Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 25, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 10.
Grand Court for Condon.
Condon will entertain tht oiiitibtn of
thaQrand Court, Forester of A merle
In 1900. Tbl wa definitely decided up
on at Iht Uraod Court meeting held in
l'ortland lait week whan Dav Moliane,
who represented Court Condon, No. 64,
at tht l'ortland meeting, by little deft
manipulation of tht condition! a ht
found them aurceeded In quietly ileal
Ing the coveted prlie before the advo
cate of othei towrni readied juit where
thev were at.
Mr. McUane li well known all over
thli lection ol Eastern Oregon ai a most
genial gentleman, a lip-top barber and a
mighty good fellow but It wn not sua
peeled by hit cloeeet frlendi that he waa
possessed of thoee characteristics which
go to make the finlihed politician, itut
It eeenn he had those qualities carefully
towed away In hn sleeve and when he
reached Portland and found a merry
fight In progreee over tht selection of
grand officer! he quietly went to work
to land the nett eeealon of the grand
court for Condon. He loat no time In
getting to work and to quietly were hie
plain carried out that when he took the
floor to make a speech In which he drew
a vivid picture of the glories and possl
bllitlei of Kaitern Oregon In general and
of Condon in particular, not only ai to
their material resources bat also ai re
garded the promiae of thil field for the
upbuilding of the order of Foresters, he
elmply carried the convention by itorm
and when he had finiihed a fellow con
aplrator jumped to hie feet and moved
that Condon ahould be the neit meeting
place. The motion wa quickly second
ed and ai quickly put to vote and before
you could eav "ecat" the thing wit done.
The order of Foresters in thliiute
comprieea about 80 court aud thli will
mean an attendance at the Condon
meeting nett year of more than 100 dele
gate. It ii of much importance to the
city tor every place In Oregon in which
a member of the order lives will hear
wore or lea of Condon within the nett
year. McBent la all right, lie will be
remembered i the man who packed
convention, Hole a grind lodge and help
ed to make the dot which represents
Condon on the map of Oregon a little
bigger, a little blacker and more con
epicuoui than it wm before.
It Is Funny.
One of tht funny thing about a conn
try itor ii the questions they ak.
"I the quality of thews good up to the
highest itandard?" aik one. .
"Ye," wii the anawer, "after you
have uaed the article several month, If
you art not perfectly iitlifled you may
return It and get your money back."
"Do you give fall weight and ineaa
ore?" "Yea, or yoa can do your own weigh
ing and meaaurlng it you wiah," wa the
"Do vou trust anybxty (or good?
"Yea, everyone who I entitled to
Weill If there inch a atort in Con
don it mailt be llunt'e Hardware Store.
Ita the only place where they do buai-
net in luch a funny way.
School Clerk's Notice.
All achool warrant of Condon School
District, (old No. 9, new No. 25) regis
tered prior to September 1, 1904, will be
paid upon presentation at myofce. In
terest cease after May 1, 1905.
6-tl School Clerk.
Having ditpoied of the Jarvi Phar
macy I hereby give notice that all per
sona Indebted to me are ei pec ted to
come forward and make settlement eith
er by cash or note without delay,
tf. J. Q. Jaktib.
For Sale.
One of the finest farms in Gilliam
county, containing 500 acres of land, lo
cated 1l miles west of Condon. It ha
an abundance of water for house nse and
stock, large orchard of all kinds of fruit,
good house, barn and other out build
ing. It also ha a good aprlng crop in.
For particulars call on or address,
William Hawks,
9-tf Condon, Oregon.
Ball Team Reorganized.
At a meeting held Tuesday evening
the Condon ball team was reorganized
and placed on a first-class footing for the
season's work. Ed Dunn, J. W. Snover
and D. R. Parker were elected managers
and Mr. Parker waa alio choien aa cap
tain of the team, J. D. Hums was elect
ed secretary and treasurer. The lint up
of tht team Is aa follows: Batterv,
Jarvlsand Parker. First bate, Block;
2nd, Edwards; 8rd, Kennedy jsi, Burns;
If, P. Jarvts; rf, Sic Arthur; cf, Kelly.
The boys eipect to go to Fosill next
Sunday and a week from that day will
play a game at lone.
Tht city has secured an additional
gasoline engine and put It to work at
city well No. 1 to help out with the wat
er supply until tht new well Is complet
ed. The Annual meeting of the National
Good Roads Association will lie held n
the auditorium on tht Ki position
grounda at Portland Jane iflst to 2Jih
Lout My 17th on the road between
Alvlle and Condon, a plaited lain drov
er's whip with short hickory stock.
Finder will plume leave at thi ofOct or
at Waeaon'e atore at Alville.
The drilling machinery for the new
city well ii now on tht ground and will
be put in operation in a few daya. The
tower is already In place and no lime
will be loil In getting the machine to
Mr. acd Mn. J. E. Lancaster, who left
here a couple of weeka ago for Portland,
have sailed for Los Angeles, California,
where they eipect to make their future
home. They left Portland Sunday on
the ateamer Roanoke.
W, T. Thompson, Deputy Orand Sac
hem of the Improved Order of Red Men,
la here for the purpose of organising a
Tribe ol that order' at this place. All
white melee between tht agea of 18 and
60 art eligible to membership In Ibis
M. J. Priddy returned Monday from
hla trip to the upper DeaChutea country
where he went eooie time ago to look
for a location. He la fairly well pleased
with the country generally and may file
on a homestead on tht divide between
tht DeaChatea and Crooked river.
C.J. Qui nn was over from Mayville
precinct yeaterday. Mr. Qulnn returned
from Portland Monday where he apent
eome time with Mra. Qulnn who lain
St. Vincent'a hospital where ahe recent
ly aubmitted to a serious aurglcal opera
tion. She ia now improving rapidly and
hopes to i on be able to leave the hospi
tal and return home.
Tracklayingon the new railroad pro
ceeds slowly. The workmen are handi
capped to an eztent by the long distance
they now are from Rock creek where
they have to go every day tor water for
the engine. The end ol the track is now
about 6 miles from town and it is ei
peeled the Iron borse will be within the
city limits within another week.
Thomas W. Law son announces that
the June installment of his story,
"Frensied Finance," will give the true
story of tht first great crime of Amalga
mated in a double chapter of 24000
words, No magaiine articles of recent
vears have attracted so much attention
as "Frensied Finance" nor given the
masses so clear an Inaltt Into tht rotten
ness of tht stock market and the stock
gamblers. Everybody should read these
articles in Everybod'y rnagasine.
Earle M. Bevis a real estate man, of
Spokane, arrived in thla city Saturday
and will open an office here. Mr. Bevis
has had considerable experience in the
real estate business and will no doubt
prove a valuable acquisition to the com
munity iu helping to bring the wonder
ful resources of this section to the at
tention of tht outside world, He makes
a specialty ot farm loans, a branch of
the business that has' not heretofore
been specially represented here. Mr.
Bevis will office with the firm of Parman
& Parker, tht well known attorneys in
the Barker block.
The Fossil ball team will tangle with
tht Condon team on the Fossil dia
mond next Sunday afternoon to settle
the much mooted question as to which
Is really tht better team. Fossil has
proven herself pretty ehookum, thank
you, so far this season and as the players
rrora that pretty little town art every
one gentlemen and good fellows we hope
to set the home boys get a move on and
make the occasion interesting for them
on this occasion. If Jim Stewart leads
tbt delegation of Fossil rooters we can
assure the publio that tbt noise will be
easily worth doable the price of admission.
For a Better Road to Condon.
An earnest movement Is on foot look
ing towards tht Improvement of tht
county road between Foaail and Condon.
Tht county of Wheeler and the city of
Foaail are working in notion to that
end, and it le hoped that the people on
tht Uilliam county sldt of the lint will
take the matter np with equal enthu
siasm. .
Last year two miles of tht worst of
this road, west of the town of Foaail,
waa graveled with white gravel, and U
now by far the twit piece of road be
tween Condon and Foaill. This year
the road district and the people of Foaail
expect to gravel and make a Brat-class
road out to tht foot of tht Camming!
hill, a distance of from 4 to 4 miles
roin Fossil. As this work will exhaust
our resources thla year, and aa It is of
great importance to tht farmers In tbt
vicinity and to tht town of Condon that
tht often impassable road between the
top of the Cnromlnga hill and tht town
of May villa bt graveled before the Fall
raina begin, the farmera of Mayville and
the progressive business men of Condon
will he asked to take a hand in thla
good work. Unless this work is done,
even though the John Day be bridged,
hot little of the large shipping trade
from eouth of the John Day will bt di
verted to Condon, aa Shanikc, the com
peting railroad point, ia about the same
distance and baa no mud like tht May
ville "dope" to contend with. Fo.sil la
Interested in diverting this traffic to
Condon for the reaaon that it will all
have to pass through this place and In
doing so will materially Increase the
biuineea of the town.
Several Mayville farmera have already
promised to subscribe from ono to two
weeks' work with their teams to improve
this road, and we have no doubt that
many others will do likewise when the
matter la pat before them in tht proper
light. It ia proposed to have ail the
work done before the first ot July, so
that it will be out of tht way before bar-
veit time.'. ,,".... . :
Let as get together and pall ' together
and we cannot fail In this grand Im
provement. Fossil Journal.
Big Public Sale.
At B. Kiely'a ranch, on Eightmilt,
8 miles east of Olex, 11 miles westot
lone, 24 miles north of Condon, Satur
day, May 27, 1905, commencing at 10
o'clock, a. m.
Twenty head of extra good work
horses, mostly young stock and all well
broke ; Clyde and Percherpn stock. Any
one wanting good horses slnuld not
overlook this opportunity.
Several head of fine young hornet
from 1 to 3 years old all halter broke.
Ont fine Jersey cow. t
Headers, drills, seeders, wagons, head
er beds, plows, harrows, harness for
25 horses, carpenter and blacksmith
tools, lumber, posts, wood and shingles.
All kinds of household and kitchen
furniture and manv other articles too
numerous to mention.
Sale will begin at 10 a. m. sharp.
Come early to secure bargains. A good
lunch will bt served at noon. Terms
made known on nay ot sale.
iJko. L. Nialb, Auctioneer.
Wheeler County Pioneers.
The seventh annual meeting of tht
Wheeler county pioneers will be held at
the pioneer camp ground on Sarvlce
creek, beginning on Tuesday, June 27th
and continuing three days. A cordial
invitation is extended to all Uilliam
county pioneers and their friends to
meet with as and again enjoy the pleas
ures provided by our annual reunion.
Parties attending this reunion are re
quested not to bring any dogs as they
are a decided nuisance in camp and re
gardless of their age, sex or previous
condition ot servitude, will not be tol
erated on the grounds. By order of
J. D. McFarland, Sec'y.
A Creeping Death.
Blood poison creeps op towards the
heart, causing death. J, E, Stearns,
Belle Plaine. Minn., writes that a friend
dreadfully injured his hand, which
swelled up like blood poising. Buck
len's Arnica Salve drew out the poison,
healed the wound, and saved his life.
Best in the world for burns and sores
25c at all druggists.
. Hay delivered to any part of the city
tor $11.50. Arlington Lumber Co.
We need all our time to wait on oar trade
and keep it supplied with the newest tnd best
that is to be had in Spring Dress Goods, Mus
lin, Underwear, Hosiery etc.
We have the newest creations in Ladies and
Men's Shoes. They are beauties. If you can
not come to town write us for samples of our-,
. - . ... - - -..
new goods. , No trouble for us to show goods. f
Can best be supplied from our large stock of
which is one of the largest in Gilliam County.
fUk, Phono or Write for what
uou need
Our stock is now arriving and is fresh, clean and up-to-date.
Call and get our prices before buying elsewhere.
Eggs and Butter Bought and Sold.
G. E. WASSON, Proprietor
i i