HAY FEVER "Having ud Prruna far catarrh ana hayfrvtr, I tan rtcommtnd it t alt tvia art tufftrmg with (hi abovt dittasn. J hath I' to toy it hoi Atfitd wu warndtrfu," May , Smith. TEST f OF ALL. TOM' r i i i ji.i.. Jo? I'M iiUU ' x v m, .,v, J-r-f MlHt MA mm MITU, tMKaat Hound Ural Coluubut, ObV 1IAY FKVER U endnote ealarrh It It catd by to not irritating tab ittao la lot tmopbr daring tbt lai tamnw month. II It iorllj tboutli. thai in pollen of earUio wdt ml flowttt It tbt eaot ol it. Chang ol locality mwidi to tbt bt only rational curt. Tha otaot Ptruna. howtttr, ttlmalate tha narvoni . Ira to rat lit tba tfftcta of tha polaon oat taaaatlont and tomatlmat carriat tbt victim through tba hay ftver on without an attack ol tba dlwata. A larga number ol peopl rly apon Ttrana lor thlt pnrpoee. Thota who do not find it convenient to change their location to avoid Uay Fever would do well to live Ptruna a trial. It hat proven ol prloeleta value to many peopl. He Ha. "I want to get eotue bird teed," aald the customer, Don't try to plague roe, amarty!" cried the new clerk from the country. "Blrtlt grow from egg, not seexls." The Catholic Btandard and Time. Confidential Friend- Old man, If yon had your lift to live er tgaln, would you niakt It different? Ilefrated Politician Tea, In two par ticular. Firstly. I'd be a bigger acoun Orel. Secondly, I wouldn't take an other man Into my coaudenc. Chicago Tribune, fader Prateat. Noah Weueler waa compiling bit dic tionary. "To a certslo titent," be aald. "I have to take tbt language aa I find it." Thereupon, with a pang of regret, bt added the word "awfully" to hit collec tion, lit foresaw that it would be aw fully overworked. VerMtllltr. "Haven't I aetn you before some where T" asked tbt cusiomtr at tht lunch counter. "You probably taw me at tome Igorrott village," aald tht dusky waiter. "1 .wat one ol the Igorrotea, sub." Habit with Htm. "That man looked at the bill I hand ed blm for fully three minutes," said the clerk. "I wonder if be tulnkt I tried to chttt nlm." "No," explained the floor walker, "he't a bacteriologist and wat looking for germa." mall sst Large. lint "Dr. Slocum la a homeopath. ber "Not altogether." "But ba always prescribes homeo pathic dosee." "Vet, but bit feet are allopathic,'' Philadelphia Press. SICK FOR TEN YEARS. Constant Backache, Dropsy, and Se vere Bladder Trouble. Fred W. Harrli, ol Cbetnut St., Jet lerton, Ohio, tart: "For over ten yean I tuffered from kidney diieate. in imra year my feet and bandi would wall and remain puffed up lor day at a time. I teemed to have a constant back acht. Finally I got to bad that I wsi laid up in bed with several doctors In attendance. I thought turely I would die. I Changed medicine and began uting Doan'i Kidney Pilli when I wm itill in bed. Tha raliet I tound wat 10 great that I kept on until I had taken about ten bozei. Tha kidney -cretloni became natural and alter yean ol misery I wai cured. I have increas ed in weight, and ihow no lymptomi of my former trouble." Bold by all dealer. 60 centa a box. Foiter-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y, torsi rala. Virginia Ueclpe.-rTke tlx large ear of corn; with a tharp knife cut each row of grslnt In the renter and tluva In very ttiln tllcee. Add thlt to the yolkt of three well-beaten rgga, half a tvacuiiful of melted butler, a table tMwuful of rice flour, two tablespoon full of sugar, one of suit, and a pint of new milk. Ml. well, and gradually stir In tha ttliny beaten white of the egg. Turn luto a buttered pudding dish, act In hot oven; when the pudding la set. cover the top with a greased putter, and let bake until a light brown. Urate browned crackers over the top and serve. Raaawrrrr Cream. Hulf box gelatine, half cupful cold water, half cupful bulling water, one cupful sugar, one plut of cream, whipped, oue plut of rusplwrry Julc. Soak the gelatine one hour In the cold water, tbru put It with Hie augar and boiling water in a double boiler over the Are, and atlr until thoroughly dis solved. Add the rnapbery Juice, strain and set In a coot place. When It hat begun to form, ttlr lu the whipped cream, turn Into a mold and act on tbe Ice to harden. ttale) Take. Cream on cup of butter, add two cupa of tugar aud beat uutll creamy. Add ou cup of milk aud tbe well-beaten yolk of eight eggs aud beat thorn In on nip of milk alternately with four cua of flour alftod with two allghtly rouudlug teaspoons of creini of tartar and one level teNspoenful of soda, or live level teaiitoout of baking powder, three time, flavor with a teaspoon of vanilla and bake In two loaves. Kagll.h Cherry Pie. Ou cup lard and butter lulled, two cupa flour, cue teaapouu salt Work tbe shortening luto the flour with a kulfe, mix with auirlclcnt Ice water to hold together, handling it little at pot alble. Line the sides of a deep earthen baking dish, fill two-thirds full with stoned cherries, add two cua eugar, and pluce one small cup (Inverted) la tbe center of tbo dish. Cover w ith a thick top crust, no bottom crust being used. aerrr Ierrallaa fop Takl ttcd and white cherries tied together in big clusters and arranged In a gins dish nuike attractive ceuterttlecea for a tuimuer dinner table. If the color of tbe fruit It reflected In a glass mat un der the dixb and the mat Is edged with green leaves or fern frouds, the effect It eubnncfd. Currants may be used in the tame way. Gooseberry Pie. If possible, use only tbe hairy kind; line a disb with paste and lay In tbe fruit; cover thlckiy with tugnr, and put on a top crust ; place In a moderate oven ; at the end of an bour It will be done; but It it an excellent Idea to open the oven door and let it remain until cool ; by doing so the berries will turn red. . Cooklaa- Dried PraK. Pried fruits should be washed scru pulously clean, then soaked oven, night In clear, cold water, lu which they should be stewed with sugar the next morning. Knough water should be al lowed to make a large quantity of Juice, at that is what make dried fruits ap petising. Ilrlleloae Hash. Good hash it made by unlng about three-fourths potatoes and uiolHtenlug tbe mixture with soup stock. A finely chopied onion flavors hash as nothing else will. Very cheap cuts of meat will make goojl hash If boiled until tender and all gristle removed. Cucumber la Salt, Four quarts of aalt, two quart of water, one quart of vinegar. Cover the cucumbers with this, placing a weight on top so as to keep all cov ered with the brine, and they will keep at long at there la aalt undissolved In the bottom of the tub. Girdle goones. Mix one-half pound flour, one ten spoonful cream of tartar, one-half tea spoonful carbonate of soda, one des sertspoonful sugar, one egg, pinch of salt and milk, pour llito buttered rings, and bake in a moderately hot girdle until brown. Cherries and Walnuts. A delicious tnlnd was recently served at a country house luncheon. Cherries were stoned and the cavities filled with English walnut nieat. Then they were covered with French dressing and left on the ice for three hours. Just before serving the fruit was drained, filled Into nests formed with lettuce leaves and dressed lightly with oil and vine gar. - ciii!'Ssk. The incrredients that enter into S. & S. and the method of mm. bitung and preparing them so that they build no and strengthen every part of the body, make it the greatest of all tonics. S. S. S. is nature's remedy PURELY VEGETABLE rand while it is restonne thelost anne- ev, -4 ...... A j -1 i T - , r . mc, uvawuuu mm mcu, i uu-uuwu iccuug, ana uincr aniuenis common to opnng, which warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste ' matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourishment it needs to keep it in 'perfect condition during the depressing summer months that are to follow. Spring is the season when most every one needs a tonic. It is nature's time for an effort to pull through thz day. renewing and changing; and as everything puts on new life, the sap rises in vegetation, the earth thaws out from its winter freezes, and all respond to Spring's call to purge and purify themselves, there is a great change also takes place in our bodies. The blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and accumulations which have formed in the system, and been absorbed by it, from the inactive winter life, and calls upon every member to assist in the elimination. The system is often unequal to the struggle, tbe appetite grows fickle, the energies give way, the spirits are depressed, and a general run down condition is the result. Then the body must have assistance it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic, and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Being made entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does not disagreeably affect the system in any way as do most of the so-called tonics on the market, which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and' digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S- S. tones up the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of food; it rids the system of that always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms the unstrung nerves 'which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S. gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing- else does, and by its use we can find our selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite in Spring as at any other season. It acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results than any other remedy, and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purification of the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their- trouble, as well as for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring do aot experiment, but get the best the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one endorsed by the best people all over the country 5, S, S.t THE GREATEST OF ALL TONIOSm' It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every rint, that the right remedy be used one that is especially adapted to the condition, and S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of the season will not be felt as warmer weather comes on. THE SWIFT SPECIFIO COMPANY. ATLANTA, GA. t hav need 8. 8. 8. quite extensively and anheaitattngly recommend it a the bast blood purifier and tonto mad. I am a machinist by trad and at on time mj system wu so run down that by 10 o'clock every day I would b ocm- F lately exhausted, and it waa with tht greatest tflort that oould pull through the balano of the day. 8tno taking 8. 8 8., bowtvtr, all this has disappeared. I am a strong, vigorous man, abundantly able to do my day' work, my appetlt baa bean whetted tp so that I oaa eat anything, my tleep i tweet and refreshing, and I know further that It ha purified my blood and put it in good condition. I oannot apeak too highly tf your great remedy, 8. 8. 8. 817 W, Broad Bu, Columbna, O. A. B. MONTGOMERY. SHE FOUND IT THE BEST BPRINO TONIC. On two occasion I hav used 8. 8. 8. In the pring with 11 n retultt. I oaa heartily raoommend It as a tonio and blood pnrtflar. 1 waa troubled with headache. Indigestion and liver trouble, whloh all disappeared tinder the usa of 8. 8. 8. My appetite, which waa poor, wat greatly helped. I oan eat anything I want now without fear of in diffaatlon, and my blood haa been thoroughly cleansed of all Imparities and mad rloh and strong again. Aa a tonio and blood purifier it 1 all yon olalm for it. 771 E. Main St., Springfield. O. MRS. O. WIEQEU Jaetlr Aaprahvaelea. ' The visitor from beyond the auburbt had paid a cabman 50 centa for driving him four block , and the artist In the basement, to whom he had aubmitted his straw hat for cleaning, occupied ten min ute! In tht proceat and charged him 73 centa. "Does It get any worse, yoang feller," he asked, "the furder I to downtown?" ' HOWAHD K. DCRTOtt.-Aemrar and Chemtrt. lAedvtlle, Colorado. Kpi-!tuil priest (Mid. KIW.r, l ; Hold, HIItw, lie ; Uold, K ; SI no or Copprr.tl. Cyenlde tmie. Malltus envelop ana full price llet et-al oa application. Control and V m- Era work loUolwa. tielenuteel Caraoaate Kar jual Hank. THK TAIftT ri.T Ktl.t.F.R Unmri all the nome-in aiatns room, elreplne mom and all Silicon where Clean, nvei and wlli not aoll or In jure anytnlne. Trr them mm end yoa will never be without them. Knot kepi be rte era, lent prepaid (Or Doc. Harold aotnera. 14 D.kalb eve., Brooklyn, N. Y. - ii I. MAKE EVERY DAT M al a Vta. . LUUMI- no matter how bad the weather You cannot afford to be without a TOWERS WATERPROOF OILED SUIT OR SLICKER When you buy looK for the SIGN OF THE FISH piSe I GASOLENE ENGINES . power fully warranted, 11:8. All elate awl t) lee at loweit prloee. Write lor catalog. RCICRSON MACHINERY COMPANY . Portland, Orcaea. Egan Dramatic and Operatic School Season 1906 and 1907 Opens Sept. 15 Prepares for Dramatic and Operatic Stage and places Graduates in six months- Forty Graduates now with traveling companiea. Send for Cata logue. Egan Dramatic and Operatic School Ifaa Hall. Arcade Bolldtae, Seattle. FRANC r EGAN. Friodpal. HEAVES CUREDI areentanc. 20-Mule -Team BORAX Tor washing blankets, woolens, lac cur tains, ribbons, embroideries, silt (loves and ail delicate fabrics, as weR as for clean ing and shining Dishes, China, Paint, Mar ble, Cooking Utensils and Silver, 20-Mulc-Team Borax is unsurpassed. Al dealers, Full efie parkas Borax A Borax Hoap; 82-pafe booklet and .ouventr picture 7x14 lu. lu colors (rev lor 10 contn and dealer'a name. JTA Cll'lu COAS1' BUHAX CO.. Oakland Lai. CLA5SIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trad Directory Names end Addresses bt Portland al Repre eantatrve Business firms. ' L'HKAM BKPAKATOHH-W. (nara.itee the U.S. oriwraior 10 am me nest, write iw tree catalog. Uaielwuod Co., i Iflu and Oak. MKN'SCLOTHINO Bnltnm A Pendleton, ante Menu Alfred Itenlamln dt. Co,'e .corrvol mottle. Kveeylhlng In men'a furnlBhlntra, atom too and tilth eureevj. Uppoekt poetotnee. PIANOS a ORGANS Many Sne lo.Tumenti re vert to ee account rkneea or removal of buyer Write for deior ptlou of p anon now oa hand, teroit, ate. Write today. UUuen Co., f ortlaad Or. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL ROME TREATMENT Ttiti wondrfut Cbr itM Doctor la cUed rl btcftuw h oura people without optrtt Hon thai ant (ivou up to dl. Ho curw with thooa wondvrfnl Cut Bros borbi, roou, buds, bark i and veprotftblei that aro onttroly m knowa to medical mI mic id IhlaeuButrv. ThMueh iv,a .n.. nr thue harmles rvmiHl.es this famotu doctor knows Utsaatlou ofovorKM ditToreai roiutMltos whlub heBiiromaniUj nses la dlflra. dtsoasos. Us BUHMniiwtoci.ro ootarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rhfiimailsiu, nervousDHw, stomach. Uvor; kid , c.t haa huntlrtHls of testimonials. t'hjtr,(a moderato, i'all and soo him. PaUenu out of Uio city writs for bUnkr and otroulara. tMad siaoip, COW H U LTATXON 'KlK. (Mrm THE C. 6EE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 162, Tint St. S. t Car. Morrteon Mention pap.,. PORTLAND, OREGON. JO"-- CeieeBwve Ceeihe. Uenmaar aa Indiceetiea. Veterlnarb f Wm BaUSSlanl a JttJ Hllllt pnwnr.t Dramrltte MU Itet tbem. Price We at dealer, tee be aaU. toad for Ree book. PRUSSIAN REMEDY CO.. ST. PAUL, MINN. CHAS.H.ULLTa.SattkninruV1uaaki4ti W. L. DOUGLAS S.SOcVS.OO Shoes IT IN THK WORLD W.LDouglas $4 Gilt Edge line. cjnmiioaeqmiieoaiai'pucey T Shot Oralm: W. I. Tkulai' Job. bins Houae it the moot oomplete in thlt ronnlry Send or Cnialot BH0ES FOR KVEBYB0DY AT ALL PKICE8. . M.n'a ahoee, S to f 1 SO. Bora' Bhoaa. S3 totLBS. Woimii'i Bnoea, tl.OO to l.SO. Siuui' a OhUdren'e Shoea, a. at to 1 1.00. Try W. In Donglaa Wouieu'e, AHaae and Children's shoes; for style, fit and wear they aaoel other makes. It I could take you Into my larga factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you bow carefully W.L. Douglas shoe are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are ol greater value than any other make. Wherever you live, voa can obtain W. L. Douglae ehoea. HI. name and prion U .tamped on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and Inferior ehoea. TaJre no meiti. (it. Ask your dealer for W.L. Douglae shoes and rnsiet upon having them. fast Color ulttms9d; tkftt will eof urtar orasBm Write tor niu.treted Catalog ol Fail Style.. W. U DOUULAS, Dept. 13, Brockton, Maes. P. N. U. No. 37-06 HEX wrltlna; to tadTBrtltwr pleaa iwura cat eMtMEt I