PERSONAL C. O. Fortwood returned from Port land Saturday. Sand? Campbell has returned from business trip to rortUnd. Ed Merri field and Tom Price took their families on a fishing excursion to Rock creek Saturday, Jay Blake, a former Condon boy, now of Cheyenne, Wyoming, i here thit week visiting relatives and friends. G. W. Pariuan, of the law firm of Par- man A Parker, who has churn of the firm's Arlington office, was in town Utir- ' in the week. Mies Benlah Fitswater returned from a visit to Portland Sunday where she spent ten days visiting her sister and taking in Fair sights. Jim Cooke is off on a trip to Spokane, Seattle and the big Portland Fair. The "rooters" at Sunday's ball game missed Jim's gentle voice from the chorus. F. M. Pliter, of the Lost Valley Lum ber Co., was in town over Sunday, lie says orders are piling into the mill for bills of lumber for building purposes iu Condon. Mrs. Campbell arrived Saturday from her home iu Illinois to visit h r daugh ters, Mrs. E. K. Cleveland, of this city aud Mrs, Pry or, of Ferry Canyon. She will also visit the Portland Fair before returning to the East. Joe Fobs was over froui Lone Rock during the week.' Mr. Fuss reports that many good horses have mysteriously disappeared from the rautte this Spring, a number of his best horses being among the number missing. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reisacher, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bowernmn, Mrs. T. G. Johnson and Miss Belle Wilson left Sunday morn ing for Portland to attend the annual meeting of the Masonic aud Eastern Star grand lodges mid to visit the big Fair. They will be away a week or ten days. . O. D. McKrehan came in Thursday from Tekou, Washington, to take charge of the F. J. Mahoney r-al estate office for a short time. Mr. McKeenhali is well pleased with the appearance of this section awf says liis firm will bring in plenty of land buyers as soon as regu lar trains are running. LOCAL BITb THE SUMMIT HOTEL D. M. RINEHART. Proprietor New building, new furnishing. First clasa in every respect. Your patronage is res pectfully solicited. NEW LOCATION - HEW GOODS - RIGHT PRICES For insurance see F. J. Mahoney & Co. P. H. Stephenson's ad this week is for men only. Go to Jackson's confectionery for home made taffy. No substituting, no guess work when Herman Pauling tills your prescription. Price's confectionery for fine candies, nuts and cigars. East side Main street. Before buying Millinery visit the Con don Millinery, one door south of Con don Hotel. Shoe repairing while you wait at rea son til- prices. Shoes made to order by experienced workmen and guaranteed to til. O. W. PropMt A Co. Take your hides and Pelts to the 1 intfton Lumber Co. and get the top notch price, 11 Jc for pelts and 13)aC for dry hides. JUST RECEIVED 2500 mils wall paper and more on the road. Strictly 1905 patterns, Prices lower than ever. W. A. Daklino. Active operations are expected to be g u on the city well today. The ma chinery has all arrived and is in place and rapid p'ogress may now be exoect ed. Wagons, Buggies, Hacks and all kinds of Fanning Implements at W. L. Bar tier A Co's big Condon implement house. Vw is the time to stock up for the busy Spring farming season. Stationery If yon want something neat and stylish, we have it. If you want a oc tablet, we have it. In fact we have a nice line of writing material, come and see. Condon Drug Co. The laxative effect of Chamberlain's .Stomach and Liver Tablets is so agree able and so natural that you do not realize it is the effect of a medicine. For sale by Condon Drug Co. Notice Herman Panling is ngent for Woodard Clarke & Co's. reliable pre scriptions, Pacific Horse Liniment, Ras pairlla. Marsh Mallow Cream and a thousand other reliable articles. "Restful Recreation Res irts," from the passenger department of the 0. R. & N. Co., is it neat pamphlet of 48 pages and a triumph of the printers' art, the matter being from the fluent pen of R. M. flail, the official advertising writer for that company. It is an excellent bonk to send to friends in the eastlwho may visit the Fair this Summer and will be a forceful factor in helping to boom Oregon. A two-cent stamp to A. L Craig, Portland, Oregon, secures a copy. Largest and best Line of Tob acco, Cigars, Confectionery, Fruits. Nuts, Pipes, Stationery etc. in the citv. JOHN JACKSON CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR United States Land Office. The DhIIiw. orvKon. Msy IS. t'.v A anfflrteiit routed ultUUvIt Imrlnn hwn Mini, til this oftW by t'lomt'lia A pHniieinitii, voiitral- itnt, MKHiut hoimttttwl entry No. MVtll, mmltt June 4. I,., for SW 4 tK , Sec. 14. T S S, K 21 E.. W. M. tjr Jew M. IViin. content, In which It ia ultt'KtHt flint nall Jvaac XI. IVnti hn (tOMTlt-d ami ahumlmitM anltt Inn. I ami UlU'il to live thereon or mora than two jrntra laul jwt and said fnilnrva Mill rxiat anil mid IVan never did live on wiid laud at any time; and that mid al lttrttl abaeiioe wna not due to service In the ar my, navy or mtriiie corjiaof the t utted siute in time ol war: Mid lwrtlc are hereliy iiotillfd toapH'ar, resond and Stfer evident touching aid allegation at 10 o'clock, a. m on June 'Jtt, ISWi. before J. V. Snover, I'. S. ComiulMlonerut hi oftliv atCondnu. Or., and that Hnal hearing will tw held at Irto'clnek a. m. on June M. iv before the KesiKter and Hecvlver at the I'nitotl bites LandOttU-etu The Dalle. Orvirou. The laid conteaUnthavltiK. iu a triiH'rar)lda- vit, Hied May 1H. 'M act forth fact whltiti htiw that after due diliKrtice personal aeivice of thl notice rsn not lie maile, it ia hereby ordered and dircctiM that aucb notice be irivetl by due and proper publication. KMl.V MichaixT. Solan, KckUIit. SPECIAL NO. 4 9c A 15c cake of Buttermilk Soap. 5c A 10c cake of Toilet Soap. . 48c A 7"e Hair brush. 60c A 11.00 Jar of Cold Cream. HERMAN PAULING PEOPLES' DRUGGIST 9.S27.00 t s 1 2. no ! 14,.V1.77 First National BanK Report. So. 7tX". ; Keport of the condition o( The Kim! National! Bank ol Condon, at Condon In the state of Ore- : gon, at the clone of oti'iiit-, May '."., I'M'i. 1 BKi.OUK.CK. Loan ami DiM-ouiit ll.ft.:Si! OverdrafU. secured and UHaecured . . 1,7;S.W l". S. Bmuia to aveure tlrculatinu fl.i'OOO I'remliim on f. S. Homl 4'.7. BomU. aeenritic. etc t.Ws.ltf Bank I rm liouae. furniture, nnd rlxtiire it,:tt)1.0U Due fnnn Xat'l. Bankifnut roerveaK't.' 4,7Jl).iW Due fro'S approved reaerve iiKenta. .'fJ,;U4 til ' Checks and other caili items 570.51 Note ol other National Hank '.',0110.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels ' and cenbt 17V.37 tAwri'L Honey Kkskkveu in bank, viz: Specie O..Vi7.0O. Legal-Trailer note '.170.00. Total Kcdcmption fund with 1'. 8. Treasurer l" percent ol circulation.) Total I.IAB1MTIKX. Capital stork paid ill L'luiiviili-d profits, less expensea and taxes paid National Bank notes outstnmtinK . . Individual deposits subject to check Demand certiticutcs of deposit Time certificate of deposit . . ' Total State of DtCKon. County of Olllium. ss: 1, N. Karnaworth, cashier of the above-nam- , ed bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowlcdKu and belief. N. Faknhwokth, Cashier. Subscribed und sworn to before me thi 3rd ' day of June, 11)05. i K. K. Schibsek, Notary Public. , CORKKl T Attest: AXDKE (tKKINKR, P. M. I Putkb, Edatakh Diss, Directors. j Fob Kknt Two nicely furnished front! rooiiie. Apply at tliis ollice. , Select your plows, linrrowa unl t! ri 1 la for the coining ochhoii at VV. L. Barker, & Co'g implement hoiiHe, Comlon, Oreg. ', Ball Game Next Honday, on llonilon diamond. Western Union "lionuh Necks," of 1'ortlantl, vs. Condon Reds, j The Karue of the tteison. ' Lawn Social The Baptist ladies will ! serve ice cream etc. on Mrs. I'liter'e lawn ' next Saturday evenini;. Fine musical' program. All are invited. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE FARM LAND BOUGHT and SOLD. List your lands with ns and we will Hud you a purchaser. In tend in K purchaser may be bcuetitled by ftlvliiK u a call. W. A. CAMPBELL, CONDON. OK KOI N. OlfltH- 2nd Floor Barker Hldu. ",",IK10.IJ0 , 4.177.29 j e.'.'.vi.uo ' 4m.46 ! 6,070.22 i 7.017.80 !HVil.77 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Gilliam. I.. O. Italston, I'ialnlitr, vs. J. I). Titus aud J. B. Titus, Defendant. To J. U. Titus, above mimed Defendant: In the uameof the State ol Ori'Kou: Yon are hereby required to appear aud answer thu complaint tiled attalnst you in the above en titled action within lx week from the date of the llrst publication of this summons on you, to-wlt: Within six weeks from the nth day of June, iliedute of the llrst publication of this sum mons, and If you fall to so answer, for want there of, the plaintilT will apply Ui thu Court to If rant the relief piayed for In said plaintiff Co iiplalut to-wit: JinlKi'iiient aicalust you and each of you for the principal sum of -2I.X2 toKethcr with In terest thereon from Die 1st day of December, lHUtl, at the rate of leu per cent per annum until uald, f l.'iO.OO attorney' fee. toKethcr with the rosts aud disbursement of this action. This summons is nerved on you by publication In pursuance of an order of the II -norahle Ed ward Dunn, JikIku uf tho County of Gilliam. State of OrcKoii, duly mad aud entered In salil action, on the lith day of June, l'.io5. 12dl" i'ARMAN A Pakkkk, Attorneys for I'luiiititl'. A Bad Scare. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr. Kind's New Life Pills, a sure cure for all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, hiliousne.'s, costiveness, etc. Guaranteed at all druggist, only 25c. Trv them. Bargains In harm Lands. 1080 acres 800 plow land, 450 sum mer fallow, 200 in crop. Running water, 7 miles from Condon, 10 from timber. $20 per acre. 900 acres 700 plow land, miles from Condon, plenty water, good orchard 8 room house, big barn, and other build ings, well fenced. One of the most de sirable ranch homes in county and sure money maker. $26 per acre. For particulars call at Globe office. AUCTION SALE OK LAND. Pursuant to instructions from the owner I will sell at public auction, to the hinhest bidder, cash iu hand, on SATURDAY, JULY 1. 1U0.), at 1:30 o'clock, P. M. of aaid day, at tlie SprlnK Street entrance to Barker' Brick Block In Con don, Oreirou, the following described lands: The S K '4 of the N W M, and the W J j ol the N E !4, and the N E 4 of the . K '4, of Section 8, and the S K of the S W , ami the S of the S E '4, and the N E 4 of the S K!4,and the S E M of the N E 4, aud the N W 14 of the N E '4, and the S K 4 of the N W and the N W M of the S W'4, of Section 5, all iu Township 5 S, limine '22 E. W. M., In (iilliain County, Oregon, contuiniiiir all told 4S0 acres. The above lands are situated South of Thirty mile creek aud between .that creek and PuHr aack creek and include some of the best fanning land in (iilliaiu County. The title to this laud I perfect mid will be conveyed by warranty deed. The di.itiiuce of thi land from Condon 1 about nine miles. 12dl" L. W. Da km NO, Attorney for the Owner. For Sale. 1000 Hrst-claHS tamarack fence posts; 100 corda 16-incb wood. On Thirtyniile creek, jnat below Condon Lumber Co's sawm'll. Address, Bahney Colvin, 1 Ml 4 Fossil, Oregon, FOR MEN ONLY SPECIAL About 75 Men'B and Boys' Summer Suits will be ah at great ly reduced prices between now and July 4th. Hats Shoes Hosiery If you pay cash for your good trade with Stephenson and save money. IF yOU SEE IT IN OUR AD. IT'S SO P. H. STEPHENSON MEN'S FURNISHINGS FOR SALE. A BARGAIN , 1C0 Acres of A I farm land, 115 acres in grain, 25 acres in Sum mer fallow, JJ acres in orchard and shade trees, 3 acres in poto Iocs, balance in rye and bunch grass pasture. New -i-ronui house, granery and all necessary improvements. Will kcII with crop ami iu.pleinedits or without. 2J miles south of Con don. For price ami information see KARL HABESOHN, Condon, Or. OUR STOCK Of PATH NT MKDK'IXKS is complete. Prescrip tion carefully filled with the bent Drtics obtainable. lmiNii US YOUR PUKSCHIPTIONS. Condon Drug' Co. Highest market Price Paid For , Forty Fold and Bluestem Wheat High (irade Flour, ('raham, Germ Meal and Clmo fur fate. CONDON FLOURING MILLS A S IIOM.KN. Mgr. CONDON, OR. C. L. Vining & Son Dlack&mlthlng and Wagon Work CLEM :: OREGON Ancnts for Advance Separators, Traction Engines, Horse Powers, Wind Stackers, and all machinery built by the Advance Company. Call on us or write to us before purchasing a new rig. We call at your residence when machinery is wanted. HOME BAKERY A. A. TOWNIJOV. PROP. Fresh Bread, Pies, Huns and Cakes every day. FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES. Fruits and vegetables, in season." BALLS, PARTIES and BANQUETS Supplied with all kinds of Cakes at reasonable prices." Atrial solicited. ' Home Phone No. 24. PININO JR. This fine jnck will initio the seanon of 11)05 st Cooke Hros. ranch, 4ja' miles CHHt of Condon. DEHCIttlTI'iN AND I'KOrOHIIK. Odor rsv ; aKil 5 vear. Sir Pinino (112) 101940; Krandfliro Bedondo; First iluin, Knzzell's hed jenny ; second dam Vrono. For terms and particulars apply to Cooke Bros., pw tiers, or J. F. Fagon, manager. Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. These are three common ailments (or which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is es pecially valuable. If promptly applied it will save you time, money and Buffer ing when troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale by Condon Drug Co. Condon Transfer Co. All kinds delivery and transfer business. City delivery. Heavy hauling. Strict attention to busi ness. Your patronage is solicited. W. 0. MILLER, PROPRIETOR For Sale. A country store carrying a first-class small Block of Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hardware etc. Stock 'will In voice about $2000. Buildiutr 24x30 two stories high. Will sell with or without the building. For particulars call on or address, U. E. Wahson, Alville, Ore.