f A J S "i ; THE C0HDQ1I CLOBE WILLIAM II. 1IORNIBROOR htbUihar. SUSaVRIrTlON MICE. 11.10 FEB VIA. Eutervd al Foetomo M eanand-elee. matter. FablUtwd liny rrtd.f. Cow lot ettawrea of Mandlnt e4e should b left el the oSloe nix Inter than Monday noon ol tack week lo Insure prompt attention. Cards of Thanks, KeenlttUons of RmiH. Et.. I penis per Una, In wl venee, mmn words lo lino. Other advertising rates en application. Thli paper Invite ennnnunlrntlnna on rur lnt lupin ol morel Interest but the edllw dis claim any responsibility (of atatements made oi opinion prmd by oorrwuoiidviiu. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1906. Cu'rt con now. wo. m. r, or a. meet Monday evening o each month In Arm orr It'll tndae mom. visiting brother an re quested to guH with us. A warm welcome awaits vu. J. . Vaiuhh, f.a W. W. OvaaLaSbaa. C. B. Condon Camp No. W.O. W. meets In Armorjr Hall the nrsl end third Thursday evenlnite In each month at in. All vlalling neighbors r cordially Invited W attend. W. B. Kimslbv. W. F. A turn. I'terk. Couanl Commander Another ' mining stock swindle basoome to light in the state of Washington. This time II 7,000.00 worth of valueless mining stock hat been din (Mined of by promoter of the fake company among the farmers and business men of that tat. There are hundred of good Christian men and women who will throw up their hand in holy hor ror at the very thought of playing a game of pokerat ten cents a cor ner, but when the smooth, slippery mining stock promoter calls at their bouses and gives them a fill about the prospects and the mam moth fortunes that can be made by simply taking a few shares of stock in hi particular company, they bite and, like everyone else who thinks he can get something for nothing, are very much disappoint ed when they find that they have parted with a good many silver dollars with nothing to remember them by but a few neatly printed shares of stock that make them feel ashamed of themselves every time they look at them. The man who goes up against the shell game or the hundred to one' shot is no less to be pitied than the one who buys share in a wildcat mining company. Somebody ha figured out that the average boy who is dependent upon hi parent for a livlihood until he is twenty-one years of age oosts them in the neighborhood of $4,000, say an exohange. On this basis of calculation a brood, for in stance, of six boys would represent an outlay of (24,000 by the time they get away from the home roost. The question arises, does it pay to raise boys and are there no other crop that would prove more profit able? If a boy turn out to be a cigarette fiend with a breath like a turkey buzzard and a laugh that would make the untutored donkey feel perfectly at home in his society, and with an untrammeled and un oonquorable desire to avoid work, it is safe to say that his parent might have invested their $4000 at a muoh better advantage. But if the boy grow up to manhood with the lesson well learned that wealth and auooee grow only on bushes watered by the sweat of one' brow, the parents need not begrudge whatever they have spent on him, for he will be a source of increasing pride and joy and their leg wabble and their step is alow and faltering, , they have two strong arm to leau upon and to help them over all rough place that lie in their twilight path. On of the strongest arguments that I being used against William Randolph Hearst in his fight for the governorship of New York is the fact that be received his n omi- nation at the bands of "Boss" Mur phy of Tammany Hall. It I but another indication of the growing sentiment in America against boss ism in any shape or form. A young woman from Washing ton D. C. has recently advertised herself for sale to the highest bid der and the big dailies have made much of the affair some of the more sensational of which have de voted column of apace to the act of tbia seemingly remarkable young lady. It occur to u that there is nothing strange or remark- ble in her conduct. Thousands of young women have been united in holy bonds of wedlock to a bag of money and with no other induce ment than to secure what they are pleased to call "station in life" or simply to get married. The only thing remarkable about her con duct Is the fact that she ha nerve enough to admit it. Notice. I will ront (or Hie winter a good sheep rang containing 2000 acre. House, tire ol, antler, ourrnli, panels, shed and liny nil on the- premiae. Apply to Joseph W hyta, Condon Oregon. f roTessionsI Dtreotortl yILLIAM H. H0RNIEB00K LAWYER OlBcs la Gloss Building, opposite Court tloass. Condon, Oregon D. R. PARKER ATTONR EY-AT-LA W Office In Bank Block, Condon, Oregon. QW. PARMAN Attorn ey-at-Law Csrsfal attention given to all bailnees enirnstad In my care. Reisarhsr Brick, I (Condon, Oregon. YyOOD OAVEY, Physicians and Surgeons Day and Might Calla promptly answered. Omre, Second Kloor Marker Building, corner Mala and spring street. Condon. Oregon YJARY BOWERMAN, M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offio on Summit tttreet, Srat door Want of Con don Orng Store. Condon, Oregon 7 A. MANN DENTIST Crown and Srldre Work a Specialty. Offloa Cpstaln in Bowmnan Bulldlug. Condon, Oregon CHURCH SERVICES FIRST CONCRECATIONAL CHURCH SUNDAY Preaching 11:00 s. m. Bible (lU-himl 10:00 a. m. Jr. V. P. 8. C E 8:00 p. m, 8r. Y. P. B.C. E 7:00 p.m. Proaulilng ..8:00 p. m. mid wis MKmNO Welnetj evening 8 o'clock Yon will ho welcome to these services A special invitation to strangers who are In the city over Sunday. G. W. Rtooa, Minister. C K. KENNEDY, at. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Day and Night Calla promptly answered Arlington : ; Oregon j a. WELLS AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR Strict attantlr.n given to dueled. Valuation! given. CONDOM, OKIOOS Read the Globe 11.50 a year. yy A. GOODWIN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimate rarnlahaa. Spatial Attention to lob Worn. CONDOM, O&EOOM STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AT MONMOUTH BEGINS Its 3Mh year September M. IMS. Three lull eottmea ol study. Higher course recognised In Washington and other state, the beat and ahorteat way to a atate and Hie paper. Additional work lu both general and special Methodt: also, school manage Blent lor (railed and ungraded schools will be (rlw.il this commit year. Longer terms, blither wages and better opportunities are open to Normal grad natea. School directors appreciate the superior ability ol Monmouth graduatea, , and the demand lar exceeds the supply. Vataloiroe aonlalnlng lull information will be aunt on application. Correspondence invited. Address, J. B. V. BUTLER. Registrar r. W. FRENCH, PnsUent GRANT WADE, Vict-Prtndmt F. T. HURLBURT, Caskitr ' saoi - Condon National Bank Capital. 160.000.00 . INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS Drafts on all Parts of the World COLLECTIONS DIRECTORS: J. W. French, Grant Wade, T. B. Wilcox, J. C. Alnsworth, W. Lord, Ceo. B. Dukek, W. W. Stelwer MONEY TO LOAN One to Five Years ii One to Five Years M 1 The 5. B. Barker CompHj. A INCORPORATED fl GENERAL MERCHANDISE HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCKMEN'S : SUPPLIES .,.. : We are jast now opening up one of the largest stocks of Dry Goods in Eastern Oregon. Oar Groceries are the bes in the market. Our stock of shelf Hardware is complete. We have a large stock ( Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Wall Paper, Building Paper etc. '" Picture frames to order. We buy by the car load and are prepared to give . you the benefit of it by offering the lowest prices Stove and Range. Barb-wire. NalU, Paints and Oils. Furniture a Specialty tom rnoiM N. 17. . ATTENTION FARMERS! We have just received our annual shipment of Superior Grain Drills, and if you are going to sow a big crop of grain this fall and want a drill that will do the work and do it satisfactorily, we want to show you where it will be to your advantage to buy a Superior. Your neighbor has one of them. Ask him about it Our stock of plows, harrows, wagons, backs and buggies is complete and up-to-date. We save you money by giving you value received for your money. W. l. BARKER &, CO. 'Phone 41. Agency for the Aermotor Windmills. DIRT. DISEASE and the DEVIL Medical statistic show that nine-tenths of the epidemics ol contagiosa diseases originate from an impure condition ol the water we use. , Millions of Microbes. The DEADLY TYPHOID FKvKR GERM, and many other eqnallT aa FA TAL terms are now accuntHlatlwr in that Improperly connected WATER PIPE and unsanitary sewer, waiting to be hatched out by the Srat lew days ot hot weather. The only Certain Remedy Is to Install a MODERN SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM, endorsed by boards ol health everywhere, and the coat Is comparatively small. If yon will -caU at onr shop we will gladly show you our stock of materials and give you our. prices. JAMIES0N & MARSHALL Sanitary Plumbers . Armory Hall Annex CONDON, OREGON WALL PAPER PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH Largest and best select ed stock in the County. Estimates furnished on jobs as to material and labor. W. A. DARLING. fit Miss Greiner's Milllneru Parlor A new line of Indies' dress hats. Gage sailors juat received Also' Misses and . Children's embroid ered hats. Infaots bonnets, etc Tiss attyeriije Greiger 5fL Eft to their heart, and when they grow old and their hand tremble