cqnd&n GL QBE. .aawtujj.)i.Ju-.j,jai,.,JuiiiuujiJi. vor xvi. CONDON. OH ICO ON, FRIDAY. MARCH 23. 1000. NO.l. -.i-,J-.,.',J,.J..J..,..)..i-.!.lll, .1 AO-j-H., U-..J.IUH. LOOM. AND PERSONAL. Dan Thomas in an Arlington visitor Ksturdsy. W. A. Campbell was n Arlington vis itor Saturday, I low, Bakes, Shovels. Hunt, The ' Hardware Man. Tom Cordell was a passenger for Euhu Monday morning. Kdttar Moor wm a business visitor at Tli Dalles Monday, Uranlteware, cheaper than ever. Hunt, Tl. Hardware Man. Pishing' Tacklegood and clit-n. Hunt. Th Hardware Man, Tom Johnson was a passenger for I'endlelon Tuesday morning. Senator Howerman was a business visitor at The UHes U.t wek. Mia Mai! Shipley of joto IWk It visiting Mr. Herren Ihla week, J. T. Kirk ami J. 3. Hover of Heppner were In town thU w-k on business. Nickle plated copper Tea I'oU and Cof fee I'ois, Until, The Hardware Man. Dnkk Bros, of Meyville shipped a car load of hog la Portland Saturday. ' Mr. E. T. Clone left Monday morn Ing for a few days' visit at North Yak ima. . L Croat, the popular landlord of the Ktiinmit Hotel, It on the tick li.i tint week. Dr. Wood reporte Ida arrival of a fine bahv hov at Hie home o Mr. aud Mm. O. W. J,fit, Kred Monroe, I he oanerof the (irsnd Hotel at Arlington, returned home Fri day morning. J Lei who vUitd for several dave in Condon returned toOlex Hatur day morning. ti. K. Ohafeldt returned Thnrsda evening from day' visit l Port land and Wasco, AO Aimten, hIio hat liet-n veiling Ida parents at tint place, returned to I'oulaod Friday. K. J. Whitman left for Fmi Tn"a day morning to bring lit biiyr for Uil liam county Sand. Win. SlilUell who reside rifu-rii mile west of toan, wan in the Wty Monday on huiiieM, Ed Cornell relumed from White 8'ilmon Friday evening to l reent at bl father' funeral. II. W, Cnoley, manager of the Con tlon I,umlr Co., was a business visitor t Arlington Friday. Mra. Law ton, mother of Claud Law eon of this city, returned to The Dalles Wednesday morning. The home of W. L. Harp wan made happy hy the arrival of a fine baby girl Wednesday morning. Mrt. W. L. Hark.r retumeil from I'ortland Fridav evening to be present t the funeral of her (other. James Hanley departed for Portland Tuesday mominit to lay in a stock of goo.lt for 8 B. Marker A Co. Memorial services were held at the Kaptiat church lai-t Bundsy afternoon, (or the late Susan B. Anthony. N. A. Leach, traveling reDreaetitntive of the Kerr Giflord Warehouse company, wat in the city this week on business. T.J. Irwin who a In Condon on Imminent Monday ami Tuesday returned to hit home In Linn county Wednesday. Chat. Brown ami family, who have been visiting at their rnncli for the last week or to, returned Thursday after noon. Ray Stell of Portland has accepted ft poaition at hook keeper with the Arlington Lumber Company at thin place. Editor Cnrren returned from Portland Tuesday evening. Mr. Cnrren hat pur chased a new press and will enlarge hit paper. Gilliam Co, Millintt Co. has turned out a small quantity of Sean hlitrl t flour. Now on sale hy Condon grocers, I $4.50, lest the usual discount for cash. Hon. Frank Cornett, representative in the lower lions of the stt.e legislature from Linn county, arrived in Condon Friday to be present at the funeral of hit father, Win. Cornett. 8. A. PattiBon returned from Boise City. Idaho, Monday evening. Mr. Pat tison states that he has a proposition in southern Oregon that looks pretty good and will doubtless accept It. E.J, Whitman of Heattle and W. 8. Myert of tlilt city have formed co partnership and will ftngaga In the real ettat business In Condon. In securing purchasers for land which Is placed In their bandt, they will not confine them selves to Uilllam county, but will en deavor to bring purchasers from other parts f Oregon and from the eastern states. They will send out ft great deal of reading matter, netting forth the advantages of Condon and Uilllam County and will doubtless be instru mental in bringing In many boms-seek-era. Their ad. appears in this Issue of the (JIoIm. The woolgrowers of Gilliam county met at 1 u'tdock Haturday and perfected temHirary organisation. Frank Pliier was elected temporary chairman, W. N. Pattullo, aevreiary, 9. H. Darker, M. Frlsxell, J. Mahom-y, Frank Pliier and J. llardman were made members of the esecutiv committee. The nest meet ing is called for the 6th day of May, At this meftnig the by-laws will be snb milti for ratification, and officers will be elected for the coming year, Jowrph Wbyte of Malney Flats bat announced that he will be a candidal for the republic! nomination (or coun ty jmlue. Mr. Whyle is a veteran of the civil war ami is a man posesed of much kuoledt( and aMIity. During his twentv-four years residence In Gilliam County he has made many friends who believe that he Is exceptionally wellqual itled to Mil the otlice. In this Unue nf the Globe Geo. Herry announces hi catulidacy for the demo cratic monimtinin for county treasurer. Mr. Kerry is a graduate nt the Holmes Hum ne. College of Portland, aud has Iwen a resilient of Gilliam county for the last four years. He has many (neiid in the cmotv aud will (n all probability receive the nnmiimtion. On nesi Tueltiy night a play entitled "Kcene Ir.oo rUiibit on Life" will lie prevented at the Armory Hall. The prcaeutaiion will lie made by an all home talent company, composed o nfieeit iiiiple The water-melon scene and the i-nou mug are said to he great. If yon wish to see imethiiig good don't Iml to lie present net t Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mr. Thielseu, of Arlington, i were over Hominy visitors at the home d II. W. Pauling of this city. John Deere Buggies, cheap, awful j cheap. Hunt. The Hardware Man. J A 10c counter covered with bargains. Hunt, The Hardware Man. A. W. Armstrong an old time resident of Gilliam county Is in town this week on business, Mr. Armstrong Is now resident of Klickitat county, Washing ton, Miss Chase, talented yonng woman from New Hampshire, spoke at the Congregational church last Saturday evening upon the subject of woman's suffrage. Poultry Netting cheap. Hunt, The Hardware Man. T. V. Phillips, of Croy, sostalned ser ious injuries as a result ol ft runaway accident last Thursday. He was brought to Condon and upon examination ty Dr. Wood It waa found that his leg was broken. The doctor reduced the fracture and the patient ia reported as getting along nicely. Bar lied Wire cheap. Hunt, The Hardware Man. fined (260. Upon the complaint of the elty mar shal Frankie Thorn was arrested and tried last Friday upon charge of keep ing and maintaining a house of ill fame within the corporate limits of the city ol Condon. The cause was tried In the city recordei's court. IX H. Parker, the city attorney, apeared in the interest of the prosecution. The defendant was not represented tiy an attorney. The tury was out atHint niteen minutes ami liriioght in a terdirt of guilty. Judge Horner fined her $250 with the a Items live of going to jail. The defendant gave oral notice that the case would be appealed and bonds wete given fr her appearance at the next term of the cir cult court. William Cornett. We are called njion this week to chronicle the death of one of the .oldest pioneers of Gilliam conntv, Wm. Cor nett was born In Jack'on county. Mis sonrl, October 20ih. 1821. He came to Oregon in 1853 ami settled in Polk county. In the year 1830 he came t Eastern Oregon and has resided in Gilliam county since that time. He was married fiftv-two vears ago and leaves family U V boys and two girls. He bad for a good many years REAL ESTATE LOAN AND INSURANCE OFFICE OF EARLE M. BEVIS $100,000 TO LOAN tin imcd Hwl Ratste mi'iirltv tx'fora MAftCH tat. ... Amninl tntvrvst WHEAT AND STOCK RANCHES FOR SALE. Iiittiranca In tlitt utiuiilitrd companies EARLE M. BEVIS Darker Block Contlun, Oregon PRE-SCRIP-TI0NS Filled at all i 0 U 1 S You are Invited to make our store your headquarters. Yours Truly, CONDON DRUG CO. Your neighbor likes OLYMPIC FLOUR You will, too. THINK THIS OVER And (!it(le where It will pay you to buy Jewelry. Twenty-three dlnmontl. nihy Jeweleil," Vnnmniril movement, in koUI filled cave, wnmtnted lor twenty years, Irom $3B TO $4-0 Seven Jewel, New York Stand ard movement, In nlekel screw ctue, from $3.00 TO $B Nf :t These prices are not special biiniHina but are regular atnnd ard pitce. All other gools in proportion. Investigate b(ore you bay. Compare quality and prices and buy where you can save money, and I sm sure hall receive the lion's chare ol your patronsge as I have in the past. Everything is on the square nt WILLIAMS E JEWELER been a member of the Christian ehorch, and was loved, admired and highly respected by all who knew him. He was eighty-four years of age at the time of bis death. The end came Friday morning and the body was laid to Its last resting place at 2 p. ro. Katnrday. Rev. Riggs of the Congregational church bad charge of the services, s ass s Urnpqua Vatleu Opinion. The best way to ascertain man's real worth and standing is to go to bis borne neighborhood, where bis dallv walk and conversation are an open book. Bach test will disclose only good for John II. Aitkin's cause, tor bis friends and neighbors are jomplng at the chance nf saying good things about blm as ft cltisen and also regarding his standing as a enccessfnl business uisn. There can be no question bnt what he is man well worthy of the confidence and respect of the people of Oregon, and be is going to make a mighty fine offi cial, one who will reflect mnch credit npon this great commonwealth. Ump que Valley News. Death of Jean Labous. At 2 o.clork last Tuesday afternoon Occurred the death of Jean Lfthoas, on of Condon's most prominent and highly respected cltisens. The deceased came to Uilllam county in the spring of 79 and settled in Ferry canyon. He re sided there nntil abont eight years ago, when he sold his ranch and moved to Condon, where he made his borne nntil the time of his death. He was a French man by birth ami wonld have been 74 years of age the 22' I. dav of March. The deceased had been afflicted with chronic gantritis for a namtier oi vesrs and his death was dne to the serious complica tions of this disease. He leaves ft broth er, two sister and boat of friends to mourn his lose. lie was buried with Masonic honors at 2 p. m. Thursday. I YOUR STEAM ROLL BARLEY AND WHEAT MILL FEED, ROLLED BARLEY, ROLLED WHEAT, OLYMPIC FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND CILLIAU CO. MILLING CO. C0I1D01I THEQTIATJTY STORK We carry complete stock of General Merchandise Agents for Studebaker Wagons, Hacks and Buggies, Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows and Cultivators Superior Drills, Garland Stoves and Ranges. With Wasson's Cash Grocery N. MAIN STREET The Celebrated WHITE RIVER FLOUR that captured the gold is .. . . i nt i medal over an competitors at me tiewis k i;iarK r air. Phonograph Proposition The Phonograph proposition ia withdrawn after this dats. We will soon submit another proposition for your approval. Phonograph records in stock at following prices: 7 INCH, 35c 10 " 60c LORD -& CO ARLINGTON, OREGON iff i n U;