ADDITIONAL LOCAL John Randall tu on of tht new aub cribert to the Uiobe tht week. A beautiful fur overcoat ta being raf Bad off at Dunn Broa.' atom. Tha pro ceeds ol tha raffle will be turned into tha fund lor the erection ot the St. Thomas Aquinas' School building next year. Geo, Cram ot Ajax haa moved hie family to Condon where hie children will attend achool. ' Tba bataar to be given by the Ladies' Aid ol the Catholic church will take . place on the 13th, 14th and 15th ol IV cember. An entertainment will be giv en by the Sifter of St. Dominie in con nection with the bataar. j Arthur Hunter ot Tekoa, Waahlngton, j had hia nam enrolled on our aubacrip tion liat week. j If too want good cigar try Jacksons'. ; Mr, and Mr. Blain Ma Icy of Condon visited with Mr. and Mr. 8. A. Patiiaon j last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Male? came ' down to tb Rogu River valley to aecore a home, and on Thursday tliej i purchased an 80-acre tract near the foot i of Koiy Butte. They left on their re-I turn to Gilliam County Saturday morn- : Ing-and expect to return neit Fall to reside here permanently. Mr. Malay ! owns a fine wheat ranch in Gilliam County, and it will require several months for him to close up his affair there before locating elsewhere. Central Point Herald. Finest assortment of pipes in Condon ta chaori. from lit Jarkiwn'a. I V. F. Allen left on Monday' train for Portland where he will attend the annual meeting of the Oregon Teachers' Association. j . If yon feel like having a hot drink or loncb, drop in at Jackson's. j Or. E. A. Mann has moved into his coin mod ions new quarters on tha second floor of the Gilliam County Bank build ing. The doctor has the three front rooms on the north side ol the building and and has fitted op his office with new fixtures. Good rooms and beds for rent at the Kargl building, South Main street, Con don, Oregon. F. A. Haskell was a passenger for The ' Dalles Monday morning. Tbe outcome of your coming in to trade with na is our income and tba out- j going of tbe beet goods in town at the '" lowest living prices. W. L. Burner 4 Co. Go to Weigel & Rice for substantial X-mas gifts. j Myron Clarke is in Portland this week having goods' for The S. B. Barker Co. For the leading header, call for the Hodges. Keystone mowers. Sold by ; Arlington Lumber Co. The Globe office is prepared to do all . sorts of job printing. Prices reasonable and workmanship guaranteed. j Let an expert test your eyes, Williams : the Jeweler St Optician. E. T. Hollenheck writes the Gl"BK ; from Hoqnaim to change bis address to Monteseno, Washington. t The Palace hotel furnishes first-class board and rooms to their patrons at reasonable rates. Try them a week. We are offering the public a 14x7 grain drill for $90 and a 14x7 hoe drill for $80. This offer is to bold good while the supply lasts. W. L. Barker A Co. Finest Sunday dinners in the city at Hotel Oregon. House and lot for sale, centrally locat ed and cheap. Inquire at tbe Wm. Livingston residence. Rye. See Gilliam Co. Milling Co. Six per cent money, all you want, one to five years. M. D. Cabtkr. Oats. See Gilliam Co. Milling Co. If in need of glasses see M. F. Troxel and bave your eyes fitted by a graduate optician. All work guaranteed. Jamiesen & Marshall will do your plumbing in first-class shape and at rea sonable rates. Their stock of plumbing material invites your inspection. Ar mory Hall Annex. Tbe S. B. Barker Co. is agent for tbe celebrated Gaar-Scott threshing ma chine. It's the best it 'the world. Go to Dodson'a for Ladies' Shoes. Best meals in tbe city at the Palace hotel. Tbe Home Bakery makes fresh taffy and home-made candies every day. Have you tried them. Finest quality of groceries, cheap for cash at Wasson'a cash Grocery. A good crackling fire is a laxury dur ing these cool fall evenings but woolen blankets are an absolute necessity. Bet ter hunt them up and bave tbem wash ed at tbe Condon Steam Laundry. THE SUMMIT HOTEL S. U CROSS, Proprietor HrwUjaartan tor CommrrrUU Man. WU tuml.hd lhrotxhoul Klsvlrle lUjhts la tmr room, DRitng anrlo ansarpuanl. SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION Free baa to and from all mine Rates 11.00 and 1100 pr dajf. Corner Hprint; and Want SHiwta. CONDON, OREGON SPECIAL MILL END SALE We will place on sale; commending Mon day, October 8, Mill Ends of Table Linen at these prices 75 cent value at 55 ct8. yd. CO cent values at 40 eta. V yd. These pieces contain from 2 to 3 yard. One week only, S. C. DODSON & CO. Next door to Bowling Alley Ceo. Weigel H. S. Rice Weigel & Rice Clothiers. Shoes. Men's Furnishers. EXTRA ORDINARY VALUES In all lines carried by us. We give you a better shoe for the money than any other store in Condon. Likewise in Clothing, Hats, Underwear, and all Men's Furnishing Goods. OUR X-MAS GOODS Are arriving and the assortment cannot be excelled. Hoy your X-uias presents early while the selection is complete. Following are a few suggestions: Men's Shoes, Clothing, Overcoats, Hats." Shirts. Call and in ' spect our line and get prices. Gilliam County Bank Building Main Street, Condon, Oregon. .UJIIIHIUIH LRl Our new Stock of FALL 8 WINTER GOODS Has Arrived Men's Clothing Fine Shoes Dry Goods Come in and look over Our Mammoth Stock and you will surely find some-j thing that will please you DUNN BROS., CONDON, ORL RANCHERS' SUPPLIES Some of the Best Wheat Ranches Home o( Hit) brst Wheal Farms In (iilliatn emmtv, II Imprnvml anl watt-wl, mul mue good stork ranrbea In William ami Mrm innnui-s, lor le. Mra-k rani'lirs Itiim 1000 aeres up can ! Ixuiglil rraawiahlv ami uu ea.y term part rash anil plenty time on balance. Write or call on ft. D. RANDALL, Olex, Gilliam Countu. Oregon. Buckhorn Saloon Fine Stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Whiskey from $3.00 to $8.00 per Gallon I will give you good goods and a square deal. I am here solely (or my health and respectfully solicit the patronage of dead bents and bums. The use of profanity is absolutely prohibited in my establishment. B. K. Bbahcy, Prop. WHEAT INTERIOR WAREHOUSE WHEAT Highest price paid lor (train of all kinds. Storaga and baling ol Wool. General Warehouse and Merchandise Business. E. G- lTFF?r?IFIFLD Christmas Candles ' The Sue., iieof (im'itherM fon-hnn. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO . M'C'RS. AR INCfON. BLALOCK, DOUCLAS, (ONE ami candies in the city at the Condon ' Drug Co. " ' PHOTOCRAFHER , CONDON MILLINERY PARLORS N0TICL New Shapes, New Effects and New Shades f 100,000 to loan on farm lands at the , , , ..... lowest current rate oi interest and on in Fall and Winter Headgear Copylna, EnlantliiK and Viewing , " Portraiture. Bpeolalty. AU wor trma favorable to the borrower. M. , Q nM Guaranteed. FITZM AURIl'K, Office in Barker brick. TOr Otreet Or LrTeSS WEST SIDE N. MAIN ST. CONDON. OREO GoZY CLUB Letus ROOMS E- J.'GLISAN DO Your PRACTICAL PAINTER AND 1 Billiards, Pool, Cigars, 8oft ) CT ( O V -T- f CD, Drinks, Tobacco. Etc Ub-OORATOR PRINTING Estimates furnished on all kinds of Work C. K. ANDREWS ll work Guaranteed First-class. Prices Reasonable. At th6 MainStreet Condon, Oregon AGENT FO HENRY BOSCH CD.'S WAUPAPER r1 , f. ANTELOPE, OREGON Globe Office. -7d,tV,..7or" " HOTEL OREGON r. A. HASKELL, PROPRIETOR Leading Hotel In th. city. Every thing new ami up to-dnte. Bath and Lavatorlei on each floor Special attention given to the ciiuifurla of all neU. HEADQUARTERS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN LARGE COMMODIOUS BAMi'LE ROOM RATES $1 TO $2.50 PER DAY SPECIAL RATES MADE TO FAMILIES CONDON, OREGON