Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, July 13, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 17.
Warehouse Sites Selected.
A special ear of railroad cllklale end
prominent grain men was brought to
Condon Hunday. The party consisted
of M, J. llntrkley, general superintendent
of tht U. K. A N. D. M. Campbell, sup
erintendent of the 0. U A 0. C. It. It.
and A. Macquordale from the general
freight officii ; W. N. I'attnllu ami (i. T.
Huilth of the Interior Warehouse Co. ; 8.
E. l'urvlne of lite Arlington Warehouse
Co. ami a representative of the 1'scillu
Coast Elevator Co. The object of their at thia time waa fur selecting sites
for warehouses to be constructed on the
west alng of track in the railroad yard,
jtiHt wait of the wagon road crossing.
The party was In town only about an
t hour and readily decided on the location
for their respective building. The
warehouses to be built will be large and
for a general warehouse and atorage
business. The engine and crew of the
regular train made two tripe to Arling
ton, where the tpeclal car wae attached,
leaving Condon at an early lionr Mon
day morning.
Road Improvements.
County road aupeiintendent MoUII
vray with a crew of workmen ban started
work down the canyon 'a few mile
tooth of town. The big rock crusher
purchased Ian Fall ie being used and
much effective work ia eipected to lie
derived from Its use. Aa ihia ia news
arily a alow process only the plate
where work it most needed will be at
tempted thia Hummer and Fall. How
ever, It It the intention of the county
court to push the work at rapidly at
possible, aa thit it one of the moat Im
portant roade leading Into Condon.
Much of the'terriiory lying tout I, of here
it now In closer touch with Condon than
formerly, due to the (act that Condon it
now a railroad terminus of no mall pro
portion., a receiving and distributing
point for a vat territory. In products,
or at leaat a large por'ion waa until re
cently, hauled to hhanlko.biit now all of
it wilt be brought to London, hence the
Importance of good roada.
Unapproprlate Advertising.
Much might be aaid regarding this
subject, but a word to the wise ia suf
ficient. When you aee any form of ad
vertising that hat served It purpose it at
once liecomee your duty to remove it.
Pouters, hand-bills and such forms of
advertising may lie teen in conspicuous
places for weeks or even months after
the event for which they were need.
With rare exceptions they have no
decorative value but have a tendency to
lessen the publicity of ones that may be
placed in their atead. It it vexing in
your haste to II nd after a diligent search
for tome day or date that you have been
turning the leaves of last year's almanac
but it often occurs, By removing these
these things it will give way to newer
onet and do away with a nuisance.
Twice-told tales are never en enjoyable.
Popular Puzzle.
Put down the year in which you were
born, to which add 4, than add the age
which your next birthday will make you
provided it oomea tie lore January I.
otherwise your age at your last birthday,
Multiply the result by 1000 and deduct
from thia 014,423, substllure for the fig
ures corresponding letter of the alpha
bet, A for I, II for 2, C for 3, and to forth.
The result will give the name by which
yu are popularly known, Try it.
Buy It Now.
Now it the time to buy Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
It it certain lo be needed sooner or later
and when that timet cornea you will
need it badly you will need It onlcklv.
Buy it now. . It may save life. For sale
by Condon Drug Co.
W, A. Uoodwln baa the contract for
a building 10x40 feet on Mail, street lie.
tween the Telephone Exchange and the
Hafe saloon, to be'a tailor shop for hi.
'jormley, Construction has begun. '
Ja. Brown, who it employed bv Jack
Fagon on the Cooke ranch, fell (10 feet
in a well Tuesday ami was considerable
bruised op. The roap with which he
was decending gave way being the cause
of the accident.
Editor 8. A. I'rtttison and wife are in
Portland thia week visiting the Lewis
ami Clark Exposition, having left last
Saturday morning. Mr. I'sttison will
probably tell the tiuiHK readert all
about some of the many attractions to
Im seen on the trail, as well aa other
placet of Interest, in the next issue.
Artive construction work baa tnen
started on the new flouring mill and
warehouse for the liilliam Comity Mill
Ing Co. The mill will he a modern
Structure 40x00 feet, four stories high,
and will have a capacity of from 250 to
300 liarrele of flour a day. The ware
house nnder construction will lie 80x140
feet, to lie need exclmdvelv b the mill
ing company. V. A. .While, a well
kn itti architect and contractor of Port
land has charge of the building opera
It is believed that the notorious gang
of slock rustler and theeo thootert that
have been operating in various conntn-s
of Eastern Oregon for aeveral yean to
be entirely broken up. One of the
worst membera of thit lawness band hat
recently been captured, while the rest,
except two who broke Jail, areintne
clutches of the law. Thousands of dol
lar worth of stock from Wheeler and
Crook counties ha been stolen and
taken out of the country tiy thia aet of
Prof. John B. Horner of the Oregon
Agricultural College was In Condon the
first of the week in the Interest of that
institution. Mr. Horner ia one of the
foremost educators of the coast and a
gentleman with whom it ia a pleasure
to meet. The college with which be It
connected it one that should be given a
thorough Investigation by the young
man or woman who contemplates a
mora practical education, thus enabling
theiu to take up fife's duties with a
greater degree of proficiency.
afaa,... -"lx'
1905 Designs 1
Of the most select Wall Papers and Wall Decor- ZS
tw ations can bo found by going to W. L. Barker
tw & (Vs. Examine these up-to-date selections. "g
Rolls just received, all of the latest in imita
tions Burlap, Tapestry and Aplique freeses.
That S. R. Kelly selected this stock and under
stands how these combinations should be hung.
County Court Proceedings.
The following proceeding were had a
the regular term of the County Com
held July 6th, 1906 and Julv Oth, 1116
In the matter of the application of O
D. Hturgaa 'for tax rebate. Continued
fur the trm.
In the matter of the petition of Wll
bert 1'ryor et al for a County road.
Mctiilvrev, J. A. McMorrit and U. Fro-
man appointed viewers. To meet July
19. ItMo. ,
In the matter of the petition of A I tier t
K. York et al for a Count road. H. M
Uilvray, J, A. McMorrit and I. Dyer ap
pointed viewer. To meetjgly 17, 1905,
In the matter of the petition of Chee,
Ilabesolm for a County road. J, A
McMorrit, 8. McUilvray and R, W
Cook appointed viewers. To meet July
2It. 11KI5.
In the matter of the petition of D. VV
La III n et al for change In County road
Continued for the term.
In the mailer of the appointment of a
Slock Inspector forUiliiam oounty. A
L, Untitle appointed. '
In the matter of the petition of the
It ir I Telephone Co. to build and main
tain a line along the County road. Petit-
Ion granted. ;
In the matter of the application of
Davidson Bros, for a rebate of taxes,
Khate of (41-71 allowed.
In the matter of the application of
Joseph Casou for permission to dig a
well in the County road. Granted the
right to dig well in Connty mail.
In the matter of the resignation of T
it. pwecien (nonstable ol the Arlington
Precinct. Resignation accepted and II.
F. Shanks appointed.
In the matter of the petition of N.
Famsworth et al for a County road. J
A. McMorrit, 8. McUilvray and P. Dyer
appointt-d viewers. J. A. McMorrit,
Surveyor, To meet Julv 18th, 1905.
In the matter of the application of J
D. Brown for Issuing tax receipt for 1901
taxes without penalty and interest
Ordered to issue receipt without penally
and interest.
In the matter of the application of J
E. Reynold, for a rebate on damages
done Conntv road by driving cattle over
the same assessed damages, f 12. paid.
Rebate of seven dollars allowed, Cler
authorixed to warrant for tame.
The following claims were allowed by
County court:
D B Dufur 110, C H Buwy Il.SO. NatePecil H50,
Jar. Hhelton W.fiO, Ad. Weir 112.30, Chsrley
Brookmsn 11X50, A R Collin. 17.50. T D Sweeten
$-9.50. Alt Collins 111.20, GL Keel 12.10, A R
Collins H.70. T O. Swwteu IH6.S5, A R Collin.
t;.t. Ueorne Htnlth 11.60, Delmer Smith tuo,
Ueoutti Unborn 11. SO, Jack Fbk ll.SO. T D Sweet
en U-80, Ike Morrlnon 12.50, A K Collin. 15, J H
Hudson f,U W I'armau K.T D Sweeten S8.75.A R
Collin. 7. C B Darland $1. A B miodKiani $1, O P
tow 19, rtt, Vincents Hospital 7I, BenJ. F (irelner
1218, Jerry Hartshorn 12, Frank HoIlen2, Hor
ace Hartshorn 12, Tear! Jarvis $37.10. O L Neele
15, Jaa. 11. Quinn 15, H K Spencer $2.25, 1 B Car
ter $20, GT Mc Arthur $11.25. Glass A Pruduomme
$H.2, Anderson & Dumilway $9.80, The Irwin
Hudson Co. $2.10, The Appeal Prlnlcry $15, The
Record $.", Condon tUobe $2K.50, Weekly Tiroes
$."). Arllnxton Whse. Co. .90, John F Relsacher
$2.20, Hotel Grande $7, Kllte Restaurant $17.50, E
M tihutt $18,15, Dunn Bros. $133.31. John Knox
$4 25. T G Jonnon $194.95, R M Roger. $ "5. OUs
Campbell $!S2, E W Moore $3. 75. A J Slielton $160,
J W Dyer $10,40, B T Shell $10.
Bent Her Double.
"I knew no one, for four weeks, when
I waa sick with typhoid and kidney
trouble," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of
rittsburg, Pa., "and when I got better,
although I had one of the beat doctors I
could get, I was bent double, and had
to rest my hands on my knees when I
walked. From thia terrible affliction I
was rescued by Electric Bitters, which
restored my health and strength, and
now I can walk as straight as ever. They
are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to
cute stomach, li ver and kidney disorders j
at all druggists ; price 60c.
A coal oil lamp that had been filled
by a youngster with gasoline exploded
in Robinson's amusement hall Saturday
evening. By the prompt action oh Mr.
Robinson the fire was extinguished and
no serious damage resulted.
From the Kargl ranch 1)i miles south
ot town, about April 1st, one red mulley
cow three years old. Branded N I on
hip. Earmarks nnder half crop on one
ear over half crop on other. Gentle
milch cow, Will pay reasonable reward
for information leading to her recovery.
Leave information at Globe office or
send to N. Bullard, Condon, Or. 16-19
Born To Mayor Dunn and wife, a 9
pound son, Monday night.
We need all our time to wait on oar trade
and keep it supplied with the newest and beat
that is to be had in Spring Drees Goods, Mus
lin, Underwear, Hosiery etc.
We have the newest creations in Ladies and
Men's Shoes. ,. They are beauties. If you can
not come to town write us for samples of our
new goods. No trouble for us to show goods.
Real Estate Farm Loans
; '
Office with
FftRMAN A FARKER 6011(1011, OPCQOn.
Barker Block
The Mutual Life Insurance Company
Is the oldest Life Insurance Company in America and has
the largest accumulated fund of any company in the world.
Total assets December 31, 1904, $440,978371.16.
J. T. WANN, Agent
Condon, Oregon
H. W. Cornett, of Everett, Washing- Mrs. J. Q., Jarvis returned Tuesday
ton, is visiting relatives In Condon. 1 evening from a visit at Portland.