j von XVII. " , ' A J.: v CONDON. OREGON. FRIDAY. JULY 5. 1007. NO. 10. PIONEER PICNIC A SUCESS The Pioncer't Picnic Held at their picnic grounds outh of Fos sil laut week wu attended by a large number of people. '. Among1 those going from Condon were L E. Laurence, E. G. Merrifield, J. S. Jent and E. Curran. Mr. Jent delivered an address which was appropriate and well render ed. A male quartette composed of McArthur, Jent, Merrifield and Laurance sang several ap propriate selections. G. T. Mc Arthur sang several solos and Mr. Merrifield also sang a camp fire solo which took welL L. E. Laurance presented the pioneers with a complete telephone set for their use. Everyone enjoyed himself in a good old fashioned way. COUNCIL MEETING , . . The Council met Monday even ing and all were present Sa loon licenses were granted to Campbell Bros, and C, Li Lillie. Mil l m deputy marshals appointed to act during ' the celebration were, J. A. Scott, H. A.? Harts horn and M. E. Summers. The fallowing bills were allow ed: Condon Electric Co. $220.56 J. K. Mersinger .'..10.15 Jamieson & Marshall .71?. 111.94 L. B. Townsend ......... .17.05 C. A. SimpsonT; T.kr.r.: :2.50 Standard Oil Co..... . X .52.40 J. W. Hire. i. 46. 43 F. W. Moore .......... .. 1.25 Gilliam Co. Milling Co.. 4.. .3.00 Crane Co. ....... ; .... . . .15.98 Fairbanks-Morse Co. .... . Limmerman, Wells, Brown Co 1,50 White Stamp & Seal Works. 6.00 Earl Rinehart.. . . . i. 4 -2.00 Receipts: . , ..-.J Water rent. ..... . 300.00 Licenses 605.00 Fines' .V,: 1 '. .' . 1 1 40.00 MAX 1 Mrs. '"' Lee Hines is visiting at The Dalles. :". ..:',., Harry Palmer is back' from Portland where he has been at tending school. . ' " . , ' L.L. Tumey has finished grad ing the Devil's hill road. Lee Hines spent the Fourth at Goldendaie. c.t? 1 It is reported that Mr. McDer mott of Wasco has purchased the Frank Burnison ranch. . . ; ' The, new McCormick ,Header Company is ready for business. Haying is in full blast ; , - Most of the Ajaxites spent the Fourth in Condon. 1 f. r .' Al York has bought 280 acres of wheat from Smith Bros, at $3 per acre. , . Wm. James shipped twelve head of horses to Portland Tues day morning. Horses, are a good price and there seems to be no end to the demand. Mrs. Geo. Blake left Saturday morning for Portland and other points in the Willamette Valley where she will spend the summer visiting with friends and relatives. SHEIffl MBIT MM A fatal shooting affray occur red July 2 at John Day Ferry 15 miles east of Wasco, in which John Freeman was instantly kill ed and W. G. McDonald was badly , injured. , Principals in the affair were R. S. Ward, John Freeman and W. C. McDonald IfL prominent farmer. It appears that Ward attacked McDonald and struck him over the head with a spade, inflicting severe but not fatal injuries. A shot was then fired which killed Free man. It has not been learned who fired the shot Bad blood has existed between Ward' and McDonald for some time, and Ward was heard to remark that he was "going to get McDon ald." Sheriff McCoy has Ward under arrest and in the county jail at Moro. Oregonian. Prloes on Blacksmith. ng. We, the undersigned, of Gil liam and Wheeler Counties, Oregon, agree to the following prices on blacksmith work: Horse-shoeing, Nos. 0 andl $1.50 Nos. 2 and 3 ... .1.75 Teams of horses 2.00 Imported stallions .4.00 Setting 2.00 Setting old shoes, per shoe. . .25 Shoeing race horses $3 and 400 Tire setting ......400 Car coupling on rack 9.00 Needle on tongue ........... 400 Trail rod 1.. ....2.50 Crotch chain 1.50 Circle on axle ............ . .2.00 Hook and. clip. ............. 2.50 Wheat rack, 16-ft, complete 40.00 . 14-ft " 39.00 J" 12-ft trail... 30.00 J. F. Thomas, Pres. W. B. Kinsley, Vice-Pres. Wm. Dunlap, Secretary. - L. Morris, Treasurer. Mrs. G. J. Brown left Saturday for Marshneld to join her hus band who has lately been promo ted to the management of the el ectric light plant at that place. J. K. Mersinger made a flying trip to The Dalles the latter part of last week. G. E. Ohsfeldt left Saturday for Portland where he spent a few days visiting with friends. HIGH CRADE, UPRIGHT GRAND PIAHOS Mutt be Sold at once. Parties in tending to purchase a Piano will do well to investigate. These instruments are fully warranted for Ten Years. W. A. DARLING. THE MODEL BOOING HOUSE MRS. A. KARGL, Proprietor, Rooms Just Re papered. First-Class Beds. Try them a weeh, only $1.25. South Main St Condon Sheriff Sal. Nolle I. hrrvby given that an execution and order of ml. m ImiwI out of the nirrult Court of the Hl.ile of Oregon. Ollllam Own-: ty on the ind da of July, iwr, npou a decree therein rendered on tha 4th d.jr of April, 1907. In favor of Tha Arlington Lumber Com pany, a corporation, plaintiff, and Caleb Cu.h ln. Al McDonnell, A ). Walker. Otto Tachanner. Hunt Hardware Co., a Corporation, and amln.t tha defendant, Thoraaa Goodman, wlileh uid execerntlon and order of ealeta to me directed aud commanding ma to II the property hereinafter deaerlbed, for tha pnrpnee of eatietrlnf tha Indgment of tha plain HIT in aald Sanaa for tha aum of Flva Htiudred Nluaty-fourk M-100 Dollar with Inter- rat thereon at the rate of alx per cent per annum from the Wth day of July, 19M, and for the tnr tb.rwo.oltm 70 with tntereet thcreou at tha rata of alx per cant, per annum from October lh, laoa, uutll paid and 1190 attorney feea, and tha eoita and dlabnreementa of aald mil taxed at I'Jtm and for the further wm of W1.70 with lntermt thereon at the rate of alx per cent per annum from the 2nd day of October, 1906, until (.aid, together with coitaauddiahareemenie, and for the aura of t-'O attorney, feea; and for tha further turn ofjltw.78 with Intenat thereon al the rate of alx per rent per annum from Kovem. bar 1Mb, 1W6 until paid, together with ooata and dlibunementa, and for the further aum of (2$ at tomayi feea; and for tha further aum of I2J7.W with intern.! thereon from the 10th day of No vember, lfl)8, until paid at the rate of alx per oent per annum, and for the further lum of .00 attorney, feea, and for ooata and dlahnne menta:atidforthefnnher aum of I168.53 with lnteraat thereon from the 10th day of November, 1909, until paid at tha rata of alx per cent per annum, and IX.OO attorney, fee, together with ooata and di.buraement.; and the further turn of W7.S0 with lnteraat thereon at the rata of alx per oent. par annum from the 14th day of July, 1906, until paid, together with ooata and dl.bur.e menta taxed aud allowed at W.00 Therefore, in compliance with aald execution and order of aale, I will on Tueailay, the 6th day of Augrnt, 1907, at the hour of 3 o'clock P.M., at the Court Home door in Condon, Uilliam County, Oregon, aell at public auction to tha htgoeat bidder for caah In hand, for the purnone ot unifying the Judgment and decree above mentioned, the following deaclbed property, to wit: Lot One -1-in Block Sir -- ot StinohReld'a Addition to the Town of Clyde, commonly called Mayville, In Gilliam County, Oregon, together with tha frame hones or building upon aald Lot, , Dated tola 2nd aajr of July, 1907. R. M, Kooans, Shoriffot Gilliam County, Oregon. Bowerman A Butler, Attorneys SURE DEATH Jo f lie$ apd Ipsetfs! Pauling's Poison Fly Paper Large Envelopes 5c Best Dalmatian Insect Pow der, per pound 35c Sulphur Candles for Fumi gating, 2 for 25c Chloride of Lime for Mic robes, 2 for 25e Tanglefoot Fly Paper, 25 double sheets for 25c QOKDOff. :: OFECOfI DIAMONDS WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY To buy Glasses it one thing. TO HAVE YOUR EYES ".'PROPERLY FITTED IS ANOTHER. Save Time and Money and qo to a STATE GRADUATE OPTICIAN of Proven Ability II THE JEWELER EXPERT OPTICIAN VICTOR GRAPHO PHONES ., R. L. HUNT, Druggist. riwtrinjutnnriAinjnjxivvrvrvrinruvp . llieT Tfl 5 REMIND YOU THAT HARVEST TIME IS N&flRAT HAND And in order to avoid de lay you should place your orders for Harness, etc, with us now. Re member we do not carry factory goods, but sell you harness which we can guarantee, at right prices. RFRARHFR vruvnnnnnnjinAruiiirti 9 P Q O 5 ROBIflSOfl JL -O.R.4N.w.toh X IfiJ Jnspttctor . . fJ m tor aijjn jraae waicnes. x jt WASsorrs gash GROCERY for the best canned goods, staple and fancy groceries. Freeh fruits and" vegetables in season. Full weight, best quality and lowest prices at this store. ' Trv us. NORTH MAIN STREET ClLLIALl 09. MILLIIIO G3. CONDOM -Our Speclaltlst The highest grade family flmir Tha i highest market prise for wheatf Rolled feed and mill feed the best Prices al ways right : : 1 attl Condon National Bank J. iV. FRENCH PraUtHl GSAitr S201 onaooN Capital . WADE, . . - T -Jil StOCX ' " vr . ZStSsS $50,000.a Caviuv You are cordially invited to rrialcei this your BANKING HOME We receive the accounts of Firms, Corporations and Individuals, and return to our depositors every accommodation within " toe limits of .' Prudent Banking. Interest allowed on time deposits pttuiai Ausnuon uivsn lo oluCKtnen S AOCOUntS PREMIE R Ask your Grocer for it. Satisfaction Guaranteed.