OLD-PEOPLE Their Pains and Ailments Any taint rf tha blood quickly ihowi Itself with old fttople, and troubles, which a younger, more vigorous coo atltutlon holds la check, ' take possession of tkoMof ad vanced years. A mole, wart or pimple often begins to in dame and fester, terminating in a sore that refuses to heal. cf a rheumatic character are almost constant, the joints get stiff and the mus cles sore, while sleeplessness and nervousness make life a burden The nat Urnl r.tlt.ffw.sftlte la tir,t o great in old age and all the organs get dull and sluggish, failing to carry out the waste natters and poisons accumu latiag in the system and they re takes op and absorbed by the blood, render! off it weak pains and my general Union, and unable to properly nourish the system. There is no reason why old age hould not be as healthy as youth if the blood is kept pure and strong. 8. 3. 8. its fine tonic effect. Almost from the general health begins to improve and the pains and ailments pass away. wsawirrcpcctno co atiamta, cam Waatntt Energy. Sometimes htad and hrels work well towtlter, hut It was not so in a case reported In the YonWrrs Statesman. ;m, a colored man, was sn hour late, and his etnjiloyor asked htm to ex plain. "Yes, sun, I'll explain, sab,". 8am re plied. "Well, what eictise have you?" "I was kicked by a(uiule on my way bere. aah." "That ouitbt not to have detained you an hour, 8sm, If you were able to come at all." "Well, It wouldn't hare if he'd only k Irked me in dta direction. You see, boss, be kicked uie de other way." " rim s Curs ft a remM for coughs, ootds and consumption. Try Ik Fries 25 suU, ax druggists. Thoee Ijotinf Girts Miss EUlerlelgh Yon may not bellevs It, but I refused offers from three dif ferent men last month. v Miss Younibuii Oh. I don't doubt it. But what wars the soiling! Wkf Tbey Came I Jit. Husband (la hst and orsreoat) Good graclousl li aren't you gut jeur coat en jet? Wife It's all fiisd exespt tucking la my areas slesves se tbty wen't get muss ed. I'll b ready la half an hour. riTA Permanently Cored. Horluor uervoosnese 1 1 10 after Arsiday'eueeoflir.KMne'atlreallilen'e ileaioref. Mend fur Freef) trial botite and treatise, lr. H. li. kllue, Ud., wi An-fam, Philadelphia, J'a. Urn Tlaae Left. "Winter wheat ' looking well?" he asked of a street car passenger who looked like a farmer. "iMiiitio," was the brief reply. "(loud deal of snow out in the coun try?" "Moblw." "PrW'o of liny gone up any?" "Can t say." "Hut aren't you a farmer, my friend?" "Yes, I'm a fanner; but this winter I've been courtln a wlddor womnn wutb SH.000 and I haven't bad any time to fool around with snow or buy or snytblng cine." -Chicago News. TIlO liilld Yntl llili-n Alu-nva iJat nn L'J i 'A w v . ' '- .. . ture of Clias. II. Flctclior, and lias been made uudcr his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and I Jt-tt-frd" are but Experiments, nnd endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. c What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmlcHg substitute for Castor Oil. Pare Rorie, Drops and Moothlng- Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its asre is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and aUays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhtua and Wind c:,.Ir r.elloYo Tocthlnjr Troubles, cures Constipation ami Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the gtomaeh and llowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. , The Kind You Have Always Bought .sears tne In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt acNT.ua eeMMRV. , Muaaav .TKirr, new vaaa bitt. PRUSSIAN ffCfT nn Pnifltrv KoMIt applied Pnnt tMrehca, w kUl the lice. Nerer falls. CLflNrn Albert Blocker of I'tiaiihRtuHin, Minn., boutrht a rnn of rrumlan Llca Killer and ud ItthorouKhly three UntM and clr.nrd hi, poultry houw etitlralv fm. from Uo and tallw. Bcfor u.lnR, tha poultry houia a 1It with red Urwand mltea. OUST THK X H. KulAir. of AttVt, Mo.. 6D hotrt, and U worth Arm VOISTI.AMO ISBD 00N rortUa, Own ComI Asanka Wanderinecaina a bki iKmi nwuiVi ei wrirrper, wuna ten ui almost a physical wreck. To add to sir wretched condition, Rheumatism developed. la a ahort time after beginning 8. 8. 8. 1 was relieved of the have i aloed la flesh and strength and health la betterthan for Tear. I heart Uy recommend B. B. 8, lor au MooJ diseases. a. c B. P. Cskookt. is purely vegetable ana is tbe saiest and best blood Eurifler and tonic for old people, because it is gentle, ut at the same time thorough in its action, purify ing the blood of all poisons and foreign matter, strengthening it and toninetro the entire system by first dose the appetite increases, tha Ileal of All Plays. I do not car for problem plays; give ma tlit kind of play In which the girl Is Just as pare aa are tits flowers In May; The plsy In which In tints of need the hero's right on deck, And where tbs scheming villsin gets It always In tbe neck. . I love to hear the girl refuse Jhe villain's gold to take, And say that raga are royal, duds when worn for vlrtneV'sftke; I love to see her beaux decline to heed tbe rich man's beck, . t And swat the villain with a club athwart bla ugly neck. 0 not for me the Gallic farce, tbe Ibsen fol-de-rot, Where man is but a Jackanapes and woman is a doll; I'll take tha sturdy plot In which tha villsin tries to wreck The hero's life, and In tbe end just gets . It in the neck. Louisville Courier-JoarniL Tha Polite Editor. Csller I hsve a little poetn which Editor (busily) That geutlemsa oval there, sir. Csllar (genially) Is be the literary critic? Editor (politely) No; he's the boun cer. Mother, will And Mrs. WlniloWs Soothing Syrup tha bsat remedy to on lur tfaolr chUdrea during the loathing period. On Good Keaitar. Jlmsou If there's one thing I dlsllks more than another lt'a a shsllow man. - 8i union Yes, but there's one thing la bla favor. ' Jlntson I'd like to know what It Is. Hamson A shsllow msn doesn't re quire aa mnch watching as a deep on. - To Break in New Shoes. Alwayi shake In Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet. Cures corn. Ingrowing nulls and bunions. At all druggists and h stores, Don't accept any substitute, fatnpla mallet FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, U Roy, N. V. Bam A Old Plaint. The Lady It seems to me these ber rlea are rather small. The PeiJtIIei I'm Rnre they hsve got their full growth, ma'am. The Lady Possibly; but I'm quite sure your quart boxes haven't exit theirs. llnnrli l.na .1.. .1 Signature of LICE KILLER kills neat doxca. etc.. and the funica Sold by dealer, 50c and $1.00 per can. OUT ILL TUP t ICf lun UlTtt. THING FOR LICE ON flOOS M.viihe Pruuian Liu Kiiitr Ujun ihtthbur tor Um (Intu it cost, Mawaraal Sap. Ona larfa carrot, two onions, two turnips, ana taaapoonfol of salt, pepper ta suit tasta, a little parsley and mar joram; chop Da-fourtfc of a pound of ait pork, put It oa to boll in one quart of water; cat all tha Tegetablea Into mall place and add them after tbe perk baa eimmerad twenty minutes, adding boiling water enough to mike two quarta of liquor; cook slowly two houra. Boll half a pound of macaroni la milk until It I rery tender, adding salt and ona Ublespoonful of butter; put into tbe tureen and pour tbe soup upon it through a colander; add a gill of cream or milk, tbe parsley and mar joram tha last thing, and aerra. - rreaarvedi Quince. ' Peel, core and quarter the quinces. Weigh tbtrn and put in a preserving kettle with enough water barely to cover tbem. Btew alowly until tery eoft When toft, but not broken, take them out with a aklinracr and lay care fully on platters. Add to tbe liquor left in the kettle one pound of augar to each pint of fruit Bring this to a boll, aklm It and when It has boiled for twenty wlnutes return tbe quinces to it Cook for fifteen minutes after the syrup again boll. Now pack tbe qulncea In wide-mouthed Jura, pour la the boiling syrup ana soal. Bam l'attr. 10 use up the remains of ham, take fat and lean together, pass through tbe mincing machine, or finely chop. Af terward pound to a smooth paste In a mortar, soak a alice of bread In milk and beat tip to a cream; then mix In tbe bam, and beat both together. Now beat to a froth an egg and stir It into tbe bam, aeaaon with salt and pepper, and a little chopped parsley.. Put tha whole Into a well-greased mold, and bake until a rich golden brown. Puddla Botl three egga till quite hard, shell them and cut "In slices; lay them in a pie dlab. Then make a custard with two whole eggs, one and a quarter breakfast-cupful of milk, salt, cayenne and a little grated nutmeg. Beat the egg, add the other things, and pour oyer the allcea of the egg In the pie dish. Strew some grated cheese on the top, and bake In a moderate oven till quite firm; If the top la not brown, pot In front of the fire for a few minutes. Khnbarb Batty. Mix together three cupfula of fine stale bread crumbs, one cupful of su gar, a pinch of salt, one teaspoonful of mixed ground spice and one-half of a cupful of melted butter. In a baking dish, put alternate layers of crumbs and finely cut rhubarb, adding more augar If the fruit la thought to be very tart. Bake three-quarters of an hour In a hot oven and serve with sweet ened cream. Hashed Calf. Head. IIeat and flavor delicately some of the stock from a calf's head with mace, lemon peel, herbs and vegeta bles, strain and thicken It, adding a flavoring "oT mushjoom ketchup, salt and cayenne. Put In some slices of boiled calf's head, and let It gradually warm through, allowing It Just to boll up before serving. Garnish with fried seasoning balls and curls of bacon. Sweet Potatoes, Cut cold baked sweet potatoes into 14-inch slices and put tbem In an earth en dlah. Spread each layer with but ter and sprinkle slightly with sugar; bake until hot and slightly browned. Sweet potatoes are much richer when twice cooked. Canned Pumpkin. Peel the pumpkin and cut into pieces. Put over the fire with enough water to cover It and boil until tender. Rub through a colander, return to the Are, bring to a hard boll and pour Im mediately Into heated jars. Seal at once. Short BuKgeetlona. A good cement for mending glass Is made by boiling isinglass In spirits of wine. Tea leaves moistened with vinegar will remove the discoloration in glass caused by flowers. Pieces of sponge packed ' Into a mouse hole will Induce the rollouts to permanently vacate a house. A common screw with a stout string tied around the top makes a fair sub stitute for a corkscrew. Absorbent bath towels which have a smooth surface on one side and a rough one on the other are now made. A feather brush is preferable to a cloth for dusting gilt picture frames, as the cloth wears and deadens the gilt By covering the bottom of a bureau of chiffonier with a sheet of tin or ainc protection from mice la secured. If palms are sponged occasionally with equal parts of milk and lukewarm water they will retain a healthy alosa. sarn Tm Growing Old Fast And yoy know why, too. It's those gray hairs! Don't you know that Aycr't Half Vizor restores color to gray hair? Well. It does. And It never fails, either. It stops falling hair also, and keepa the scalp clean and healthy; Do not grow old too fasti I h.T m4 A Tar! Hair Ylfaf for man? veara aaa I .hrnla In4ead a aorrr a ba ak llftd la do without It. It keepa air feair freaa Wtraln rrar, and alao keep, mf eealpeleea and heaiUi. & . 1-aaviaxD, CaayM UlJ. Otafos. kr J. O. J7r Co., Lew.U, lea anafaatarara ef flu f UtUHMJUUL riULt. UWCtTKmtL. uers Method In Hie Madbesa. Caudles I was raiding In the piper this morning of a man who sleeps in tbe stable with bis horse ererr night. Mrs. Candles Wait's tbs matter with him is be crazy? . Candle No, I gness aot A horse csa't talk, you know. Probably tbe youngest general In the world ia a nepbew of the late Shah of Persia, a boy not yet 14 years old. He holds tbe rsnk of full genersl In the Per sian army. Cannot Reduce a Rate. It is stated in Washington, that un der tbe Townsend rate bill, if a rate ia fixed by tbe commission it cannot be lowered by a railroad. Should an emer gency arise calling for a decreased rate, the railroads or shippers would have to appeal again to the commission, there being no latitude allowed,wbatever the circumstances. Hitherto a maximum rate has been tbe rule, but no such concession is made under the- proposed legislation. Bwapplng ComplIme.ita. "I have just Invented a new sau sage," said the butcher, handing some to the poet for him to try. "Ah!" exclaimed be, "It is a poem! By tbe way, have you read my latest poem?" "Indeed, yes." replied the butcher with a light of appreciation In his eyes; "it is a sausage." Houston Her sld. his Health Was Wrecked Pe-ru-na Gave New Life HON. JOHN TIGHT: Assemblyman Tighe's letter should be read by every brain worker leading sirei. uous life. Hon. John Tighe, No. OS Remsen St., Cohoes, N. Y.t Member of Assembly from the Fourth district, Albany coun ty, N. Y.( writes as follows : "Peruna has my hearty indorsement as a restorative tonic of superior merit. At times when I have been completely broken down from excess of workf so that my faculties seemed actually at a standstill, Peruna has acted as a heal ing restorer, starting the machinery of mind and body afresh with new life and energj . "I recommend it to a man tired m mind and body as a tonic superior to anything I know of and well worthy serious consideration." J. Tighe. Exceaa of work so common in our country causes impaired nerves, lead ing to catarrh and catarrhal nervousness a disease that is responsible for half of all nervous troubles. Peruna cures this trouble because it cures catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv ing a full statement of your cas, and he will be pleased to give you his valu able advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. CUHES HlHt ALL lit FAIL. I Couli Sirup. Tutu. Good. UK In lima. Bold by rtrueKl.t". urn 1. m)lmmmmmim, ' iwnmm. a ::-.;::-. vie-::. v '''' 1 I - -' . , i S eJgiAiftw- . 1 . V ot the Kin. "I bad an uncle aie up In Vermont last week,? said the Boston man, "and; though there la nothing so very queer about an uncle dying, this relative of mine didn't have a fair show." "As how?" was asked. "Well, when be wa 20 years old ft tin peddler advised him to always car ry snuff around In bla pocket to throw into a mad dog's eyes. In case he met one. He carried-that snuff for forty years and never used it" "Welir "One day, after be bad carried It for thirty years, be was crossing a field and an old bull get after him and gave him a tosa. When be came limp ing Into tbe bouse and told oa about It I said: M 'Why didn't yon throw snuff In hla ' eyes. Uncle Jerry T " 'Why, that peddler told me to use the snuff on dogs, and that If ever a bull got after me I waa to use ground cinnamon. I hadn't any of the blamed . stuff with mef " Ilia Prefereaoe. Wife Which of these photographs of mamras do yon like best, dear? Husband Let me ace. Why er I think I prefer this small one. Wife Do you think it la a better like seas? , Husband Oh, no; bot It ahows her dressed la a traveling costume. Maill Makaroff, only daughter ef the Russian admiral, who was drowned by the sinking of the warship Petropavlovsk. has been chosen maid of honor to tha Czarina and to the dowager empress of Russia. Her mother, a woman of Polish origin. Is a profound linguist and accom plished musician. She has dabbled la ec cnltiim and his written books and plays. At present she Is engaged upon a biog raphy ef her husband. 1905 LEWIS & CLARK EXPOSITION For Pint CI ae Hotl an 1 Room Aocora modetlone IN PORTLAND durinf tbo EXPOSITION apply at once and tend yuur reftvrvatiuo lea of to apply on rent of our room. Kooma in alt part of trie city. Wte to H 0" pr day. RfSCRVf VOUR ROOMS WITHOUT DE LAY A NO OCT VOUH CHOKE. Write lor lull Inlormaiionto Lteprtment 1, EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUREAU Tk Only Official Bawaa ef the lrwt k CUrk Pall Goedaeatt) Building, Pertlaad. Oretee) OUTSIDE INN a 1 r, . ... .w- a ' . r. LIMt v?? - - 3a. Electric lighted roomi. Baths and modern conveniences. R ooma 60c, f 1 and $1.50 per day A new, permanent hotel, directly opposite main entrance to Fair. All atreet eaxi iur Fair land you at Hotel door. Dr. G. Gee Wo. Woiderfol Hon Treattr.snt . Thto wonderful Chl aeae doctor la called IT reel becauee ha eurae people without opera' Uon to at are flren ap to die. He earee with thon wonderful Chi nese herbe, ronta, bud, barka and vecetablee that are entirely un known to medical act- anoe In to It eountry. Throogta tne use of thoee harmlesa remedlea this famous doctor knows the action of over KW different remedies which he successfully uses In different disease. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, atomach, liver, kid neys, etc; haa hundreds of testtmoulala. Chants moderate. Call and aea him. Patlenta out of the city write for blanka and ctrculara. bend stamp. CONBULTATION fHEK. ADDRK.HS T.e G. 6es Wo Chines! Kadlclnt Co. 1S1H-253 AIDER ST. FORTLAItD, 0REG0O le Veotlon paper V ; STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 25-Horso Power. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hundreda in use in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Send for Catalogue. Mitchell, Lewis & Stayer Co. PORTLAND. OREQOII Seattle and Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. P. N.U. Ne. 24-t903 I . . 11 i-l--4 s r. u-ji .rsCL-j 1 ; 1 1 I WHEN writing; te adTartlaar pleetee I mention thla paper. I 1 .J