CONDON GLOBE. vor xv. CONDON. ORKGON. TIIUKSDAY. FEBRUARY" 8. 1900. NO. 47. ,".,! 1 ..J, -U' "', .. UJ-t.l.l.l JtU'lit.-1. Accidentally Killed. Mrs K I I 'it ii it and Mr. Fred Cornell received telegram Wednesday morn liitf of Uct wtirk K'riltiK them of the death a( their father, Mr.- K Keisnr, Nil old and reflected resident ol Cottage Urove mill former realdent of this county. The ladle left the earns morn ing fur Cottage drove to attend (lie fu neral mii lii not rt-lurn until Tuesday evening. Tim Oregonlan give tit follnalng mriimlar of Hi) dehWeble accident which canned Mr Kulxnr'a deat h ! "Kull Kelsur e ! 1 ami killed lliii evening I'll' coming home tin tli Oregon A Hmitheaetern Knilrotul by a gun In tin hand nf Walter Filler, alio U eald In have been it run a. Fnlev very prowl uf a tie rapid Are gun he had jii.t jiurchaaed, and nnirJ It at different Miunicr. on the train. lie a ur if ii to delt ami flually eat down hv t'if ule of Mr. Keimir. It la raid tbe weapon nt accidentally rilsehargcd. Tim hall went through Mr. Keiaur'a Ml hand and atomai'lt and lodged under heart, lit wa brought Iiimih and died shortly afterward, , A warrant ha 1eti rwn unt fur Foley, li'H he ha iml aa yt leen cap tured. When lie a a lai eeii, da tald lit wan going to l,atham to txy over nlirlit, and will, no doubt. Ik In tin hand of Countable .Maine In a rliort liiii, Mr. Keller wa an old and honored reehtctA of tlii nlaet. lit liad lieen keeping a teiarding houe np rilmrp'a creek, n Hit Hohemla road, for a few yar, and thereby able to keep himelt and wile, lie aUey had a good wont, a amile end a warm (Ire lor Ma gncti,nd will siotly mimed, tin wm almot 70 rear of age, nd left an tfed wile and aeveral children. Foley la well konan here, lie ha le-en an esfeemive drinker for ome iniiiillm," Congregatlonallats Will Build. It wa deflnitelv decided by (he iiiem her nf the tlongr. gKt'onn.1 church Unt Snii'lHV that the org, ill I ion will erect a handHiuie new church hiiilitlng during the coimnK iiiniin'r. The nmlier haa CITY BRIEFS. A.J. Jennl'itf, of Olfi. a in town Monday. " The fluent tin - f Dlaiiioiid In tharliy at tha (mdon Jewlry fHnra. Itny your laili t g from Condon llrng Co. Thry liava tha beat. Yon will aava money Imyinif ymr watchea ami Jewelry at the Condon Jew elry atora. Win. Stewart, a well knon aheep man uf Lne Itiak, waa in town during tha week, . Dr. VVimd reporti tha advent of dauirhterat tha homa of W. E. Fos, lait Kainrday morning. Cutout tha cnu i m a in II. W. Paul ing' ad on hack ag thla week. Eaoli one la worth 10c caah. Ladlgea it Palmer ripened their new Mloorl Monday night in the new hnild I riu erected fur them lieit Ut Earharl'a furniture (torn, Khea Hroa., former proprietor of the (in raitaurmit, clneed a deal Satnrday for tha rale of tha entahliahment to U I'arrl.h and John M. llillingalr. In thla Uaue uf tha (ilohe Jlldga Ihltin annoitucea Ilia imndidary for re-election to the i.TU-e of runnty Judge, which he ha filled fur trie pa.t four jeara. J. A. Kandall. i. Merrifleld and Win. Maple aenl to Pendleton Wednew Uy to attend a meeting of tha diatrict convention of the K. "f I. L'ulge. Hev. II. A. (ireau. who hat lieen at aiting Pactor Mount with the Itafitirt revival meeting, went t L"ti Rok Wedneailav to liegin eerie uf meeting theie. , The meetinif at, the llaptiat church are atlll heing held and are attended hi large crowd. Uv. C. P. Baily I ei ivected In a day or two to ait the pator, Mr. and Mr. Harvey L. (jilaon. of Wheatland, Cliforoia,' arrived Friday t vUit il eimer, Mra. II. W. Ilartman. They will prolmlily Imate here permanently. June A. McMorrl. preat nt Incnmlajnt uf the ii ill n 'y nrvy'ir'a utflce, haa an nuunced himaelfa a candidate for the Humiliation fur re-election, ilia card been under cm.ideratlun lor eon..- time j p.WHt, in ,M, SMle, . ,, A meetinu will lie held in the Baptiat known fur rerla n thai the plana could ..... f i n.i , ill church Fridxy evening, February 0th, lie carried out. Plan have already lie n j . . . . .. prepared and it ia hu,H..t f et work; ...ent All trted on the tritctur at an early j The plana provide for luovimr the I l'r''i,'" prevent hnildintf hack and awinging It! around to the north where It will he re uiixleleil and joineil to the new edifice end fitted np for a lecture and Sunday 1 achmd room with a kuclu-n and dining rojim In the rear. The new part will he! naed aa an auditorium and will have a, eating capacity of 2"0 and the lecture J room will aeat half that nnmlier. Tlie ; two room will h divided ty folding j door and on oocanlon the two may lie . thrown touef her Th imjirovementa will coat aliont "fcnd when coin! pleted it will lie one nf the nint hand; mine church building In thla aectinn nf the etate. frieuila uf that movement are invited to Not a Gambling House. ' Memher of the Commercial Clnh are cnn.iderahlv ainnipd end at, the aaine time .nmewhat indienant over certain liRKple etortea which are helng clrcnhit ed ai-onnd tow n to the effect that numb linn I permitted in the r.lnb ronm and that it. tk tho intention t ln"tall a bar. Cln'unen aae that ' while they do n"t know jut where the fnle report ortjri. nated it I certain that all auch Moripa are the outgrowth of eltber Ignorance or pure malice it, lielntr well known that nnder the bv-law which were adopted bv the memberahln at an open meeting ot the club, all auch practices are atrict ly prohibited. REAL ESTATE LOAU AND INSURANCE OFFICE OF EARLE M. BEVIS W. 0. BrUtol, of Portland, who waa recently nominated for the poaltion of United 8ltea Dietlet Attorney fur the Oregon diatrict he been made the aotf Ject of tentlonal charge and it I prohal.le hi appointment mill not lie coo firmed by the aeiiete. He I charged with nnprnfeaalonal conduct in having demanded and received fee from both partiealne rae In the federal court. Henalor Fulton la reported aa auainat the confirmation of Briatol and it il intimated from Wahington that be may not even be allowed to reign bat that he ma be anminarily removed. A aerie nf evangelic in meeting will commence at the Coniiregtional church either tieit week or the week following when Rev. Frank A. Miier, the noted inglng evannelUt, wili l here to aa it thenar tor. Rev. Clapp, of Forei-t t Jrove, It al0 eiptxted to fie preaent. Rev. Miller recently cloaed. n terlei of meetinga at Kennewick. Wahlngton, when more than 100 convert were ad- ded to the church. An Arlington young man bmniiht hi girl homefrom prayer ineetinu.They were leaning over the iiate when ehe aaid; "Yon maet not Imagine that I wonld conaent to layonr wife almply becaitae I have let yon ki me". . "Oh, of eonrae not," ne repnea, -dui i wian you'd tell me aomething. Are you let tin me kiea you hecanae yon. like it, or merely hacatiee you want the practice"? Take roar prescriptione to Condon Drug Co, and have them filled by an ex perienced pharmacist of twenty-one year mnetant eierience. Thev don't have t auliaittnte. They are equipped with the bet line of drnua total found in any nrugatore n caau-rn uregon For the trnthfiilne of thla statement yon may auk your dm-tor. ! F. R. Petti tt, diatrict organier fur the Woodmen of tha World, will be in Con don end addre a public meeting at the Woodmen hail thit evening at which time Condon Camp will give another d their delightful evening to member and Invited friend. A emoker.will lie a eocial baton thi evening.. Doy yonr drug from Condon DrngCo. They carry the bent. J. II. Downing wai eeriooalv ill Sun day bat I now reported better. Mrs. Downing wa at Salem with her daught er. Mra. Dora Croeaan. who haa been er- lontly ill. She returned Tuetday. R. M. Roger, who hat held the po sition of chief depnty in tbe eherifTa office for the pat four year, annonncea hia candidacy In thla 1mu for the office of her iff, (abject to democratic role. The Information come to the Globe through the Cloverdale (Tillamook coonty) Courier, that Dr. W. T. B-own, formerly of thla city, it now locatf there end that a daughter waa recently born to Dr. and Mra. Brown. Why not own ome property In Con don? (Jet in and eecore vour location before the tpring rnh. Yon can tha eeve yonr money at well at make a prof itable investment. Condon Townaite Co., Carter and Ciongh, Agent. Andrew Ureiner waa in town Monday from Mayvllle precinct. He bee juat had completed a fine water well on hie land on the atane road and is highly pleased with the resojt. The well is 2C3 feet deep and the supply is Inei haoatible. Ed Palmer, one of the moat snccetmfal well drillers in Oregon, did the work. Clifford Ackiey, who started tbe East ern Oretron Star at Foeail a few months ago, haa sold bis plant to J, E. Ad ra in, n, of the Wheeler County News, who will remove the ontSt to Mitchell and add it to hi preaent plant. Mr. Ackley went to Pendleton Saturday where he will look for an opening in the printing bncine. . . . , W. L. Barker went to Portland Mon day to spend a week or ew with Mrs. Barker and their little daoghter wbo are there nnder tbe care of Dr. L. B. Smith. Both are reported to be improving. The Quality Store Inventory Sale Every piece of Dress Goods in tbe bouse reduced from 50 to 20 per cent. ' Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing at 25 per cent off regular prices. E.. W, Moore ia about, to lanneli a Hitinctlv new enterpriae In Condon. H ha. nt received a eomnMa con aitrnment of real live Miaaouri 'rn.anma from that Mate and will start a 'pua.nm farm in hia back yard e're the robin pet. airain. The eiHon animal are now on exhibition In Moore A Gulden's etore and they w'nk mk bl'nW t, "tran ger in a way a though there is some real diffurence b"tveen MiconriRn and Or eironlnna. Hunt hern paper are reqeHted not. to copv thi Item as Condon ia not hi. Ml ni for an exodus nt immigrants from the black belt. $100,000 TO LOAN On vimmI RphI Katnte ceurttv iM-tore MAhCH 1st. ... AiiiiuhI InU-rvwt WHEAT AND STOCK RANCHES FDR SALE. IninraiKM) In t)ie tKinlaut comianle EARLE M. BEVIS Ilwrkdr RliH-k Condon, Ort'non R, L. HUNT Manager A line of Ladies' Shoes, values $2.00 to 14.00 at $1.00 the pair. Ladies' Fur Boas and Four in Hands at 25 per cent off. Ladies', MisgesT, and Childrei.s' Coats ; and Jackets, 2a per cent off regular prices. MenV Youths', Boys', and Childrens', Hats and Caps at Give-a-way prices. Condon Drug Co. A lot of odds and .ends in Men's, Ladies' and Childrens' Underwear V at one-half regular price. Ladies' Waists in all materials at 25 , per cent off marked price Reuietuber we give you a Phonograph with every $25 purchase for cash, bo call for your coupons with every cash purchases. We guarantee these machines to produce as good music as any $25 mach ine on the market. , Your neighbor likes OLYMPIC FLOUR You will, too. BUY PURE WHITE DIAMONDS A yellow diamond i worthl-m tf von evir want to rttnoe tf tt. The fluent line of Pure Diamonds Holld Unld and Killed Watche. Mullen' Hiid U'iit8' Ring". I'hatm, Chfm, Uicket. Unk Button, and Carmen Kracelet. Ituy vnur dtnmnnd Innne.and hiive them mounted to pleaiie you riirht Ht home. Huve your 'itlamnnd and Bold riiiRS welRhcd to you then you know what yoH got for your money. CALL AND COMPARE mv Kood and prtcen with othent and buy your Chrlutma elit where everybody elaaduea, at.... Williams New jeweler PROPST BUILDING. N. MAIN STREET. ButUfiu'tton Kiiiiranteed or your money refunded. 1 am here to stay A full and complete line of staple and fancy Groceries always in stock. Also Crockery, Glassware, Granite and Tinware, Garland Stoves and Ranges. Shelf Hardware, Wag , oils, Buggies and Farm Im- ments. LORD CO., ARLINGTON, OREGON WANTED Barley, Oats, Rye iS And J sg3- Wheat 9 ' ' of course Rolled Barley j I iMMa OUR SPECIALTIES Olympic Flour, and the best Steam Ask about our exchange plan. GILLIAM CO. MILLING CO. COXE.ON, OREGON ! ! i 1 1 1 i .e '.A 1 i. i .