CONDON GLOBE WILLIAM II. HORNIBROOK Rdltot and rroprleaar, FRIDAY, JUNE .39, 1006. (xwntcondo. no, m, r. or a. nrm Mandate Twins of eaeh awnih Is Atm n Mali twin ream. VuiUuf brotiwre are to bum with . A mum Belooew J vails row. -.&VlNlr.& W. W.OTSaumiSB,0.R. I Have In Connection with the CONDON UPHOLSTER INO SHOP" A Complete and up-to- date second hand store Everything neat and elean. i For bargains com and mm us. J. B. FEIIRKNDACIIER Old Daaa Bide. .LMtHnat SEMI-ANNUAIi STATEMENT . Or Gnu Coomr, roa tns J)i otiu wdim Hajkm II, 1904. . . . SEMI-ANNUAL RKPOBT , . 01 the County Clerk of (ill Us m County, 8Uto of Oregon, showing the amount oi ciaima auowoa vj mi vounty coon m eaia county, lor wntcn warranU Dare mn drawn, trie amount ol warranU outstanding and unpaid, from Ue lit day w wwwr, u, win oiei uy m manio, IWO, DOW inciUSlTe: ON WHAT MTOUNT AXLOWKO. Aaeowat el werrsst Count Court and Uomniisaioners' : f WO OS Circuit Court , ; 90 iiConr... ; 'JQ4 go Hlierlff'solltoe..., Wi W Clerk's office , 'VW M Treasurer's offloa , tlWM Coroner' office fO 00 School Huperintendent'a offloa - Jul t Stock Inspector's offloa ; MM Aaaaaaor'a offloa 120 00 AomMmtnt and Col evtlon Tsa , as 60 Tai KbalM , ; lot 96 Current eipeneee S48 02 Courthouaa as peases , 803 gj Jail sinenses 430 01 Cara of I'oor. 008 IS l are ol Ineaae fit 90 r.iaeilon Kf iwnaM , 88 00 Bonis and; High wajra, 8836 fff , Total amount of lalma allowed 110138 18 AMOUNT or UDTWTANDINU WARRANTS UNPAID. County WarranU ouutavnding and unpaid on March Slat, 190 123237 00 Mumatea interest aocruea tnereon 6V7 18 ToUl amount unpaid county warranU 123834 18 btatb or uaanoit, I County otUilllam, I . - ' 1 1. C. O. Pnrtwood. County Clerk, of the Count of millam. fttat nf Hnunn do hereby certify that tha foregoing la a true and correct aUUment of the amount ol claim, allowed by tha County Court of said County for tha si a BBoathaaaxllnt on the Slat day of Menh A D..iuo,for which warranU were drawn, and tha amount oi warrania ouwuuioing ana unpaid aa ua same appear upon tha record! of my oflloe and in my official custody. "Witness tny hand and tlie aeaj of tha County Court affiled thin 18th day of jane, A. U , iwm. , c. 0. Portwood, County Clerk. (aiAL) By Pearl Anna, Deputy. SEMI ANNUAL 8TATKMKNT Of the County Treasurer of Qllllaro County, Oregon, for tha tlx months ending on me am uy oi msren, iwo, oi money received and paid out, from wiiiiid remiTeu snu irum wnat source, ami on wuai account paid out. raoM whom aarsiTso. aonaci. sbnrral raw. Amount on baud from laat report, A H Collins. Justice of tha pear CO Portwood Fees TO Johnson Taxes Ferrs License U T McArthur Fees A J Hlieltoo Fees State Treauaurar roa what Paid oot. Redeemed County WarranU Redeemed Hchoiil Warrants Balance (ieueral Fund on hand Balance School Fund on hand Huts and College lax Institute Fnm! City of Condon School Diet. No. 0 Int. 25 13 10 M 27 " " " Special Tax 114078 04 638 70 38tXM 60 10 00 6ft 80 60 60 80ft 09 86464 68 110762 IS 87440 85 4468 75 90 00 93 81 118 75 SO 0C 15 00 20 00 1784 04 864744 63 SCHOOL roan. I 6666 06 43 06 8187 75 , 113786 76 . $ 6294 09 8492 67 $13786 76 Stats or Orboon, I County of Gilliam, J I, K. v . Moore. Count Treasurer of Gilliam County, Oregon, uo nereuy cenuy tuas uie mrrgoing la a true and cor rect statement of tlie amount reoelved, paid out, and remaining on hand In tha county treasury of said county for the six months ending on the 81st day of March. A 0. lOOtt. Witness my band this 18th day of June, 1906. E. W. Mooaa, County Treasurer. SHERIFF'S SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. " Of the amount of money and county warranU received for taraa and paid to the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Gilliam county, Oregon, for the six months ending on the Slut day of March, A. 1)., 1908. Amount of taxes received For the year W06-.VarrnU $ 396 86 Roll.. .Cash " SherlfTa For tha year 1004 WarranU 1BSh Sheriff's Roll 86106 84 166 87 24 21 6371 89 14 12 , 23 75 1577 65 , 1282 IS Sheriff 'a Roll 246 73 1208 25 1903 ' at I 1902 ' el 1901 .159? " Ml 63 1808 1897 isue 181)6 ,1892 1891 i'lflflO 1889 ,1887 102 t 68 26 15 is 6 61 73 38 37 82 15 40 85 3 80 18 20 Total amount received and paid treasurer. . . .146682 35 8tati or OnanoN, 1 County o OUllam, fm . . .. .. I, T. G. Johnson, Sheriff of aald County, do hereby certify that the fore going statement la correct and true. Witness my hand this 18th day of March A. D. 1906. ' T. G. Johnson, Sheriff of Gilliam County, Or. SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Of the financial dondltion of the County of Gilliam, Oregon, on the Slst da of March. A.D. 1906. MAMLITIUf. To warranU drawn ,on the County Treasurer, and fluteUliding and , unpaid.....,..., .123237 00 To estimated amount of inter est aocruud thereon ,s W 18 to Balance 10158 85 134092 98 ' RESOURCES. By fundi in hands of County ' i Treasurer applicable to the ' payment of county warranU $27509 28 By estimated tanpald current : Uxes applicable to the pay- ' mentot county warranU .... 6583 72 $34092 98 ... 10168 85 Prafauloojl Oard. j( r. wood, at. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON f Sad !( Calls. sreaipttT am prs, Miwaa Vioot tuW amuuas. Mala aa4 aertaa SWaata. OOMDOV, 01MM QW. PARfslAN Attorny-4tt-Lw Carefol atUatloa givsa to all bus I boss entreats! la my ears. Relaaeber Brick, I Condon, Oregon pa ft. trAftKBR ATTON H E Y-AT-LA W Office la Barker Brick, Condon, Oregon, OAVBY. M. D. Phyalclan and Surgoon Day aadalaiit sails afDSiaar saswerad. OOes tad Bess Raliirtur aaUsJaf ersr aeat sssas. Conelon. i i Ore on. A MAR! OCNTBT cnts aai Msa Wart a furfilfr asaiatt la nMS Alila. coRDoar, oaaooi a-wiixa , AUCTtOftOfl AM) VALUATOfl Mrlat atteatlea atvaa s aajstaam Bales ataaueasaiea O0RDOR, OKEOOat Office Hour.! t to 12 A. M., 2 to 6 P. M. Other hours by appointment. Dr. D. W. Stater Dr. Carrie M. Slater Osteopathic physicians Consultation and Examination Free Kelaacher Building, Condon, Oregon Q B. KKRRI1IT, M. D, PHYSICIAN AMD HJRCTON Oaes, SaaoaS Mom Laalsas an4laa See seat lira RaUeaal aaaa. ' CORDON, ORJMOI IART SOWKRMAM, M. B. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OCes a RubbII tL, Tint Daar Westsl P.O. CONDOM. ORIOOM ty. a. aooDwn CONTRACTOft AND sHIKpin sHaiataa Vanlak. 1 - llbiifa. ft tea ware. CONDOM, ORXOOR W.DARUNQ ATTORN fTY-AT-LAW Netary Paolc and Cevyaajcer ' CONDON, ORMOM QOWKRMAN A BNOVM imr Bowamsa ATT0RNCYSAT4AW Pwttaala all tha CoarU. 0. R Cantata. slnnar la aOna. rtaal rmla sad rulaas utaa. .Csmar suaimU aad Urafoa Its. CONDON, ORBOOM Notloa of AaelR-nea'o Sal of Land. Motle Is bsrsbr (Ivan that the andsnKnsd, Aaalfna ol C. A. Sharl. will sell at pabfla aao Uoa to tha hlthaat bidder lor cash la 'hand, en Friday, lha tath dajr el July, IMS, at a la ran a. clock A. M at tha eonrthoaas door In OUIuua Coon tj, City ol Ooodoa, Slate ol Orscon, all the rlsht, title and Intanat C. A. Bhnrto had on tha Uth day ol Ootobar, 1906, and all the rlfht, Utla and laamat Mte andanlsaad has by ina ol the asalcnmeot asada to aim by Ut said C.A. aborts oa said data, or has otberwlss acquired ataoaasld data, la and to the lollowlns daserlbad rsal prop arty, to-wit. Lot No. aea (7) SMtSoa Six () Townahlp On 0) North olRana Twenty-tiro (an Bast ol WU Uunatta MartdlaneootainlnB mtylwo and 76-100 aoras, Ala Lota No. Five and six & and 4) Block roar, ArllBstoB, Orafon, and Lola No. Ona sad Two (1 and 2) In Blocs Two (3) ArUntton, Oref OB, alio Lot No. Klfht (SI In Block 8avB (7) A llnttoii.Orasvn. alas any -ether eny Lots teal w nay and In said arty of Arllfton bsknttB( to said C A.Bharta. W. a. Mooaa, Atatfuaa of the Batata ol C, A. Bharta. Dtaa ol Brat Insertion J ana sth, lsoa. ,. Dta ol last InaarUoa July 1Mb. JS0S. Marble and Granite Work. 1 wish to announce to my friends and patrons that I have opened a shop in Condon and are now" prepared to furnish all kinds of stone, marble and granite war, cemetery , fencing, oament work, sto. on short notice and at prices within no raajoa vi an. My repotatloB al a first el as mscfjsn- lo Is a guarantee as to the quality of my work. QU and tee me. Special attention to furnishing Wood men of tha World and Woodmen Circle monuments. , Geo., L, Neale has been appointed my Condon agent and, oes ordera faring my absence, from thaelte. . , Lovia Comini. LET AN EXPbjRT do your repairs on on Watohoa, Clooka orJowelry.-Wllllama The' Jeweler. 1 The s. B. Barker Comp'u. f n INOOBPORATED SB INOOBPORATED GENERAL MERCHANDISE HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCKMEN'S ' SUPPLIES -t. We are jnat now opening op ona of tha largest stocks of Dry Goods In Eastern Oregon. Oar Grooeries are tbs baa in tha market. Oar stock of ibelf Hardware Is complete. We hare a large stock of Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Wall Paper, Building Paper etc Picture frames to order. We buy by tbo car load and are prepared to give you the benefit of it by offering the lowest, prices Stove and Range. Barb-wire. Hall, Paint and Oil. Furniture a Speclaltu Measa rhsaaa a. 17. . Willi Ttieu Trade With Us We 'save our customers at least lO per cent on every purchase. Our line of Furniture and Hardware is one of the largest and best selected in town We are contented with a reasonable profit. y Condon Furniture & Hardware Gocipann NORTH MAIN BTRBKT. Boat faon No. tt. W carry la stock all times, with our Immese aupply of rebielee and and farm ImplameoU, a complete assortment of shelf hardware, barbed wire, eUplee, nails, boreeeboaa, building paper, screen wire, garden tools, rope, iron and steel, pips, pipe fittings, etc, etc The largest and beet assortment of tin and granitaware In the towa. Order by mail or 'phone always receive oar prompt attention. W. L. BARKER & CO. Two door 6outb of postoffice building OUR MOTTOt A Square Deal or no Deal at alL DIRT. DISEASE and the DEVIL . Madlcal itmtiitlm ahow that nine-ten tha ol tba epldesate ol eoataiioas dttcaaaa orlsinala from an Impur eondlUoa ol the water w oaa. Millions of Microbes. Tha DEADLY TYPH)1D FCtBR OEKM, and laany other aqaally as FA TAL serma ara now ancumnlatlng In that Improparfy eoBBcetcdWATKR VI FB and unaanitaiy at war, waitluf lo be hatched oat by tba ant lew day. el hot weather. The onlti Certain Remedy la to Inatall a MODERN eciBNTTFIO BTBTBM, endorsed by boards ol health everywhere, and lha eoatlscomparaurely aaiall. II yoa will eall at oateaoa we will gladly show yoa oar aleak el aaaaarials and fire yoa ear Brtoaa. JAMIES0N cVHARSHALL Sanitary Plassbara Armory Hall Annex CONDON, ORBOON WALL PAPER PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH Largest and best select ed stock in the County. Estimates furnished on jobs as to material and labor. W. A. DARLING. 1 fit Miss Grclncr's liiiiheru Pcirior A new line of ladles dress bauY ttago sailor Just rcei4 . 'Also Misees kad j baU. InfaaU bonneU.etc ' Iiss atberiije Crelncr Advertise in ;the GLOBE Total Resources..