VOL. XVI. CONDON. OREOON. FRIDAY JUNE 20. 1006. NO. 15. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tbe Glass nfllie I urirsd to do til oris ol Job printing. R. B, Butlsr th voong Tmmmn at torney bo will deliver the 4th of Joly oration at tbe Mikihell celebration, ni In Condon this week with a view of lo cating her. Largest rack ol door and window In titllian Ooontjr. Arlington Lam bar Co. "Whn In dnnbt" bovol Bl.rhr. . Kdltb Mldinn( daughter ol John Meldnient ol Lone Rnrk returned Toee day evening from Portland where slis a recently opratd opon for appendl elll. Aldonahlgb grad Candle. Sol agent John Jerkton. Mr. Davla rstnrned Tuesday evening from ft viol ft In Portland. For the leading header, call for th Hodge. Keytn mower. Sold by Arlington Lnmbar Co. fourth ol Jul I Within dlatanrol tOO mill for a far and third over th O. R. A N. lino. Children one-half of bore rate. Dal of l July 1 3 4 Oontlnnnns pseeag each way. Wood ntll July Blh. Two ear ol ehlngtee Jot recleved. Arlington Lumber Co. 8. B. Barker returned fletonley eveo Ing Iron ft boelnee visit In Wyoming. Book, Motion, Stationary, Joba Tackaon, Attorney Parntan waa at tiooaeberry t h la week on legal bnelnee. Banana, Oranges, Lemon at Nou ol II kind at John Jackeun'. Dr. Kennedy wa failed to Colnmhn, Washington last weak by th aerloo lll nee of bl (later, Magaslne. Periodical, Portland Dally Paper. John Jackann'. " W, L. tbuker and wife departed 8 ( nrdav morning for ft tew week' vlalt at ' Mr, Barker' old bom In Athena, Main. Their daughter, Cora, armuTpaoled theiu a lar a Casper, Wyfenlag. Reel meal in the elty at th Beleeder Reatanranl. Cat Hlinuaon returned from th monn taina monday and now ;la'mt to ba the ehampion Nlmrod of tlilllam eonnly, B. K. not eicepted. While In th uionn tain Ca bagged two black hear and eaptiired teoenbj. At ft living evidence of the trnth of hi (tatenient the two enbe r brought Into Condon Thurs day morning. Th lateat and beat In Bummer Lap Rot-e at Reiearlier'. Price right. There will be ronnlng good celebra tion at 30 mil on July 4th. Arrange iiient have been made lor a good pro gram with E. Curran a orator of th day. I will make yonr ahatracta promptly add accurately and at a lower price than yon can get It dona at any other place in the count. Bert of experience. M. 0. Cartib, Condon, Oregon, Remember that Ed Merrilield, th Condon photographer will be at th cel ebration on the 2 8 4. Mr. Mrri6eld will have charge of th Condon atudio during hi abeence. Kelaacher llarnet and saddle are Made In Condon. Dre. W. D. and Carrie M Slater, grad oal osteopath of th Btill College of Oteopathy, have located In the poet of fice building of Condon, for the practice of oatenpathy and will be pleaeed to con nil you regarding your ailment. Dr. Carrie Slater make a specially of all disease of women and children. Hone cleaning time. The Condon Steam Lanndry will wash the entrain and blanket and give entire satisfaction. Rev. J.' Welborn and family who have been visiting at the home ol Re. Mount for the peat two week departed Tuesday morning for The Dalle. Mr. Welborn ha received a call to Mountain Home, Idaho, but ha not yetdeoided to accept. Let an eipert teat yonreyee, William the Jeweler k Optician, v Andrew Oralner waa a paaaenger lor' Portland Monday morning."' : II yon wish to see properly, see Wil liam th Jeweler & Optician. J. H. Hughes brought 14 head ol fine bone to Condon laat.week and (old tbem to Frank Pliter lor $1400. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES The eommencement lerelte ol the tb grade ol the Condon nubile school will he held In the Armory hall this ev ening at t o'elook. Following is tb program) Mnale by the Condon Orchestra A view of th great thing of lb work! Mabel Hartshorn Bolo Mies Winnie Davis Italy Prance Brown Recitation-Mia Lvdi Pliter A rolling (tone gather no moos Mabel Barker Duel Mieee Haretshorn and Haw Claa Prophecy Mand Dodon Oregon Violet MreenBeld Qtiertette Marquis Whitman Pauline Cochran Claas poem Earl Palmar Orcheatra Reading Mr. Pearl Jarvls Addrss Edward Cnrran Dnt Mlaee LI I la and riorenoe Clarke Valedictory Herbert Schilling Presentation of Diploma Rev. R'gg A LIVELY IUNAWAY. A teem belonging to t. A. Haskell ol the Hotel Oregon became Irlghtened while (landing at the elation let Fri day evening and ran down th tree! aa far at tb Donlap blacksmith shop where they were stopped with no little diuV eolty. Before they reached Jlhere how ever I bey had succeeded la Uarlngdowa a telephone pole and doing coniiderable damage to one of the elty hydrant. The Tbe horses were quite badly braiaad bat little damage wa don to the wagon and harness. SCHOOL NOTES Miss Dodeon has resigned her position as teacher ol the flth and 7th grades and Miss Hershner will take her place neat term. Mr. Berry ba been elected teacher for the $-1 and 4tb grade. , AH teacher In th Condon eeheel bar a rale of $10.00 a wontb In aaieryr Mr.' Mc Arthur received a raise ol f 15 00 Mia Wilton will teaeb the 4tn and Sib grade neat term. Mrs. McAnhur and Mas Stangl hav been re-elected lor another term. Fred Saunders and wife returned this week from two week trip to Portland and other point In Oiegon. Harvest Supplies, Oils, Machine tool etc. ol Hunt Tbe Hardware Man. F. T. Hurlhurt wa in Condon Friday and Saturday. Mr. Hurlbort received word about week ago that th safe for th new Condon National Bank wa hippad from Seattle on th 18tb of thl month. Temporary quarter have been secured Irnm W. A. Darling on the first floor of the Merrifleld building and the bank officials eipert to open np by tbe first ol July. Screen door, window etc. ol Hunt The Hardware Man. J. J. Wesson, wif and daughter-in-law returned thl week from a trip to Corvalll and the sea aide. Part ol Kobe Mo Kinney' house lor rent by Hunt The Hardware Man. A marriage licence wa Issued to Chat. V. Phegley and Bertha Williama, both ol Lone Rock, Ihlt week. ' J. W. Miller county olerk elect ol Linn county wa in the city this week at a guest ol Pearl Jarvia and wile. Mr. Miller wa innoh liupreseel with the growth and development ol Condon In the last two year. There will he a ball game between Oondon and Olei neit Sunday on the Condon diamond. There will be a big dance at Oles on the evening ol the fourth ol July Everyone hat a cordial invitation to be present. Tli nil annual report ot the flnan etal standing ol Gilliam county which appear on another page in thl issue, bow a surplus ol $10,158.85 In th county treasury. Thl reflect much eredit opon Jndg Dunn and th county oomnilMionvrt lor their efficient manage ment of tliaconntv finance. ' Thomas Lawler, famllarly kown a "Happy Hooligan," Joined the Burch a Belt cirona while they were (bowing in Condon thltwsek.. Happy will be In hit element In hit new vocation and w predict lor him brilliant luture a eircu clow. j BURCH & REiS CIRCUS Thursday evening representative of th Bu-rhA Relet Dog and Poov Show arriv ed la Condon end billed the tow for tbe following Monday. Th Globe had gone to pre before they arrived and therefor It wa it advertised In oar last lam. Their ftlfregstloa arrived Sunday morning on special train. Tbe pared took place Monday morning at II o'clock and th performance began at 1 p. ui. Nearly everyone In low and good many country people, who had heard that there waa to be a circa In tow, turned oat t witness th per formance. On whole it was fairly food how. They bad Some well trained dog and ponies, good acrobatic work. Ira pea performing and a fine Italian hand. Nearly two third of tb epect ator at th main performance staid lor after concert and most ol them were disappointed. Th attendance at the evening performance wa very small. J. B. Kyn of 'thTcamphell Banford- Henley Co. ba bees transferred from Portland to Condon. Mr. Kyn will bar charge nf th Oondn Warehouse. Tbelr ad appeare In this Issue. For Rale i Hidden Rale CoftVe Hones. A good paying bulnes. inquire of Roy Daniel, proprietor. ' Granite plat, cape, saucers, knlve fork etc, for harvest supplies of Boat Tb Hardware Ma. .'; Chas. Heln, th progr! Mayvlll rancher, ha pare hawed combined bar iter. It wa bonght Uirough E. E. Smith of Pendleton. , Mrs. Larson and (on departed on tbe train Monday for lew week's visit with (riende at Salem. . Mr. and Mrs. Trimble left Monday morning for a visit with bow folk at Creeewell, Oregon. '' Mra. Ct P. Bailey and daughter who hav bee visiting with friendt at Grass Valley paesed through Cor Ion Monday evening en root for tbelr home at Foe- ell. . ' ' ' i J. E. Ratnvny wad Wife parted Tues day morning lor Lhno, Oregon, where they will visit for few week with Mr, Ramsay' father. A big dance will be given at the Arm Hall th evening of July 4tb Uond music and good time. Everyone invited.. Admission 1100. J. E. Hont and wife arrived Wednes day evening from Portland. Mr. Hont will remain but a few dav but eipect to make her home in Condon ia a few week. Judge Dunn returned Wednesday trom a two week trip to Portland, Victoria and Seattle. While in Portland tbe Judge ordered big bill of good. We've got 'em skinned I If you doubt It, come and tee the New Champion Header. It's called tbe Champion be cause It i the champion In every way you look at it. A sensation i going th round of th farmer on aoconnt of Its superior merits. Being the cham pion it I cold by Hunt Th Hardware Man. Barker 4 Pliter chipped 4300 cheep to Colorado on Friday morning. Mr. Wood, mother of Dr. Wood, re turned Wednesday from Portland, where she ha been vltltlng tor tbe past It month. At we to to press on 'Thursday w ar unable to giv a complete account ol th Oondo wool sale day that took place on Thursday of this week. Tbe highest price paid for wool at tbe morn ing tale wa for Geo Hardie't clip. W will give a complete aooount neit week. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR New York Press, No matter bow much you can see of a womsa b alway think it I modett il yoo can see it through the open work. Girl ar always afraid tbat they are not going to be married and men that theyar. Th only man who really like farm ing i th on who bat a lot ol money to fee at It. ' Moat people') idea ot saving monav n to bay baker' bread instead of wasting it on floor. It take a woman to known bar hue band' fanlta and not believe it when somebody elte doe. people go on (hopping as a sort of s consolation prls. V !, 8ARAH A. PULLEN On Thursday Jons tlst, oecured the death of Sarah A. Pullso. Tb deceased wa born December Slrt, 1867 at Hard man, Oregon. In July. 1906. she cam to Condon and wa nnited In marriage to Frank Polen. Shortly after tbe mar riage they moved to Lone Bock where they mad their borne until the time of ber death. Her husband, one child and a host of friend ar left to moor ber lot. Baggie, back, wagon of Hunt Tb Hardware Man. READ THIS WILLIAMS the JEWELER S6 O EXPERT Remember that WlUiame the Jeweler is county ho ha patted an siamination hi ability to properly take car of th GmplM lelne f Watches, Clocks, EXPERT REPAIRINQ A BPCOlXCTY NORTH MAIN STREET, CONDON, OREGON WASSON'S CASH GROCERY I nest itOCK O FRESH GROCERIES In the City We Mill tb celebrated Hlslop ftnkola Coffee put np in 1d tint for 60 cents It is s combination of the finest coffee grown, blended with coo sunioiAtftekill producing s coffee unrivaled in nchnes, smooth ness snd smoothness of flavor. Ask for Hislop'i Ankola Coffee snd take no other. Everything usually kept Id i first-class Grocery Store will be found on our shelves. Free delivery to sll parts of the City between 8 ft. m. snd 5. p.m. (Full Weight We Give You Best Quality . . (Loweat Price North Naln 8t., CONDON, Oregon CONDON DRUG CO. We keep in stock all the 8tandard PATENT MEDICINES We have on hand a large stock ot SPOKCES, CHAMOIS 8KINS.WHISK . BROOMS, ETC PERFUM BRy Colognes, bay Rum, Flor Ida Water, Extracts for the Hanc kerchief. Our Stock Com prises of all the Popular Odors. Your patronage solicited. R. L. HUNT, Mar. OLYMPIC The Quality L W. DARLIXC WILL BUILD Attorney L.W. Darling le contemplat ing tbe erection of a fine two etory brick bnilding at bl lot opposite tbe post office. If arrangement can be mad whereby tbe local lodge will take tb upper tory for lodge rooms, work will be commenced oa tb new atmctar la tb near future. With tb two so beta a tial bank baildingss that ar already in tb process of construction and ether bnsinec bnilding that will be bollt tbie summer, tb prospects for tb growth and development of Condon look etceediag bright. CAREFULLY OPTICIAN tbe only ma In Condon and Gilliam before tbe etat board sad demonstrated refraction of yonr eye. AU work guaranteed etowslr. titvenwai-s. Optlsal OMds EAT LESS BUT Eat it More This Rule Cures Many Ills Espe cially When You OLYMPIC FimjR GILLIAM GO. MILLING CO. CONDON REAL ESTATE AUD ABSTRACTS TAKE YOUR ABSTRACT WORK WHERE YOU CAN GET IT COME FROHrLY, ACCURATELY AMD AT A REASS3ASLE FUSE. M.D.CARTER A B 8 T R A O T E R One Door North ol Post Office. CONDON, OREGON. Mark on Flour