My Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then It will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only hair-food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing Just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. Uj hfttr .M to to Trr .hart, wt after wing Aj.rl Vlror .Sort Urn. It N tn .row. tt Bow It U foerteas tartlet li. Tt mm tpMiutlrf malt temXMrtwint llMt without tnjr hlr.- MSA. J. U. Fl, Cents. Bering., uate. ilt ai.fcmntl yers SAKABABJUJL rltLS. CaEKM nCTOtAU iTkt l'fl Barthwaras. Darwin estimate that there are 100.000 earthworma quietly at work tor tb advantage of tb upper ill feet of every acre. They continually turn over tbe ao" and drag down leaves and grass, and tbua they looeen tbe aoll and fertilise the ground, ao that Decenary air can reach tbe roota that apread and grow. Hotter wttl And Mr. Window -i Boothlng iyrup the bnt remedy wow (or their ehlldna during the teething rrlod. I Freteetlna ef A wort raw Bird. The movement for the protection of birds In America hat long lue umed formidable, proportions, ay Amerlcau Home aud li anion. Much of the credit for the work accomplish- ed la due to the Audubou aocletlea, which exist In thirty Ave State, ana j which for a number of year hare car- j rled on an active work for the couaerv ! Ing of bird life. The result accom plished are considerable, A "model law drawn up by. the American Orul' thologlita' uuiou la now In force in thirty Statea aud th DUtrlct of Co lumbia. The Lacey law exclude from Interitata commerce all bird killed II legally In any State, and nuke those legitimately killed aubject t the law of th Stat In which they ar boujbt Law prohibiting tbe ale of gam out of season, even when killed In ea ton, lock toward th aam end of con erring bird life. Public atteutlon baa been aroused on the aubject, and veu j th manufacturer of air rifle no long er call attention to tbe fact that tbey will kill email gam within abort die j tance. Absolute protection ha not yet been given th bird everywhere, but a great and Important work ha been well begun and la being carried forward. Fartaae'a WktaL Se that old chap!" remarked the flubmaa, pointing out the wiortow to aa old peddler, who carried a basket of shoe laces. "Well, he came to this -eountry from Russia ten years ago. lie borrowed some money to purchase a basket and be gan to peddle shoe laces. How much do yon think he's worth to-dyr Just mk . a guess." Several large sum were mentioned ex pectantly. "Wrong," said the clubman. "He isn't worth a cent and he still owe for the basket." Puck. EaeoaraclBft Bias. The Toung Man (ardent, but bashful) Miss Hope, I shall try to show yon that I am not er as big a fool as I seem. Xou mustn't Judge me oy appear ance. Tbe Toung Woman Certainly not, Mr. Wrightsort. Too don't make your so pearancea here often enough for that. MAKING ARTIFICIAL ICE CREAM. CMmm4 Oil liel 1 aataad at the edlaaee lasjredtwat. "When Prof. Stlllman of 8teveo In stitute gar a dinner to two friend, at which most of the Wanda were md artificially by chemical means," write Lawrence Perry In th Technical World magastna, "he had small Idea of th furor hi efforts would produce. But h ha received hundreds of letter aaklng how different dishes were pro duced so many that he ha not bad time to answer many of them. "Th chemical processes which ' he employed were 'on of them simple and om quit complicated. To make vanilla Ice cream by artificial means, for Instance, the alchemist took some triple refined cottonseed oil ant placed It In centrifugal machine wblch re volved at a velocity of 3.000 revolutions a minute. A beautiful emunion wa thereby produced, which wa then f ros ea, chemically, of course. The flavor wa obtained by Hi addition of vanil lin, glucln and nltrobenxol. They aay that Ice cream composed as above I old In many Southern State where cottonseed oil I more plentiful and consequently cheaper than milk or cream. It I far from harmful, taste good and doe not melt as quickly as th genuine Ice." Send postal for "Book of Presents" 1 1 S?0u thc sccrct of A J send vt K VL thc Wave 1 J (( & arc,e? ) 1 way. if jjf55f A Wonderful! J J (I p ! UfgMDon'tdcby I I more efficient .SAKi , I I V than any Bak-YVfiY another ing Powder that XVY day ! J I j costs three times -jSt' A as much. iS$ ' If 25 oz. for 25c- JJ w All grocers a. v JaquesMfg. Co. Chicago Every reader of this paper can get a package of "20-Mule-Team" Borax and a bar of "20-Mule-Team" Borax Soap, with a Beautiful Souvenir Picture 7x14 inches in 10 colors; Absolutely Free. For h limited time only, on receipt of 10 cents In stamps or silver (to pay postage and packing) with yi.ur name and address nnd your dealer's name, we will send you a full size package of that universnlly used Household Neesity, "20-MULE-TKAM" BORAX; also a bar "aO-MULE-TEAM" BORAX SOAP, frwj ami J- elude a beautiful souvenir picture 7x14 in 10 color-, called the 'OLD DRIVER'S REVERIE," wl h aK2 page booklet giving 1000 valuable uses lor Borax In the Home, Farm, Garden and Dairy; Borax in the Laundry, Nursery, Sick Room-and Kitchen; Preservative uses if Borax, and hints on "How to Have a Clear Complexion" and articl on the "Hair an 1 Hands." WRITE NOW I enclose a dime with your name and and dealer's name, and reeeiv by return mail this fre off-r and souvenir Addieas, Pacific Coast Brax Co., Oakland, California. , . Flank-Kraaae Rara. Th etolutloa of th plank fram bam la tbe natural result of th acar clty of timber for building. A con ldorable saving In lmulier and ens of building 4 effected In th plank 0 a o rjJiL rLANK-nUMC BASM. frame.. 1m tlm and fewer men are required In tbe erection, and ther Is little or nothing sacrificed In strength since tbe excellent method of bracing enable them to atand th pressure of hay and grain within or strong winds without A solid fram foundation may be used or the entire structure may b of plank. A good, firmly built ton and cement foundation la advis able. With this to rest tbe plauk upon tbe fram la raised. No ill Is are used and tbe upright studs take th plac of poets. Two for each post are aet on the foundation on each aide. Between these the cross plank I placed and spiked so that It will extend the width of the barn and tie th two aides together. The scant lings on each side of th barn floor, forming center posts, are then raised and aplked In place. I'pon the outside of each upright la aplked plank of the same slr.e ai and parallel with the first cross plank. Tills give three 2x8 Inches for cross sills through the cen ter of the barn, each Joint or bard be ing fixed In till way. End joints, using boards Instead of plank on outalde, give the bed work of tbe barn. At the sides, between upright In place of (111, plank 1 firmly spiked; thl bold tbe uprights firmly In place and prevents working aldewaya while the thorough ly aplked cross plank prevent all move ment in other direction. Throughout CUOHS SECTION BIIOWINO BRAC1NO. there should be no sparing of spike nails, as these are an essential feature to secure solidity. OR. W. A. wtsr. Pulling Teeth ZZZTS nothing thai modern dentistry hu accom pllantd la greater than extracting teeth wlttiout pain Wi have 18 years' experi ence In doing tb'a. We can noneittjr extract a sore tooth without boning yon. Dr. SinrdcTant, specialist on children's teeth and regulating. WISE BROTHERS ...DENTISTS... FalUnf Bnndlnf, Third and Wsatalngtoa IA.XUIF.lf. SnniUys 1 10 IX Mala ma. DR. T. P. WISC. Revlvlaar Old rrolt Trees. A Maryland fruit grower has after several Jenrs of experimenting dlscor ered a way to revive old fruit tret and keep them in bearing condition long after their supposed stage of use fulness Im passed. Aa the cause of decay In a tree Is Its Inability to carry the sap to all of Its branches, bending the tree lessens the area to be travers ed, the amount of top to .be removed, varying according to the farmer's Judg ment Bone-dust and ashes must then be administered as a fertilizer, the tat ter in the autumn and the other In the spring. This treatment will revive old trees, the cutting off the branches, tend ing to Increase the number of fruit buds formed, and tbe ashes and bone dust tending to stimulate the tree growth. Bean Poles. As soon as the lima beans start up the pole, be sure to tie them tip with raffla. If you are trying to use last year's white birch poles, you are going to have them rot off and fall down and cause no end of trouble. There Is noth ing better than cedar bean poles. Te.tlns" Bolls. All soils are formed from disinte grated rocks and. organic matter. Of the latter, soils contain from 1 to more than 70 per cent;' It l, however, only in bogs or beds of peat that tbe amount last named Is ever present The best wheat lands contain only from 4 to 6 per cent of organic matter; oats and rye will grow In soils containing only 1 or 2. The Intelligent farmer should endeavor to ascertain what is wanting In tbe soli and supply It remembering that he can make no, possible mistake with barnyard manure. froa-lluaatl Vavtls, Every farmer la familiar wttk what la called "crop Numd" In fowl. Tlx crop become packed wltU food that ha censed to pass Into the glaxard of th bird. If the content of the crop coimlxt of grain only, th fowl hould b kept from food for, attiu dnya. In addition, the crop should lie manipulated with the hands. Thl will tend to kMen th grain and start Its passage Into th gliaard. Sometimes th condition la caused by feeding cut hay. dried aluilfu or clover, which have packed at the point where tit food should pa am out bf the crop. One toultry raiser In rasra of this kind pours sweet oil down the throat of tit bird, and this loosens up th uiiiaa. In bad case he opens the crop by rut tliflt and remove th collected food, afterward sewing up tit rrot.. II aay that tills doea appear to cause the bird much pain. After thl la done the bird should be fed only uillk or other light food for some days. "re Mr. John 8ieara, of British Col urn hla, semi to the Montreal Blsr a sketch of a contrivance for weighing live lamb, farmers who have Isiub to sell are In need of some such method of ascertaining their weight. It consists of an ordinary wheat sack, having two suitable sticks attached to top and bottom. ' A stout piece of rope I at tached to th end of each of these tick. Th whole form a sling. By thl method tit not wriggle MOW TO WItOH TUB LAMB. and tbey can't get out when once In, and It la very quick, human and effective. Th Farm Garden. No farmer can afford to do without a good garden. It Is not to be expected that every one will lie a fancy gar dener, but every one should give suffi cient attention to the iiitdect so as to produt all staple vegetables earlier than can be produced In the field. It is not only essential to the health atul liroiicr enjoyment of the fmnllv. imi It la actually a matter or profit. Could your whole farm lie made as smooth, dry. rich and as well cultivated ak a good garden, the Increased product would pay a large per cent of profit upon the outlay. In the garden, or In a separate compartment, itiny ho culti vated strawberries, raspberries, black berries, currants, graies and dwarf penrs. They can all lie hud at a very small coat of money or labor, and will add Immensely to the enjoyment of the household. Feeding Meat to Panltrr. That fowls and especially laying put lets nnd hens require a certain amount of animal food Is admitted by every one who understands poultry, hut II Is nn extremely nice point to know Just how to feed them nnd not overdo It There la much danger In feeding meat for, to he valuable and do the fowls no harm, It should lie perfectly fresh and fed In small quantities. The local butcher Is tempted to work off his putrid meat on the customers who want It for feeding fowls and such meat will meun trouble for the birds, bowel trou ble of a serious nature. Collar and Badille Galls. Galls on horses ore due to several causes, but frequently to saddles mid harness that preaa unevenly ou the body. The collar should fit the horse perfectly, and it cannot be too good. A loose girth to a saddle may allow It to shift When a gull Is noticed there Is something wrong with the saddle or harness, and no remedy will be avail able until the cause of the gall Is re moved. An examination of the harness sliould bo niude whenever the horse Is brought up from work at night, and It should be kept In good condition or the horse will suffer. In a current California report It It asserted tbut a new process for pre serving perishable fruit and food prod' ucts bus been discovered 'and tested with success In California. It Is Bali that by the use of a vacuum fresh fruit may be kept from spoiling, and the promoters of the new process ay that by this means fresh fruit can be kepi perfectly fresh for three mouths. De cay is said to be warded off In the most remarkable manner. It Is claimed that this new vacuum process will revolu tlonlze the. transportation of fruits and vegetables from California. Vsetwl llaa.ewlfe. Handling boiling clothe will an or. dluary pole was not considered an up-to-dat method by an Iowa Inventor. II therefore evolv ed Hi apparatus 'shown here a pair or torceps to baited a to firmly and positively grip th clothe so that they can b handled without tearing. It resembles very much jk pair or scissors, having tw roa mot rutriiKa. levers Intermedi ately pivoted. On end or Ih lever la halted to form handle and th other Into simon. These muis are hollowed out to form recess, the back being slottml, wblcb reduce the weight and aim affords a firm grip. Between th handle Is a spring. It 4a th In tention or the Inventor to manufacture the forcetw of aluminum. alee t'raaaaalM, Prepare the aiplr a for preserve. Make a syrup or on plut of vluegir to tbre and a half pints of sugar. Pour over th fruit aud let stand over night. Boll the fruit, a llttl at time. In th syrup till tender. Pick the fruit In Jar. Add mixed spice to th vlu gar to suit tit taste, boll down to enough to Just cover th fruit, pour over It and seal. Crabapple can b carefully gathered and stured away till th throng of other fruits Is over. In fact, the attov recle ar thou used with wild rrahapplea, which were formerly burled In the ground to rlen ; but these formulas ran be used suc cessfully with the cultivated varieties. Uevllea Kaa. Boll a many egg as are required for ten mlnutea. nut them In cold water, and when cold shell them, Cut lu halve lengthwise, remove the yolks, snd rub them to a smooth paste with, a tablesioonfnl of rltopied tongue to six eggs, a dessertspoonful of salad oil. salt and cayenne to taste, a few drop or oulon Juice, and half a teaapoouful of French mustard. Cot a tlnv slim off the bottom of each half of the whit so that It will stand on the dish, fill with the prepared mixture, aud serve. garnishing with watercress. rrafcanpla I'leWlee. Remove the stem and. flowers, but leave tbe fruit whole; wipe with damp cloth and simmer very gently until tender but not broken; drain 'lit a colander; make sufficient syrup t cover tbe fruit In the proportion of one pint of vinegar to two pmiml of gran ulated sugar. I'se only the best elder vinegar. Put the fruit In the syrup- and keep at the boiling point, hut not boiling, for ten minutes, (hen seal boil ing hot In self-settlers or Jars, Tbes. may b spiced ir preferred. HwUs Turtle!.. Take one egg. Its weight In stale cake .crumbs and fresh butter, a table spoonful of sugar, ami a little flavor ing. Beat up the butter to a rreiini with the, udd the rake crumb and eggs, then flavoring, mixing all to gether. Line some patty pans with puff paste, and then n layer of apricot Jam and a thick layer of the mixture.. Bake about a quarter of an hour In a sharp oven. Strawberrjr lea Cream. Put a pint of cream In a saucepan with half a tiouiid of sugar, and set over the (Ire to heat When the sugar Is dissolved stnud aside to cool ; add a pint of cream. Mush n quart and a half of rlpo, strawberries with three- quarters of n pound of sugar and let stand one hour, then strain the Julco off, pour Into the cieiim, mix well, turn Into a freezer and freer.e. Almond Cakes, Rub two ounces of butter Into firs- ounces flour, five ounces iowdered lump sugar, beat an egg with half the sugar, then put It to the other Ingredients. Add one ounce blanched almonds and a little almond flavor, roll them la your hand to the size or a nutmeg, and sprinkle with flue lump sugar. They should be lightly baked. To Chaos A pales. In chooslug apples be guided by'ths- welght; the heaviest are the best, and those should alwaya be elected which. on being pressed by the thumb, yield to It with a slight cracKlng noise. With large apples waste Is saved In peeling ana coring them. ' Why Not Trr Itf Place an apple In the bread and cak boes to keep bread and cake moist Add one or two tnblespoons of sugar to strong turnips when cooking. Try rubbing tough meat with a cut lemon to make It tender. Rprlnkle clothes with, a whisk broom. and hot water.