THE CONDON GLOBE HARTSHORN & PORTWOOD MDIUlMn. FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1907. Dr. and Mrs. C E. Kennedy drove up from Arlington Wed nesday evening to attend the celebration. i "' Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and son, Leland, left Wednesday morning for Portland to attend the celebration 'and spend a week with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. White and Miss Mabel Richmond left Wed nesday morning for Long Beach, Washington where they will stay for a week. Dr. E. A. Mann who came in Saturday for a few days left for Pendleton Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Mann took his horse and bug gy and intends to drive all the way, a distance of about 100 miles. Dr. and Mrs. Mann will spend the summer; at the springs in the Blue Mountains. G. W. Parman made a business trip to Portland this week. J. P. Barnett of Ferry Canyon left Monday morning for Salem to attend the celebration and vis it with relatives and friends for some time. John Hire had what might have been a serious accident while riding a notorious bucking horse last Monday afternoon on north Main street. The horse was bucking hard and in it's exertions to get rid of the rider it stood on its head and then turned a complete somer sault, landing on top of John and turning clear over him. He was not injured in any way except one ankle which was already lame and was badly sprained. After the horse was caught, John again got on him and rode a few minutes without being thrown but his ankle was too badly in jured to permit him to ride and he had to dismount John says he can ride him all day if he stands up. Geo. Parman left Saturday for Hood River on a business trip. Geo. Caven was severely bruis ed by being thrown from a horse while riding in a race at Fossil during the celebration. A matched foot race was pulled off Saturday between Leland Steiwer of Fossil and Arthur Beeson of Mayville. Steiwer won by a couple of feet Wm. Hawes of Spray was a Condon visitor Monday and Tues day. Mr. Hawes says that the grass in his neighborhood is bet ter this year than ever before and stock is looking well. Harry Johnson, who resigned his position in John Jackson's confectionery preparatory to go ing East to take charge of his father's racnh, has changed his mind and decided to stay in Gil liam and is again working for Mr. Jackson. Chas. Lord left Monday for The Dalles where he spent the 4th and visited a few -day 8 with friends. . Rafe Hankins, formerly of Fos sil, who has held a position as book keeper for a saw mill com pany near Eugene for some time, passed through Condon Monday evening on his way to Fossil to spend a week's vacation and cel ebrate the 4th. BIG DAY IS OVER Lam Crowd Attend Calibra tion and All are Satisfied. COIOyAJHHM WINS I Victorious In Game with Both Clem and Mayville. The Adams Sisters gave a very successful entertainment at the Court house on the evening of July 4. ,: , ; . - . William J. Lillie of Mayville and Ethel Goff of Lone, Rock were united in marriage at the Oregon Hotel parlors, Thursday, July 4, at 8 o'clock P. M.,Rev.E. Curran officiating. Supper was served at the Eastern Restau rant to a few of the immediate friends. County surveyor J. A. McMor- ris ran out the lines and laid out plans and specifications this week for the new sewer which is to be laid on Main street The new sewer will start at the north side of Well street and 8 inch pipe will be laid to the Oregon Hotel, 10 inch pipe from there to P. H. Stephenson's and 12 inch from there to the septic tank, and will cost about $1500.00. Mr. Mc Morris is Engineer in charge. 1 L. E. Laurence the manager of the Home Telephone Co. has taken the Lost Valley Co's line and will put it in first class con dition. Any one wishing to be connected with this line should notify the Home Telephone Co. Mrs. P. P. Jarvis who has been visiting at Hood River and Port land for the past month return ed Monday evening. Mf. and Mrs. J. E. Ramsey who have been taking a few weeks vacation at London Springs and Cottage Grove returned Mon day evening. M.Helsley who left two weeks ago with two teams of horses for Hood River returned Monday. Mr.Helsley had no trouble in dis posing of his horses. While attempting to spot a car of ice last Monday evening Con ductor Mahaffey broke the brake chain and the car became uncon trollable. Mr. Mahaffey did all that was possible to stop it but it gathered so much headway that when it struck the embankment at the end of the track, the front truck was Completely torn from the car allowing the front half to project over the embankment and it broke in the center mak ing it useless for anything but scrap iron. Miss Nell Welch who has been in Portland for the past two month completing a course in shorthand returned last week and has been working on the Condon Drug Co. 's books ' this week. The three days' celebration was attended by the greatest number of people ever swn in Condon. People who live fifty miles away were here and all say they had a good time. The weather was on its good behav iour and everything went off without any trouble. Following is a program of the events and the winners of the prizes: July 8, Afternoon. Races: i-mile dash Purse $25. Pay Day, owned by J. W. Hire, 1st; Captain General, owned by Loyd Rinehart 2nd. Three-eighths mile Purse $50. Cotton Nose, owned by Ed Bak er, 1st; Rose Bud, owned by Ar thur Madden, 2nd; Red Bird, owned by W. B. Kinsley, 3rd. The first ball game of the se ries between Condon and Clem was pulled off immediately after the races and was won by the Condon team by a score of 6 to 0. It was an interesting game from 8 tart to finish and both teams played the best kind of ball. Rinehart pitched a star game. The special feature of the game was Mahaffey's long drive over left field which brought in three scores. The way Hagan stole bases showed that he had been there before. Following is the lineup and score: CONDON Rinehart Parker Mahaffey Rice Bums Page Gray Jarvis Hagan CLEM p L Ashenfelter c lb 2b S3 3b If cf rf Stinchfield Hyde Ashenfelter K. Welshons Titus F. Welshons Bates Cimmeyotte immediately after the parade with M. Fitzmaurico as chair man. After the invocation by Rev. G. W. Riggs, Mrs. J., F. Reisacher sang "The Star Span gled Banner," the band played "America," Rev. E. Curran read the Declaration of Independence and Hon. W. R, Ellis, the speak er, of the day, delivered a genu ine 4th of July speech. The ladies drill was the first event of the afternoon. Seven teen ladies took part and it was well done considering the short time which they practised. Sev eral of the horses were very prettily decorated and the drill was pronounced one of the best features of the celebration. Races: -milo, Purse $100. Cotton Nose, owned by Ed Bak er, 1st; Red Bird, owned ' by W. B. Kinsley. 2nd. Consolation race: Purse $75. Billy, owned by J. E. Stevens, 1st; Daisy, owned Kinsley, 2nd. by W: B. i j 1 1 The last ball game of the series was between Condon and May ville and was won by Condon by a score of 11 to 3. Gray did the twirling for the Condon team and had the Mayville boys guessing all the time, only a few safe hits being made. Ashenfelter of Clem pitched for Mayville and was batted hard during the first part of the game. The feature of the game was Rice's spectacular catch back of second Races: Quarter, mile. Purse $50 ; base. Page, Rice and Mahaffey Captain General, owned by Loydmail the fastest double playev- Rmehnrt 1st: Unc e Sum. ownM ! er seen on me Vvonaon aiuoonu. by J. E. Downer, 2nd; and Cap tain General, owned by D. M. Rinehart, 3rd. . . One-half mile. Purse $200. Rosebud, owned by Arthur Mad den, 1st; Red Bird, owned by W. B. Kinsley, 2nd; and Billy, owned by Ed Baker, 3rd. ' , Following is the lineup and score. i CONDON Gray Parker Mahaffey Rice Burns Pfttff Hagan Jarvis McArthur P c lb 2b 88 3b If cf rf MAYVILLE Ashefenlter Stinchfield Graham Vanise Beeson Morgan Anderson Miller Rudolph eVoi'V iTV j 6:liijHf' 0 i 0 l 1Ul 11 The second game of the series between Mayville and Clem was the next event The Mayville team won by a score of 13 to 8. 1 The Clem boys went to pieces in the nrst two innings which ac- j counts for Mayville's, big. score I but after the second inning both j " sides played fine ball and the After the game a matched race game was interesting. Mayville was run between Billy and Pay has quite a few heavy batters. Day .and was won by Billy by and it was their stick work that about two feet J I won the game. One of the spe cial features was M. Welshons' long throw from right field to the home plate. Following is is the lineup and score: lin 'na. 1 1 j 2 8 ; 4 I '' i II j 7 i Cto : 10 O i ffl n ; O i ' I 1"ul James Campbell, John Graham and Allen Kennedy departed Saturday morning for Blairgow rie, Scotland, their old home. They will go via New York, Lon don and Liverpool and will re main in Scotland all summer. F. T. Hurlburt returned Satur day from his trip to his ranch on the Des Chutes. He has lately installed a fine irrigating plant which handles 425 squaie inches of water per minute and he has 400 acres under irrigation. Chas. Peugh and wife left Sat urday for Hood River where they celebrated the 4th and also visit ed with friends for a few days. H. K. West made a business trip to Clem Monday. ; The foot races were held after supper and the crowd was so large that standing room was above par. 100-yard dash was won by Les ter Beeson of Mayville. 50-yard dash was won by Ar thur Beeson of Mayville. 50.yard old man's race was won by Frank Beeson of May ville. Three-legged race was won by Chester Titus and Jack Ashen felter of Clem with Ed Merrifield and Hallie Rice a close second. The Beesons are evidently a family of foot racers. , , .,.. . 1 ,. i After the races the crowds amused themselves by shooting off fireworks and talking of past celebrations. A large number attended the dance at , the skat ing rink. i July 4th, Forenoon. The first event of the day was the music on Main street by the band which did very well consid ering that it was the first time the boys ever played together. At 10 o'clock the parade started from the pavilion and went north to Frazer street then down Main street and around to the pavilion again. The parade was not as large as it should have been ow ing to a lack of time to prepare the floats. The prize for the best float was awarded to the Gilliam Co. Bank. The exercises started Mayville Vanise Stinchfield Graham Griffith Beeson Morgan Anderson Miller Rudolph Clem p K. Welshons c Cram lb Chandler 2b Ashenfelter 8S r Keeney 3b - Titus If F. Welshons cf ! Bates rf M. Welshons ; Mrs. Parks. 6:30 P. M. The nrst event or the evening was the men's potato race. Fred Baker won first Charles Hein of Mayville second and John Anderson of Mayville, third. A married ladies' race was ar ranged and the first prize, , three sacks of flour, was won by Mrs. Harrison and the second prize, one sack of flour was won by (hlnirtTTT7Ti7TT , i f I f Mnjrfl If :5li6 I i 0 t 0 I f I U Vlvm it' i 1 ! 0 liTi 0 10 IJ i total" IS" ........ The broncho riding contest took place immediately after the game. Alex Ruhyon, Sidney Seals, Ralph Gage and Walter Seals took part, and Alex Runyon won first prize and Walter Seals won second. The horses bucked hard and the contest was excit- ii ing. J After supper the Condon Hose Team ran against time. and made a good showing, i ; This was the last event of the day and after several-selections by. the band the crowds amused themselves by dancing, etc. ; . ,,:( ., ,Ju)y 5th, Forenoon, j The first event was the boy's potato race which was won by Robert Fitzmaurice rwith Lester Thouvenel a close second. The shoe and stocking race was won by Johnny Palmer. Lester Thouvenel proved him self a master hand at eating pie and took first prize in the pie race. This was one of the most comical events of the celebration. The sack race was won by Frank Maddock with Fred Ed wards second; The dust race was won by Frankie Kargl. When the dust cleared away and the boys got untangled he had eight nickels which was several more than any other contestant had. . Leonard Gibbons and Robert Wehrli of Mayville gave an? in teresting exhibition of catch-as-catch-can wrestling. Gibbons won, throwing Wehrli two, falls out of three. ' f : H The tug-of-war between; Con don and the pick of the county was won by the County team. n Tbis was the last event of the celebration and after a selection by the band the people separat ed to their homes to recuperate. j j . - NOTES. . i , Horace McBride umpired the ball games and gave complete satisfaction in every way. I . No trouble of any kind occur red during the three days fand as far as can be learned no. ac cidents. I i their last The base ball team had ! pictures taken after the game and it is supposed that, ev erybody will want one. i ! if Tracy Lyons left Saturday morning for Vancouver where he will probably remain all sum mer. it I Lightning struck and totally destroyed the house of W.J.Hil debrand in Ferry Canyon Thurs day of last week. :