Supreme Judge C 3. Bright, pro , M Robert Eakin, rep.. 6J0 r.O. Heiley, dam .....330 M. W. Bobbin too ..SO Attorn; Usnral CO. Brix.eoe... S5 A. M. Crawford, rep ... 642 B, A. Miller, dsm SS8 F. B. Ratherferd, pro.. Superintendent ol Public Infraction. J. H. Ackermaa, rep 696 J. K. Hoemer, toe. i Henry Sheek, pro 63 State printer. J. C Cooper, toe SR Willie 8. Dunlwsy, rep 66 Alvin 8. Hawk, pro S3 3. 8. Taylor, deu). 178 Commissioner ot Labor. . O.P. Hoff, rep 682 W. 8. Richard, eoe 104 Joint-Representative 28tb District. R. N. Donnelly, rep 605 B. F, Pike, rep 424 County Judge. Edward Dono.dem ..627 T. U. Woodland, rep 443 Sheriff. George T. Angell, rep 312 R. M. Roger, dem 644 Clerk. Pearl Jarvia. rep 620 C.L. Lillie, Jr., dem S33 Treasurer. George A. Berry, dent 294 E. W. Moore 665 8orreyor. 3. A. McMorria, dem 690 Commissioner. J. W. Dyer, rep 609 Coroner. W. A. Darling 87 For Prohibition t 368 Against Prohibition 470 ForConnty High School 673 Against County High School 175 For Eqnal Suffrage Amendment. . ..382 Against Eqnal Suffrage Amendment. 424 For A man t men t to Local Option Law403 Against tame.... 424 COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. CWEND0LEN Both spring and fall grain is doing ex ceptionally well and with the recent heavy rain which eoaked the gronnd we may expect a bnmper crop: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nlr nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hardy went to Hood River to pnt np their year's supply of strawberries.) Mrs. Dillaboy and two children are visiting with relatives at Cascade Locks. O. H. Gnild. Gi R. Flanders and Marion Keener spent election day in Condon. BLALOCK Miss Caryle of Arlington is spending the week with her friend, Mis Grace MeKinney. Miss Zana Ellis of Wasco is to spend the snmmer with Miss Myra Stanton. A rain storm ocenred here Sunday which has done mucn for the grain. The storm was preceded by an eitrem ly warm day Saturday. The social on Saturday evening was a great success. $58.50 was cleared. Andrew Neel of Lone Rock sold 2,850 head of sheep to Murray, the buyer for Long & Co. They were shipped out Wednesday morning. John Scrivner and wife of Idea trans acted business in Condon this week. The people of Wheeler coontr are evi dently satisfied with prohibition as they again voted the county dry at the last election. , Wm. Brown of Ferry Canyon was In town last Friday. Last Monday night Mike Fitzgerald of Mitchel lost 500 head of sheep on the bedding grounds near town atter coming out of the dipping vats. The sheep had just been shorn and were in very poor 'condition,' together with the dipping and cold rainy night was responsible for the loss. The sheep had been sold to Saunders ot Salt Lake and driven here where they were to be received by the buyer and shipped to Utah. - Mr. Fitz gerald had to stand the loss, however, as the sheep bad not been counted out. 8haniko Republican. Monday, June 11th, at 8 p. m. in the Congregational Chnrcb, the Bridges Concert Co. will give their closing con cert. They will be assisted by the chorus of about 40 voices that have been under their inetrnction for the past week. The program will consist of quartettes and duetts and readings of good character that will please all. Several very hnmerona numbers will also be given. Admission, adults 50c children under 12 yrs. 25c. MJSW&M ITEM. Bran 117.00 V ton. Shorts $18.00 ) ton. Mill Feed $17.50 ton la lota of ton or more. Term cash. Free deliv ery in town. Uiluan Co. Muxixo Co. The Orange plenie will be held at Fro man's Gro in Ferry Canyon (Saturday. Go to Dod son's for Ladies' Shoe. The first wool sale day for Condon' w he JdD 23. Fish every Friday at the Palace Hotel, Mr. Beck and children who have been visiting at the home of J. H. Hugh for the past few week depart ed Thursday morning tor their home near Spokane. See Eherie, about that new spring salt. The Bri!ge Concert Co. will give a concert at the First Congregational Church Monday evening. Admission adults, 50r, children 25. Best meals in the city at the Palace hotel. The Home Bakery make fresh taffy and home-made candies every day. Have yon (tied them. Finest quality of groreriee, cheap lor cash at Waseon's cash Grocerv. W have Just recejved a carload of wire and nail. Call and get price. ; Dana Broe. i i Have yon tried those fine turkey din- ner at the Summit hotel, we have them every Sunday Tak your abstracting to M. D. Car- i ter's office, one door north of poetofOre 1 building. Work guaranteed. tf '. Wet feet enda with a cold or sore throat. Save this by having. O. W. Propst put on a good h for yn. The Palace hotel furnishes flrst-class hoard and moms to their patrons at reasonable rates. Try them a week. We are offering the public a 147' grain drill for 90 and a 147 hoe (trill for $80. This offer I to hold good while the supply lasts W. L. Barker A Co. J. J. Portwood LIVERY ' and FEED STABLE North Main Street Moore & Golden, GASH GROCERS. Our stock it now arriving and is fresh, clean and up-to-date. CROCERIES : FRUIT : VEGETABLES All fresh and good to eat Call and get our rlc. Homt Fhont Ho, 12 MAIN STREET, C0N00N. OREGON: WILLIAM DUNLAP BlackamtthlnR and General Repair Work All Work Guaranteed. After April tat at NEW LOCATION, NORTH MAIN STREET REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR 'jiew York Pree. i It is had policy to prove a man wrong in an argument when yon know he ha some other ay of getting even. Ton don't have in wear good clothe ; it yon can afford to. j A girl nver (ikes yon t kiss her on- less she savs she doesn't. There would be a lot more fnn Inrelig-' ion if people tried to discourage you . from it. i A woman talks the kind of talk she does to a hahy o the hahy won't be sorry he can't talk it bark. , I Generally when a man is a great "help around the bona lie in't veiy mnnti at supporting the family ont'iile. There will he money enough In the world for everybody when it is no nse to anoyne. On a nice spring day it seems like be ing sentenced to haid labor even to have to yawn. A nii-e thing ahont having a large family is yon can't afford to have any other had habits. A girl is pretty sure you want to mar ry her when yon tell her she has hair like some famous actree. Small bora wouldn't mind having ears if there were no mothers to wash them. It's advice when yon give it and lect uring when you get it. A man is nearly always ashamed to admit he was never wild. Some boys who go to college don't ev en learn to play base hall. It's funny now artistic people think long hair will make np for brains. A widower think he might do better neit time and a widow tlmt she could nut do wori-e. The early bird rises so soon so thnt the youngsters can lie abed while the worm is being caught. Some women seem to think that on a rainy day a pair of becoming stockings is of more ne than an innrerella. The Condon Club Saloon B. CARRINGTON, Proprietor The I-1 nest Saloon In Condon We handle only the BEST GOODS that MONEY can buy The following it a list of our leading brand WHISKIES Janus I. Pepper In Bond Whit Corn Ysllowston, bodied in Bond Canadian ('tab In Bond Old Orsnd-dad Moaongaiwla Whit Kre Pony Okt Crow ft-OTvH NOKWKGIAN R Hand Old Kentucky Rum Club Parker's Kye Monarch IKIHI1 Shaw's Whit Halt Hork and Rr MrHraref In Road im K obi kotow Imperial Halnter Hurbuo Mwuoll SWF nihil Canadian tthlts Mall ralllnavr XXX BRANDIES Peach Appl Orap Hennessey t star Kvpauld Cutnaetslar Ktarlat Dnpontl liar GINS Old Turn Ola Pin Old Dry Ota Kl part (iln Ry Mall Ola RUMS Pin Old Janaea Ham Ram and Onm Ria-k Candy and Ram All kinds of Cocktails, Cordials, Bitter and Punches. We handle the FA MOl'S IMPORTED GERMAN BITTERS, "LIT THAUER'; leading brands nf choice Havana . Cigars; Fine California Wines; Olytrpia Beer, on draft and bottled. We respectfully solicit the forming trade in pint, quart or gallon i lots, either in ble'ided or Straight Bonded Kentucky Whiekiea. MAIL ORDERS Receive Prompt Attention. IRRIGATION FAIRBANKS-MORSE GASOLINE ENGINES Spraying. Pumping. Sawing, Etc. One drop of Gasoline with nine times more air makes the power. Expense ceanea when engine stops 2 borne power and up. Write for catalogue and prices Yours truly FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Portland. Condon Mllllneru Parlor. Complete and up-to-date Line of Spring and Summer Millinery Bowerman Bld'ng. Summit Street. WALL PAPER PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH Largest and beet select ed etock in the County. Estimates furnished on jobs as to material and labor. W. A. DARLING. MT. HOOD B E E R B...55 LEADS ALL OTHERS ?i its M. H. ABBEY & CO. Distributers Sherman fluff Breeder of . a. O. Drown kaahorna. Barred Rook and M. B. Turkey. took and Eaa lor Sale. I , I.KOHOK.NM Males Females We nd I 1.0 : Kmc, per sMIpc nt Ift HaKKKD kcm-kh Males I.'.UD Females .. 7S I 1.(10 Ernn. per silting n( 16 2.00 M. H. TCRKKVH Mule. $4.M to ... p.i Females 18 to... I 4.M KlCK. per ittlllX ol I 8 00 Sherman Huff , OROY.OREOON The Globe $1.60 a year. JERICO U n W - ..-.saaii!.,,iiMf 3 I -.a SR.)". I iiiiilailiilttltot'ifrtfWffTlmfr5 The celebrated jack. JERICO. will make the season at the old Downing filace, one mile north of Cnndnn. at $1S nsurance. Thla jni'k stands hands high, weighs 1100 Has stood two years In Wasco and Sherman conn ties. Will have moles on the ranch to show lor themselves. At the old Down ing place alter March 15th. J. W. BOOTH WASCO. OREGON. THIS Space Belongs TO H. V. PAULING Letter Heads, Bill Heads. Cards. Envelopes, Legal blanks And all Kinds of Job Printing at the GLOBE OFFICE Notice of Sal of Bond. Nnllo I hareb glrun thatth Cltrol Condon, Oregon, rvreive proposals or th purchase ol 8vnten Thnnsand Dollars (f 17.000 CO) par vain In amount ol negotiable euopon bonds ol said City ; Haid bonds are of the denomination n 600 00 rarli bearing interest at the rata nl 0 pvr cent, par annum, payable semi annually, on lb 1st day of August and the 1st day of February of each year. Ha id bonds are dated 1st of Angnst 1906, and th principle thereof is payable ab solutely on the 1st day ol August 1S26; ptim ipal and Interest payable In U, 8. Hold Coin at the banking house of KounU Bros , New York, N. Y. Healed proposal must be addressed to the Re corder of tlit- City of Condon, tilllisro Connty, Oregon. Rid will be teoelrsd np In the hour of 8 :00 p, in. the 2nd dav ol July 1006, and villi b 0enel by the Hetnider of said City, at hi nISce in I'nndnn, Oregon, at the honr of 8:80 p. in. of aald day. Haid bond will be sold to the highest Udder, but not for lass than tiieir face value. The Common Council reserres the right to reject' any ami all bids. ' C. li. Ilosnsa, Recorder. . Treasurer's Notice. All county warrant registered prior Feb. 1, 1906, will lie paid upon pre sentation at my office. Interest eeasei My 5, 1906. K W. Mooki, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon. e. o. mtiF.t-u PHOTOCRAPKER ..Copying, Enlarging nd Viewing v Portralturs ppevfalty. All work ' -. . OussautMd. i . " WKUT HJI)K N. JAlh 8T CONOON. OEEO ft Miss Greiner's Mllllneru Parlor A new line of ladles' dress hats. Uage sailor Just received Also Misses and hat. Infant! bonnets, etc. fss Qattyeriije Greiijer