CONDOI QBE VOL. XV. CONDON. OUKGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1900. NO. 49. GL LOOfU mo PER&ONAL. Mr-ratt-Mamr, The Glnl 1.50 a fr. Geo, 1'ariiian returned to Arlington TtiMilay. Chas. Irwia, second millr for the now mill arrival Wttilnaailay. Jim UiHikw unit K. Antotrong rtnrrict (mm HmI Itlv'-r Friday. 1'rof, Mnlltny wa a paaarngMr for K'M'k Crock Ttismlay nitirniii. W, M, Trior was a aaiiKnr fur Wa-tut'iia, Wanliltitftou, on Friday. Dunn Brim, have rrwlvfd a goodly iiirtlon of thttir nnw spring gixxW, Mr. mnl Mri. V. M. Iltirnlnon ol Ajai worn In tn lor a frw .ilny till wei-k. Mi lllmirlm Marton ami Mint limine ikmii vnttrM MHiifori (or Mikkolu Fri day. Jnlin llarrliKin hut taught out tin In Iflr.l of V. C. Kil'tutl III the Clilldi.H Mpai Co. , JinlifB Imin arrived from Portland Friday. Mi. Dunn will irtiirn in a fo days. H. W, Crann who ha lf n In C-mdon r tlm Ht wink, left for I'urtland Tuesday Himnlng. Thu ci.Dirnc t for hnililmg thn ltjrilap liUt-kmiililt shop on itmtii Main street lot twou lot to H-iiry llnit'iian. Hurnd Itruwn of Ajx wa In town Friday and Hatordity. in una of go.xl many nvr milmi-riU'ri to the Ulolw, Thrn f r no rluirch H-rviows In lh riiy Sunday, in any of t It r linriihea, w liitf in ft prevali-iiea if diptlierla In llm 'iiiiiiuniiy, Tin font r He t for painting tha limit Hardware htor ha ta-n let to W, A. IMfIIiih h ml work will cinniiieiiro as (Mill HM 'Onlllt It. Wdder. tli" principal of tho Arl ington nrhiHild, returned to Arlington Friday U-r takii'irt'in teachers' nam inatlun at thin place. Mra. Chat. H. Lievy la visiting at the homo of her aimer, Mr. Che. K. lllcka, this week. Mr. Lleraay in th wife of tho O. K & S. tutioii Ntffiit at Kclio. M. V. Hunt, superintendent of the (iilliatn Co. MillitiK Co. who here this week looking after tho ainpany's af air. Tin mill tagan active operations TlMirila,v morning. Kohort Spencer and C. W. Martin of Olex were in town thi weok cloning np i tlio dual for the puichaiie of Mr, Spen cer' ranch. The coneiderHtion in the transaction wa$2t),lMH). 1x-iim Grove it to have a new Met ho dit Kpiecotial rhnrch. Tho contract )ia been let to Geo. Snyder, of Arling ton and calU for a hnilding capable of eeating two hundred people. tiny H'iy.1 i building a burn on hia lot on ninth Church afreet and plana to j erect a flv room cottnge in the near future. Guv dooHii't auto whether or, not hi roltiige ill lie for rent, W, F. Hrown, of Ferrv Canvnn met with a eerionx xrcidetit tin Sunday, He waa throw n from hie wagon with are Mi It that hi dliiinldiT whn dielocated. lr. Wooit of t hiei city attended him, In thi lemiftof tho Ch'lie R. II. Kob inxon anuoiincea that be will lie a can didate tor nomination for county clerk. Mr. Kobinaon baa uianv friend in the cnnnly who feel confident of hia anweH. It. M, Rmrerr., who haa held the pnid tlon of chief deputy In the ehorifTa of fice for the pH"t fonr yer, annnimcea bi candidacy for tho office of aheriff, enhjecttothe will of the democrats of Gilliam county, A. R. Kurta returned from Portland Thnraday evening and ia verv much im proved in health. Ho report tho city well at. thia plxce aa d 'wn 325 feet and expect to have a day and night crew on the job next Sunday, Why not. own aome property in Con dun? Get in and Hecura vour locution before the epring rnah. You can time enve vour money a well a make a prof ituble invent moot,. Condon Townaito (X, Carter and Clough, Agent , T.ike your procri prion to Condon Ding Co. and Iihvo thpiu fTllod bv an ex fierienced pharmaeiat of twenty. one yenre coiiHtH nt experience. Thev don't, have 1 1 anbaiitnto. They are equipped with the bent line of ilrngs to be found in any drugstore in Eastern Oregon. For the trntlifitlnee of thi statement yon may auk your doctor. I Mora la a pretty good ona found float log around and porhapa aoina of you hava not toon it; A man ovor in 8hr man comity, who patronise the mall order hotiees, allow tba children to play with the big catalogue. One morning the nure came out and told them there wa a new haby in the bouse. "Who brought il"T enked the children. The nure replied that It had Just come. "Oh, I know", aaid one little tot. "If Pears Roebuck baby and I bet it'i adulterated fuel like tho pepper and the atrawborry jam wa, and papa will have to keep it becauae the tponey wa aent In advance. Ed Lewellyn and John Hliaw, tao well known young men of MavviMe precinct, were pacaonger on Monday' north bound train tan ml for Alberta whore thev goto look over the country with a view to locating. 8. K. Loaeliyn, the pioneer clt'icm, drove hi on and part ner over to tke the train, and if their report I favorable he may decide to lo cale there. On Wedneoday the deal waa clo.ed between Jack Lancaoter and Win. Dun lap whereby the latter tacaioa the own er of two Iota on north Main etrret, the rotinlilerMtion Iwing $1100. Mr. Dunlap will move lil blackvmith and repair aliop to the new location In the near future. In thi iiie of tho Globe (i. T. An gell. of Meyvillo, announre that be will he candidate for the othYe of herifT, Mr. Anitell ha made many frirnd i the county and will tie a trong candidate. The Globe I In receipt of a hltff from M. FiiiniHiirie, now o Chanuing, Texan. Ho etHte that ho ha inmle omo giMMl deal in real emate and that land i going up at the rate of a dollar an acre a month. " Mr. Cotton, reaiding twelve inileeat of town, plana for estemtiva iiuprovo men! nn hi ranch. The honie will be remodeled and a new barn mnritrocled. John Ktte of Condon baa the contract. ( IhiiiIh June of Mayville bronght hi wife back from Portland Tnooday even ing. Mr Joneri ha been in a Portland boNpital for eoiin tiine pant but hat not liiiprnved in health. J. W. Smith ha severed hit connec tion with the Condon Flouring Mille, and h'l for Portlmid on Friday. 11. W, Hunt, ett.terintHtident of the (iilliaui Co. Milling Co. returned to Portland Saturday morning. REAL ESTATE LOAN AND INSURANCE ' OFFICE OF EARLE M. BEVIS $100,000 TO LOAII On Komi Heiil Eatitte eenritv before MAFtCH let. ... Annual I moron t WHEAT AND STOCK RANCHES . FOR SALE. Iimurance in the tHmlmxl companlei EARLE W. BEVIS Darker Block Condon, Oregon Your neighbor likes OLYMPIC FLOUR You will, too. "THINK THIS OVER And diytcle whore It will pny you to buy Jotfi lry. Tweiity-threo diamond, rnliy lowelttd, VanKimrd movement, In frnld flllud oikd, wnrruntt'tl for twenty yearn, from $36 TO $4-0 Seven Jewel, New York Stand ard movi'inuiit, in lilekel aervw ctte, from $3. BO TO $B WILLIAMS the JEWELER With Wasson'a Cash Grocery N. MAIN STREET VV, L. Barker returned from Portland Matnrday evening. Kdgar Moore returned from Portland HHtnrJay evening. Wm. Brown returned from Arlington Saturday evening, W, N. Pattnllo wa a pa.aenger for Arlington Monday. Dny your drug from Condon DrogCo, They carry the bet. Kd Cloogli wa a paaaenger for Arl ington Tued ay morning. . The finest line of Diamond in the city at the Condon Jewelry Store. Mr. Peer) Jurvii wa pateenger for Arlington 't oemlay morning. Buy yone tnlet gooil from Condon Drng Co. They have the bent. Mr. L. Iove leit for Goldendale, Washington, Monday morning. Mr. T. D. Saeotin wa a passenger for Arlington, Monday morning. ' If yon can.t get what you want in Condon let Earhart order it for vou. Harry Job noii'a baby, who ha been alck for the past few week it improv ing. , Little Chester Brown, ton of Chan, Brown of tbl city, i on the sick Hot thit week. Yon will save money by buying yonr watchea and jewelry at the Condon Jew elry ttore. 6. . Selby who it now residing four teen mile eonth of Condon was in town Friday laying in a stock of supplies. Jim Kiiier returned from Hood River Thursday evening. He reports every thing at looking well in that section of the country but made no purchase of land. A very pleasant dinner party wa held on Sunday at the homo of Mr. and Mra. Paul Grtdner. About twelve guests were present and a very enjoyable time i reported. C. G. Morrey is in Condon this week In the fntoreet of the Oregon Fire and Relief luaoranue Co. Chat Griason.the president of the company arrived Satur day evening. R. L HUNT Manager en a Condon Drug Co. Those. price are not peclHl Imtvnlns but are regular timd RKt price. All other Roods in proportion. Investlsnto before you buy. Compare quality and price and buy where you can tave money, and I am sure I hall receive the Hon' share ot your patronage as I have in the pat Everything u on the (quara at Dr. Wood returned from Portland Saturday evening. The doctor state that Ben Oreiner who was recently op erated opon for apendicitis at that place, It doing very nicely and will doobtlett be out of the hospital before long. In this issue of the Globe appears the announcement of P. L. Ham, of Lone Rock for the republican nomination for sheriff. Mr. Ham it well known In Gilliam coonty and would mako a for midable candidate. Dr. Kenedy contemplates leaving Condon in the near future. He 'will have charge of ft hospital at Columbus, Wsthington. The Condon Millinery parlors are be ing moved this week into the building formerly occupied by Dr. Lazier. DEALINGS IN DIRT. Following it ft lilt of tranafert of real estate filed in the office of the county The Quality Store Inventory Sale Every piece of Dress Goods in the Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing A line of Ladies' Shoes, values Ladies' Fur Boas and Four Ladies', Misses', and Childrens' Coats and Jackets, 25 per cent off regular prices. Men's' Youths' Boys', and Childrens', Hats and Caps at Give-a-way prices. . A lot of odds and ends in Men's, at one-half Ladies' Waists in all materials Remember we give you a Phonograph with every $25 purchase for - ' cash, so call for your coupons with every cash purchases. We guarantee these machines to produce as good music as any $25 mach ine on the market. A full and complete line of staple and fancy Groceries always in stock. Also Crockery, Glassware, Granite and Tinware, Garland Stoves and Ranges. Shelf Hardware, Wag ons, Buggies and Farm Im v ments. LORD & CO., ARLINGTON, OREGON WANTED- Barley, Oats, Rye OUR SPECIALTIES Olympic Flour, and the best Steam Rolled Barley Ask about our exchange plan. GILLIAM CO. MILLING CO. , CONDON, OREGON clerk for the week ending February 10, 1906: C E Carrlngton to W A Palmer lot 1, part of lot 9, block 9 in Condon f 180 00 M JShaw toFM8baw240acres . near Maytille 700 00 J N Hart to A PbillippI, 531 eres 2500 00 N Austin to F Ward 11 lota blk 20 Ward's addition 320 00 G Selby et al to Clarence Smith lots 4 and 9 block 27 in Condon 2500 00 J W Dyer to Cbarlet Hein 160 acret..... 2400 00 E A Mann et ux to city of Con- , don, street and alley Alford Jones to Webb Jonet - 200.40 acres ... ; 2000 00 United Statet to F A Kollat 200acres :.. ; Geo F Pordy to Alexander Nesb 480 acres... 9600 00 bouse reduced from 60 to 20 per cent. - at 25 per cent off regular prices. $2.00 to $4.00 at $1.00 the pair. in Hands at 25 per cent off. Ladies' and Childrens' Underwear regular price. at 25 per cent off marked price And Wheat of course