Catarrh It's constitutional disrate ortirlnstlnt. In Impur blood ml rmiulrlni omullltillmml treatment amine llirouiiti anil pur Uylne tit blood fur It radical sud iriiinriit our. Tlx (rmitiHit ooflntltutlunil rmnwljr li Hood's Sarsaparllla In Usual .itld form or In cliooolalrd tablets knownii lareatabs. loodnassll. Nasal and other liral furm ol clrrlj ar relieved by tiurrlrii, which allay In flate tualloa and deodorise dlaebiri. 60c. Palllaaees Pare, Virtu la not to tw measured by os tentatloue firing. There la frenuantlv itior rnl ov for humanity In lb aoul of th wan who remove tba banana akin from tli pavement than In th brt o( th donor of tii me morial wludow In th church, pollta dm. Ilk all other fault and virtu.-, may baciMn habitual. It la surprUlug bow many aiuall art of kindness, how maiiy llttl deeds of bvlpfulueae, on may do In th fours of dny when thorn ar Inclination to b kind and a lookout kept for the opportunity. Oua tuny vt out with till Intuition In th morning, and th footing up at night riot to other, but to one'e own aucrt wtiarleiica will b ctivorliuj and en couraging. To Maka Harnai Last Longar. A llttl economy, which aouictlmc meant a good many dollar to man, ii tha proper car ol bain, carriage top, to, Leather In dally dm, ipo ad u It Ii to ton and wind, soon b some dry, bard, Inslasllc, and unabla to land (train. Than, vary llkly at th moat onlortnnat moment, break occur, and prcloui tima and money ar lott. All thli Ii illy prorated by a llttl foretlionght and care on the rirt ol Hie owner. Kvry on owning orte ihonld be supplied with a good llbr prrvatlv, and good aila oil. Toe two thing ar necessary to tba largeat economical ne ol a working outflt, or plaaaur aqnlpag. Observation haa ahown that no oil penetrate leather o deeply, and reelitt the drying effect ol tun and wind to well a Korcka llarne Oil. Neatefoot and tome other Inferior oil tometime need, eailly become ran eld, or becanae ol containing acid, hurt the leather. Stable men and other poeted on th object, Invariably nee Knreka Ilarnee Oil. When barneea I glren an oocaalonal dressing ol thli oil, and weiton plndleKrMd with fioiton Coach Oil, a very large redaction la made in the neceeeary repair bill. Beaton Coach Oil, by the way, la very much to parlor to Caitor Oil. It haa splendid letting qualities, will not gum or corrod, and it mor economical in wry way. People who are alter economy In tte bl management will do well to atk lor thete oltt. An Engtleh miller haa aucceeafully test ed th vitality ol Km wheat which waa grown In 1839 and carefully preetrred el nee. STAND FIRM "Whenyoobuyui OILED SUIT or SLICKER demand Ttsth euieatand ony w&v to pet meoest Sold everywhere Banking by Mail WE PAY INTEREST On taring dopoalta ol a dollar or more, compounded twice every year. It la iuat aa emy to open a Saving Account with ua by Mail aa if you lived next door. Hand lor our tree book let, "Banking by Mail," and learn full particular. Addra Oregon Trust & Savings. Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington Sta. )r yiv n j i xi Kirn i A I.a Tea NelleMif "I think Hick and Katharine will eoon lie married." "Why, denrr "Well, I passed by th old porch last night and I heard tier calling Uliu pet iMiiiea," "(JrHdom! And wa the calling him Mucky' and 'dearest and 'augel fuceT " "Well, I ahtmtd any not Bhe wa calling blin 'dunce,' 'goose and atu pld.' " "You don't mean It I" "I do, and that la always a aure algn t girl la In lore wltb a man." HAD TO USE A CANE. Weakened Kidney Made an Elwood, Ind., Man' Back Qlv Out. B. A. Pogb, tianlr bualnee, 1020 North B Street, Elwood, Iod., aayt: "Kidney trouble kept m laid np lor a long time and when I wa able to be op I had to nae a cane. I had terrible backache and pain In the honlden. Tb kid' nay accretion were dark: colored. Alter doctoring In vain, I began nilng Doan't Kidney Pill.' Three boie cored me entirely, and I am glad to recommend them." Sold by all dealer. 60 cent a bos. Foster-Mllborn Co., Buffalo, K. Y. Caaarht. Tommy, you at tlioee pesetas that were in the pantry." j "I didn't I 1 never touched' em I" "O, well. It doesn't matter. They were green, wormy, and ol no account, any way." "Ttln't so. Ttwy waa aplendldt" Chicago Tribune. At the Klcht ItkML Teacher (ol rhetoric) What do yo auppoe the poet means when be sneak, of "the atbuff that dreamt ar made off Bbaigy Haired Pupil I fties k meana a cut of mince pie at bedtime. I Waa Faaalllar. Redd Are you familiar with yacht ing format I Greene Oh, yea ; I tried to hire one, once! Yonkera fttatesuisn. Mother will And Mra. Wlmlow Bonthln B;ruiU heat remade to Ha lui their cttUuraa durluf ih teethlug period. Tba dreamt Seaport. New York la tlie second great ecu port of the world. In 1003 over nine million tuna of Importa and eight mil lion eeven hundred thouiuind tone of eiporta ware cleared through New York Harbor. Loudon la the greatest eoflKrt, exceeding New York In Im ports, though not In export. Antwerp I and Hamburg are third and fourth, re epcctlvuly. TITO at. Vitus' raiwe ana en ffirmi rita-asM Nla prmeiienlly currd he lr. Kllae'a urrel S.rrs K.tK.rtr. Heniiar FHKK eltrtal tvttl.siia treaties. Dr. H it kilo. , Ld. Ml Area St.. l'nile.,l', Somewhat DtWereat. I MIm Eldcrlelgh How perfectly hocking I Youngbach What'a perfectly (hock ing T MIm Eldcrlplgh Why, didn't yon ee old Wedderlclgh kla that doll faced Mia Peachly juat now He kleeed her aa affectionately aa If ahe bad been hi wife. Youngbach Oh, much more affec tionately than that I ahould any he klwed her just aa If ahe waan't hi wife. : You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Eaae FREE. Write Allen 8. (limited, te Rny.N. T., tor a Im umiila uf Allen's Foot-Kue. It eures wealing, hot wollen, aching leet. It makes ew or tlaht shoes er- . A oerteln eni lot oorns, Inirowlngnslln end bunions. Alldroe (laUssUlL We. Uon't accept any auhaUtuta No l'e. "Do you notice what a lot of women are going in for eclence?" , "Tea. My wife's got the fever, too," "Wtmf her line?" "Mechanics. She' an Inventor." "Indeed? Wunt hns ahe Invented?" "Why. alie's Junt perfected a stair stop that makes me register the time I get home In the morning aa soon aa I put my foot on It;" "Can't you bont It some way?? "It's no use. She's always awake any way and waiting for me on the up per landing." Cleveland Tlaln Dealer. Btatb or Ohio, Crrv o tolsdo, I LOCAS COIIMTV, 1 Fsimk J. CHiMf mskes osth that h is senlur partner of the firm of K. J. In in it A Co., doing bunlneiis In the I'ltrotToledo. Con tr and btue aforenald, and that sM arm will pay the sum of ON K HUNDKKD DOLL A RB for each and ererynaaeot C'atabkm that cannot bs eured br the use ol Ball's Catamih Ckri. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before ma and subscribed In my presence, this Oth day of December, A. D., ISM. A. W. OLKABON. Notary rublla. VlIall'sCaterACnr Is taken Internally, and aots dlreetly on the blood and mucous aurfaoss of th Britera. Bend fur teitlmonlals, free. F. J. CH1SIT A CO., IoWe.0. old by Trujt(lts, 70. Hall's Tamify mis ar th Vast laastvMeiaau Gunner Bluff em certainly ha aldarat wife. Bhe collect all th x penalv cigar banda ahe can find. Ouyer I don't tee anything consid erate In that? Does the watt bar time decorating platea? Gunner No, ah give them te Blqffem and be stick them around hi toglea, Then be make the Impression that In Is amokls lftaat etnas. a7 "tyT "Whet la a practical- Joker "On that you can aell for a dollar and buy bread with It. "Judge. Mra. Bklnnuiu Why are you all bid ing from Tommy? Little Llzsle Tom my la the butcher come with his bill. lblladvlibla Itecord. ' "That young widow aaya she I go ing to break br husband's will." "I thought ahe did that aoun after they were married." Haiti mor American. In New York. "Can't you think of tome unusual thing to do to-night aoraethlng we haven't done before?" "We might ai-nd the evening at home." Uf. That man never usee money In hi campalgna." "No," answered Senator Rorgbum, "he merely make promise. He uses credit Instead of cash." Washington Star. The Paraot, When I became a min ister, I gave up playing the piano. The Elder Then you became an expounder In a double sense of tba word, didn't you J Yonker Statesman. Cbolly I thought perbaiie you bad a prefereu" for Hobby Jouea? Mildred Nonsense I You are just aa welcome here aa be la. Why, be la the moat In aufferable bor I know. Judge. "Why don't you get an autooiobller "My dear air," waa the answer, "I don't need It I have a dog, three lifo Insurance pollclea and a bolL I have trouble enough," Washington Star. Cicely Why don't you learn to awlm? Muriel Tber I -no one to teach me. Cicely How about the boy? Muriel Oh, they've all taught me be fore; different aummera you know. Brooklyn Life. Gladys (at the aeashore) Are you having aa many propoaala aa you bad last season? Mnynie (wearily) Oh, yea, but they are all from the same men I waa engaged to lost summer. Detroit Free I'reaa. "But," protested the pert young housewife, "you ought to take off some thing for the boles In these doughnuts." "Very well, madam," replies the wise baker; "I'll allow you on cent each j for the hole when you return them." , Chicago Dally News. ' "What" asked the sweet girl grad-1 unte, "waa the happiest moment of your life?" "The happiest moment of my life," answered the. old bachelor, "waa when the Jeweler took back the engagement ring aud gave me collar buttons In exchange." Chicago New. Mra. Windfall Just Imagine, II Irani! One of the aullora told me that tills boat la now In communication with her sister ahlpl I wouder what the con versation la about? Mr. Windfall Humph! Moat likely each la aaklng the other If her cargo Is on straight Puck. "I presume, sir," began the young man, timidly, "that you will consider It very presumptuous for a fifty-dollar railroad clerk to apply tor your daugh ter's hand lu marriage." "Not at all, my boy," responded Senator Bllckguy, kindly. "I dare say your aide graft are quite remunerative." "Don't you object to your husband's poker playing?" "UooiLuesa, no! I like It You see he always piaya witn Mr. Jones, aud Mrs. Jones and I are friends. If Mr. Jones wlna ahe takes the money away from blni and divides with me. If my husband wlna I divide with her. Cleveland Lender. The two young men reached the door at the same time. "Is Miss Swelling ton In?" they asked. The maid, Norab, looked at them and shook her bead dis consolately. "She's In to wan av ye an' out to th' other," she said at last; "but th two av ve coming together haa got me so tangled Ol'm blest If Ol know which Is which. But come might In both av ye, au OI'll ox her to come down an' pick ye out" Judge. What's In a Name? An Irish sol dier In a local regiment during the late war arrived at camp late one night Be was ehallenfied with the usual, "Who goes there?' After pondering a few mo menta, and the challenge being repeat ed, and thinking lie might avoid pun ishment he answered : "Kitchener." He was Immediately knocked down with th butt end of a rifle. Whll h was on tb ground ruefully rubbing his head, th sentry exclaimed: "Why, Its Callaghanl What did 7 say It was intcbener for?" "Sbure," earn tbn ewer, "when ye would do thl to Kttch- , pbvrat yould y do to Cmllaghanr Hearty all Americana ar poor talk er. Think It orr do yon meat aa tatarsstlnc talker once a month t Ar yon not bored every hour of the day by poor talkerel No trouble to raise boy; but girl must have their hair combed and wear white dresses. And white dresses don't do tMnf to th washing. LINCOLN'S WEAPON, Raw He EtaalareS RISIaala fee HI Ml BeavSt.. I Wit and rldleul were Lincoln' weap ons uf offense and defense, and be probably laughed more Jury case out of court than any other man who ever practiced at the bar. "I ones heard Mr. Lincoln defend a man In Itloomlngton against a charge of passing counterfeit money," Vice I'resldent Hterenwm told the writer. There was a pretty clear case against the accused, but when the chief witness for the people took the stand be slated that bit name waa J. Parker Green, aud Lincoln reverted to this the mo ment be rose to cross-examine. 'Why J. I'arker Greene? Wbat did that J. stand for? John? Well, why didn't the witness call himself John P. Green? That waa bis name, waan't It? Well, w bat waa the reason be didn't wish to bs known by bis right came? Did J. Parker Green have anything to conceal. and If not why did J. Parker Green part bla name In that wayf And so on. Of course, tb whole examination waa farcical." Mr. Btevenson continued. "but there waa something Irresistibly funny In th varying tone and Inflec tions of Mr. Lincoln' vole as be rang the changes upon the man'a name; and at the recess the very boys In the street took up the slogan and shouted 'J. Par ker Green I' all over the town. More over, there waa something In Lincoln's way of Intoning bla questions which made me auspicious of the witness, and to this day I have never been able to rid my mind of the absurd Impression that there waa something not quite right about J. Parker Green. It waa all nonsense, of course, but the Jury must have been affected as I was, for Green waa discredited and the defend ant went free." HOW A HO ft. BURTON.-Aarr Chemist. LAsulviHav 'oiorv1n. ttMtcline-n DrtcMi iiold. Hllr. Lfltd, fl i Uotd, HnTr,7lc ; Uold, uc; floe or s"nt.raa SI. fwauttttat iMta. la allln ivalnnai albd ft) U Mat avrntoa Utplk'alkM. Control .vn4 Vm Mrawurk avjUclisML lUlnfMi CvrUoU &a DR. C. GEE WO Wonderful Home Treatment ' Thin wonderful Cbt Doctor Is called Krrau b-rauM ne curve people without nptjaV tint thai ar a van nn ' ' to die. Me carat wl B thuea wonderful t hi tcm herb-., root a, bud a, harks and Tetteiabl that ere ntlrrly on kmwn to mnliral act- em Id Ihn connirr throuKii Uie um. ol those barmlHM remedlea. Thla tarn, as doctor knows iiieariiunof ovrftndiffer-a( remedlre, which he iue uort-siiia ly in differe ik diwasei. He ituaran ers toctireuatarth, asthma, lunn. throat rhrutnailftm, nervtma eaa, stomach, Itver, kid neys, : has huattre of tvstlmoDlals. l'harre moderate, i'alland see him. Pa knta out oi the city writ fur blanics and circulars. bQd stamp, CONHl'LTA'l iON tKkvK Address The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 1624 first St., S. C. Cor. MorrteM Mention paper Portland, Oregon Avoldlaa; Temptatloa. Blopny Let'a go up this side street; I aee my tailor coming down the ave nue. Digs Why, I never knew yon to go out of your way to avoid meeting a creditor before. Slopay Yea, but I happen to have money In taj pocket this time, and I might be tempted to pay him. Tlie Hind You llavo Always 18 Aiil CCMWI1 ture oi uiias. aa. r icitiHT, ana lias Dccn mane unaer His personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-pood" are but Experiments, and endanger tho bealtll of Children Experience against Experiments What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JJnreotlo substance. Ita ape is its cuarantco. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrlia-a and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethinjr Ti-oubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, riving healthy and natural sleeps The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You toe Always Bought Sears th In Use For tm eiftrtiUR oMMfrr r A) For the Children To succeed these day you must have plenty of grit, cour age, strength. How is it with the children ? Are they thin, pale, delicate ? Do not forget Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. The eMiaraa eanant aoariblr hn m liealta bdIm the LowaK era la proper condi tion, a tlimairto Hr fiMaaau4 tongua. b4 fcrMth, toaMpat4 bow.l,. Corrart .11 ttjoM br (Irion laiallra doaraef Aysr'S ruia. Au TttM. aasar-natad. AT lu 17 J O. Srr Co., UnrtU, Mm, AftVMOt. MiCC ait cftum rtcrotAL iers - Hew Ob aa Bias. Henry, aged B, oever bad happened to ae a Mexican hairless dog before. "Why, it'a a raw doc isn't it?" be said. V. L. DOUGLAS 3.50 &3.00 Shoes CT IN THE WORLD WaLOoDglas $4 Gilt Ed9 liar, eanMttwequaiieqaiaryprioe y Tu Shut bnlrm SHOES FOR J5VEETB0DY AT AIL PKICEi, X.n's SIIOM. S to Jl.SO. Bol BhoM, 3 Wa i enoM. txx to J.0. aUsa' CbUdrau'a BUora, U 11. OO. Try V. I. Oouglaa Womn'a. MImm and Cibildnn'a ahuea; for atjrle, fit aad wear the excel other make. If I could take you Into my large factories at Brockton, Mass.,snd show you how carefully VV'.L. Douglas shoes re made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are ol greater value than any other make. Whcrvvcr yoa llva, tot caa oMaia W. L. Doaslaa shoes. His nam and prica U tamped aa tnc bottom, which protects yoa against high prices and Inferior shoes. Taw ao aubitl' tmtm. Ask yoor dealer lor W.IDola aboeS and Inalat upon havin, theaa. fait Color Cutlttt s; tutu will mi near brassy. Write lor Aluatrateil Catalo, ot FaU Stylea. W. L, DOUGLAS, Dept. 13, Bracfctoa, Mass, CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Name and Addressee la Part lend al Repre aeatatlve Business rirwa. CRKaM HKPARATOR8 W. marantse ihe V. 8. eparaior lo bs tli- brsL Write lot Ires raiamj. UaMiwtwd Co, a inn and Oak. PIANOS a ORGANS Many ana lnramnlai T.ri to n, account . cSnraa or removal of burer Write for descr.ptlou of paoce now oa band, terms, eto. Write iodar. Ullbert Co Portland P. N.U Ne. 44-OS TTTHEN wrlUn , to adearttaan pi ft neau.ia tnia paper. Every tramcar In Belfast haa written In large letters jnst over the step at each end of the car: "The lifeboat rule is wom en and children first." ' s ..' a ,ws Bouffht baa borne the signa Signature of Over 30 Years. muniwv mciT, nnr vovm arrr. U Oootur JOB. 1 f E "V av B 1 I trtnv Hooai It ua aioal 1 1 f Ta 1