TlT fsmtaa raalsa. Nobody til mors di'slrous of ssylrif plfBMiint tilings tliuu Mr Appleby, ami lis iii-ror rxullMHt what n uik-omiiII-Oieiitnry vision of tln.iiilvi dfr II tmiers soim-tlmm utitaluvd ttiruugli Imt ttii-y. Mr. Appleby often rrnllr.pd It, how hit Htit good dint of time iiili'iirorliig to miootli truublud waters lu tlio lii'lulilxirlimxl, "I didn't get lu tlio fuiH-ritl over it Mssliby, nfliT sll," tnUl the iphhI wo mail, una night nt tlx suppvr' tithl. "I f"H of dlsapiialiited wlipn I found tli l.nrnU'c earrings ws nil fuil-tlirwt tin I he tint's tvat, itul uo fr mi ritra one. "Tlimi I IxMliuiiKlit uie of iour Ann WHInnl tlmt livi-a down tbnt licit trti't to Hid l.iirrnliccs. Hlii's nmt, you know, mid pretty dwf, but I renin rltf lit Into uor tar, so sli can always hear me. "1 went right down tlirr mid found lier alone, as imiiiil, nml I suld to br, Anno, I Fniildii't get over to Mtishhy to funernl. so I ilhl the next bent thing, mid emus to see you.' , "You'd never hnve susiwrted from lier fmtt bow grntirViI nli was. Blie Inn these long fiMiiurin, mid they seemed to bo drnwed out soletuner limn usuul, but of entire I knew she was linwl, miybfHly Hint set few (ho does, llvliitf out of the way and hived up In that little liuuse." tlrra4 lb Limit. "I don't uilud folk borrowing," tnld Miss Hodges, iluluilvt'ly, to an old friend who wan paying lief visit, "but l've gut nn awful trying woman for a iK'liiblMir Just now. Hbe borrowi uch queer things Via wont out o' pa tleiien with lnr." "Mipiim nml brooms nnd the flour If (it and Ironing hoard, I ikm," auld the gtnt. who bud knowu llfo In a country town. "Merry me, 1 don't count sueu things!" snld MImi Dodges. "Nor my best uiiiliri'llu imr my eiirvlng knife. I run uuike shift to get on without 'em for a while nny time. Hut when hc ruine over to borrow my dlury tho other day, ' she eoiild keep accouiit of the weiithcr and Imt hen' eggs nnd no on till her liiiHliniid ciiino back from ('nil' fornln, she having given blm bera to put down bin expense and sights In, ao' alio could copy her record In from my book In the right place I dii-lurt I cnllvd It tho cap Hhcnf S" Vrptm' CuraiiPt, An elwtrlc reslstnnee furnnco waa UM'd by I'tpys lu 1M15 for the cementa tion if Iron. 1 In took a piece of puro, (oft Iron nnd rut a Kilt along It length. The silt wan tilled with dliiniond dust, which w.ia prevented from fulling out by tine Iron wire. The portion of the wire containing the dust wni wrapped In nilra. The wire thus charged win tiented quickly to redness by the cur rent from a battery. On opening the wire IVpys found that tbe diamond duxt bad dlxapienred and that n round whero It bad been the wire bnd been converted to stoel. London Engineer. YERKEI TORY WITH MORAL. Haw Traalloa Hujmi Auwml "Da Rlebe Brlasj llaaplaasst" Mr, Terkea wss once answering tbe question which everybody naturally put to blm, ."I)o rlrhea mean bnpplnMsT" "There were two men In riilladel- phla, Uovenmr Hchiilts he waa called gxivornor," mid Mr. Yerkea with a ghont of aiulle, "liernuDe be once wanted to be candidate for the nom ination to tbe governonhlp" a delight ful and chnracterlxtlc bit of humor per hapa only Intelligible to thoae who know America and Americana and their crate for giving and perjH-tuatlng title "and another man called Alec Ueriaon waa bla oinxineiit Now, (Jovenmr Kchulti waa Jnxt one of thoae happy- go-lucky fvllowe wboin everybody loved. but who never bad dollar to bit name, while Itenaon waa one of those near men that Juxt thought of nothing but accumulating money. He went back to bla oltlce after bla aupper, which be took at 6 o'clock, and worked there till midnight, and be waa there again next morning and. In abort, be thought of nothing but money, money, money all the tluie. "Well, Bchulu got a little queer be fore he died and one night an old friend of bla went to vlxlt blm. He lived In a amall. unostentatious la dced, rather poor house, but be turn ed to bla friend and aald : 'Do you aee that wall paerr It waa a very com mon and cheap pmt. 'Io yon know that It I pure goldr The friend ap proved tbat It was pure gold. Do yon are that counterpaner It waa some poor, common atuff Juxt an ordinary counterpane. That la cloth of gold. The friend agreed tbat It waa cloth of gold. 'And Junt bxik at thla little slipper, and then be ahowed bis friend ait ordinary, down-at-beel slipper. 'Feel bow heavy It Is It la pure gold, ten ounce to the Inch.' And poor Governor I Kchulti died In tbe conviction tbat be wa surrounded by and lived in ball of gold. "And three day after Alec Itenaon died and left millions. Hut for week before bis death be waa crying all day and all nlgbt because he thought be had lost all bl money and waa going to die of hunger. Now, there were the dcutlia of pauper and a millionaire, and they aujijily," concluded Mr. Yerkcs, "tlie answer to your question a to whether rlclte mean happiness. M. A. P. Its Thrilling Effect. Tho great organ pealed forth. The lender of tho choir waved his baton with irritt energy, his head and bla whole body axxixllnit in keeping time and giving expresxlon to the noble anthem. And tho choir sang, In full chorus: "Aw maw O n-nw maw raw yaw jaw; Woe yo haw ho raw law aw wsw. Law Jaw O bnw maw raw. Yo haw hee aw haw jaw O baw Woe haw dnw maw aw daw raw aw, ltnw wsw ahaw law O maw!" The congregation had some difficulty In auderxtimdini; the words, but the music was grand, nnd it sounded like worship. Chicago Tribune. Tnklngr N ( ounces. The visitor liiul nuked permission to Sn iped the extensive works. "Certainly," snld the superintendent. "Yon won't mind being searched before rou begin, I presume? It's merely a for mnlltr." "Whit di yon wnnt to aenrch mo for? Do you think I have bombs concealed about inc'f" "Worse that. Yon might have a tote bank and pencil, jou know." Chi cago Tribune. E'lTA rertniHiently Cured. KofllnornenrowsnefiS 1 1 tf srXcrllrNtituv'uliM-til'llr.Klliie'iiOrcRI .Nprvs ISNlnitT. Henri fur l-'ret-aclltinlhn'tlf-iOHllri'Sllfm. ir. It. II. Kline, U J , Wl A r.ti BU, 1-Ullllllt'li!llm I's. Asxlatlntt C'onver.ndon. "Yes," resun rked tlio professor, "I rather prldo myself on tlio discovery of nnntlicr liypotlicsM." "Indeed," replied Mrs. Cutnros, n lit tle doubt fully. "I Iwd mi blen they were quite extinct." Wiixlilngtnn Star. A (H'AltAXTKKII Ci:ltK Foil IMI.KH. Melons, III ml, icih ilinir. I'm riHi.ns I'llm. lirn. lHtn sm niitltfirlsed In re.U'Ul iimmht 'f t'AZO IMMMK.VI Is In luvuni lu b lu H iluju. Wa. Woman's Way. B11C We never beur of nny women after-dinner aiienkcrs. He No, women can't wntt until af ter dinner. They tell everything they know before dinner. Yonkers States man. Motherawill find Mr". Wtmlow's Soothing Fyrup the bHt remedy touio lor their chlldrsn during tho toothing rlod. Conjectnrnl. "The Judge let you off on account of four youth nnd because It wa your first sffense, hey? Told you to go and sin no uore, did he?" "I reckon so. Wben I heard him soy feo,' I didn't wait to hear any mors." Nearly a Double I.tfe. Mo Rose Ho died at the advanced age of 110 years. Jo Case Humph! lie almost led double life, didn't be? Judge. s 71 fTP 'W 41 is I ifS i WhatJoyTheyBbim To Every Home as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and playwhen in health and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor . life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained, by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem edy and hence we are free, to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the 'front of every package and that it is for sale in bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial iui uic yaieius anu uie umuien, wnenever a laxauve remedy is requireu. CA8K8 DRIFT ACROSS POLE. rrovlnar One Mora tkat Arctic Cnrrent Flaws Ovm North Pale, Two of tbe drift caska which wer set loose In Itcbrlng Sea at tbe Insti gation of 'resident Henry O. Itryant of tbe Geographical Society of rbllndol plila and of Admiral Ueorgo W. Mel ville some year ago have been recov ered. One of them was found on tbe coast of Iceland, 2,300 miles from tbo point where It was cast overboard on tbo Alaskan coast la Its tortuous course It probably traveled 4,000 mile. Its drift across the Arctic Ocean proves once more the existence of an arctic current flowing from Bearing Sea across tbe north polo region. Fifty ipludle-shnped casks were con structed from designs submitted by Ad miral Melville and were sent north on United States revenue cutter and whnl (ng ships to Ilchrlng Strait and there dropped overboard In 18ft), 1000 and 1U01. Knob, cask was numbered and con tained a message In four languages re questing the tinder to notify tbe Geo graphical Society of Philadelphia if tbe cask turned up. An cxnmlnntlou of tbo first record show that It was cast adrift by Cup tiitn F. Tuttle of the United States rev enue cutter Hear on Aug. 21, 11)01, about eighty-five miles northwest of Wrangcl Island and recovered by Oa, tain A. 0. CbrUtlanson on Aug. 17, 11K12, near the mouth of Koylucblng Hny, on tho Siberian const It is evi dent that this particular cask did not get a good start, and ji the one year less four days of Its drift the course It followed of 3K0 miles to tbe south east was probably Influenced by local currents which exist near Bcbrlng Strait 3"lio other representative of this si lent tleot which has been traversing the : dcsolnto wastes of tho arctic seas bad n longer voyuge and doubtless a more eventful history. Flnced on the flow , Ice northwest of Polut Bnrrow, Alas-' ka, In latitude 71 degrees DO minutes north and longitude 164 degrees BO min utes west, by Captain N. T. Tllton of tho steam whaler Alexander on Sept. 13, 189!), It was recovered one mile cast of Cnpe Ilauda Nupr, on the northern const of Island, on June 7, 1905. More of the casks have come through, but bave not been found, while others no doubt have been found but not re ported. There Is no telling bow long the ensk found on Iceland drifted about In open water before It was cast ashore. National Geographic Magazine. As to Eaek.Me.aa. "Why, Knchmann is over feet hlgl and broad In proportion! Didn't I un derstand you to say ha was a little fel low?" "If you did yon misunderstood me. I said b wa a (mall politician." Vo Caa Oct Allen' Foot-East FREE. Writs Allen 8. Olmitrd, U Poy.N. T., lor a trs si le ol Allen 's Fnot-KaM. It cures sweating, hot swollen , schin left. It make aw or tlsht shora tsar. A certain cure (or corns. InsrowtnsDSltt and bunions. Alldrnr fliuaeUlU ibe. Uon'taooepiany substitute, With the Carrcat. "As to municipal ownership, for In tance," said the doctor, "what do you conceive to be the drift of public opin ion " "The drift of public opinion," Inter rupted tba professor, "is tbe floating vote." ' TO OT RR A COI.D IN OSR DAY TskeLAXATIVK HHOMoqiilnlneiTslilsts. Ttmr- Clsta rftiittl money If It ful to cum. . w. AOVli.'b stffimturv In on cscli bus. ttc. Illtssful Israoraaec. "This Imported painting is not genu ine," said the artist "Now here's a hundred If you forget It" ald the rich man wbo wouldn't know a Michael Angelo from a soap lithograph. "So long ns people think It Is I'm satisfied." Indianapolis Star. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this psiier will be pleased to learn that there is si leant one dreaded dlfieasc thai science has been able to cure in all Iti iSKei, and that la Catarrh, llall'a Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to the metllcal Iraterulty. catarrh being aeonatitu ttonal dlHeaae, require!) a constitutional treat ment. llall'aCaiarrh Curelatasen Internally, aetlns dlrectlv uion the blood and mucous surfaces ol the system, thereby destroying the lounuation oi me oiaease, ana giving mo pa tient atretiirth hv bntliliiis ud the constitution and assisting nature In di-lug Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In lta curative powers that they otter Una Hundred Dollars (or any case that It lalla to cure. Bend lor list 01 testimonials. , , Address. K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bom dt aruggisis, 7oe. Uall'a Family Tills are the best. According to a recent report from To klo, there are 1.7SI1 wholesnle and 2Jo, 414 retail tobacco dealers In Japan. Bt'K'lllN. HOW A HI) K.,-Atiyer sua Chemist lmlvllle, Colonuto, hpeelnum nrtetv: Uolil, Silver, l,.d, l ; (iolil, Oliver, 7Ik ; Uiiltt, SOe ; Zinc or Cooper, 91. 1'ynnUle teHta. Mulling envelopes And llill price list sent on appllentlon. control and Um pire work solicited, ltelerencet Carbonate Na tional Hank. WET WEATHER COMFORT "I kavt used your FISH BRAND . tliokar (or five years and oan truth fully aay that I never Save kad anything give m to much com fort and satisfaction. Enclosed find my order for another on." (SUn AND ADOMSS OS WnjOATKM) You oan del j the hardest storm with Tomr's Waterproof Oiled Clothing end Nats. fflghrst Award World's Fair. 1904. OUR GUARANTEE IS BACK OF THIS ION OF THE FISH A.J. TO WER COs tfyWERj Autos. U. 8. A. IAfvv-i HWfff CANADIAN CO. Jay3S Can You Buy Bemis Bags ' In Your Town? If not, let ns know and wa will sea that yon can. We are manufacturers and Importers of WOOL BAGS Wheat Bags Oat Bags Barley Bags Flour Bags Ore Sacks Hop Cloth and Burlap of All Kinds Bags of Burlap and Cotton Manufactured by Us BEMIS BRO. BAG CO. 1508-1514 Colorado St. SEATTLE, WASH. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING I Send Your Eastern Friends a copy of our handsomely illustrated 88-pge book, "Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Their Resources," which tells all about this section of the Union, where there are more openings in every line of industry than anywhere else in the United States. Four cents in postage. A. L CRAIG General Passenger Agt s The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company J PORTLAND, OREGON t Write for it today. . L. Douglas 3J?&$3SHOES2S, W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Lino cannot do equalled atany price. Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses In Portland of Repre : tentative Business Firms. tnitr '! ir iirlrai. Woifliinl, 1'lnrk JE Cu. MA;H IAN'IKKNs WVi-ifrr .. l'ertiaad. litiiviMt f era in Irftutrrm iml KIsAHTlC HO'IKIlY;Suppr:ent. Rrncw: Knit to u ; trt uiriiiturviuviii bUnks; W'uuOuriJ, Clurtit HOHHKS of nil V tn for sn nt very pr.cttt. iniiuln '.; rot it tSt. TItUrtSKH iont o, nrprnvti': 'ftntM fit In most tlnllvultcaavs; VooOrU, Ourtce t Co, AKTIKJCtAI, KYKS; ryiry nhfttlf ntd shajv: aa ftortiutMiL vent uu p).roval; uuUarU, Clr i CKKAM HK1 A K A TO It S We fnartvitw 1h U. . M irior lo l ttn' btMt. Write lur trv cujj. UkfiwKsU Com tflU and Ohk. JfKNBCIsOT!llNl Fuffnm A reiiOlon. nn) aKvntS Alirvti Unjnnim A Cc's wrrt cloth. KvfrytltiiiR iu niiu' iurnlKhtiiKH. Muriiawn and Hi tit aiiwia. UptMstttv pttsUaittciB. tkiEK LAMl IN OHKUOX under Hi Carey Irrt- faiion act. lHd d rwt lrm stats WrtteUKltvy. iuitflei and mail tree. ii. e. Cuuka J Co., Aider aireet, 1 urtlai.d. Oret;orw roUIiTHY rOtl IT you want your hen to lay more egps write us lor tVee irtlcuUr.t hIhvui PC It. NA l'Ot I.IUV iKKUAciiiw sMliia Cb, 1 ornands urtmm. TAUAU I'oMimliia Woolen Mills Co., Torttand. Ore. I At est style eiotht-B made to meanurecheap, uur mlt Mieaiin rente ut syaten. insure iwtrLec. flu Write for iVtn) auntties and prices. I IANOH A OKOANH Oldest piano house on Pa cific coast. OrgaiiH and lManott ou tmey tw iiiviiUt, Write lor lint. Let us quote you a price. Atieu & Ullbert-Kamaker Co., Puriland, Oregon. Human H air Goortn Switches, rompadours. Men's Toupees and Wttfs; best quality; loweai prices; send for ire price Tst; mall orders a specialty. J'aris Uau btore, VJ6 WaaL.iiif.ioo 6k hl 1. 11V ter I JULY ft is'6 Capital Hsoom W., t. DOUGLAS MA KES SELLS MORS MEM'S S3.SOSHOES THAN AHY OTHER MANUFACTURER Lit THE WORLD. tl fl flfin BWSRD te ny" QIU,UUU duprevs this slalsmsnt. Ml could take you Into siv three large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you the Infinite care with which every pair of shoes Is made, you would reside why W. U Douglas $J 50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold their shape, tit better, wear longer, and are of greater intrinsic value than any other $3.50 ."hoe. W.JL. Dutrl aa Strong Muds Shorm for fas, St.SU, 92.00. Bay' School -&0, S2.S1.7S.S1.BO , CAUTION. Insist upon having WJiDoug. las shes. Take no substitute. None genuius without his name and price stamped on bottom, fast Color Cutlett umI ; will mot wear brasau. Write (or Ulustrntnl Catalog. W. 1m UOUOLAS. lirocktoa, Mass. P. N. U. No. 16-06 w BEN wrltlna; to adTertlsers pleswi I neouoD suia paper i