nowuiMAS a Vnoveh Jar Howtrntftti U j.W.Dnuvtr . , ATTORNEYS-AT-lAW Pr tplu all tb Ciiuria. U, t, Commit lonor in olliit. Una! PrwtU ad HUiif laaau. turner Summit and Oregon Mia.' CONfcON, OllKOQH ARMAN A PARKER 1). R. Perkar 0. W. I'aruito ATTORNtYS-AT-lAW Careful ativnlloQ U alt lesal biinlti an (rutted to our ar. UlllKca at tunduu and Af llngiou. CONDON, OKKOO AKUNUTON, OKHION 4 W.tiARUNU ATT0RNEY-AT4.AW Notary Public and Covcyaitcer c' CONDON, ORKOON r. WOOD, M. o. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON rtav and Nlehl Calle nroronlly aniwered. Om, fcemnd Vlunr Marker Building, our lie r Main and Krln( tttreei. CONDON, ORKOON ART BOWKKM AN, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGtON OBlce on Summit Ht., Writ IKKir Wrilol P. 0 CONDOM. OR BOON X. KENNEDY,!. D, s PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office, Kaeond floor Udltan Riilldlnf. Kn trance eecoud doof luuia Hral Jiattoual Dank CONDON, OREGON T. L, NICK UN DENTIST ottWawond floor Palmar Building, South Main Mreel. CONDON, OREGON A. MANN DENTIST Crown and Rridga Work a Hpecleltf. Omce UMtaln tu Uowermaa Uulldlug. CONDON, OREGON 11. C. W1NAN8 ARCHITECT AND BUILDER Plana and Hclnia(luna rumtubtd at R eouable Katee. aauwatae given. CONDON. OREGON A. 0OODW1N CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER EKlmatoa rurnUhed.i Special Attention to ..... U'..-b " 409 null. , CONDON, OREGON J R. WELLS AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR Mrtct attention (Wen to builneM. 8ltf con- duciaJ. Vaiuailum given. CONDON, OREGON Odfgon SilOI(rLlN 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY Through rullman standard and tour ist sleeping cars daily to Omnha, Chi caso. 8Dokane: tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas city ; Uirongh rullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weeaiy to Chicago, reclining chair cars (seats tree) to the tuMi aauy. Ocean steamers between , Portland and San Francisco every five days. LOW RATES Tickets to and from all parts of the United Mates, uanaua ana Europe . i 1 1 , jar parucuiara can on or uuurosa D. TIERNEY, Agent Arlington, Oregon 0. R. N. TIME TABLE Trains Depart from Arlington VAST nOUND No. 4 Kookane Hver 11 sl 1 M No. 6 Mall & Express 1 :20 A M WV.ST HOUND No. 1 Portland Special 12:12 PM No. 3 Portland Flyer 3:13 A M No. 5 Mail & Express 2 :08 A M D. TIERNEY, Agent, Arlington, Or. OREGON STATE ITEF4S OF INTEREST FOR BETTER ROADS Linn County 8pndlng Hundradt of Dollar In Uniform Work. Albany Borne of tlte lxt road work In Oregon la iing done on Ilia roatu of Linn county. TJia work la ayiite niatic and uniform throunhout tha on lira county. Latt aprlnx tha county court, In filing apportionment o( mon- eya for road puriwima, onard m an Iditlonal Inducement to uaiia gooa roada that every district which by aub tcription ahould (also flOO would be given $100 by the county. Many of the ammcia iook mvaniage of thia offor, and not content with rai. Ins 1100. doubled that amount, the county producing ita proer proportion. A a rtwult, more money itu wen pent improving the roads oi lAon county thia ywtr than ever before, fand tha money baa been apent to some purpose, becauae the work la uniform throughout the county. N One of the actions looking to goou roads was tha purchase of about a doxen reversible road w rajers, thus making 20 in all the county. The preceding county court put 13,608 into a Dig steam road roller, which was not a success for roads in this county. This machine was traded to a acraper com any for the 12 machines. Wherever the land is white or clay like, the roads have been rounded uo and will not be graveled. They In come compact and hard, and make the beet roads in the county, nere me land Is low, roads are rounded up with Una gravel. Grass Outlook Is Promising. Bumpier There Is promise of an unusual grass yield this season on the Blue mountain raniti'S. KainfaU this spring has been far In excess of that of nr nut VCttfU. WHICH. COUDIOU WIIM the warm weather that prevailed dur Ihir the latter Dart of February and first of March, is accountable tor mis uvor able condition. Cattle and sheepmen are elated over the graxing prospect and eiiect to carry their stock well throiiirh tha season of 1005 with little exnense of feeding. The Blue moun Uin ranges are still overeu wiui snow on the uplands, while the valleye are hnwinir a. ffOod. beaiinv growm oi eraAt. This ouKht to mean a contln ued suodiv oi eramng tanu uniu me snow again comes late in the fall. ! Telephone War On. AlUny As a result of a petition to the Pacific Btatea Telephone company which was numerously signed by Linn county patrons oi tne company, a re duction has been made in the tele- ohone rates between Albany and Shedds, llalsey, Brownsville, Ubanon, 8cio. Crabtree and Jelterson, tne prin c'pal towns of the county. The rate was reduced Irani H9 cents to 10 cents, and is gioa only for subscciliers to the Pac 11c States system. Tins is consul ered by many as the beginning of the war between the independent telephone lines and the Pacific States Linea in Linn county. ' Blue Mountain Creamery. Pendleton The Blue Mountain rrnnmerv Mas commenced to receive cream from Umatilla county points in addition to that being shipped from tho Omnd Rone valley. In a short " time Charles Berkeley, who recently pur chased a $10,000 ranch on McKay creek, will commence milking 20 cows ncreasing to 30 or 40 this winter, i a. Hallfv will milk 2 cows on ins Wild Horse ranch, and F. B. Clopton a number on his farm tiear this city They are professional men of Pendleton and enthusiasts on uairying. Do Combines Spread Weeds? Pendleton E. L. Smith, who sells combined harvesters, says that the re port that tbo combines spread weeds m the fields Is not a fact, as the tendency of those machines is to gather the In sacks where they can be trans ported from the land and burned, if so dflRired. Mr. Smith says that the combines are taking the place of steam ttireshers in Umatilla county, there being nearly 200 in the county. , Y. M. C. A. Is Formed. Grants rass Through the assistance of Secretary Stone, of the state associa tion. flnAl work has been done in the ornanixation of a Young Men's Chris tian association in this city. The asso ciation starts out with a membership of over 100. Mony of the prominent business men are interested in the asso ciation, and plans are already under way toward the erection of a . M. C. A. building. Loth to Lose Land Office. Independence B.' C. Curry, attor ney, of Oregon City, has been in the city circulating a petition against the removal of the United States land office from that place to Portland. State School Fund Loans. ' Salem The state land board a few days ago approved applications in 22 instances tor the loan of the interest upon the state school fund, aggregating 131,950. . PURCHASE 40,000 8HEEP. McCandl & Burgast Will Ship 118 Carloads from Shanlko. Kent McCanoie 4 Burgess have purchased 40,000 sheep and expect to commence shipping them In a few days toKoda Springs for feeding tor the market. Following are the bands they bought: Charles llinton, Antelope, 1, 000 bead; McOrerer, Antelope, 8,400; McGilvery, Antelope, 800; McCandie, Antelope, 2,300; Charles Lavene, An telope, 1,100; Brogan, Antelope, 1,100; Smith, Condon, 1,500; A. 8tahl, Con- don, 800; Tobey, Condon, 1,900; Me- Intyre, Condon, 560; Josh Hardy, Condon, 400; Barker, Condon, 2,100; Barker, Filter, Condon, z.uuu; Reeder 4 Fisher, Bhaniko, 1,300; A, C. France, Antone, 3,400; Parnhouse. Antone, 1,600; John Thornton, An tone, 1,600; Morrow A Keeney, Hay Creek, 4,100; McCoin, Hay Creek, 600; Wurxweiler & Thompson, Prlne ville, 3,000; Col. Nye, Prineville, 1,800; C. W. Colly, Prineville, 1,150; K. Roberta, -Prineville, 800; Jones Bros., Prineville, 500. Total, 39,400. They will all be shipped from Shan lko as follows: May 23, 15 cars; May 25, 16 cars; May 28, 18 cars; May 31, 16 cars; June 2, 18 cars; June 5, 15 cars; June 8, 20 cars. Total, 118 cars. CONTRACT8 PRUNE CROP. Union Frultdner Ties Up Cove and Union Farmers for Hva Year. Union B. A. Lassalle, of Alba.iy, Or.; owner of the Union fruit drier, has Just closed a five-year contract with the prunegrowera of Cove and Union, whereby lie agrees to buy at 1 10 per ton the entire prune crop of this section, estimated at 1,200 ton? per year. To aid in handling thia product, a new drier will be erected at Cove in time for this season's crop, and both plants will be run to their capacity for about 40 days during the drying season Estimating the crop at 1,400 tons, the dried product will be 400 tons, weight being reduced two-thirds by the drying pruemtn. The market for pruues is found principally from Colorado east ward. It will be Seen that the running of these driers will mean a revenue each year to the growers of from $10,000 to 12,000, or about $50,000 to $60,000 for the total time under contract a period of fire years. A certainty of a market for prunes will stimulate their growth, and it is fair to presume that at the end of five years the yield may be even greater than present estimates indicate. ' Gam Laws arc Violated. Pendleton Deputy Game iWarden Joe Nolf has returned from a tour of inspection through Union county. He finds that in the mountain streams the game laws have been totally ignored and violated In every way. On Cath erine creek, above Union, the sawmills have dumped their sawdust into the streams and have nearly ruined the fishing in that stream. In a ride of nine miles down the Grand Ronde river Mr. Nolf found 13 dams over which flub could not leap in the endeavor to go up stream. On MalheurfProje'ct. Pendleton After a two days' session here, the board of consulting engineers of the reclamation service adjourned and left for Ontario, from which place the members will make a personal in vestigation of the land included in the Malheur project. According to D. C Henny, one of the members of the board, practically all the attention of the board was given to the plans for the Malheur and Owyhee projects. The Umatilla project was not taken up at all, and will not be on this trip. Charged with Stealing Mail Pouch Woodburn One result of Govern' ment Inspector Butler's investigation of the theft of the registered mail pouch at Woodburn, on April 12, is the arrest of B. J. Kuper. . He was arranged before Justice Overton on two charges. He gave $1,000 bond for his appearance for preliminary hearing At the time the mail pouch was stolen Kuper was Southern Pacific baggage man at this point and carried the mail bags from the post otlice to the trains PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 8485o per bushel bluestem, 0092c; valley, 85 90c. Oats No 1 white, $28$2U.OO per ton ; gray $28 per ton. ' Hav TlmotHv. 114(316 txvr ton clover, $11012; grain, $1112; cheat, $11012. Eggs Oregon ranch, 17.c per dozen. Butter Fancy creamery, 1820c PotAtoes Old, 75c$l; new, 2tf 2J$c per lb. Apples fancy, $1.50$2.50 per box Strawberries, Oregon, 1015c box. Hops Choice 1VU4, Z3.Zoc per pound. Wool Valleyi 2527c; Eastern Oregon, 1 best, 1720c, mohair choice, 3132.c per pound UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE CONDON HOTEL LH HAWLEY, Proprietor. i This popular hostelry has just changed hands and is being thoroughly renovated and placed in better condition than ever before to render satisfactory service to its patrons. Centrally Located. Sample . Rooms for Commercial Men. Corner Main and Spring Sts. FRED WILSON THE BANK WILSON BROS., Proprietors. Everything New and A GENTLEMEN'S FinMt Quality of Ci Slrictly First Class. RESORT gars, Wines, Liquors. . New Stone Buikfat;, West Side Main St, Condon, Oregon THE BELVEDERE PAT SKELIY, rraoriatar liquid Refreshments of the Highest Oass Wines, Liquors, Ggars Corner Main and Spring Streets CONDON, OREGON BSMSXSfMXSa SUMMIT SALOON S. D. FLETCHER, Proprietor. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars I will give you good goods and a square deal, but I am not here for my health. NO DEADHEADS SOLICITED. Stewart Campbell THISTLE BAR CAMPBELL BROS., Proprictsra Fine Stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars NEW FIRM MEW STOCK NEW BUILDING North Main Street,, Condon, Oregon. THE BUCKHORN SALOON B. K. SEARCY, Proprietor. Fine Assortment of Wines, Liquors and Gg-ars. Billiard and Pool Tables. One of the Finest Col' lections of Taxidermy and Curios in the West. YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED THE CONDON CLUB ROBERTS & FINE "WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. OLD KENTUCKY CLUB WHISKEY IN STOCK. FANCY MDCED DRINKS. COURTEOUS ATTENDANTS o u j j j j j j j j j j MAIN AND SUMMIT STREETS C. a PALMER CITY SHAVING PARLORS PALMER STEPHENS, Proprlators. Flrat Clau Workmen. Sanitary Condltlona, Courtaoua Treatment, Hot and Cold Balha. BaWedera Building, Main and Spring Strata, CONDON, OREGON. CONDON, OREGON FRANK WILSON BjBaBjaaMBjppaaaajajaiaaByaM m w w James Campbell aBjpwBjpaBjpaaapanajjaavBaa" PARKER, Proprietors WILL STEPHENS i