan Buyer, defendant sliorc named : In Ilia nam nl the Stat nf Oregon yon ara lirhy eouimawlrit ami required to appear and gnawer tiiecompla m fili-d anal net you in the elewe entitled action on ur lie I. .re the 12th day July, 1007. sml i(Tn fatil so to appear ami anew' aid complaint or otherwise plead there to . oil or liefrir the a'ove mentioned date, plaintiff mil take j.i.lgtuent avam-t yon for the sum ot I29 47, with interest thereon at the rate id leu per cent r annmti from Dw-eiiilwr llili. lfKW. ' nntil palii amt for the' Inrther emu ot A8 07 with inlereet tbereon at tbe rat of ten per eent per ennnm ( Hie lltli day of Dewinher, 1906. until pair! ami f"r the gum of 13K r with interest tiieriK, t the rat rf tn yr rwnt Iwr annum from Dw-e oilier lltli, 19HA. dniil paid ami lor the further etiin of $124 00 with Inteiett thereon at the1 ratof eigm per rent, per annnin (rum the 10th day of Duwinher. 1906. until paid and for the coati and diabtirae'iiieiiia of thia si'tioti lid for an order of -ale of the propertr atiHt-lied in thie mure to mi-f the etuiie mentioned anine. Till euminong )e aerved upon vim hy pnhlit-Htioti hereof In the Coiidoti lilot, a newapHper of general iflreiilalioo, pun lihe(l ml ineit weekly In the town i ('oiid'in, Uieyon, for a fierioil of em 'On-an-nlivH areke, aeven inane, itmnneti cing a ith tlie (eelle of May 31'', 10". ami ending with ihe iaeue of Jo y 12lh. 1007. l-ybrderof t. II- raid" E lwanl Dunn, futility J.i.Il'" of (iillmii' ('..!. Oregon, made and entered on the 27 Ih day of May. 1907. l! ' . IV.rSBHAil A Bl'TbkK. A't'Mlteve t.' inter ol flrtt pntdtiiition, May S 1 1907. time ot 1 ni'.ifii'toii, Jnly 12'h 1907. QUALITY IS QUALITY We try to give the uiaii of limited uimm tbe kind .of s squsrp deal that will merit his trade and know uf no better way than by lasting friendship, and we selling biui the celebrated e.irX?iy?3j 4...lii....ii i A', " ' 44 n e?yj. n I BUY THE JOHN STR0OTMAN LADIES' SHOE i'i THE HOFFMAN ROTHSCHILDS CO.' 't ready-made Clothing. Our new line of N eg- ligei Shirts is up to date. We can suit you if anyone can Good Clothes are like a good hor in one way: The thoroughbred qual ity is something; more than a surface appear ance; it's what's under neath that wins tbe race. LAMM&C0:S Tailor-made Clothes. Chicago. . ' Come in and look over our complete line of Summer Dress Goods We offer our Goods now for your uses at Prices to suit your Pocketbook. DUNN BROS'. Big General Merchandise Store WHEAT BARLEY INTERIOR WAREHOUSE Co. ,...; ; BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO., Managers. Higest Prices Paid Par Grain. General Warehouse Business Conducted. WW Starafr and Holing a Svtiottf. Dtalm in So, Is, Win, Noils, Sugar, Salt, Lime. Sulphur, Ctmtnl, Sheep Dip, Etc. rWOOOBBDSHOOCrKNOItO"0! H arawltta oruh.ito.lor expert eercn and rmiairt 9m ' B treeadrtjihow to otaata liauute, Iratle aauaa, ; H aoarnctiaseia, N ALL COUNTSIIS. . Awheal Ortel vilt WttUogtou tmvH tiav.B aaaureaWaAraAi . H leal ui hfiLme Pnetlaa Exdaibai. H II au Kak KM aaa. OaHat SMal Meat Man,B I OATS RYE iuuiruturuininatnrunnnnirunnrtp 5 4 mi 00 5 THE CONDON GLOBE And THE PACIFIC MONTHLY For Only SUBSCRIBE NOW AND CET A YEAR'S GOOD READ- INC. The CLUB Saloon Everything New New Stock" of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Mint. OLrumnnuulrmxunJxuuvlnnJrG Your Patronage Solici ted. Give us a trial and be satisfied. C. L. LILLIE, Propr. City Shaving Parlors JOHN RflNDflLL. Proprvstor Firat clsas Workmen, Snnitnrr Conditions, Courteous Treatment. Hot sad Cold Baths. WALL PAPER . PAINTS. OILS" AKO VAKMiSH . Largest and best select i ed stock in the County. , Estimates furnished on jobs as to material anH labor. W. A. DARLINC. PHOTOCRAPKER Copying, Knianrtns and Viewtna Purtraltnra a Specialty. Ail work Quaraiiteed. WEST SIDE M. MAIN ST. CONDON. ORKU Take Your Choice! You must choose between the Plumber now or the DoGoor later. Millions of uncrohes have lain rlortjiantin the drain pipes in your home all winter waitinn to be hatched mit by the first few days of real hot weather. Nojr here is the point -was that plumbing properly done? if not right, now is the time to see to it, fur to put it off is tempting fate. It's cheaper and far more pleasant to pay a plumber's bill than a doctor's and undertaker's. Think it over, but not too long. JflMIBSOFJ & MARSHALL, Plumbers Agents for the Sampson Windmill Best and Cheapest. Condon Dray and Transfer T J IKsgSS , J. W. HIRE Proprietor All Kinds of Light and Heavy Hauling Pianos carefully handled Large amount of Wood and Coal on hand. tnjuirvuvirinArvrvnjinAnivuvip mniirrkTrsnrnn s ilUiflCdICMULnO, ATrEtlTIOH The Gi.obk is uow prepared to publish . notices of final proof. Call at our office and cet receiDt and your notice te win " uuptjnr t "la p '&UTjnjvrinnnnAiAnnjtnjrunjiJVUvr6 HOME IAKERY For Good Things to eat. At prices as reasonable as is ' possible. ' , - A. A. TOWN LEY Proprietor