NO. 48. VOL. XVI. CONDON. OREOON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1007. LOCAL AND PERSONAL C. J. Quino ( Mayvlll renewed hi subscription to th tiumi ihlf week on tbt OregonlanUlob clubbing offer. Mr. Chat. Horner ntrtlned in Uiost pleasing manner Wednesday alter noon t hr cty hnm In Mann' Altl tlon. WIjI.i th divrloo of th afternoon, Mr. W. II. Hornlbrook win ning first prl and Mr. C. O. I'orlwood the woand. A dainty lunch was ared t Hi cIom of the afternoon, th hostess being assisted by Dr. Mary Boaermen. A f ry pleasant allernoon i (pent by tboM present. Th party we given In honor ol Mia. 8. K. tiken. who pct to leave Condon oon. Mim Wall Rennry entertained a lew frinda Saturday evening In hunur ol bur tutor, Mia Lillie Kenney, oho espeel to leave tot br how in Corvalll in lew day. Will Burn retnrned Iroro III trip to thCou Hay country and point In Cal ifornia Tuaaday. Will wa on uf th Condonlte who walked from Arlington rather than wait lor th train to leave, All th hotel were crowded and it was almost an liitDOMlblliiy to get a bed, livery rig could not be secured, (o Will look th only alternative and hoofed it. Ha I not enthuslaitll about the Co Bay country and wa unabl to tlnd a location in California. John Snover I reported to b doing good business at Marshtield. 11 la en gaged in the real fetal buiinea and the manufacturing plant In which he I Interested I paying a high rata of Inter eat on the money invested. Lee Avery formerly of Condon I now located at Marshtield and n running a katlng rink at that place, Mr. liiishnelt la confined to her home till week with an attack of la grippe. John Terry bee been moved from the private room ol Drs. Wood & Uavey to th home of J. B. Whit and ha nearly recovered from the effect of hi recent operation. , W. A. Campbell wa an Arlington vie I lor Saturday. Eiamlnation fur County and State t'chera' certificate are being held a' the court houae thii week. Th elimi nation began Weduetday and will con tinue until tomorrow. Mr. Ashbaugh of Ferry Canyon, who ha been very nick for the past two week, ia getting along nicely. Dr. Uavey wa called toOlei Saturday to attend Grant Wade, who I reported improving. The three room adjoining the Ulobi office are being remodeled and will be used by W. 11. Hornibrook for a law of fice. New la rather scarce thii week and ome of 'he item found in then column are known In newspaper parlance aa apace killer. Th poor mail- service of the peat week and the inclement weather have made it rather rough sail lug for the Glob, reporter. Twenty-two hundred pound of mail wa received at the postoffloe lor distri bution Wedneaday. The county attorney bill which ha been introduced In the Stale Legislature baa been reported favorably by the Home Committee and bid fair to be . come law. A woman wa accuaed of having stolen n Iron loap kettle and cracked it so that it uitetulnea wa forever ended. Her defense ws that she wa Innocent on three counts. "Oi have witnesses here, yer honor," she said, "to prove, first, Oi niver had th' kittle in my poe session ; second, that Oi returned it to Mrs. Casey without a crack in it; and third, that th' auld kittle was cracked, whin Ol took It." The K. of P. Lodge of Condon Is plan ning to give an entertainment next Tuesday in honor of the 44th anniversa ry of the foundation of the order. Invi tation for the affair were prinled at this office during the week, Otis Campbell returned Thursday ev ening from few weeks visit with bis parents at Centerville, Washington. Word was received at Condon Thurs day that the bill providing for tbe cre ation of the Twelfth Judicial District has passed both houses ol tbe Legislature. According to the term of the bill the Governor will appoint the new circuit judge and district attorney and they will bold under this appointment until next election. SAFE BURGLARIZED Professionals Get In Their Work at Condon. A Lout one o'clock Wedneaday morn ing a night marshal Bweelln wa mek lug bis rounds he noticed two rery sus picious looking character skulking about the back (treat. A the men were uranger to him and their peoollar actions showed very plainly thai Ibejr were bant on enm evil he determined to keep hi weather y on them. - They were followed at a respmjllol ditnoe by the night marshal for nearly an hour. No effort wa made during that lime to enter any Mm or residence but their close investigation of every Ware they paused wa enough to atisfy Dor that their intentions war not good.. finally thy tnrned up Summit street and walked in tbe direc tion l the court bouse. Tbey etopped in front of Hie tiuoet office and entered Dora was then thoroughly -convinced that they would crack the large safe in the office hut determined t i bide hi time and h did. In less tnan twenty minute the sale wa cracked and the burglar rau down Oregon etreet "with Ibair booty. Fifteen minute after th criminal bad paused the court hone wi.ere he was stationed and were out ol the olty limit the mrhl gave ohe but the criminal eraeil lu sp teoi m untiring effort to capture them ' The UuH offers 11,000 leward for the arre.t and conviction of the man who can tell a bigger lie than th above ac count of a uitdoighl burglary. SCHOOL REPORT Following te a report t the school in district no 23, for th mouth ending Feb ruary 8th. Day taught Pupil enrolled Whole number of days attendance Average daily attendance. , . 20 . 10 .149 7.48 Number of cases ol absence 8 " tardiness 2 " in attendance every day 6 Visitors lor the month S Bis pupil ware enrolled the flret day and five of these being placed on the roil of honor lor the mouth, certainly peaks well lor the attendance when the extreme bad weather during the niostol the month, is considered. The intern has been keen, the work par excellence for the initial month ol the term, and in the hope that its publication will stimu late both pupil and parent to greater el fort diiriim the en.uiug month It is re spectfully submitted. W. F. Aluxn, Teacher. FRANK MONAHAN MARRIED Frank Monahau of Gilliam county and Mis Farley ol New York were unit ed in marriage nt lieppner ou 8unday, February 10th. The bride I a charm ing young woman who but recently ar rived from the East. The groom i one of the progressive (heepmen of the coun ty, being a member of the firm of Mur lha& Monahan. The newly married couple will settle down to housekeeping on the large ranch owned by the groom and his partner. The Glob extends cangratulallons. ROYAL MALE QUARTETTE The Koyal Male quartette i made up ol superb soloists and fine article. Noth ing pleases so well as a first-class, well balanced male quartette. In in no line of mus e is there such opportunity for beautiful harmony and unique woik. The Royals could give an evening of entirely classical music, or sentimental or humorous, but, ol course in their regular program they mix all kinds ol high graiie selections and add some aa cred number il desired. Besides their tromltone work, they give solos, read ings which are very good, and trombone quartettes. It is truly a great variety ol artistic music. II anyone desires any special selection given, the quartette will gladly respond. They are up-to-date. Hear them and be convinced on Wednesday night, February 20th at the Court house. Sheriff Rogers returned Wednesday evening from a business tripto Portland. Ray didn't expect to be gone but a few day but tbe washouts made it imposs ible to return when he expected. Miss 6. E. Skene baa disposed 'ol her millinery parlpr In Condon and will soon leave tor Portland. FIRE AT FOSSIL A hoot on o'clock last Thursday morn ing th people of Fosll were arooied from their slumber by the fire bell. It wa discovered that the floe public achool building wa on Are and it was only by the prompt action of th volun teer fire department that the building wa avd. Th fir had darted In th basement and waatingiu way through the first Boor of on of th school rooms when discovered. it is thought that boy were smoking in th banement late in the evening and that the fire was the result f thlr careleesnes in throwing cigar stomp among the debris which mouldered ontU early in the morning when tli fire broke out. Considerable damage waa done to one of the achool rooms but it will soon be repaired. MAVVILLE "It's an ill wind that blow no good and it' very had weather that doe no good to an one. Jaat now weather con ditions form the chief topic of conversa tion. Just what the effect on the com ing crop will be can only begoeseed thi early In the ee-ou, but a good guess beat nun at all. The charade party given in the I. O O F. Hall Thursday evening by Mrs. K'e Cu.hlng and Miss Julia Thome wa a decided success, everyone going home feeling that if a good langh would prolong life, there would tie number ol year added to the live of those pre ent The Miiyvill poctmistre report bociness dull at present on account ol delayei mail, but w are all wishing he may toon have plenty of work, a we feel veiy much Isolated without our daily mails. The poles are all up and ready for the wire for the new rural line on Keys Flat. There are now five different rural hues coming into town, Who says Mayville farmer are not "J jtuiio. An epidemic of la grippe ha been making th round here thi winter, many being on the ick list. E A. Stinchtteld butchered eleven fat hog Tuesday. Yes, the lair at Mayville next fall ia a sure no. No such ih ng hi a failure when the Grangers lake hold. A. J. Walker cmoe in from hi Buck horn ranch a few dy ago with wagon In tttk out a IohiI of wnol,.l!it for some reawm he went hack with a light bmigy. We wonder il it waa not just a little damp under foot nul hi wav. The creek here had much the appear auce of a river one 'lay last week. AJAX Ja. Couev returned last Satniday after mum trouble caused by the nh outa. Mr. Couev had been to Tbe Dalles where he went to make final prooof on die honiBtfad. Val. Workman ia veiling with his brother, Wm. Workman, at the Hinee ranch thi week. Mi-aes Jennie and Lixxie Palmer wer visitor at the Adtard home a few dm aao. Th Ajax stage driver report that Ferry Iihs been very niu-ii ami is oauiv washed out. Mrs. Elixa Morgan has gone to visit with her sister at Athena, Oiegon. The revival meetings at alville closed Sunday right. DESERVE A MEDAL Mike Dukek and W. J. Edwards, two prominent ranchers ol Mayville arrived in Condon Tuesday after a long and die agreeable walk in the inclement weath- from Arlington. : Both, gentlemen had the nrice to pay for a livery team but were unable to secure a conveyance or come by rail as a result of the washouts on the Arlington-Condon branch. The former had been visiting with relatives at Corvallia and the latter had just ar rived in Arlington from an extended visit with relatives and friends in Iowa. If the editor of the Globs mistakes not, the Recording Angel was kept excep tionally buy while these leading May ville citixens were hoofing it through the slush, snow and mud between Ar lington and Condon. If any Condonite Imd wished to start a fight it would have only been necessary to ask these gentlemen why they didn't bring the mail along with them. Jai. Miller ol Lone Rock had the mis fortune to cat one of his hands severely with an ax Wednesday. This Space WILLIAMS the JEWELER EXPERT Condon Drug Company Drugs, Cigars, Stationery, Etc. R. L. HUNT, Reeistered Pharmacist ARLINGTON LUMBER COMPANY E. J. CLOUOH. Mgr. Largest Stock of BUILDING MATERIAL"! In Eastern Oregon Lumber Doors Windows Cement Lime Shingles ' k ... Coal ' Posts ' Wood Nails Wire Always In Stock CEO. BERRY. Agent, Condon WASSON'S Cheapest We Give You Condon National Bank OONDON . W . FRENCH President GRANT WADE Vut-PrttuittU rrj f. T, HURL- BURT Cashier You are cordially invited to make this your BANKING HOME We receive the accounts of Firms, Corporations and Individuals, and return to our depositors every accommodation within the limits of Prudent Banking. . Interest allowed Special Attention Given OLYMPIC The Quality Belongs to OPTICIAN CASH GROCERY and Best (Full Weight V 7 Rest Quality (Lowest Price a- - 82(31 ORKOON Capital eStock $50,000.0. on time deposits to btoexmen's Accounts Mark on Flour GILLIAM GO. MILLING CO. I CONDON 1 Our Specialties 1 2 The highest grade fc family floury Tbe 7 J highest market J 7 price for wheatf 7 2 Rolled feed and Z Z mill feed the Z 2 . bestf Prices al- k ways right f