Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, February 22, 1907, Image 5

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Tha Proved Rtmedr
tor Ovr 50 Year.
FtW 84 aa. SO
Oil wulilng tu Import a Hippopotami
Btiiat liava a government permit to bu)
ud another to land on.
A Mod Dreadful Cat of Kldno)
Troubl and How It Wat Curad.
Thomas N. MrCullnugh, 321 Kmtth
W'vbtir hi., ColonJo Hirltiirs, Colo.,
"1'or 'v
fel'V J f ttUvn ywtr I
, A-" J and kidney tlmt
sl&J lasted for three
LV'.r.Jlw woulil Im muihln ti
.-;tiihk1 .Y3 turn In bxl. The
urine iu In a terrible ooiulltion, at
time ewunlHo stoige occurring. I
b)n with Ikmt' Kiilney I'll In, ami
soon f' It Ixltcr. Keeping on, I fount
complete frtelom from kidney trouble.
Tlie cure ha been pnniiaiieiit; I owe
my giMkl health to iMan't Kidney I'illi."
Sold hy all dealers, 60 cent boi.
Foster-Millmrn Co., lliffulo, N. Y.
MMWAHD K. BrilTON.-AMfW ir1 Chmt.
INulvtiiw, t'oi.wsuif. ftp tiutm prlt-wti ttu.4,
Hllvvr, 1- r4, tU Onhl. Hllvar, 1 V j Ofltd, ft ; fine or
t mir, t. I'vaniil Imii, MftUtM nvv.up tod
flit I irtn IUt awnt om i.hrtlMs. Control ami V'n
tlr vrk M4iUitl. U(riiMl ChImui fk-
Uaattaal lfgHs.i
i hiimUihw tl.i... .,... .1. in in ii in I
Torpid Liver. Take a quarter-grain
of calomel every two bourn until aca
tliartlc atftlon la prodmwd and follow
with pluto, buuyatll or etwuin salt. Tbe
taking of thona purgutlve to elim
inate tbe nierourlul properties tbe
body. 1
Uropsy. One plut of bruised tuua
tard seed, oue plot of bru Inert borne
radlab roots, elgbt ounce of lignum
vltie chip and four ounce of bruleed
Indian bemp root t'ut all the tugredl
enU Into seven quarts of sweet cider
and lot aliumer over a alow Or until
rudwed to about four quarta, tben
utraln and bottle. Tbe doee la wlne
giaaa four time day or more If re
quired. Cough. Take two ounowe of tweet
aplrlta of nitre, four ounce of glycer
I no, two tableapoonfula of dover pow
der and put tn an elght-ottnce bottle.
8liuke well before using. The doae for
an adult la oue teaapoonful i children
according to age. It I well to mix tbe
dorer powder In half an ounce of
water before adding to tbe aplrlta, a
tbe powder will not mix well wltirtbe
Paper Wind Blileld. Cold weather
and winter la the aource of mucb dread
on tlio part of some persona, l'neumo-
nionary allineuta loom largo and tbreat
enlngly before them at tbe mention of
winter. A cold wind la one of tbe moat
disagreeable thlnga to face. No matter
how warmly one may be oundled, atlll
the wind aetu to etrlke througb tbe
rloth and chill Juat tbe same. An old
fashioned auI aliuoit forgotten way of
gvttlug tbe better Of tbe wind-god I to
place a folded newspaper over the
cheat and under tlie outer clothing and
tlio aame may be located at the back.
Tbe clone Bber of paper make It al
moat Imiiervloua to wind. Add to thla
the fact that It la a poor conductor of
heat and we have an Ideal cold-proof
article. When one la driving agalnat
a atrong wind nothing will keep the
lung and body ao warm aa a a beet of
newapaper. rut a layerof paper In
aide of your rubber before gohig out
for a walk and you will be urprled
bow warm It will keep your feet.
Klmlly rvtni-mtxT that wo buy ami soil all
kiiulii of Mlulnit Hiorku aint lininln tlmt are on
Id mnrkt't. Hliuuld you waul lo buy or Mil
rll or lru
r. i. CAntRLiN a co.
125 Ablnsloe Bullaina Portland, OrtfM
UF Mombtir ol I'orllinil Block Kiehange
In 'h l'pr Himkft Vullejr, Itlnhn, whor
tft,ii MlhNiaiit'pl VtWifjr hmint(krri r iilrrwtr
Inmtnl, hni,uou ntr uiiitfvtiiiv. d, Irrlitub Unit
till aWMll th ifttlcr. Hlch' ti and Ihwi w'rtt
vnlly th Hit) wnilil. PlitfNi c'ltimt: r ho own frmt ;
Inittirnno tiroim of ifaln. airairAtutcftr droik, H."1,
ttw invwtMl in niiitHr ftiorli. Iwv H, tt. mr
ton in Yitwtout rk tint-nn country of tmi r
attune. Altttm inrttti Jan. 1, lww, a rvcunl
hnakr. Write ir pnriirulant.
tit. Aitlliunr uil AwhtuMa Irinho.
We do not tk ordoni and r'''" out Rubber
numt.f, tMii, Jim. W manulacture our
Own good. I'ur etiuljiurnt ! the uewoni
and heat iiiciii'T can buy. Writ today lor our
, "llubbor blimp Catalugu."
Portland. Oregon
prove their worth at harveit
time. Afteroverfiftyyearaof
aucceaa, they are pronounced
the beat and aureit by careful
S lantern everywhere. Your
ealer aelU them. 1907 Seed
Annua! free on request
, V,M.rCBBTC,ltaMI,lltok.
I I lIU ii,VS
1 IMM-ltttl'
will Give you conv
ana long service
You CoiYt afford
to buy any other
Every Oarment
New Trick Par Bllla-.
Two men, about 2S and 88 year old
reaiiectlrely, affecting an Engllab ac
cent and the drees of petty ouiccra, via
iteil Abraham Orccubcrg. lawyer, who
bun an oltli In the I'ulltzcr building.
They were acoompunlpd by a negro who
carried a largo anllor'a grip.
The men repremnited themaelvea aa
bnvlng Jimt returned from a trip
through tbe Ilolttc provlncea of Itus
la. "I've got aome fine fur I would like
to aoll to you," an Id tbe ipokcamnn.
"I've a lot of bargains, too." Then,
looking around the room, he added In
a whlapcr: "I brought the stuff myself
to thl country you understand J
Tbe lawyer said ha was not Interest
ed In fur, but the man persisted. He
displayed a handsome bearskin rug
which be said he would sell for 7o.
Greenberg didn't care to purchase any
furs, hut the rug Impressed him so
much Unit he Anally offered $35 for It.
This waa refused, but the man pro
duced a flue silver blue fox muff and
'I'll let you have this for $500," said
the man.
Greenberg bargained with him and
eventually bought tlie set for $30. lie
thought he had a prize.
Just as he was about to hand the
money to the stranger be found tbat
the muff wub damaged. The man read
ily agreed to exchange It and took
what looked like a similar muff from
the grip. This looked all right and was
Wbeu the lawyer examined the muff
and collar more carefully, however, on
rubbing his hand gently over tbe fur It
began to fall out Greenberg took the
garments to an expert and learned that
they were made of balr dyed and past
ed crudely on a foundation. The value
of the garments waa about $1.50.
Since then the lawyer has heard
from other victims of the pair. Their
game, which la a new one, Is being
worked successfully In many parts of
the city. New York Times. .
Gnat Plctnre Woi br Klnat.
Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema's first
great picture waa exhibited at Antwerp,
and was offered as one of the prizes In
a loMery. The lucky winner waa the
king of the Belgians.
Elderly people make almost a many
breaks as younger people, but excel In
their ability to smooth them over.
Bad Blood
I th cause of til humor, eruptions,
bolls, pimple, scrofulous ore,ecaem
or salt rheum, aa well a of rheuma
tism, catarrh and other trouble. Tbe
greatest blood remedy for all these
trouble, proved by It unequaled
record of cures, I
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In otual liquid form or In chocolated
tablet known as f araatabe. 100 doses 11.
Got Ills OalM Mli4.
"What ban kept you out so late?"
sternly aaked Mrs. Cayman.
"lteeo Killing up wltb a dying fr'.rad,
m' dear," aaawered her affectionate con
sort. "That won't do thl time," ah rejoin
ed "Th old year baa been 'teed aeveral
day, to my certain knowledge."
Motbon m tad Mr. W!n!oV Aooiblns
Syrup tbe bitriuedy lo nnturitialrebUUrea
aurtug lb to una jwrlua.
At tbe crowded downtown m.iner the
friiibtened pedestrian were srurryiog out
of the way of atraet cars, automobiles, de
livery wagons, and policemen on horse
back. ,
"(iob !" sidelined the window washer,
looking down on tbein from bis perch on
th narrow ledje of a fifteenth story win
dow. "I'm glad 1 aiu't In tbat crowd I"
Chicago Tribune.
Throughly Reliable.
If ever here wn a reliable and ufe reme
dy it is thut obi and Turnout poruuo planter
Allc ckV. It ha hern In u e for sixty
yi'Hr. and Is an p pillar to-day as ever, ami
w doubt if tin re 1 a civilutd cumin nily
on the fuce ol the globe where this wonilef
fulpainrelievercaiirK'tlttfouml. In the-e-l.-rti
n of the Inan dieiiU nd in their man
ufacture the greatest are is taken to keep
eie Hence, and ao pure ana simple are I lie
ingredients that even a child am uw lliem
Allcocks are theoriitnal and genuine po
ous plaeters and are Mild hy Drutgiat in
every part of lb civilised world.
Half a Million.
"I'm sure I don't know what be saw
In her. Her face la decidedly plain."
"Yes, but the figure ahe baa makes
up for all tbat"
"Figure? She's positively scrawny:
ahe haan't any figure."
"You're wrong there. She has six
figures and the first one's a five."
Philadelphia Preaa.
at, Vitue rae end ell Nervous Dissms
I permanently cured r I". hiine-s orM
Hmrv, RaiAm. Hand fr rHKK IZIrnu biilUft and
UeMlae. lr. H. IX.Knm. UL, eu Axcta im., eiuuu.fa.
lae BlMd4 KaJvaiUaUts.
Tbe Salvation Army bid fair to be
come aa aristocratic body. Msjor Mary
Murray, who supervise tbe military
and aaval league of tbe Salvationists,
Is a daughter of tbe late Sir John Mur
ray. K. C. B., and Lieut Col. Minnie
Held, wbo recently married Commis
sioner Booth-Tucker, la a daughter of
a former acting governor of Bombay.
Tbe commissioner himself resigned a
judgeship In India, wltb alt th wealth
and special position attached to It, to
devote himself to Salvation Army
Lady Sarah Sladen la a Salvationist
and tbe countess dowager of Teafield
Is a member of tbe auxiliary of tbe !
army, iwo onuguiera oi Mr. unniow,
late member of parliament for Guild
ford, bare together steadily risen In
the ranka. Intimately connected wltb
the work In Australasia la tbe Hon.
Mrs. Bird, wife of tbe former prime
minister of Tasmania. She la aald to
b a ardent a any Salvation Army
las la disposing of tbe "War Cry."
Tbe daughter ofbe late Lady Gait,
wife of tbe lieutenant governor of
Ontario, la working la Canada. Answers,
Germany has birred ent American po
ts toes and all kiads of American preserv
ed meat
Drusf Uu refund money If It talU to ear. E. W
GkOVEU signature Is on each box. Be.
MUtekea Keallty.
"IIow can you call yourself a Chris
tian," demanded the sanctimonious Mr.
Blggot "If you play golf on tbe Sab
bath r
"But I don't" replied tbe mild maa
"What ! How dare you say you
don't play golf, when thli very min
ute "
"I aay I don't call myself a Chris
tian. My name's Iaaacsteln." Phila
delphia Press.
Deaface Caaaet Be Cared
tr local applications as they cannot reach th
dlaeaaed purtlon ot the ear. 1 Here la only on
way to cure dea.aeea. and tbat is by constitu
tional remedies. JwafneM ! caua-d by an to-ftamt-d
eoudittun of th ntucona lining of the
Eustachian Tul. Vt den tula tuba lfnHamed
f ou nave a rambling sound or imperfect bear
ng, and when It U entirely ctoaed, lieafneae is
the res nil, and unleea the f anamination can be
taken out and this tube rs-loied tolls normal
condition, bearing will be destroyed forever;
ninecajaaoutol tea are eaueed by Catarrh,
whlcb Is nothing but aa lnttauied condition of
iBe-muroue auriaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
eaae of leatna (cauaed by eatarrn) that can
not he cured by Ualia Catarra Cure, bend for
Wrculars, tree.
K. 1. CHENEY A CO, Toledo, O.
Bold by DruenlKte. tic.
Hall's Family I11U are the best.
Old mm New Year Meet.
New Year What surprises ' me most
ot sll Is tb scale of living!
Old Year (In a feeble voice) If you
ask th endertskers you will find that
tk scale ef dying I juat aa high.
For Lung
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchltis.cOnsumption. And
it certalsly streiphess weak
throats tad weak luigs.
There cas be no mistake aut
this. You know it Is true. And
your own doctor will say so.
Mymtlebnyhadaferrtkleeexh. Itrte
er.rftnlits I c.wl.t fcr of but IB Vila acttl
1 tried A jti C'lMrry I'aclnral. TNe Brat
elehl be iu bettr. and he .ladlly Imarova
mil he waa Mrrlaetiy weli." Maa. . 4.
hi KtLm, Aiuw, iu.
JUadaj Of J. O. Ayr Co., irwli, aai
AtaW alMaiSMHilwa mt
BAic mat.
Keep trie bowels regular with Ayar'a
Pille and thus riaaten receverv.
J-rTe i,-' :r"Tr- Mf
FRfr BOOK-a gives 1000 mcs al 20-MUIE-TEAM
BORAX Ma Ike Moaw. fanw aed Dairy.
Tree on request.
9VM ule-Team Borax for rale at all dealers.
Rample and Souvenir Pirture in eolore, ft cent
and dealer'! name. Pacific Coast Borax Ce
OeUaad, Cat.
P.N. U
Na. 3-07
HEN writing; to advertisers pleas I
wtra ini, pawi, I
less Apple
Is the Greatest Discovery since the Seedless
Endorsed by Leading Horticulturists every
where. Being rapidly adopted by all progressive Applo
Plant now and be in on the First Market.
No seeds, no core, no waste; rich red color;
commercial size; good shipper; excellent flavor;
splendid keeper; a market leader; no bloom,
frost proof.
For booklet and particulars. Splendid induce
ments to agents.
I The Spencer Seedless Apple Co.
414 American National Bank Bldg., Everett, Wash.
No doctor can cure what alls you If
you have a mean disposition.