Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, January 18, 1906, Image 1

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    I '
NO. 44.
Th Portland Mwetlng.
The recent met-tlng of the rgon De
velopment Lingua and the Oregon Pun
Aeeovlatlon, Hi iVriland, M pertiape
the roost important meeting , of the
klmt ever beld tn the state, A joint
owning of tha two organisations in
cm lied at 10 o'elork 1ft Way morning in
ti rlorf of tha I'ortlamt Commercial
Cltih in tha Chemlier of Coinnirn
, rmlMInu at wnfch ere present repre
sentative vltltens from all section of
lha ste. President Bwilth, of tha Dw
taloiiiiiil Jeagae, preeldel and Intro
dtird Governor Chamberlain, who de
livered tha address of welcome for lha
state and li. M. Cake, president of tha
cmiiuMmtial club, epoke lor that tirganf.
ntlon. rrsidrt (Smith ponded for
tha tango and introduced Hon. H. A.
Lnwvtl, of rilltun, who tKik for
Eeaetern Oregon,, after which J. M.
IMake.ef Marehfleld, epoke for Western
Oregon, particnlarly lha coast region. ,
Tha key. of every add ra awl pa
per til Oregon" it Eastern Oregon.
Central Oregon, tha soart region nor
.Portland, batons glorious, united com
imniralth embracing within iu boon
derir tha heel ofiiry on earth. Xv
retary Tom Rii-hardaon, of tha develop
mant Magna who haa Ihhiu at tlvtly an
; gaged for many months lu sending oat
, real Ore Jtteratar to 'ft parts of tha
arth, stated Is making hie'veport that
tha Mty-eeven laan rwitenlsatlon In
tha state have dme tha ht work of
thla kind var attempted In tha United
Ptates, having: recognised no ona point
above anntler but have laborail tgeth
r aa ona man to build nu Oregon.
At the editorial marling In tha altar
noon there tha largest attendance
uf miv nt)irr workara avrraaam
I.IihI in tha aUta. R. J. Handricka. of
Halain, praaidant of tha avaoeiallon,
ml lad tha miiitg to order and without
daiay tha ordur of bnainaw waa Ukan
np and a tnot aaeovMlal mavting wa
eommrnct'd. Matttra of tmportanca to
tha tuatarUI walfarw of tha koninpa of
noting nawapapara ara takan ap and
dlacow4.fttiIjf ami fnlrly and tha wmlt
waa that bxfora tha wtwion rlHi rll
' fl raforma and Improvamanta In tha
mathoda of handling foralgn and politi
cal advertlalng wara adoptad and
pledgad anaoiiuoual by tha mainhara
In tha mattar of frlti nallcliia boa-
ina tha aaaodation'dacidvd to am ploy
an aipartncal adrartiaing man to
handla all avt-h bnainaaa for mauibara.
tha Intention balng that by inch a
method prt-per ratea may be awurad by
nil ntembere of the aaaociation it the
boainaai la accepted. ,.
In tha matter of political advertising
it waa decided and peeeed unanimously,
that all poWlahera' ahall aell apaca to
candidatea m tha aaina liaaia aa It la
aold to aoinmeacial advertialng patron a
tha minimum chtrgn. for political an
noanceinenta being f2 60 par month. It
la eipreaaly eteied, however,' that in no
cane ihall ewh-an advertlaing: contract
carry with it either an eipretaed orim
piled obligation that the paper ahall
up port toch candidete.
Mityvllt , ltem. .. ; ; ,
Mitt Beaale Elnehart vialted frienda
at r'owil thiaweek.
A large crowd of Odd Fellowt and
bekaha attended tha Joint inatallatlon of
officer! o Odd Fellowe and Rabekaha,
held at Foeail Katnrday night.
t John Watkar hai been engaged to do
the Mintlni and papering for Alet
Johnaon'a .new $2000 home at Foeail,
Tha honaa wai planned and built by Q,
T. Angell of thla place. .( -t) (
"Tory the Convict" waa presented by
n home troupe onder. Vhe management
of the Ladiea' Aid Society In the I.' 0.
O. F. hall, Friday evening, January 12.
Tha tociety also aerved an- ezeellent
upper In tha Burnt building the lame
evening. The enterprise netted $47 00
which anni will be eipended in repair
ing the church building.
Leaves Money for Condon.
. Anna Norton an eccentric old woman,
who died in Portland last Tuesday,' has
left the bulk of bar estate to the Catho
lic Church, aays the Evening Telegram
of the 12th Inst." Thia la shown by the
'will, filed for probate In the County
Court today bv Attorney John F. Logan
Mrs. Norton left most of her property
to Eastern Oregon churches, favoring
the church at Condon, because of her
friendship for Rev. Father M. J. Kelly, I
of that town.
The heneflclarle named In the will
follows Bt. Joaeph'a Church, Condon,
14000 Rev. Father M. J. Kelly 1MX;
Itnnilnlran Fathere of Portland, at
Claikamaa street and Union avenue,
2000; Llnle MeMahon, of Portland $200
Anna O'lirlan, of north Albina, $200 Ida
Htavana, of Seattle $200 Blahop Chariea
J. O'Reilly, of Baker City, $2000; John
F. Logan, of Portland, $200; 8t. Mary'a
Cathedral, of Portland, $300. All prop-
Chora :
erty not disposed of by the will i given Lhytun,
to Blthop O'Reilly and Father Kelly
for tha purpose of founding a Catholic
hotpltal at Condon. ,
There are no known reletlvee of Mr.
Norton, but aha provides that $3 he giv
en to each discovered.
Mrs. Norton left $17,000 In mortgages.
Phe waa the wife of Daniel Norton, a
Portland politvuian for years, and was
one of the eliy's oldest teetdenta.
Portland of
The announcement from
the bequests to Catholic institutions in
this city by tha lata Mrs. Anna Norton
Is a matter ol aongrwialatioa to every
resident of this section. The sums eat
apart by tha terms of .lha deceased
lady'a will lor the establishment pi
hospital and a school In Condon will go
far toward launching both auch enter
prises and will Insure to tha city two
Institutions which ara tnoet : urgently
needed. The am-ont left for. hospital
posea together with tha amount already
aohtcrlbttd here soma time ago will In
sure a first-class hospital while the
school fund which will nodonbt be ad
ded to from other sources will assure
tha nucleus for a permanent Institution
of learning here which will grow with
tha needs of tha community. Condon
is to be congratulated and every citlsen
who Is Interested in the moral, li.tallect
nal and physical advancement of tha
community will revere the memory of
Mrs. Anna Norton as a genuine benefactress.
Dunne, were grateful enough to re
member their obligation! and go to
his bedside tocher him up. Think
of it! Of U that bright and shining
galaxy of aateliitea, Carey, Fulton,
Matbewa, Williamson, Hermann,
Rrowneli. Mclnl'Jin, May and!
others, only two remembered their
friend and benemctor while on bie
deathbed.; One can easily imagine
them gathered in some favorite re
aort. eingin? that good old political
'Rattle hie bonee over the stones.
He's only a fallen statesman wbotn
nobwly owns.
lie's g"t Ma and I'll get mine.
Oh, Absalom, Would to (iod
1 were dead too.' "
Where Wert) His Friends.
On hie return from Portland, a
few day a ago Mr. J. E. Hunt waa
asked what imp reined biw most
while in the city. He raid: "That
which im treated me moat waa an
incident connected with Uie eick
neea and death of Senator Mitchell
One who was with him almost con
tinuous! v while at the hospital, told
me that out of all the hundreds of
bis friends who had enjoyed po
sition, power and pelf by his grace,
onlv two. John Minto and Dave
L. L. Turney the Ajat farmer, waa
looking after business matters in town
the last of the werk. ,
Buy your toilet mode from .Condon
Drug Co. They have tha best. j
Ellis Porvine returned Monday ere'o
Ing from a rabbit hoot la tha northern,
end of the county. . In company with s
friend from Arlington ha went to Hepp
ner Junction where the rabbits most do
congregate, and where Ellis says they
killed SQ5 rabbits la SS mlnuus 25
rabbits in 3C5 minotea or else that they
ehot Sua times in a abort tiro and killed
tome rabblte.or more. We isv be a
tittle mi ed on the story but, from the
way the story was told to us the bant
ers surety "mixed It" with the rabbits,
From now until February 1, 1906, the
Globe la able to offer tha following dab
bing ratea:
The Glob, sr .
SoNsl-Workly JottrniU,
The Oloba, I1.S8
Wewkly UrroulQ, l.oo
The OJob.
IMII7 and aanoay journal, sr.w
TbaOlotM.Sl.M . ( A OH
bailr JoarmO, wtuiow eanoay j w.ww
This rate is good only to subscribers
who rav lor ona tear In advance lor
both papera. Whr-a ordering by mall
remit full amour-1 f price with order.
Addiea. CO.Niu:i GLOBE, Condon
Tha finest Una of Diamonds In tba city
at tha Condon Jewelry Etore. .
You will save money by baying your
watches and Jewelry at tha Condon Jew
elry atore.
Why not own some property in Con
don T Get In and eecure voar location
before the spring rnsb. Yon can thus
save your money aa wall aa make a prof
itable Investment, Condon Townsite
Co., Carter and Clough, Agents.
Two Important Sales
Win. Dun lap haa sold bis corner lot
at Main and Summit streets to W. .
Pattula, tha consideration being $2500.
Tbia doee not Include the buildings now
on tne property and Mr. Donlap baa un
til April let in wblcb to remove them.
lie will secure another , location and
erect modern bolkiing for a first claas
blacksmith, tnacbinS and repair shop.
Jobn Davis has sold bis fin ranch ad-
On rmMl IUhiI Eatat
iwrtt befnf ...
MAfiCH let.
... . Ainiuattnlemt
I $2.25
I 2.50
I 7.50
liitnraips Inthn, Jijtndcl JtlPei
Burlier Hlock
Condon, Oreenn
iiinlng th townsite on tb north to J.
W. Booth, of Wasco, tha consideration
being $30 per acre. Tns tract coctaise
about 430 acres and ia considered on
of tb finest ranebea in tbfs section.
Mr. Davis bought th place about five
years ago from 3. Ii. Downing, paying
$13 aa acr and Las doubled his money
on tb Investment. Mr. and Mrs. Boota
were here from Wasco Tue4ay closing
thadeal. Theyeipect to com to Con
don in tb spring to reside permanently
Take yonr prescriptions to Condon
Drug Co. and bav them filled by an ex
perienced pharmacist of "twenty-oW
years constant experience. Tbev don't
have to substitute. Tbey are equipped
with tb best line of drugs to be found
la any drugstore in Eastern Oregon.
For tba trotbfalnesa of tbia eUtemect
you may ask your doctor.
Buy yonr drugs from Condon Drug Co.
Tbey carry the best.
The Quality Store
Every piece of Dress Goods in the house reduced from 50 to 20 per
, y . .... . cent. - . .
Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing at 25 per cent off regular prices.
A line of Ladles' Shoes, values $2.00 to .$4.00 at $1.00 the pair.
Ladies' Fur
Boas and Four' in Hands at 25 per cent off.
Ladies', Misses', and Childrens Coats and Jackets,
1 regular prices. '
25 per cent off
MjenV Youths', Boys', and Childrens', Hats and Caps at Give-a-way
' prices.
A lot of odds and ends in Men's, Ladies' and Childrens' Underwear
at one-half regular price.
Ladiea' Waists in all materials at 25 per cent off marked price.
Drug Co.,
Your neighbor likes .
; , ' You will, too.-,
A rcllow diamond Ii worthlM li yon ever want to dUixwe It tt. The flnwttne ot Pure Diamonds
MollU Uold and Killed Watt-lira, lidlm' and enl' Ring., :iaiu, Uliarma,
UH'keW, Link Buttons, and Carmen Bracelet. , - ?
Bnv or dUraonria loona and have them mounted to ttfe yoa rlitht at home. Have jour
dUmundi and gold rlugt weighed t you then yoa know what yoa get (or yoar money.
" 'v sooda and'prfees with olheta and bay yowrCaristmaa
rliu where everybody elite does, at....
llllllams The New 'jetvGlop
RatUfantton guaranteed or yonr money refunded. 1 am here to stay
Remember we give you a Phonograph with every $25 purchase for
cash, so call for your coupons with every cast purchases.
We guarantee these machines to produce as
good music aa any $25 mach
ine on the market
A full and complete line of staple and fancy Groceries always in jtock.
Also Crockery, Glassware, Granite and Iinware, uariana r
Stoves and Ranges. Shelf Hardware, Wag-
one, Baggies and Farm Ira- .. ' .
menta. , -
LORD-& ,-Cq.i
of course
... OUR SPECIALTIES .. . - -- '
Olympic Flour, and the beat Steam Rolled Barley-
Ask about our exharige.plan. ;: