VOL, XVII. CONDON. OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 31. 1907. NO. 11. SCHOOL NOTES The Condon Public School, No. 25 closed Friday May 17th with the exception of Mrs. Berry's and G. T. McArthur's rooms. Mrs. Berry had two and Mr. Mc Arthur three days of lost time to makeup. The school has been a pro nounced aucesa this year judging from the quality of work done and the satisfaction given. Nearly all pupils attending regu larly passed with grades that are a credit to themselves and their teachers. Regular attendance counts every time when it comes to the test Bert Knox has the record for attendance in the Con don school, having attended for three years without being absent a day or being tardy a minute. Members of the eighth grade who were neither absent or tardy during the year are Geogia Sear cy, Pearl Hardman and Tula Kins ley, of the seventh grade Tilly Dams. Out of a class of ten from the Condon school who took the State Eighth Grade Examination, eight passed with honors, one failed in arithmetic and one was kept out to work the last half day of exam ination so did not get to finish, which she could have done with ease, as it could not be avoided she has the sympathy of " her classmates and teacher. Those . who passed are, in order of grad es made, Georgia Searcy, Frank White, Ray Bunnell, Bessie Dod son, Tula Kinsley, Charles Fitz maurice, Belle Townsend and Herbert Clarke, Charles Mo Eachern of the Olex School, No. ORQWKEO IN THE JQHH DAY Another life was added to the list of the treacherous John Day river on Monday, May 27, when J as. Paul, a prosperous rancher, of Spray, was drowned while fordinsr the river above the backwater of the new dam. Mr. Paul had been accustomed to fording the river in this place place and as near as can be learn ed nobody knows the exact cir cumstances. His body has not been recovered and probably never will be, on account of the quicksands just below the place he was crossing. Mr. Paul was 32 years of age and leaves a wife to mourn his untimely death. He was a brother of Mrs. R. R. Keys of Fossil. BASEBALL NOTES A few of Condon's base ball "veterans" picked up enough men to fill out the team and went over to May ville Sunday to play the Mayville boys on their new diamond. The Mayville team, remembering the "drub bing" they recieved over here three weeks ago, had strength ened their team and proceeded to j trot around the bases for a total! of thirteen scores while on Con don's side only nine men were a ble to cross the home plate. The diamond was slow and no inter est was taken in the game by either side. Wild throwing lost the game for Condon. Since coming home the boys say that the only way the only way they can get any commendation from some of the citizens is to play a tie game, which they will en i sa vor to do in the future. These "Thai bo notary pnhllo thai) he ao- thnriaed to take ackaftwledgnientr. ad minister oatha, eartlfy papere or parlorm any offllcial acta In connection arith mat- tere la onion h Is aonnwl, attor eejr r agent, o In muirh he may beinanyaaj inter eett before eoynl the drpertinente atorwmM." Although thlaatatata forma part of the act of Coograa amandin auction (58 of tha Coda of Law for tin- Dietrirt of Columbia, It haa recently beenonetrited by tba Attornev-Oneral to apply to nrv Urlrt natelde of that district; ami yon are therefore dlractad to acrntlnlta all affidavit and papers flld In vonr nffii-a for tha purpnee of seeing that they ara notezecntad la conflict arith thia atat- ota. Vary mpactfolly. B A. Bsujaoaa, Commltwlnnar. 11, took the examination at Con don and passed with good grades, j people wno are are always"howI The School Board held a meet- in" ?ho,u,d "mber that the bast ing on May 17th and elected' wa .totbe n. ndfSbta.c I t. . ii,.,... in ctn- zen"s to 4 kick" at the home teachers as followers; J.C. otur- , , ,, gill, Principal;Miss Irwin of Fos-base ba" tea,n- sil, Assistant-principal; Joyce! , , Hershner, Mrs. G. T. McArthur, bage ba tfiam wil, and Miss Belle Ranney each to t0 c,em gund to , a their former position. G. T. Mo with Clem Arthnr and Mrs. Berry did notixhe railroad wm mn a wish to teach next year. There j M trftin to c,em and retun are three positions yet to to De,.r$n8n . t- -v;Hino. filled. Owing to a number of the for $0.80 round trip, providing the baseball management will guarantee that one hundred peo- eighth grade leaving town as pie will go. An effort will prob soon as school closed, the gradu-' ably be made to furnish the guar ating exercises were dispensed antee and in order to do this a with, It was not thought best j paper will be circulated and tick to take time to prepare for them before the examination. MAX T. A B'randon has been on the sick list for some time. Ethel Adlard is at home again after spending several months in Ferry Canyon. , Mrs. F. Adlard who has been in Arlington for some time stay ing with her daughter, Mrs. Mar vel, during her sickness, returned this week. Mrs. Marvel is im proving. Walter Farrar, who has lived in this community for a number of years, has rented his farm and . will go Rogue River with Blaine Maley. He reports that his bro ther, Fred Farrar, who is now in New Mexico, is improving! A company has been formed in 1 this vicinity which will be known ' as The McConnel Header Co. of Ajax. eta sold to raise the necessary amount The train will start about one o'clock and return im mediately after the game. The Clem team has been practicing every day since they were up here and the game will undoubt edly be close and interesting. The Mayville ball team will play the Fossil team at Fossil, Monday, June 3. CIRCULAR ' Inatructiona rein ting to notarial pub lie actum a attorneys r agents In caasa in which they liHva taken aoknow ledg- menta, administered natlia, etc. x Department of the Interior. General Land Office, April 20th. 1 . ! Regiateri and Receiver, U, S. Land Oflicea. 81 ra: . : Your attention la called to that part of tha act of Jnna 20, 1006, (31 Stati., 362), which reada ei follows: BE YOUR 0M DOCTOR. Dr. Riatoh, New York's most successful, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist was recently asked the question, can catarrh be cured? II replied, it cer tainly can, and the remedy i dimple and easily applied He went on to say that hi success was due to a discovery h aoci dentally made while in Aitetra Ha some years ago when he no ticed the inhabitants there were almost entirely free from any catarrhal affections due to the atmosphere there being, laden ith the antiseptic and healing properties of the Euealyptne and other plants growing there n abundance. '' 'Tha thonght alrnck me that the oil. from thet pUnl.omld he mm bin- d in the proper proportion, and end naed to good aHvantair t home i alter I returned to New York I earoeeded In getting a larye drny firm Interacted ho during the latt 'JO veare hare marketed thaw emn hinad oil. nnder the name of Muco line, which ran he had et anv flret claadrngstnreintheUnitMl Sttsin 3 ounce bottle at 60c each which a il laat a person nearly a month. It ii need twice each d with n atnniis er. I preler the Do Vilhliea Atomis er which ran also ba had at drnggiet" at email cot." The above article appeared in a leading New York Journal some time ago, and when hand cd to to Mr. Pauling, the drug irist, for his opinion he said "I have aolil and recommend Mnc- line for 18 teara and have never known It to fail to effect a core If used laithfally tor a few months." WILLIAMS THE JEWELER EXPERT OPTICIAN Will Be Open Evenings Until Eight-Thirty When all other have failed to give you satisfaction, come to headquarters and join the list of rr.y well satisfied customers. We Appreciate Your Trade A DRUG STORE It is our purpose to have a Drug Store that you will be proud of by always being prepared to supply your every want., Give us your support and help us to make it the kind of. a Drug Store you would like. We need your patron age. Yours to Pase. R-Jnt. The value of a Guarantee is not in what is said, but who says it. See RobinHon, the up-to-date Jeweler, before you buy Watches, Diamonds, Jewt-lry, Etc. All Vinds of Spectacles and Eyeglasses. All repair work guaranteed. R . H . ROBIN SO N Watch inspector O. R. A N. Ry. meaTsesVSaWaTssVaVr I GILLIAM CO. I 7 ffiint'f) nn Z liiiLUtaU uu. First National Bank Report. No. 70S. Etportofth. condition of The Tint National Bank o( Coudon, at Condon in the State of Ore goo, at tha eloae o! batlnew, Mr 30th, 1907. acMiuacss. Loam and Dlewaii. . .i. S2.M.96 Ovsrdrafts. seenrad and naiecared 1.2W.41 13. 8. Bonds to eenre i lreUtlon .moo Pnmtuma on C. 8. Bonds S6S.T5 Bonds, securities, etc. . .. . 1071.10 Bonklnghoaw, tarnlture, and axtwres ,4St. DaetromNst'l.Bnks(notrefterraf'is.! 772.64 40.00 J4.T20 14 439.74 730.00 Dae rnjm SUM Bunks and Bankers Das from approved reserve agenu. Checks and other ossh Items Notes ol other NsUonsl Banks Fractional paper carrenojr, nickels and oents Lawful Mohit Rasaava ih mik, , via: Bpeeie , 4.K.M. Legal-tender notes.... Total SedempUon fund with U. 8. Treasurer (5 per cent ot olRHl.tion.) . Total usaiUTtas. Cspttal stock paid In ,. Sarphts ruud Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National Bank notes oatstandtus ... Individual deposits subject to cheek Demand oerUfleates of deposit ....... Time certificates ot deposit Total Bute ol Oregon, County of OlUiam, as: I, N. Farnsworth, cashier ol the above-nam ed bank, do solemnly swear that the abora state ment la true to the best o! my knowledge and belief. N. FAamwoaTH, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day ot May, 1907. . : - H.A. HiHTSHoait, Notary Public Coaaacr Attest: Edwao Dunn, F. V. Pursa, J. FBAHa Watson, Directors. 181.93 4,160.50 813.90 I 78,449.12 I2&.000.00 87S.00 8.60J.91 t,60.00 ,9iaao . 1,05.W ,S48.41 78,449.13 WASSOrTS CASH GROCERY for the best canned goods, staple and fancy groceries. Fresh fruits and vegetables in season. Full weight, best quality and lowest prices at this store. Try us. NORTH MAIN STREET CONDON Our Speolaltle The highest grade . family flotirThe highest market price for wheat , . Rolled feed and mill feed the beet Prices a 1 ways right : J In, 'J It Condon National Bank OftDON . W.rJlBNClf 8aet ORftOON I . . t . i Capital Stock ,000. GBAttT WADE Vkt-PtmiJtnt F. T. HURL-BURT Catkitr You are cordially Invited to make this your BANKINU HOME We recoive the accounts of Firms, Corporations and Indivkkiala, and return to our depositors every accommodation within the limits of Prudent Banking. Interest allowed on time deposits peolal Attention Uiven to stockmen s Accounts - -' al P R E iVi I E R , Aek your Grocer for It. Satisfaction Guaranteed.